This paper presents a novel approach to image segmentation based on hypergraph cut techniques. Natural images contain more components: Edge, homogeneous region, noise. So, to facilitate the natural image analysis, we introduce an Image Neighborhood Hypergraph representation (INH). This representation extracts all features and their consistencies in the image data and its mode of use is close to the perceptual grouping. Then, we formulate an image segmentation problem as a hypergraph partitioning problem and we use the recent k-way hypergraph techniques to find the partitions of the image into regions of coherent brightness/color. Experimental results of image segmentation on a wide range of images from Berkeley Database show that the proposed method provides a significant performance improvement compared with the stat-of-the-art graph partitioning strategy based on Normalized Cut (Ncut) criteria.
The aim of this work is the elimination of the impulsive noise from an image using hypergraph theory. We introduce an image model called Adaptive Image Neighborhood Hypergraph (AINH). From this model we propose a combinatorial definition of noisy data. A detection procedure is used to classify hyperedges either as noisy or clean data. Similar to other techniques, the proposed algorithm uses an estimation procedure to remove the effects of noise. The efficiency of the proposed method was tested on gray scale images using objective image quality measures. The results show that the new method outperforms standard impulsive noise reduction algorithms.
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