The presented article familiarizes the reader with optimizing the workplaces of ultrasonic welding machines. The essential part of the article deals with prototypes, the construction of which does not meet the requirements for production, economy, and functionality. The experimental analysis runs pointed out shortcomings and inaccuracies. The developer's team used one of the well-known optimization and design methods to solve this issue. It is the TRIZ method (Creating and solving creative assignments). The mentioned method combines two powerful tools into one whole. Specifically, it is the Function and Cost Analysis (FNA) and the algorithm for solving creative assignments (ARIZ). The manuscript describes the use of the method for a more straightforward solution to problematic parts of the structure. The result of the optimization process is a new, improved structure whose properties were confirmed in terms of stiffness by simulation in the ANSYS Workbench program. The applications of optimized parts will also be used in other similar devices. The research will follow up with the design of a new series of ultrasonic welding machines in the future.
This manuscript aims to familiarise readers with the development of a device for the construction of a mobile disinfection chamber for small communication devices and small objects. The conceptual design and the material of the new device play essential roles in the design process of a new device. The manuscript presents concepts based primarily on previous experience and different perspectives. The concept design is created in the 3D modelling program CREO Parametric 8.0. A multi-criteria team evaluation determined the most suitable version of the idea. For dimensioning and shape adaptation of the device was used EinScan SP device (3D scanning method). The article's aim was also to establish a suitable way of producing a prototype using tribological research in available production methods and materials within rapid prototyping. Using the ALICONA Infinite Focus G5 device, experimentally investigated the parameters characterising the surface of the parts. The end of the manuscript focused on the mechanical structure and subjecting them to FEM analysis in the program ANSYS Workbench. The design of the concept disinfection device was also for extreme cases of use. Within this issue was optimising shapes, wall thicknesses, reinforcement design and other necessary modifications using the FEM analysis. From the results, the most suitable material to produce a more significant number of parts may not be the most suitable material to create prototype devices. Tools such as 3D scanning, rapid prototyping, and FEM analysis can "significantly" help reduce mistakes before testing the device.
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