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A review of the specificity of the growth Hg₁-𝑥Cd𝑥Te layers by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and results of experimental studies of several Hg₁-𝑥Cd𝑥Te layers grown on Cd𝑦Zn1-𝑦Te (CZT) substrates are presented. It is well known that the performance of Hg₁-𝑥Cd𝑥Te -based detectors strongly depends on the substrate material and its orientation. CZT substrates are among the most commonly used due to their very good lattice match with Hg₁-𝑥Cd𝑥Te absorber material with different Cd content. In the present work, the authors focused on optimizing the MBE growth parameters in order to obtain the best possible crystalline quality of Hg₁-𝑥Cd𝑥Te layers grown on CZT substrates with (211)B orientation, in particular in terms of minimizing the number of defects. Experimental results of the selected structures showed that the obtained undoped Hg₁-𝑥Cd𝑥Te layers of different x have high crystallographic and optical quality, as well as good surface morphology. In particular, high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) measurements and their analysis showed that the best structure has a full width at half maximum of rocking curve (FWHM𝑅𝐶) as low as 21.5 arcsec, and that the intensity distribution of diffraction peaks does not indicate the influence of mosaicisity and dislocation density.
The aim of this work was to improve the quality of the GaSb buffer layers on GaAs substrates using the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technology. The high quality of the GaSb buffer layers is one of the most important elements enabling the synthesis of good quality of type- II superlattices (T2SL) structures for infrared applications. The main challenges in this regard are: compensation of the difference in lattice constants between GaAs and GaSb and obtaining the highest achievable surface quality of the final GaSb layer. In the literature, many authors describe different techniques to obtain the best quality of a GaSb buffer layer. In this work, we present the results of HRXRD, AFM, TOF-SIMS, SEM, and Nomarski optical microscope measurements obtained for 2 μm thick GaSb buffer layers. The GaSb layers are made according to different techniques and these results are compared with a GaSb buffer construction technique according to our own technology. During the processes, we also obtained an unintentional structure of one of the buffer layers, which allowed us to obtain very good results in terms of surface structure and crystallographic quality where FWHM in 𝜔𝑅𝐶 scan was equal to 138 arcsec and RMS 0.20 nm proving that there is still a lot of work to be done in this area.
In this paper, the authors report strain-balanced M-structures InAs/GaSb/AlSb/GaSb superlattice growth on GaSb substrates using two kinds of interfaces (IFs): GaAs-like IFs and InSb-like IFs. The in-plane compressive strain of 60-period and 100-period InAsm/GaSb/AlSbn/GaSb with different InAs (m) and AlSb (n) monolayers are investigated. The M-structures InAs/GaSb/AlSb/GaSb represent type II superlattices (T2SL) and at present are under intensive investigation. Many authors showtheoretical and experimental results that such structures can be used as a barrier material for a T2SL InAs/GaSb absorber tuned for long-wave infrared detectors (8 μm–14 μm). Beside that, M-structure can also be used as an active material for short-wave infrared detectors to replace InAs/GaSb which, for this region of infrared, are a big challenge from the point of view of balancing compression stress. The study of InAs/GaSb/AlSb/GaSb superlattice with the minimal strain for GaSb substrate can be obtained by a special procedure of molecular beam epitaxy growth through special shutters sequence to form both IFs. The authors were able to achieve smaller minimal mismatches of the lattice constants compared to literature. The high-resolution X-ray diffraction measurements prove that two types of IFs are proper for balancing the strain in such structures. Additionally, the results of Raman spectroscopy, surface analyses of atomic force microscopy, and differential interference contrast microscopy are also presented. The numerical calculations presented in this paper prove that the presence of IFs significantly changes the energy gap in the case of the investigated M-structures. The theoretical results obtained for one of the investigated structures, for a specially designed structure reveal an extra energy level inside the energy gap. Moreover, photoluminescence results obtained for this structure prove the good quality of the synthesized M-structures, as well as are in a good agreement with theoretical calculations.
W artykule przedstawiono metodyczne podejście do ochrony konserwatorskiej obiektów zabytkowych zachowanych w formie trwałej ruiny, jak również próbę jego wdrożenia na przykładzie zespołu ruin dawnej walcowni huty żelaza w Nietulisku Dużym, symbolu przemysłu XIX wieku na terenach dzisiejszej Polski. Przeanalizowana została również problematyka zachowania obiektu zabytkowego w stanie trwałej ruiny w zgodzie z wymaganiami i zasadami bezpieczeństwa, zwłaszcza historycznych układów nośnych. Opisano koncepcję instrukcji konserwacji elementów zabytku wraz z wylistowaniem wariantu wytycznych projektowych. Proponowane wytyczne projektowe mogą posłużyć jako źródło inspiracji w dyskusji o zakresie konserwacji obiektów w trwałej ruinie oraz o rozwoju regionu świętokrzyskiego i jego promocji w kraju i za granicą.
This paper focuses on a methodical approach to preserving historical buildings in a state of permanent ruin as well as its attempted implementation in the Nietulisko Duże Iron Rolling Mill, a nineteenthcentury Polish industrial symbol. The issue of preserving the historic structure in a state of permanent ruin was analyzed in accordance with safety requirements and rules, It specifically focused on historic load-bearing systems. A concept of conservation instructions for the elements of the monument has been described, along with a list of variants of design guidelines. The solutions proposed can serve as a source of inspiration in the discussion concerning the extent of the conservation of buildings in a state of permanent ruin, and a way to promote the development of the Świętokrzyskie Region, both in Poland and abroad.
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