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Despite having conducted a series of structural and organizational amendments enhancing combat capabilities of a battalion, a sub-unit of such kind still remains not fully independent. Therefore, in order to extend battalion effective capabilities formation of battalion tactical battle groups on its basis seems to be indispensable in the future. Notwithstanding a number of assets, this solution entails substantial requirements, which have been articulated throughout the content of this paper.
Content available Selected problems of contemporary irregular warfare
An essential feature of irregular warfare is applying special forms of combat activities al-lowing the forces conducting them both survival on the terrain controlled by the enemy and efficient interaction with enemy forces. Forces expected to participate in irregular war-fare can be prepared in the peace time or during the war. They should be able to execute mission in isolation and in conditions of insufficiency of logistic support, without direct sup-port from the supervisor. Due to the facts presented above, nowadays planning and executing irregular warfare seems to be a complicated process.
In June 2014 the last edition of six-month long Wyższy Kurs Taktyczno-Operacyjny (WKTO) was finished. Due to the fact that last four years this course has been an essential form of education for officers aspiring to the rank of major it is worth to summarizing and presenting its advantages and disadvantages. The main intent of this article is to focus not only on the course general objectives but also present selected experiences from the course administrator and tactics lecturer perspective.
Dynamiczne zmiany w środowisku bezpieczeństwa połączone z rosnącą złożonością środków walki i systemów wsparcia dowodzenia zmuszają do refleksji nad kształtem przyszłych działań taktycznych. Choć ocenia się, że będą one prowadzone w środowisku sieciocentrycznym, na osiąganie złożonych celów taktycznych i operacyjnych w dużym stopniu będą wpływać warunki terenowe. Potrzeba wykorzystywania skomplikowanych narzędzi walki stawiać będzie wysokie wymagania przed obsługującym je personelem, a przewaga liczebna ustąpi miejsca dominacji technologicznej. Choć prawdopodobieństwo wybuchu konwencjonalnego konfliktu zbrojnego w Europie jest z każdym rokiem coraz mniejsze, nie można takiej ewentualności wykluczyć. Dlatego nadal aktualne pozostaje prowadzenie rozważań na temat działań bojowych, szczególnie w aspekcie zwiększania zdolności do obrony obszaru RP oraz zobowiązań sojuszniczych wynikających z artykuł piątego Traktatu Waszyngtońskiego.
The mutable nature of the security environment and the technological development of the systems employed by the military provoke thoughts concerning the hypothetical shape of future tactical operations. Despite the network-centric environment of tactical operations, in the future the role of terrain will not be diminished. The necessity of the employment of sophisticated equipment will impose considerable requirements on the personnel manning it. The success of future tactical operations will depend on technological superiority. In spite of the fact that nowadays the possibility of a military conflict in Europe is not so real, one cannot eliminate it in the future. This is why, it is still necessary to deliberate over combat operations, in particular in the context of enhancing the capabilities for the defence of the area of the Republic of Poland and allied commitments under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
Content available Działanie taktyczne w głębi obrony przeciwnika
Przebieg współczesnych konfrontacji militarnych wskazuje na to, że sformułowanie „linia kontaktu bojowego stron” zatraciło swój linearny charakter i stało się pojęciem przestrzennym. Aby sprostać wymogom współczesności, natarcie musi być prowadzone jednocześnie na całej głębokości ugrupowania przeciwnika i zmierzać do dezorganizowania jego obrony od wnętrza, a nie jak dotychczas – od zewnątrz. Stawia to przed nacierającym określone wymagania w aspekcie organizowania szeregu dodatkowych elementów ugrupowania bojowego i wkomponowania ich działania w koncepcję natarcia. Przestrzenny charakter współczesnych działań defensywnych sprzyja wprowadzaniu do walki oddziałów wydzielonych i grup rajdowych oraz taktycznych desantów powietrznych, które będą realizować szereg przedsięwzięć na rzecz nacierających sił głównych. Zaprezentowane powyżej przesłanki wskazują na to, że problematyka prowadzenia działań taktycznych w głębi ugrupowania przeciwnika jest nadal aktualnym obszarem penetracji naukowej.
Experience from contemporary military conflicts shows that the term “line of contact” seems to have spatial character. Modern offensive operations have to be executed in the whole depth of enemy combat formation. Due to this fact, attacking forces have to organize additional combat elements, such as helicopter-borne combat assault, air assault task forces, detached units or raid units, which would perform specific tasks in the depth of enemy defence. As a result, tactical operations in enemy depth is still a topical issue in scientific penetration.
Content available Taktyka formacji nieregularnych
Lessons from the Expeditionary Operations conducted last year show that the main adversaries ofallied taskforces taking part in these operations are irregular armedformations. This forces us to seek effective ways of combatting these forces. The key issue here seems to be defining the goals of the activities and tactics of irregular formations. This allows appropriate countering actions to be selected and, consequently, chosen objectives achieved in the shortest time and own losses minimised.
For three years, the Management and Command Faculty has offered a three month long Higher Operational-Tactical Course (HOTC) as part of a professional soldiers’ training system, dedicated to officers aspiring to higher rank. According to our three years of experience, we can say that the course is an interesting educational proposal, suitable for 21st century requirements. This article presents selected aspects of the HOTC schedule, the course preparation process and hypothetical directions of the transformation of HOTC in the future.
Wooded-lake area is a relatively challenging for troops, since its distinctive character causes the necessity to employ specific tactics. A number of obstacles on a given ground and low road density contribute to limited operational mobility and the necessity of fighting in opposite and often remote directions while equally employing helicopters to a large extent. Therefore, both planning and establishment of military activities on wooded-lakes areas create a favorable opportunity to employ unconventional tactics, develop the initiative, and stimulate various activities.The data included in the study presented hereby was verified in the course of the military rehearsals held at the National Defense University in years past, the scenarios of which were located in the Masurian Lake District. Not only did the above-mentioned fact enable the exploration of the crucial aspects affecting the operations of helicopter-borne combat assaults and air assault task forces in the circumstances, but it also helped to identify the challenges faced by such elements of combat formations carrying out both offensive and defensive activities on wooded-lake terrain. In the author’s point of view, the conclusions drawn may be as well employed in the processes of planning and fighting in more convenient area’s conditions.
Content available remote Ochrona wojsk : wybrane aspekty teoretyczne
With the growth of the Polish Armed Forces’ engagement in expeditionary operations, we perceive a change in the character of threats facing task groups, which translates into searching new and better ways and procedures to counteract these threats. As coalition members, we are obliged to respect the allied terminology which in many situations is a novelty only seemingly. This also refers to problems discussed in the article, i.e. undertakings called Force Protection. Interestingly, in the Polish military terminology there is a notion of combat service support. These two notions are close in meaning; however, force protection seems to have a much wider range than combat service support undertakings. Force protection undertakings are deliberate activities which must be conducted according to fixed principles. According to the author, these should be classical Clausewitz’s rules of the art of war, not the ones which are elaborated specially for the needs of these undertakings. However, in order to respect these axioms, force protection undertakings cannot be treated as passive ones but have a pre-emptive maneuverable character, at the same time being an amalgam of protective, passive and active undertakings connected with high ability to recreate readiness to conduct operations in case of unexpected losses in particular force protection sub-systems. Undoubtedly, force protection issues, as an essential element of conducting contemporary combat operations are an interesting area of research penetration. Taking into consideration a small number of publications on this topic available in Polish, according to the author, there is a need to discuss undertakings to ensure force and asset protection during combat operations.
Content available remote Dowodzenie w działaniach przeciwrebelianckich
Counter – rebels activities have complex and unconventional nature. Moreover need especially, comprehensive approach to the problem of command & control during accomplish the mission by task forces in clashes with rebels. Experiences gained by commanders and staffs are valuable field to consideration in those area of science penetration. However, there are a lot of doubts, which should be taken under consideration in aspect of C² in counter – rebel activities. An article will present author's conclusions connected with contemporary counter – rebel activities, their principles and forms, with strong focus on command and control during them. The second part of it will concern desired battlefield management systems in those type of tactical activities. Suggestion connected with this area of interest will finish the article.
Złożoność działań przeciwrebelianckich wiąże się z koniecznością opracowania stosownych procedur oraz zaimplementowania systemów automatyzacji dowodzenia na poziomie taktycznym. Powyższa potrzeba wynika z doświadczeń kolejnych zmian biorących udział w operacjach poza granicami kraju. Artykuł zawiera wyniki badań autora na temat zasad i form prowadzenia działań przeciwrebelianckich, ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na zagadnienia dowodzenia. Ponadto akcentuje potrzebę oraz wymagania stawiane systemom zarządzania polem walki w działaniach tego typu. Sugestie dotyczące powyższego obszaru zawarte zostały w końcowej części niniejszego artykułu
Content available remote Taktyczne aspekty bitwy pod Kannami
The article is a collection of the author’s thoughts concerning tactical aspects of the Battle of Cannae fought between the Roman and Carthaginian armies during the Second Punic War. It is worth stressing that the Carthaginians defeated almost two-fold numerically superior enemy, closing them in a double envelopment and almost completely destroyed them. The reasons of the victory of forces under Hannibal’s command lies in his respecting such axioms of fighting as correct defining of the point of gravity of operations and its manoeuvring in the course of fighting, the unity of command, cooperation of services, building advantage in a decisive time and place, surprise and taking advantage of its consequences, manoeuvre, maintaining reserves, correct evaluation of the enemy and the use of terrain. Moreover, the author points out mistakes made by the Romans such as improper choice of place, not seeing the possibility of Carthaginians’ counter-manoeuvre, looking for the settlement in the front assault and improper command organization. The article underlines the necessity of drawing conclusions resulting from past military confrontations that could prove useful in preparing modern variants of force operations. The material respects the criterion of historical truth that is proved by a great number of quoted sources dealing with the problem of that unprecedented battle in the history of the art of war.
Content available remote Rozważania o współczesnej obronie
The article contains the author’s considerations referring to conducting defensive operations on the tactical level The issues under discussion concerning contemporary defence show that in spite of the change of character o f contemporary combat operations and the development of fighting assets, the right choice of operation terrain, manoeuvre and respecting the principles o f the art of war remain the key determinant to achieve success in defence. Furthermore, it is worth noticing that the differences between defensive and offensive operations tend to disappear. Due to the new fighting assets, the defender may decide on the place and time of its breaking out, in a way pre-emptive to the striker’s actions. In the author’s opinion, contemporary defence may be effective thanks to its resistance to the opponents’ activities in the whole area of the defender’s responsibility. It gains the key importance to ensure freedom of operation in that area which will be achieved by combining the activity, stability, cohesion, life-span, information acquisition and other factors joined by the commander’s single common key thought in his area of defence. The article also stresses the necessity to draw conclusions resulting from contemporary armed conflicts necessary to forecast hypothetical scenarios of the defensive operation character in the future. The Russian - Georgian conflict is an excellent example, therefore the author refers to some aspects of that armed confrontation.
Ważnym problemem w gospodarce odpadami jest unieszkodliwienie odpadów niebezpiecznych zawierających metale ciężkie. Jedną ze skutecznych metod jest immobilizacja metali ciężkich zawartych w tych odpadach w matrycach opartych na spoiwach mineralnych. Podano wyniki badań immobilizacji metali ciężkich w popiołach ze spalania odpadów medycznych w spoiwach, których głównymi składnikami są popioły lotne z energetyki i granulowany żużel wielkopiecowy. Zakres przeprowadzonych badań obejmował skład i ocenę podstawowych właściwości stosowanych spoiw oraz określenie wpływu dodatku popiołu ze spalania odpadów medycznych na wytrzymałość i mikrostrukturę matryc spoiwowych. Jako miarę skuteczności zaproponowanej metody przyjęto stopień immobilizacji metali ciężkich zawartych w popiołach ze spalania odpadów medycznych.
In waste management the neutralization of heavy metals containing hazardous wastes is an important problem. One of the effective methods is to immobilize heavy metals contained in these wastes in matrices based on mineral binders. In the paper the results of the investigation on immobilization of heavy metals in the ash from burning medical wastes in binders, in which the main components are fly ashes from power industry and granulated blastfurnce slag, are given. The scope of carried out investigations comprised the composition and appreciation of essential properties of used binders and the determination of the effect of addition of ashes from medical wastes burning on the strength and microstructural of binder matrics. As the measure of the effectiveness of proposed method the extent of heavy metals immobilization contained in the ash from medical waste burning has been adopted.
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