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The present work proposes two new Euclidean distance functions, six new centrality measures as well as several new entropies definable on any complex network. It is demonstrated on four spatial and two social real-world datasets that these concepts are applicable in network data mining. Also, several new topological indices are introduced and their basic computational properties are established.
Nanomaterials are very important in the field of packaging of food, medicines and dietary supplements. Modern packagings often contain nanoparticles that provide them new feature - nanoparticles are used to activate mainly the packaging inner surface. Carbon occurs in several allotropic forms, such as diamond, graphite (including nanotubes and fullerenes), carbides, and nanocrystalline diamond which is produced in a process of radio frequency plasma activated chemical vapor deposition (RF PA CVD). Variety of allotropic forms of carbon results in different chemical and biological interactions between carbon nanoparticles and the polymer matrix material. Carbon nanopraticles can be used to activate the inner surface of packagings. There is a growing demand for food free of harmful chemicals such as chloramphenicol or toxic food colorings (metanil yellow, auramine, orange II or red aura). The use of nanotechnology in the food packaging sector opens up new possibilities for creating sensors to detect certain harmful analytes. These sensors are easy and quick to use. The basis of their actions is to understand the interactions between nanoparticles and chemicals. Nanoparticles can be utilized to create intelligent high performance packaging materials for contact with food, drugs and biologically active molecules, which will be safe for health of the consumers.
Most recently it has been found that nanodiamond particles have very interesting properties. There are number of research communications that detonation nanodiamond particles (NDPs) are fairly reactive and their surface can be effectively modified by chemical methods. The hydroxyl-modified NDPs were obtained by Fenton reaction, amine-functionalized NDPs were obtained by chemical reduction of the nitro- -functionalized surface and carboxyl-modified NDPs by oxidation by using H2O2 under acidic conditions. NDPs functionalized by hydroxyl- and amine- groups and amino groups were used for covalent binding of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals (aspirin, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, naproxen) via ester or amide bonds. These results of the studies proved the activity of the conjugates of active substance-NDP and study the rate of release of active substance from the NDPs surface by in vitro examinations with mouse fibroblasts. The progress of the reaction and the characteristics of the products were determined by using FT-IR. Chemical and physical structures of materials were also investigated by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS). DRIFT spectra show the modification of nanodiamond by ketoprofen, naproxen, ibuprofen and aspirin.
Content available The ultrametric properties of binary datasets
Many multivariate algorithms commonly applied for binary datasets depend on a proper metric (i.e., dissimilarity function) imposed on binary vectors. In the following work the relationships between different metrics defined on the randomly generated binary datasets and the cophenetic correlation coefficient (CCC) will be presented.
Tissue engineering is a new field of knowledge which creates the possibilities for producing bioactive cardiac prostheses that will characterize by biomechanical and morphological properties similar to native tissue. It is expected that it will be characterized by high durability, which is very important from the social and clinical point of view. The aim of the study was to compare the cytotoxic effect of enzymatic and detergent acellularization methods commonly used for the biological scaffold preparation. It seems that the use of enzymatic methods, allows efficient donor cells removal while maintaining the ability to autologous cell seeding. Heart valves bioprosthesis created using these techniques, may be a good alternative to the currently used prostheses.
Inżynieria tkankowa jest nową dziedziną wiedzy, która stwarza możliwości wytwarzania protez serca bioaktywnych charakteryzujących się właściwościami biomechanicznymi i morfologicznymi zbliżonymi do tkanki rodzimej. Oczekuje się, że proteza serca będzie charakteryzować się wysoką trwałością, co jest bardzo ważne z punktu widzenia społecznego i klinicznego. Celem badania było porównanie efektu cytotoksycznego enzymatycznych i detergentowych metod usuwania komórek, powszechnie stosowanych do wytwarzania biologicznych rusztowań. Wydaje się, że stosowanie metod enzymatycznych, umożliwia wydajne usunięcie komórek dawcy przy zachowaniu zdolności do autologicznego posiewu komórek. Bioprotezy zastawek serca tworzone za pomocą tej techniki mogą być dobrą alternatywą dla obecnie stosowanych mechanicznych i biologicznych protez zastawek serca.
The aim of this study was to improve properties of blood contacting materials such as polyurethane, in a form of intelligent, self-organizing and self-controlling coatings, which allow the selective mobilization and colonization of the endothelial cells on their surface. The prepared multilayer polyelectrolyte scaffolds were cross-linked chemically by EDC/NHS reagents in order to control their physicochemical properties and thus improving potential to endothelialization. Four types of coatings, i.e. non-cross-linked, cross-linked by 260 mM, 400 mM and 800 mM EDC reagent, were investigated. Their comparison was performed based on the results of the surface topography measurements using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), cellular morphology and proliferation analysis using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and the mechanical properties examinations. The optimal multilayer rigidity and surface roughness parameters were found for an effective control of the endothelial cells growth. Surface topography analysis indicated an increase in the coating’s roughness due to application of higher EDC cross-linker concentrations. Mechanical studies revealed that cross-linking caused a significant increase in the hardness and elastic modulus. The results from the cellular experiments allowed the conformation that 400 mM cross-linked PLL/HA films possess desired properties.
Badania biomateriałów polimerowych i węglowych prowadzone są w celu doboru odpowiednich materiałów konstrukcyjnych dla polskiej dyskowej mechanicznej zastawki serca typu Moll. W obszarze zainteresowania znalazły się: polieteroeteroketon (PEEK), PEEK utwardzony powierzchniowo warstwą węglową typu DLC oraz węgiel szklisty. Biomateriały zostały poddane wybranym badaniom strukturalnym (badaniom mikrotwardości metodą Vickersa i porowatości z wykorzystaniem analizatora Autosorb iQ) oraz badaniom własności mechanicznych na stanowisku badań zmęczeniowych. Własności biozgodne biomateriałów oceniono wykorzystując nowoczesną metodę badań biologicznych biomateriałów - badania trombogenności powierzchni wykonano na urządzeniu Impact-R, w testach dynamicznego kontaktu z krwią w warunkach oddziaływania sił ścinających. Wyniki badań zmęczeniowych i oceny trombogenności materiałów polimerowych potwierdziły właściwe zastosowanie materiału PEEK w konstrukcji dysku zastawki mechanicznej przeznaczonej do stosowania krótkoterminowego (około 12 miesięcy) wpozaustrojowej pulsacyjnej pompie mechanicznego wspomagania serca. Zastosowanie utwardzającej powłoki węglowej typu DLC na polimerze stanowi właściwy kierunek prac mających na celu uzyskanie bardziej wytrzymałej powierzchni dysku w kontakcie z tytanowym pierścieniem zastawek, co potwierdziły testy zmęczeniowe. Przeprowadzone badania mikrotwardości biomateriałów wskazały wysoką wytrzymałość oraz twardość opracowywanego węgla szklistego.
The polymeric and carbon biomaterials tests are performed in order to select the proper constructional materials for Polish mechanical tilting valve type Moll. In the area of interests are: polyetheretherketone (PEEK), PEEK with a DLC (diamond like carbon) surface layer and glassy carbon. The biomaterials were analyzed in selected structural tests (micro hardness tests utilizing Vickers method and porosity tests utilizing Autosorb iQ analyzer) and mechanical properties investigation on the fatigue test stand. Biocompatibility properties of biomaterials were evaluated utilizing new biological investigation method - biomaterial surface thrombogenicity test performed using Impact-R device, in the dynamic blood contact conditions with shear stress impact. The results of fatigue and thrombogenicity tests of polymeric materials confirmed the proper PEEK use in the mechanical valve disk construction dedicated for short term application (approximately 12 months) in the extracorporeal pulsatile ventricular heart assists device. The hardened carbon type DLC surface layer on the polymer is the appropriate direction of investigation in order to obtain more durable disk surface in the contact with titanium valve housing, what was confirmed in fatigue tests. The micro hardness biomaterials tests showed high strength and hardness of investigated glassy carbon.
Celem badań była ocena biozgodności w testach in vitro polimerów konstrukcyjnych polskiej pozaustrojowej pulsacyjnej pompy wspomagania serca Religa Heart EXT. Badaniu poddano próbki polimerów Bionate® II 90A, Bionate® II 55D i ChronoFlex® AR-LT przygotowane po procesach przetwórstwa, odpowiadających wytworzeniu pompy Religa Heart EXT. Przedmiotem badań była ocena oddziaływania polimerów na wybrane elementy komórkowe, takie jak: erytrocyty, płytki krwi i fibroblasty. Przeprowadzono testy hemolizy, trombogenności, cytotoksyczności oraz struktury chemicznej polimerów. Badania wykonano zgodnie z polską normą PN-EN ISO 10993. Rezultaty wykazały, że polimery konstrukcyjne po przetwórstwie nie oddziaływały negatywnie na elementy morfotyczne krwi, nie aktywowały płytek krwi i leukocytów oraz nie oddziaływały toksycznie na komórki fibroblastów. Ponadto, nie stwierdzono istotnych zmian w strukturze chemicznej polimerów konstrukcyjnych po procesie przetwórstwa technologicznego.
The aim of the investigations was in vitro biocompatibility evaluation of Polish extracorporeal pulsatile ventricular assist device Religa Heart EXT structural polymers. Samples of polymers: Bionate® II 90A, Bionate® 55D and ChronoFlex® AR-LT were tested, had been treated before with technological processes matching the conditions of Religa Heart EXT pump manufacturing. The subject of the investigation was the interaction between polymers and cellular elements (erythrocytes, platelets and fibroblasts). The following tests were performed: haemolysis, thrombogenicity, cytotoxicity and chemical structure analyses. The tests were performed according to Polish standard PN-EN ISO 10993. The results revealed: no negative interaction between blood cells and structural polymers, after technological process; no activation of platelets and leukocytes, and no fibroblasts toxicity. Furthermore, no essential changes in the chemical structure of the examined polymers after technological process were observed.
Selection of materials designed for surface modification of blood contacting polymer devices has been made. The materials like: TiN, Ti(C, N) and a-C:H (DLC doted with Si or Ti) were selected. Fabrication of functional coatings on polymer surfaces modified using surface engineering methods was realized. It determines an essential progress in problems development leading to fabrication of a final organic coating contacting with blood. This has been postulated by medical doctors. Biomimetic surface modification in direction of extracellular matrix (ECM) formation onto implant surfaces of cardiovascular devices seems to be a perspective method for hemocompatibility improvement. Re-creation of internal structure of vessel wall could be a good solution which allows a long term implantation. For optimization of cell growth it is an essential creation of a suitable spatial scaffold architecture on which cells are deposited. In reality, cells do not go into a direct contact with the material of scaffold, but always joint with a layer of adsorbed respective proteins which nature state and type have an essential influence on cell adhesion. Research work has been performed in area of four problems i.e. (i) cell migration inside migration channels, laser ablation was used for channel fabrication; (ii) analysis of protein adsorption with application of Foetal Buffer Serum, adsorption of albumin was studied, (iii) surface functionalization with application of electrospinning and polyelectrolites which in subsequent stages should lead to design of tissue analog; (iv) analysis of survival and endothelium cell proliferation, human endothelium cells HUVEC line were used in the study. Structure diagnostic was carried out with application of confocal microscopy dedicated to biomedical studies. Reaction of cell-material was studied in static and dynamic conditions.
Na podstawie zrealizowanych badań strukturalnych i diagnostyki biomedycznej dokonano selekcji materiałów przeznaczonych do modyfikacji powierzchni elementów polimerowych przewidzianych do kontaktu z krwią. Wytypowano następujące materiały: stechiometryczny TiN, Ti(C, N) oraz a-C:H (DLC dotowane Si lub Ti). Wykonano funkcjonalne powłoki na materiałach poliuretanowych zmodyfikowanych metodami inżynierii powierzchni. Stanowi to bardzo istotny postęp w rozwoju problematyki i prowadzi do uzyskania organicznej finalnej powłoki kontaktowej z krwią, co postulowane jest przez lekarzy. Biomimetyczna modyfikacja powierzchniowa w kierunku struktury macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej implantów układu sercowo-naczyniowego jest obiecującą metodą poprawy hemozgodności. Odtworzenie struktury wewnętrznej ściany naczynia może być właściwym rozwiązaniem pozwalającym na długoterminową implantację. W celu optymalizacji wzrostu komórek istotne jest odtworzenie właściwej przestrzennej architektury rusztowania, na którym są osadzane komórki. W rzeczywistości komórki nie wchodzą w bezpośredni kontakt z materiałem rusztowania, ale zawsze łączą się z warstwą zaadsorbowanych odpowiednich białek, których natura i typ ma istotny wpływ na adhezję komórkową. Badania prowadzono w obszarze czterech zagadnień: (i) migracji komórkowej na materiałach z kanalikami migracyjnymi uzyskanymi metodą ablacji laserowej; (ii) analizy adsorpcji białek z zastosowaniem surowicy cielęcej (Foetal Buffer Serum), analizowano adsorpcję albuminy; (iii) funkcjonalizacji powierzchni z zastosowaniem polielektrolitów, które w dalszych etapach powinno doprowadzić do konstrukcji analogu tkankowego; (iv) analizy przeżywalności i proliferacji komórek śródbłonka, do badań zastosowano ludzkie komórki śródbłonka linii HUVEC. Diagnostykę strukturalną realizowano z zastosowaniem mikroskopu konfokalnego dedykowanego do badań biomedycznych. Oddziaływanie materiał-komórka rozważane było w warunkach statycznych i dynamicznych.
Content available remote Functional cardio-biomaterials
Titanium as well as carbon based biomaterials, seem to be good candidates for future blood-contact applications. Bio-materials such as: Ti, Ti+DLC, TiN; Ti(C,N) with higher carbon concentration and DLC (diamond like carbon) were under examinations. Trials on surface modification of PU (polyurethane) substrate using ion mill were performed. Materials were deposited as thin films by the hybrid pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique to examine the influence of the fabricated surfaces on cell behavior. The metallic titanium as a target was used for titanium based-film and graphite one for DLC. Phase content of deposited films was controlled by the flowing gas mixture of Ar+N2 and Ar+N2+C2H2 type in the reactive chamber. Sputtering of graphite was carried out in Ar atmosphere. The kinetic energy of the evaporated particles was controlled by application of variation of different reactive and non reactive atmospheres during deposition. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to reveal structure dependence on specific atmosphere in the reactive chamber. The measurement of the strength of bonds between biomaterials and cells is a major challenge in cellular biology since it allows for the identification of different species in adhesion phenomena. The biomaterial examinations were performed in static conditions with Dictyostelium discoideum cells and then subjected to a dynamical test to observe the cell detachment kinetics. For a given cell, detachment occurs for critical stress values caused by the applied hydrodynamic pressure above a threshold which depends on cell size and physicochemical properties of the substrate, but it is not affected by depolymerization of the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton. Tests revealed differences in behavior in respect to the applied coating material. The strongest cell-biomaterial interaction was observed for the carbon-based materials compared to the titanium and titanium nitride. A surface fuctionalization was realized by: (i) fabrication of migration channels by laser ablation, (ii) electrospinning and (iii) deposition of multilayer film from polyelectrolites. A goal of the performed research was formation of scaffolds for bio-mimetic coatings. Surface morphology examinations and biomedical studies on porous and semi-porous materials with application of human endothelial cells HUVEC line were performed by application of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
Przedstawiono nowatorskie rozwiązanie baterii kondensatorów do kompensacji mocy biernej o znacznej asymetrii obciążenia.
The paper presents inventive solution of capacitor bank for reactive power compensation in networks with considerable unbalance of the load.
Określenie oddziaływania komórka-materiał odgrywa podstawową rolę w projektowaniu biomateriałów. W pracy podjęto analizę wpływu struktury i składu powłok na właściwości biofizyczne. Oddziaływanie materiał-komórka rozważane było w warunkach statycznych i dynamicznych. Przedmiotem badań był: metaliczny Ti, azotek tytanu (TiN), węgloazotek tytanu Ti(N, C) z wysoką i niską zawartością węgla oraz powłoki węglowe, jako planowane materiały do kontaktu z krwią. Najlepsze właściwości obserwowano dla TiN, jakkolwiek stwierdzono silny wpływ na biozgodność stechiometrii TiN (stosunku atomowego Ti/N). Obserwowane oddziaływanie komórka-materiał analizowane było w aspekcie wpływu orientacji krystalograficznej, składu i mikrostruktury.
Determination of reaction cell-material is a major challenge in biomaterial design. Contribution of structure and chemical content on biophysical properties has been studied in the work. As planned perspective coating materials for blood contacting purposes, Ti, TiN, Ti(C, N) with high and low carbon content and DLC have been studied. Good properties in respect to blood contact were observed for TiN, however, strong contribution of TiN stoichiometry (atomic proportion Ti/N) on biocompatibility were stated. Reaction of cell-material has been analyzed in relation to crystallographic orientation, chemical content and microstructure.
Tissue engineering is a promising tool for the creation of a new type of the heart valve bioprothesis. The biological scaffold composed of decellularized tissue has been successfully used for the constructions of the valve prosthesis. An analysis of the efficiency of the valve leaflet acellularization methods and the influence of those methods on the morphology and the biomechanical properties of the ECM (extra cellular matrix) was performed. Fresh porcine hearts obtained from a slaughterhouse were used in the experiments. The efficiency of the acellularization methods was dependent on the tissue type and the acellularoization methods used. The more effective were the enzymatic methods, both because of the cell removal efficiency and the effect on the biomechanical properties of the heart valve. The differences in the biomechanical and morphological properties of the porcine aortic and the pulmonary valve after different types of the acellularization process could influence the hemodynamic conditions of the heart after the valve replacement, which limited the range of the tissue types used for the creations of the tissue engineered heart valve.
Prezentowana praca dotyczy problematyki uszlachetniania powierzchni implantów stosowanych w kardiologii zabiegowej. Zasadniczym jej celem była ocena biotolerancji w środowisku krwi warstw pasywnej i pasywno-węglowej wytworzonych na powierzchni implantów. Zgodnie z zaleceniami norm dla implantów będących w kontakcie z krwią ponad 30 dni zrealizowano badania dotyczące cytotoksyczności (na ekstraktach i w kontakcie bezpośrednim) oraz badania hemolizy i wykrzepiania. Uzyskane w pracy wyniki wskazują, że biotolerancja warstwy pasywnej oraz pasywno-węglowej oceniana na podstawie obowiązujących standardów w badaniach in vitro jest dobra.
Presented work refers to the problem of improvement of the surfaces of stents used in the operative cardiology. Its main goal has been assessment of the biotolerance in the blood environment of the passive and passive-carbon coatings, developed on the implants' surfaces. According to recommendations of standards for implants interacting with blood for more than 30 days, investigations were carried out of the cytotoxicity (using extracts and in the direct contact), as well as haemolysis and coagulation. Research results collected suggest that the biotolerance of the passive and passive-carbon coatings evaluated basing on the standards binding in the in vitro tests is good.
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