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Comprehensive climatology allows to specify not only the structure of the weather conditions, meaning the frequency of particular individuals, but also frequency of “favorable” or “unfavorable” weather, for example, for shipping and port operation. Comparison of “favorable” or “unfavorable” frequency of the weather types in Świnoujście have revealed that in the first decade of the twenty-first century, there was less of the latter than in the years 1971–1980. “Unfavorable” weather are primarily associated with the influx of air masses from northern and eastern sector, although there are among them also the western sector.
The use of methods of complex climatology, which treats climate as a many-year weather re-gime, made it possible to define the annual structure of weather states observed in seven Polish sea ports, i.e. Elbląg, Gdańsk, Hel, Łeba, Ustka, Kołobrzeg and Świnoujście. This work uses data originating from OGIMET and covers the period 2000-2009. Weather conditions that make port operation either difficult or even impossible are considered to be those when, during a day, we observe negative air temperatures, cloudiness, precipitation and strong winds at the same time. Once the frequency of occurrence of unfavorable weather conditions has been defined for the port operation then for each port a climatogram was drawn illustrating their frequency in the following decades of a given year. Weather conditions which are unfavorable for the work in Polish sea ports are observed only in autumn and winter, and during early spring; they are most frequent in the ports of Ustka and Gdańsk. Their annual fre-quency in none of the described ports exceeds 1% so the conditions in Polish sea ports may be regarded as fa-vorable for port operations. The worst weather conditions are observed in the last decade of December, third decade in January and in the second and third decades in February as well as i the first decade of April.
Praca charakteryzuje związki temperatury powietrza z kierunkami wiatru obserwowanymi na stacji w Hornsundzie w wieloleciu 1978-2009. Na stacji najczęściej wieje wiatr ze wschodu, od 38.3% w czerwcu do 59.4% wszystkich obserwacji w marcu. Subdominuje wiatr z NE (od 5.3% w lipcu do 30.9% w październiku). Przy wiatrach z N, NE i E średnia temperatura powietrza w okresie grudzień-marzec jest niższa od -10°C. Najcieplejsze są wiatry południowe (od -2.4°C w grudniu do 4.5°C w sierpniu). W okresie dnia polarnego (czerwiec-wrzesień) wieloletnie średnie miesięczne temperatury powietrza są dodatnie niezależnie od kierunku wiatru. Występujące na stacji w Hornsundzie wiatry cechują się dużą stałością struktury termicznej. W okresie chłodnym (listopad-maj) 'trwale' ciepłe są wiatry z sektora od W przez SW, S do SE, a 'trwale' zimne są wiatry z N, NE i E. Od listopada do stycznia największy wpływ na temperaturę powietrza w danym miesiącu wywierają wiatry z NE, a od lutego do maja - wiatry wschodnie.
This work characterises correlations between air temperatures and the wind directions observed at the Hornsund station over the many-year period 1978-2009. The wind direction most frequently observed at this station is east and it is noted in 38.3% of all observations in June and in 59.4% in March. NE wind prevails (form 5.3% in July to 30.9% in October). When N, NE and E winds are observed then the mean air temperature in the period December- March is lower than -10°C (from -10°C with E winds in December to -13.3°C with NE winds in January). Warmest are S wind (from -2.4°C in December to 4.5°C in August). During the polar day (June -September) the many-year mean monthly air temperatures are positive regardless of wind direction and in the middle of summer they are characterized by similar values: in July from 4.0°C with winds from SW to 5.1°C with NE winds, in August from 3.5°C with N winds to 4.5°C S winds. Winds occurring at the Hornsund station are characterized by high stability of thermal structures. During the cold (November-May) winds from the sector by W, S to SE are 'permanently' warm and winds from the N, NE and E are 'permanently' cold. From November to January the biggest impact on air temperature in the month have winds from the NE and from February to May - easterly winds.
Content available remote Struktura stanów pogód w portach polskiego wybrzeża w latach 2000–2009
W artykule omówiono strukturę stanów pogód w portach polskiego wybrzeża. Za strukturę pogód przyjmuje się frekwencję poszczególnych jednostek klasyfikacyjnych (grup i podgrup oraz klas i typów pogód) w ciągu roku. Wykorzystując metodę Warda i obliczając odległości taksonomiczne między badanymi portami (za miarę odległości przyjęto 1–r Pearsona), wydzielono porty o zbliżonych rocznych strukturach stanów pogód.
The article describes the structure of the weather conditions in the ports of the Polish coast. The frequency of individual classification units (groups and subgroups and classes and types of weather) during the year is considered to be the structure of the weather. By means of Ward method and by calculating taxonomic distance between the discussed ports (Pearson's 1–r was adopted as a measure of distance) the ports characterized by similar structures of annual weather conditions were pointed out. Basing on the frequency of weather types, adverse weather conditions were defined for operation in the Polish sea ports. The ports where such adverse weather conditions were observed include Kołobrzeg, Ustka, Łeba.
W pracy opisano miesięczne rozkłady przestrzenne związków między zmianami temperatury powietrza w basenie Morza Śródziemnego a zmianami ciśnienia atmosferycznego (SLP) w Arktyce Atlantyckiej. Stwierdzono występowanie różnic regionalnych między poszczególnymi częściami morza. Związki te nie są zbyt silne i z reguły nie są istotne statystycznie, przy czym w zachodniej części są silniejsze niż we wschodniej. Zarówno w zachodniej, jak i wschodniej części basenu Morza Śródziemnego, silniejsze związki zaznaczają się w miesiącach schyłku jesieni i zimy, a w pozostałych miesiącach zanikają całkowicie. Brak zgodnych w czasie związków między SLP w Arktyce Atlantyckiej ze związkami z SLP i temperaturą powietrza nad obszarem śródziemnomorskim nasuwa podejrzenie, że związki między SLP w Arktyce Atlantyckiej a SLP nad Morzem Śródziemnym mogą być artefaktem statystycznym.
Analysis of the impact of pressure changes in the Atlantic Arctic on changes in air temperature in the Mediterranean region shows that the atmospheric circulation in the Arctic shows no relationship with air temperature over the area. Existing relations are generally weak and without statistical significance, much less than similar correlations in the area of Northern Europe and Siberia. Also the time distribution of relations is different. There is no compact autumn/winter “block” of strong negative relations. There appears only one short period (November-January), in which at the southern Mediterranean there are very strong positive relations. This means that the existence of pressure changes in the Atlantic Arctic is not a factor enforcing changes in air temperature over the Mediterranean Sea.
Praca charakteryzuje miesięczne rozkłady przestrzenne związków między zmianami ciśnienia atmosferycznego na poziomie morza (SLP) nad Morzem Śródziemnym a zmianami SLP w Arktyce Atlantyckiej. Stwierdzono występowanie znacznych różnic regionalnych między zachodnią i wschodnią częścią Morza Śród-ziemnego. Nad zachodnią częścią morza związki te są silne i istotne statystycznie przez 9 miesięcy w roku, nad wschodnią – istotne, choć słabsze i ograniczone do 5 miesięcy. W obu częściach morza najsilniejsze związki zaznaczają się w miesiącach zimowych (listopad-marzec), zanikają w kwietniu oraz lipcu i sierpniu. Ich siła zmie-nia się w czasie: w latach 1951-1978 były słabsze, uległy wzmocnieniu w okresie 1978-2008. Wzrost siły związków stanowi rezultat spadku SLP w Arktyce Atlantyckiej i wzrostu SLP nad obszarem Morza Śródziemnego.
The process of changes of relations between the atmospheric pressure at the point over the West Spitsbergen Current axis (75°N and 15°E) and the atmospheric pressure at the Mediterranean Basin show that there are statistically remarkable interrelations within the meteorological elements, unstable in time, relatively stable in space and they appear during the winter period – from November to March. The space range covers also the areas of the Iberian Peninsula, France and Germany – especially in winter time and in the SLP scale. The negative and statistically important correlations between the Atlantic Arctic pressure and the Mediterranean Basin pressure can be observed mainly in the western part of the sea in the October-May period or even October-June period with the break in April. Such correlations can be observed in the eastern part of Mediterranean Basin only in the November-March period but they do not reach the western part values. The reason differentiating the winter correlations and non-winter ones is the difference of pressure between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Arctic. The strong relations appear in the conditions of big pressure differences (10.5-11.0 hPa between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Arctic. The reason of instability of these relations in time is the trend change above both areas. The change of the trend took place over the Mediterranean Sea and the Arctic in the years 1977-1978. It is considered that it is the effect of the change of the circulation system of the Northern Hemisphere.
W pracy przedstawiono zależności statystyczne pomiędzy frekwencją „charakterystycznych typów pogód” a wskaźnikami cyrkulacji Niedźwiedzia. Za „pogody charakterystyczne” uznano te, które w średniej rocznej strukturze stanów pogód pojawiają się rokrocznie oraz te które obserwuje w średniej wieloletniej strukturze każdego miesiąca. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazuje, że związki między frekwencją „charakterystycznych typów pogody”, a wskaźnikami cyrkulacji atmosferycznej są stosunkowo słabe.
In this work there is presented statistical dependence between characteristic types of weather and Niedźwiedź’s circulation index (as characteristic weather was taken that when in average yearly weather condition structure the specific weather appears every year and the weather that can be observed in multi-yearly structure of each month). The analysis shows that relationship between frequency of „characteristic types of weather” and atmosphere circulation coefficients are relatively weak. Therefore it can be stated that circulation factor has little influence on the origin of specific types of weather. The origin of specific types of weather should be examined along with other factors, for example ice melting in the area of Spitsbergen. 111
W pracy przedstawiono rolę pogód przejściowych, przymrozkowo-odwliżowych w rocznej strukturze stanów pogód w Hornsundzie. Pogody przejściowe, to te które związane są z przejściem temperatury powietrza przez 0°C w trakcie doby. Opracowanie wykonano w oparciu o dane opublikowane w rocznikach meteorologicznych wydanych przez IMGW w Gdyni i Instytut Geofizyki PAN.
This work is trying to define the function of transitional, frosty-thaw weathers in the region of Polish Polar Station IG PAN in Hornsund. The material used was the data Publisher in the meteorological yearbooks by IMGW (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) in Gdynia and Instytut Geofizyki PAN (Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy Science). They are the standard data of the sea-sonal observations. The data collection is not complete since there are the data from 1981/82 (from July 1981 to June 1982) and June and July1982. In Hornsund the transitional, frosty-thaw weathers can be observed during the year. These weathers are characterized by the fact that the mean daily temperature is higher or lower than 0°C and the mini-mum temperature is lower and maximum daily temperature is higher than 0°C. Conditions allowing the air to pass through 0°C and causing transitional frosty-thaw type of weather is transfering atmospheric fronts of air or advection of air masses. Dislocation of atmospheric fronts and advection of air masses permit temperatures to pass trough 0°C. The region of Polish Polar Sta-tion IG PAN in Hornsund is particularly predisposed to these types of weathers due to the intensive cyclonic activity.
W pracy przestawiono charakterystykę sezonów pogodowych wydzielonych przy wykorzystaniu metody dendrytu wrocławskiego. Opracowanie wykonano w oparciu o dane opublikowane w rocznikach meteorologicznych wydanych przez IMGW w Gdyni (1980-2000) i Instytut Geofizyki PAN (2000-2003). W Hornsundzie notuje się cztery sezony pogodowe (zima, wiosna, lato i jesień) o zróżnicowanym czasie trwania i o specyficznej strukturze pogód (frekwencja grup, podgrup, klas i typów). Daty ich początków i końców nie pozostają w ściślejszym związku z astronomicznymi porami roku.
Climatic seasons are understood as periods of the time comprising sometimes several months characterized by some definite homogeneity of climatic conditions. Quantity and frequency analysis of types of weather in Hornsund shows that succeeding decades of year are differentiated in a diversified degree. There also exist decades of similar features. The Wroclav dendrite method was applied to distinguish the groups of decades which are characterized by the definite weather homogeneity. If enabled the classification into 4 climatic season according to homogeneity of quantity and frequency of weather types. Each season is characterized by different period of duration and specific weather structure. The distinguished weather seasons are characterized by a right degree of weather conditions contrasts. The most differentiated is the structure of winter weather which indicates that this is the most dynamic period of the weather types appearance. The summer structure is the most homogenous when two weather types comprise on average 30% of time of the season duration. Transitional seasons (spring and autumn) have a similar structure of weather states, the autumn season is colder and less cloudy than the spring season. Both seasons are characterized by the remarkable amount of transitional weathers, frost - thaw types. The distinguished seasons do not belong to thermal or astronomic seasons of the year. The peculiarity of these seasons is their different time of beginning in relation to the sun (solar) energy supplied. Winter and autumn in Hornsund start clearly earlier than their calendar equivalents, spring and summer are delayed.
Content available remote Trwałe typy pogody na Stacji H. Arctowskiego
The climate surrounding Arctowski's Station is characterised by extremely large changeability of weather conditions appearing during the year and subsequent years. Changeability in the annual structure of weather types is manifested in a large number of observed weather types. On 197 different weather types were recorded in the analized period of 15 years. This number however; changes from 120 in 1981 to 174 in 1984 and 1988. No statistical dependence has been confirmed between the number of weather types in a given year and the average and extreme annual air temperatures and average annual data in air pressure. Extremely large number of weather types can by noted during winter period. The analysis of the drawing #1 demonstrates that at Arctowski's Station there are periods in which changeability decreases while the frequency of weather types increases. These types appear at the same time almost every year and their frequency states significance of “stable types of weather”. These "stable types of weather" can be observed from December until April (especially during the long day). The weather is characterised by a large or total cloudiness, rainfall and a slight wind speed, however; weather with strong winds can by recorded as well.
Ocean climates of the Atlantic Sector of the Arctic and Subarctic are characterized by extremely large changeability of weather conditions appearing during a year and the subsequent years. The changeability in the annual structure of weather types is manifested by a large number of the observed weather types. In the analized stations a number af the observed weather types during a statistical year are changed from 214 at Jan Mayen to 175 af Bjőrnőya. Extremely large number of weather types are noted during the polar night (figure l) The analysis of figure l shows that in the chosen stations there appear periods in which the changeability is decreasing and the frequency of weather types is increasing. These types appear nearly every year in the same periods and their frequeney is signiticant "stable types of weather". These “stable types of weather" are observed from May to October (especially during the polar day). The weathers are characterized by large or total cloudiness, rainfall, and a slight wind speed, also there can be noted weathers with strong winds (table l). In the autumn-winter period due to the intensity of atmospheric circulation the stable weather are rarely observed. They differ from the stable weather types from the warm period. They are characterized by lack of cloudiness or moderate cloudiness (table l). Their origin is connected with the appearance of the settled and immobile anticyclone.
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