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Content available Water management of “smart” buildings and cities
Now is the time to take our future more seriously and start providing solutions for tomorrow´s world. The new notion or significant specification of the term “BLUE to GREEN” infrastructures in buildings in the modern information age is the expression of the sustainable development of a „smart city“ society and beyond. We introduce our experimental platforms representing different types of green roofs, green and water walls as possible solutions. These experimental sites in the University Campus were created on the basis of researche dealing with green roofs and their retention qualities, as well as green walls and their impact on the microclimate and the possibility of using rain and gray water that could be filtrated through the media of these structures. The paper describes the world-wide conditions on the basis of which this issue is up to date and addressed. The outputs from the individual measurements will be related to water cycle issues, green walls and roofs constructions.
Content available remote Water management options - portfolios for safe water utilization in buildings
„There is a water crisis today. But the crisis is not about having too little water to satisfy our needs. It is a crisis of managing water so badly that billions of people - and the environment - suffer badly” This was presented in the World Water Vision Report from 2015 at it leads us to think about sustainable management options. The main aim of this article is to introduce a concept of water management portofolios to give as much as possible information to customer to change his thinking to sustainable water solution even when they are not so cost effective, while building or reconstructing his house.
Content available remote Safety management of grey water - prevention against potential system risks
Using recycled water or grey water system is relatively new concept in Slovakia, which gives users or investors an impression, that something what is new and unproven, may not be reliable. It is obvious, that in some cases, there may arise the situation, which wasn´t expected and system can fail, despite taking all necessary measures, however this can occur even in systems used safety for years. This report focuses on grey water system application and determines its potential risks, which can bring benefits, especially in terms of prevention of their creation. Then we know to which parts of the system, we have to give special attention, whether in the designing process, using or maintenance and we can ensure efficient and reliable system. This report deals with the potential risks of grey water system and the way how to avoid them, while it is important to remember that naming of the risks are just theoretical, and it doesn´t mean that they will occur.
Używanie odzyskanej wody albo systemu wody gospodarczej jest stosunkowo nowym pojęciem na Słowacji, który daje użytkownikom albo inwestorom wrażenie, że to co jest nowością i nie jest sprawdzone, nie może być niezawodne. Jest oczywistym, że w niektórych przypadkach, może wystąpić nieoczekiwana sytuacja i system może być zawodny, pomimo użycia wszystkich koniecznych środków. Jednak może to wystąpić nawet w systemach bezpiecznie użytkowanych przez wiele lat. Artykuł przybliża zagadnienia dotyczące systemów wykorzystania wody gospodarczej i ustala potencjalne ryzyko, któremu zapobieganie może przynosić wymierne korzyści. Jeżeli jest znane na którą części systemu, należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę podczas procesu projektowania, użytkowania albo utrzymania można zapewniać skuteczny i niezawodny system. Artykuł podaje potencjalne ryzyko występujące w systemie wody gospodarczej i sposoby jak ich unikać pamiętając, że zjawiska nazywane ryzykiem są po prostu teoretyczne, i nie oznacza, że muszą nastąpić.
Content available remote Rainwater harvesting system and risk management application
Submitted paper presents risk assessment using risk analysis of the rainwater harvesting system. The aim of this article is to present selected approach in risk factors identification within proposed RWH system evaluation for an experimental family house. In our case, we were able to collect helpful information from questionnaires that later facilitated the risk identification as well as risk assessment phase along with the aid of brainstorming activities within a team of experts. The results from the risk analysis were verified by the AHP and empirical multilevel comprehensive evaluation, which was also found to be useful.
W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie metody oceny ryzyka w odniesieniu do sytemu gromadzenia wody opadowej. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja czynników ryzyka w proponowanym dla eksperymentalnego domu systemie RWH. W naszym przypadku udało się zebrać przydatne informacje z ankiet, które później ułatwiły identyfikację oraz ocenę ryzyka. Równolegle korzystano też z burzy mózgów. Rezultaty analizy ryzyka były weryfikowane przez AHP i doświadczalną wielopoziomową ewaluację, która okazała się także użyteczna.
The aim of this article is to show small green-roof features in little urban scale. Green roofs are on the agenda worldwide. It is caused by many challenges. Green roofs could be unique infrastructures of our cities. This article is about realized small green-roof on a little doghouse. Doghouse, its constructive solution and the most important - green top. Project of this doghouse is really largely symbolic when we compare it with standard big top of the building.
Przedmiotem opracowania jest pokazanie możliwości zrównoważonego projektowania zielonych dachów. Zielone dachy są konstrukcją popularnie wykonywaną na całym świecie. Mogą być również unikalną częścią naszych miast. W artykule przedstawiono realizację zielonego dachu usytuowanego na domku dla psa. Projekt tego obiektu z zielonym dachem jest właściwie symbolicznym odniesieniem do możliwości tworzenia takich przekryć na innych obiektach budowlanych.
Content available Rainwater harvesting and its risk assessment
The article presents a risk assessment using a risk analysis of the rainwater harvesting (RWH) system. The main focus is on the selected approach for the evaluation methodology. RWH system in the condition of the Slovak Republic is described in general, using information gathered from the used questionnaires. Summarized results from semi-quantitative approach and Analytic Hierarchy Process used for verification of RWH risk analysis.
W artykule zaprezentowano ocenę ryzyka z wykorzystaniem analizy systemu zbierania wody deszczowej (RWH). Główny nacisk kładzie się na podejście do metodologii oceny. System RWH w warunkach Słowacji jest opisany przy wykorzystaniu informacji zebranych na podstawie opracowywanych kwestionariuszy. Podsumowano wyniki z badań półilościowych i badań przeprowadzonych metodą AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), wykonanych w celu weryfikacji analizy ryzyka systemu zbierania wody deszczowej (RWH).
Content available remote Application of risk analysis in hot water supply systems
The core of the article consists in our investigation of Legionella contamination of hot water in a cross-sectional survey in Kosice, the Slovak Republic. Bacteria Legionella in water systems, especially in hot water distribution system, in terms of health protection of inhabitants, is a crucial problem which must not be neglected.
Celem artykułu jest opracowanie dotyczące skażenia bakterią Legionella systemów zaopatrzenia ciepłej wody na podstawie badań przekrojowych wykonanych w Koszycach na Słowacji. Skażenie bakterią Legionella w systemach wodnych, zwłaszcza w systemach dystrybucji CWU, stanowi z punktu widzenia ochrony zdrowia mieszkańców podstawowy problem, którego nie można bagatelizować.
Content available remote Application of renewable energy sources in central heat supply systems
One of priority tasks of the Slovak Republic to boost the use of domestic energy potential and thus to decrease Slovakia's dependence on imported fossil fuels is to increase utilisation of renewable energy sources in heat and electricity generation. Heat pumps offer the most energy-efficient way to provide heating and cooling in many applications, as they can use renewable heat sources in our surroundings.
Zwiększenie wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii w produkcji ciepła i energii elektrycznej jest jednym z priorytetowych zadań Republiki Słowackiej do zwiększenia wykorzystania krajowego potencjału energii i tym samym zmniejszenia zależności Słowacji od importowanych paliw kopalnianych. Pompy ciepła oferują najbardziej energooszczędny sposób do ogrzewania i chłodzenia w wielu zastosowaniach, wykorzystując odnawialne źródła ciepła z naszego otoczenia.
Content available remote Renewable energy source for today situation - GeoExchange systems
An increased utilization of renewable energy sources in the heat and electricity generation is one of priority tasks of the Slovak Republic to boost the use of domestic energy potential and thus to decrease the Slovakia's dependence on imported fossil fuels. For this reason the experimental workplace "Economic Research Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Distribution systems" was founded last year. In the article we deal with heat pumps offering the most energy-efficient way to provide heating (central and water heating) and cooling in many applications, as they can use renewable heat sources in our surroundings. It is argued that heat pumps are very energy efficient, and therefore environmentally benign. Within good conditions the energy from low-potentional heat, in other way unusable, is used for the price of supplied energy for heat pump performance. This article determines applicability of this system supports utilization of electric energy low tariff rate, which is also valid for the other electrical appliances on the real administrative building.
Content available remote Potable hot water and its microbiological quality
The presence of the bacteria Legionella in water systems especially in the hot water distribution system represents in terms of health protection of inhabitants is the crucial problem which is not possible to overlook. Expenses on the elimination of Legionella from the water distribution systems are very high and the results are not often sufficient. It should be the common goal of designers and operators to reduce the risk of Legionella bacteria in the installation inside buildings. To prevent the tragic events it is obviously needed to monitor the issue in the word and pay attention to precautionary regulations. There are a lot of common shortages in hot water distribution systems of the large buildings. The age of system, material base, missing regulation and lack of maintenance play the most important role. We would like to describe technical possibilities for prevention of Legionella growth from contaminated hot water and which could be transferred into operation of water distribution system from the point of view of solving by current European legislation.
Content available remote Smart buildings versus ground energy and indoor technologies
It is argued that heat pumps as one of renewable energy sources are very energy efficient, and therefore environmentally-friendly. Under favourable conditions, the energy from low-potential heat, in other way unusable, is used as a source of energy for a heat pump performance. The applicability of this system supports the utilisation of electric energy at a low tariff rate, which is also valid for the operation of other electrical appliances. This article determines operative production costs for heating and operation of other electrical appliances and indicates new ways of using it in combination with low-temperature heating systems.
Pompy ciepła, jako źródło energii odnawialnej, są bardzo efektywne energetycznie i z tego powodu przyjazne dla środowiska naturalnego. W dobrych warunkach energia pozyskiwana ze źródła dolnego, nieużyteczna w inny sposób, jest efektywnie wykorzystywana za pośrednictwem pompy ciepła. Używanie takiego systemu może być dodatkowo atrakcyjne przez zastosowanie taniej taryfy energii elektrycznej. To dotyczy również użytkowania innych urządzeń elektrycznych. W artykule określono koszty ogrzewania i użytkowania innych urządzeń elektrycznych i wskazano nowe sposoby ich stosowania w kombinacji z niskotemperaturowymi systemami ogrzewania.
Content available remote Legionella prevention plan in water systems and its energetic consequences
Sporadic cases of Legionnaires' disease continue to occur. Undoubtedly, a considerable number of people have impaired defence against such bacterial infections, and the medical care has recently improved in such a considerable degree that the case-fatality ratio is very low nowadays. Nevertheless, the presence of Legionella pneumophila in hot and cold water systems operating in buildings is to be expected. The subject of the paper is the investigation of the Legionella hot water contamination as conducted in a cross-sectional survey in Kosice. The eradication measures based on a chemical, thermal or combined method, usually have a short-term effect (1-2 months), and therefore it is necessary to support them by a system of operating, technical and/or construction measures, the most significant of which is the adjustment of PHW distribution system, maintaining PHW temperature up to 55[degrees]C and daily preheating up to 60[degrees]C, as well as providing thermal disinfection twice a week at temperature [greather than or equal to] 70[degrees]C .
Sporadyczne przypadki występowania choroby legionistów wciąż się zdarzają. Chociaż wiele ludzi ma upośledzoną zdolność obrony przed tymi bakteriami, to jednak wyższy standard opieki medycznej sprawił, że poziom zachorowań jest obecnie bardzo niski. Należy się jednak stale spodziewać obecności bakterii typu legionella w instalacjach wody ciepłej i zimnej. Przedmiotem artykułu są badania skażenia instalacji ciepłej wody bakteriami Legionella prowadzone na terenie Koszyc. Sposoby usuwania skażenia polegające na stosowaniu środków chemicznych, wysokiej temperatury lub łączone mają zwykle skutki krótkotrwałe (1-2 miesiące), dlatego też istotne jest opracowanie systemu stałego odkażania instalacji.
Content available remote Building maintenance – way to increase of building usage effectiveness
Markedly neglected buildings maintenance is a worst settlement of the past system. After-effects of its are actual huge technical, economical and culture problems in the building occupation. These are the problem especially of past prefabricated housing constructions, but also of old, often historical important buildings, noticing about the history and especially culture of the nation. Paper deals with approaches to this problem in abroad and give some recommendations for an amendment state in our.
Content available remote Preparation and distribution management of potable hot water
There are a lot guidelines and regulations developed in many individual countries for the design, operation and maintenance for tap water systems to avoid the growth of bacteria Legionella. The aim of this study is to show the necessity of regulations for installations inside buildings and to enhance maintenance and operation of the system to reach high reliability hand in hand with cooperation of the competent staff. The core of the article stems from the ‘STN EN 806 Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption’ that have been accepted by the Slovak Republic and prepared Technical report TC 164 and our investigation of Legionella contamination of hot water in a cross-sectional survey in Kosice, the Slovak Republic. In brief we would like to emphasize demands for implementation of precautionary regulations and facility management in conditions of the Slovak Republic.
Content available remote Hot water systems contamination in the frame of central heat supply
Sporadic cases of Legionnaires’ disease continue to occur. No doubt many of people have impaired defences against such bacterial infections and the medical attention has so improved in recent years that the case-fatality ratio is now very low. But the presence of Legionella pneumophilia in hot water systems inside any building is to be expected. The subject of the paper is our investigation Legionella contamination of hot water in a cross-sectional survey in Kossice, Slovakia. Some factors associated with Legionella contamination are described as a water source, a heater type, tank distance and capacity, water plant age, piping material base. Risk management considerations, right design and operating practices that should reduce the risk of legionellosis are mentioned in the article.
Vranayova, Peter OlsavskyRecently in industrial and well-developed countries, including Slovakia, the use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources in building services operation have come to the foreground of interest. The use of solar energy is mainly very advantageous energetically for swimming pools water heating and hot water service preparation, where with optimally designed and realized systems the solar energy can form up to 70%. The paper deals with solar energy usage possibilities for building cooling in summer.
W ostatnich latach, we wszystkich wysoko rozwiniętych przemysłowo krajach, również w Słowacji, problem wykorzystania niekonwencjonalnych i odnawialnych źródeł energii w procesie eksploatacji budynku zaczyna wysuwać się na plan pierwszy. Wykorzystanie energii słonecznej jest bardzo korzystne głównie przy ogrzewaniu wody i przygotowaniu ciepłej wody w basenach, gdzie przy optymalnie zaprojektowanym i wykonanym systemie energii słonecznej do 70% zużywanej energii może pochodzić z tego źródła. Referat dotyczy możliwości wykorzystania energii słonecznej do ochładzania budynków w okresie letnim.
Content available remote Vplyv zmeny materialu na hydrauliku potrubia
In the article we present different types of water pipes from the hydraulic point of view. We discuss often method known from everyday practice – to replacement one type pipes to another without deeper analysis. Results from the research project VEGA 1/2653/05 are described.
Content available remote New professions for building observation, operation and maintenance necessity
In the article is described a new profession, acting towards the preservation of the existing built stock and the extension of its lifetime, also improving the inhabitants' quality of life - one of the pre-conditions of sustainability. This activity can be carried out at two different levels, for higher-education graduates, mainly architects and engineers, at master course level, providing a new qualification as 'building surveyor' and for graduates of secondary schools, post-secondary training providing the qualification of 'assistant surveyor'. The creation of a new profession answering the above mentioned needs, offering the possibility of a rational, pragmatic approach for the buildings' exploitation and maintenance, appears as undeniably necessary. It will not only contribute to the lengthening of the buildings' life, but will also considerably delay the necessity of erecting new buildings, with a considerable, beneficent environmental impact.
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