The need for continuous improvement of product quality, reliability and safety arises and above all a company’s desire to improve its market position and customer satisfaction. These issues require product manufacturers to perform risk analyses that identify and minimize part/system failures throughout the product‘s life cycle. In the paper we will apply the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for analysis of combustion engine failures. We analyzed 15 different types of cars in which the 2.0 TDI was equipped. On the basis of the obtained data, we evaluated the most disturbing parts of the combustion engine and on these elements we determined the probability of occurrence of a fault which is one of the factors determining the Risk Priority Number (RPN).
The paper deals with the proposal of new maintenance system on a semi-trailer combination. Analysis of wear and damage of air brake system components used on the semi-trailer combination based on Real experience from practice and creation of the FMEA analysis of the system using software support are presented. The need for continuous improvement of product quality, reliability and safety arises from product specifications, government regulatory requirements, agency recommendations, legal implications and above all a company’s desire to improve its market position and customer satisfaction. These issues require product manufacturers to perform risk analyses that identify and minimize part/system failures throughout the product‘s life cycle. The FMEA methodology is one of the risk analysis techniques recommended by international standards. It is a systematic process to identify potential failures to fulfil the intended function, to identify possible failure causes so the causes can be eliminated, and to locate the failure consequences so the consequences can be reduced.
The paper offers an overview of the changes of monitoring parameters for a vehicle with the help of information system - specifically with the help of the information system EAM INFOR. The single parts contain the description of the implementation of the system of the vehicle repairs into the information system, the system of preventive maintenance and the definition of predictive maintenance – on an example of measuring the height, thickness and steepness on the rim’s profile of wheel on a vehicle – the 75 changes of a parameter are defined and evaluated. If a maintenance information systems is used for operation support, it has to be capable to record all the necessary data about machines and equipment but also provide records for operative maintenance control and system analysis. The right choice and application of an appropriate maintenance information system supports the effectiveness of the maintenance which means optimization of the maintenance costs, cutting loses from drop-outs, failures and breakdowns of equipment as well as optimization of stock levels and purchase management and in the end affects the economy of the enterprise.
Artykuł przedstawia przegląd zmian wynikających z monitorowania parametrów pojazdu za pomocą systemu informatycznego - w szczególności za pomocą systemu informatycznego EAM INFOR. Poszczególne części zawierają opis wdrożenia systemu napraw pojazdów do systemu informatycznego, system konserwacji prewencyjnej i definicję obsługi predyktywnej - na przykład mierząc wysokość, grubość i kąt nachylenia profilu obręczy w kołach na pojeździe - zmiany parametru są określone i ocenione. Jeśli systemy informatyczny obsługi służy do wsparcia operacyjnego, musi być w stanie zapisać wszystkie niezbędne dane dotyczące maszyn i urządzeń, ale również mieć możliwość przekazania zapisanych danych dla kontroli obsługi operacyjnej oraz analizy systemowej. Właściwy wybór i zastosowanie odpowiedniego systemu informatycznego obsługi wspiera skuteczność obsługi, co oznacza optymalizację kosztów utrzymania, obniżenie strat z powodu przedwczesnych awarii maszyn, unieruchomienia sprzętu i wyłączeń z ruchu, jak również optymalizację stanów magazynowych oraz zarządzanie zakupami i na koniec oddziałuje pozytywnie na gospodarkę przedsiębiorstwa.
Technical diagnostics is one of the major forms of the overall care of vehicles. It is through improving and streamlining maintenance that is non-invasive methods to execute the control of the functional situation and technical condition of the vehicles, their aggregates and construction units. This can significantly reduce maintenance costs and improve control of performed maintenance. The aim of introducing the diagnosis and the automatic diagnosis of vehicles is increasing the actual availability of vehicles, increase their reliability and operational safety, improve the quality and efficiency of maintenance and repair industry through control and decision-making activities. The work is based on an analysis of diagnostic methods, computer-aided FMEA analysis is performed on selected vehicle and the consequences of failure modes are determined. The results obtained from FMEA is done in the program APIS PRO 6.0 for the causes and consequences of failures. Critical parts are determined and measures to mitigate the effects of failures are proposed.
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