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Many researchers in the developed countries have been intensively seeking effective methods of plastic recycling over the past years. Those techniques are necessary to protect our natural environment and save non-renewable resources. This paper presents the concept of an electrostatic separator designed as a test bench dedicated to the separation of mixed plastic waste from the automotive industry. According to the current policy of the European Union on the recycling process of the automotive industry, all these waste materials must be recycled further for re-entering into the life cycle (according to the circular economy). In this paper, the proposed concept and design of the test bench were offered the feasibility to conduct research and technological tests of the electrostatic separation process of mixed plastics. The designed test bench facilitated assessing the impact of positions of high-voltage electrodes, the value and polarity of the high voltage, the variable speed of feeders and drums, and also triboelectrification parameters (like time and intensity) on the process, among others. A specialized computer vision system has been proposed and developed to enable quick and reliable evaluation of the impact of process parameters on the efficiency of electrostatic separation. The preliminary results of the conducted tests indicated that the proposed innovative design of the research stand ensures high research potential, thanks to the high accuracy of mixed plastics in a short time. The results showed the significant impact of the corona electrode position and the value of the applied voltage on the separation process effectiveness. It can be concluded that the results confirmed the ability to determine optimally the values of the studied parameters, in terms of plastic separation effectiveness. This study showed that this concept of an electrostatic separator designed as a test bench dedicated for separation of mixed plastic waste can be widely applied in the recycling plastic industry.
This paper presents application of a neural network in the task of planning a mobile robot trajectory. First part contains a review of literature focused on the mobile robots’ orientation and overview of artificial neural networks’ application in area of robotics. In these sections devices and approaches for collecting data of mobile robots environment have been specified. In addition, the principle of operation and use of artificial neural networks in trajectory planning tasks was also presented. The second part focuses on the mobile robot that was designed in a 3D environment and printed with PLA material. The main onboard logical unit is Arduino Mega. Control system consist of 8-bits microcontrollers and 13 Mpix camera. Discussion in part three describes the system positioning capability using data from the accelerometer and magnetometer with overview of data filtration and the study of the artificial neural network implementation to recognize given trajectories. The last chapter contains a summary with conclusions.
In the paper the investigations performed at the Division of Mechtronic Devices at Poznan University of Technology in the area of application of both: smart materials in electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic valves, and new methods to control of hydraulic servo drives, are presented. In a first part the piezo bender actuator is shortly described and its application in servo valve is proposed. This actuator replaced the torque motor in the available on the market servo valve. The new valve simulation model is proposed. The simulation and investigations results of the servo valve with the piezo bending actuator are included. In the next part of the paper the application of piezo tube actuator in flapper-nozzle pneumatic valve is described. The test stand and investigations results are presented. Later, in the article, the Model Following Control (MFC) and Fractional order Control (FoC) methods are described. Their application in control of electrohydraulic servo drive is proposed. Some investigations results are included in the paper, showing the advantages of those control methods.
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