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In this paper, a particular form of practical ℎ-observers for piecewise continuous Lipschitz, one-sided piecewise continuous Lipschitz systems and quasi-one-sided piecewise continuous Lipschitz systems is extended to nonlinear non-autonomous dynamical systems with disturbances. With the notion of practical ℎ-stable functions, the obtained state estimates are used for an eventual feedback control, and the practical separation principle is tackled. An example is given to show the applicability of the main result.
This paper investigates the Luenberger observer design problem for non-autonomous control semilinear evolution equations with disturbances in Banach spaces. Then, the practical stabilization problem of the system is solved, yielding a compensator based on the Luenberger observer by using integral inequalities of the Gronwall type. Sufficient conditions of the controller and observer problem are satisfied, we show that the proposed controller with estimated state feedback from the proposed practical Luenberger observer will achieve global practical stabilization. We develop novel ideas and techniques, which present the further development of mathematical control theory. Furthermore, an example is given to show the applicability of our theoretical results.
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