W artykule omówiono uwarunkowania wdrożenia idei systemu roweru metropolitalnego w Szczecińskim Obszarze Metropolitalnym. Rozważania przeprowadzono na podstawie wyników badań wtórnych na tle zmian, które zachodzą w otoczeniu przedsiębiorstw transportowych i są jednocześnie szansą rozwoju mobilności w miastach. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie uwarunkowań utworzenia i rozwoju systemu roweru metropolitalnego w Szczecińskim Obszarze Metropolitalnym na podstawie doświadczeń międzynarodowych i krajowych. W realizacji celu posłużono się metodą desk research, uwzględniając dostępną literaturę oraz wyniki badań wtórnych dotyczących systemu roweru metropolitalnego opublikowane przez Szczeciński Obszar Metropolitalny, co stwarza nowe możliwości dla modelowania mobilności w miastach i obszarach metropolitalnych. Jako obszar badawczy przyjęto terytorium Polski ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Szczecińskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego.
The article discusses the concept, goals and legal bases for the functioning of metropolitan areas as well as the conditions for the introduction of the Metropolitan Bike System in the Szczecin Metropolitan Area within that background. The issue was considered on the basis of the results of secondary research with regard to the changes occurring in the area of transport undertakings, which at the same time constitute a chance for the development of mobility in cities. The aim of the article is to indicate the conditions for the creation and development of the Metropolitan Bike System in the Szczecin Metropolitan Area on the basis of local and international experiences. The desk research method was adopted for the purpose of realization of the aim of the article, encompassing the available literature and the results of secondary research regarding the Metropolitan Bike System published by the Szczecin Metropolitan Area, which open new possibilities for modeling mobility in cities and metropolitan areas. The established research area was the territory of Poland with special consideration of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area.
The article discusses the impact of price promotions on buying decisions of young buyers in rail transport based on secondary and primary research. The study conducted by the research team is of pioneer nature in the transport services market and opens new possibilities for carriers in the scope of analyzing the expectations of service users and adapting to them. The study was conducted using the author’s questionnaire on a nationwide sample n = 353 (segment “young adults” 18-29 years). This article focuses on the segment of young people in literature included in the group of young adults who, because of continuing education outside their place of residence, taking up a job or for sightseeing reasons, often travel and are considered to be an important target group for railway carriers. The purpose of the article is to show and discuss preferences and behaviors of transport users and to identify their transport needs, with particular emphasis on price promotions. Especially for young people, who largely do not have a regular income, price promotions are an important factor during selection a means of transport. Knowledge about this will allow carriers to create a competitive offer and build lasting relationships with clients.
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