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In the semi-arid region of Ain Ouassera, Algeria, groundwater from the lower cretaceous aquifer (LC) serves as an essential resource for drinking and various other requirements. This study focuses on evaluating the suitability of water for domestic use and examining the non-carcinogenic health risks associated with consuming water containing high levels of nitrates. To explore these dimensions, the research utilizes the water quality index (WQI) method and the health risk assessment (HRA) model as formulated by the USEPA. The findings categorized the groundwater quality predominantly as “poor” for consumption purposes, with nitrate concentrations ranging from 14 to 112 mg/L, where 40% of the samples exceeded the World Health Organization’s (WHO) permissible limit (> 50 mg/L). Furthermore, the health risk analysis indicated that 76.67% of the samples for children and 70% for adults surpass the safety thresholds (QH > 1), signifying a significant risk to the local population. The study also uncovered that the hydrochemical characteristics of the groundwater reflect a mixed composition (CaMgCl) and that mineralization is mainly attributed to the dissolution of carbonates, sulfates, and halite, alongside inverse ion exchange processes and anthropogenic influences. These findings underscore the urgent need for improved groundwater management measures and risk mitigation strategies in the Ain Ouassera region.
Groundwater is vital for all living beings and the socio-economic development of arid regions. The present study evaluated the pertinence of groundwater of the continental intercalary (CI) aquifer in the Ouargla region for domestic and agricultural purposes. Sixteen (16) water samples were collected and analyzed for physical parameters, major cations and anions. The appreciation of groundwater potability was compared with the WHO (2017) standards. Agricultural water quality was evaluated using the Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) method and the study of irrigation parameters: EC, SAR, SSP, PI, KR, PS and MAR. The results show that the CI waters are dominated by mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (56.3%) and Ca-Cl type (43.7%). Natural rock-water interactions, including silicate weathering, evaporite dissolution and cation exchange, were the dominant processes controlling the mineralization of CI waters. According to WHO (2017), EC (100%), T (100%), TDS (100%), Na+ (87.5%), K+ (100%), Ca2+ (12.5%), Mg2+ (18.75%), SO42- (100%), and TH (100%), samples exceed the permissible limit, indicating that most of the groundwater samples do not have good quality for drinking purposes. The calculated IWQI showed that 31.25% of the water samples were in the good category and 68.75% in the doubtful category.
Groundwater is essential for sustainable development and drinking water supply in the Saharan regions. This work aims to assess the quality of water for domestic use and the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the phreatic aquifer of the Ouargla. Forty-two (42) wells capturing the phreatic aquifer are sampled and analyzed. The parameters analyzed are pH, EC, TDS, cations and anions. The water’s potability was evaluated using the Water Quality Index (WQI) method, using the main physicochemical parameters that have potential adverse effects on human health. The results obtained show three classes: the poor class (14.29%), the very poor class (19.04%), and the non-potable class (66.67%). The analysis of the Piper and the Gibbs diagrams, the Pearson correlation matrix and the diagrams of relationship between the major elements, as well as the indices of saturation of the main minerals, shows that the groundwater samples were arranged into two groups; Ca-Mg-SO4 -Cl (38.5%) and Na-Cl (61.5%), the geochemical processes occurring in the aquifer mainly include the dissolution of halite, gypsum, the cation exchange between water and clay minerals and anthropogenic inputs.
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