The article expounds the research results of two ploughing machine and tractor aggregates (МТА). One of them consisted of a tractor HTZ-16131, a front-mounted double-furrow and a rear-mounted four furrow ploughs (the scheme «push-pull» «2+4»), but the other - of the same tractor and a five furrow rear-mounted plough (the scheme «0+5»). The obtained experimental data indicate that the working width of the aggregate assembled according to the scheme «2+4» was by 20.9% greater than that of the aggregate created according to the scheme «0+5». Although the operating velocity of travel of the first MTA turned out to be by 1.5% lower, its efficiency, due to a greater working width, was by 19.5% higher. Therefore the specific fuel consumption by the aggregate created according to the scheme «2+4» turned out to be by 11.5% lower. The mean root square deviation in the depth of ploughing by both the compared aggregates did not exceed the agrotechnical requirements (± 2 cm); however the use of a ploughing aggregate, created according to the scheme «push-pull» «2+4», en-sures soil cultivation with more uniform plough travel by depth.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań agregatów ciągnikowych z dwoma maszynami uprawowymi (МТА). Jeden z nich zawierał ciągnik HTZ-16131, pług dwuskibowy zawieszony z przodu oraz pług czteroskibowy zawieszony z tyłu ciągnika (schemat «push-pull» «2+4»), a drugi - ten sam ciągnik i pług pięcioskibowy zawieszony z tyłu ciągnika (schemat «0+5»). Otrzymane wyniki badań eksperymentalnych wskazują, że szerokość robocza agregatu utworzonego według schematu «2+4» była o 20,9% większa niż agregatu utworzonego według schematu «0+5». Chociaż prędkość robocza pierwszego agregatu (MTA) okazała się o 1,5% mniejsza, jego wydajność, z powodu większej szerokości roboczej, była o 19,5% większa. Dlatego jednostkowe zużycie paliwa przez agregat utworzony według schematu «2+4» okazało się o 11,5% mniejsze. Odchylenie kwadratowe głębokości orki w obydwu porównywanych agregatach nie przekroczyło wymagań agrotechnicznych (± 2 cm); jednakże użycie agregatu uprawowego, utworzonego według schematu «push-pull» «2+4», zapewnia uprawę gleby z bardziej niezmienną głębokością orki.
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In this article, we consider leftist insertion-deletion systems (LIDS), in which all rules have contexts on the same (left) side, and may only insert or delete one symbol at a time. We start by introducing extended rules, in which the contexts may be specified as regular expressions, instead of fixed words. We prove that in this case the computational completeness is achieved when additional control mechanisms are used (graph control with two states, matrix control with binary matrices and random-context control). We then show how rules with regular contexts can be simulated by conventional rules checking one-symbol (resp. two-symbol) left contexts for insertion and two-symbol (resp. one-symbol) left contexts for deletion. This simulation does not generally hold in the controlled case, however. Hence, we provide a construction simulating an arbitrary 2-tag system using extended rules and which can be rewritten in terms of conventional rules of types above, which implies that the latter systems are universal.
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In this article we introduce the operations of insertion and deletion working in random context and semi-conditional modes. We show that conditional application of insertion and deletion rules strictly increases the computational power. In the case of semi-conditional insertion-deletion systems, context-free insertion and deletion rules of one symbol are sufficient to achieve computational completeness. In the random context case, our results expose asymmetry between the computational power of insertion and deletion rules: semi-conditional systems of size (2, 0, 0; 1, 1, 0) (with context-free two-symbol insertion rules, and one-symbol deletion rules with one-symbol left context) are computationally complete, while systems of size (1, 1, 0; 2, 0, 0) (and, more generally, of size (1, 1, 0; p, 1, 1)) are not.
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In this paper, we examine P systems with a linear membrane structure, i.e., P systems in which only one membrane is elementary and the output of which is read out as the sequence of membrane labels in the halting configuration or vectors/numbers represented by this sequence. We investigate the computational power of such systems, depending on the number of membrane labels, kinds of rules used, and some other possible restrictions. We prove that two labels, elementary membrane creation and dissolution, together with the usual send-in and send-out rules, suffice to achieve computational completeness, even with the restriction that only one object is allowed to be present in any configuration of the system. On the other hand, limiting the number of labels to one reduces the computational power to the regular sets of non-negative integers. We also consider other possible variants of such P systems, e.g., P systems in which all membranes but one have the same label, P systems with membrane duplication rules, or systems in which multiple objects are allowed to be present in a configuration, and we describe the computational power of all these models.
The article reflects the results of investigations into the improvement of a machine for soil tillage during the process of the preplant ridge formation of potatoes using the operative parts for local deep loosening in the root system area of potatoes.
A new mathematical model is developed which describes the process of direct sugar beet extraction from soil, carried out by interaction of the vertical impact force and the tractive effort, which are transmitted to the root crop from the vibratory digging tool. Sets of differential equations have been obtained the solution of which enables to determine the law of the root crop movement during their direct vibrational extraction.
The main provisions of the kinetics of localization of plastic deformation at different scale levels of plastic forming of metal and alloys. Present a connection between the mechanism of strain localization and nature of the flow curve of deformed materials under static and dynamic loading.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad makrolokalizacją odkształcenia plastycznego i charakterystyki płynięcia plastycznego stopu cynku. Omówione zostało zagadnienie występowania lokalizacji odkształcenia w skali atomowej, mikroskali, w skali pośredniej a także w makroskali. W artykule przedstawiono również przykładowe wyniki badań plastometrycznych dla stopu cynku odkształcanego w zakresie temperatur 100÷200 oC i dla 3 prędkości odkształcenia 1, 5 i 10 s-1.
Reviewed are the results of dynamic rotor characteristics research, that is modal rotor out-of-balance caused by change of supporting scheme. It is revealed that the change of supporting section slightly exert on the value of residual modal out-of-balance. Based on the received results a modal rotor balancing execution is offered, for the rotors with magnet bearings, in set with magnet blushings in boost-balancing stand on sliding bearings, off-centered from the section of magnet bearing.
Analytical research in the substantiation and choice of optimum parameters of the units which include a tractor and a hook-on sugar-beet harvester is given. The calculations, carried out on a PC, allow defining optimum parameters of the specified units by the criterion of power consumption.
The report presents a review of the cranberry growing ecological technologies applied in Latvia depending on the amount of production and its provision with adequate means of mechanisation. The costs are analysed for laying out plantations, the production of the products and the technical means for harvesting, as well as their payback at various volumes of output.
Theoretical studies and analysis were made of the oscillatory movements of the mobile agricultural machine aggregates in the process of their travel along the surface irregularities of the soil. Differential equations were made of the movement of mechanical systems in a longitudinal-vertical plane with two and with one degree of freedom.
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W pracy przedstawiony jest przepływ mieszanki gazowo-wodnej w odwiercie w warunkach barbotowania. Opisana ponadto została metoda obliczania ilości wody zmagazynowanej w odwiercie gazowym na podstawie danych dotyczących wydatku gazu. Realizacja metody została przeprowadzona z pomocą programu komputerowego dla zautomatyzowanego reżimu eksploatacji.
The flow of gas-water mixture in a well in barbotage conditions is presented in the paper. A method for calculating the quantity of water stored in a gas well is described on the basis of gas yield data. This method was realized with the use of a computer program for automated production regime conditions.
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In the organic farming the application of herbicides is not allowed and the fertilising is limited to the level of 170 kg nitrogen per hectare. This undoubtedly causes the appropriate decreasing of yields. However if the potatoes yield is concerned there are many other, still not used, possibilities of improvement of agricultural methods and soil tillage, for example by creating the optimal soil structure. The carried out investigations have shown that the deep local soil loosening with ridges surface cutting is, among other things, very helpful in this respect.
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The paper provides data on the development of biological farms in Latvia, and characteristics of the factors which enhance and hamper this process. An increase in the number of these farms is prognosticated due to the EU financing. The tasks of agricultural engineering are characterised in this field, as well as several developments at the Ulbroka Research Centre.
Various controllability types are demonstrated for a circular membrane with rotationally symmetric initial data and boundary control depending on time only. We prove that the set of initial states, which can be steered to rest in the critical time interval (equal to the diameter of the membrane) by means of [L^2]-controls is dense in the energy space but contains no eigenmode. We also show that any initial data from a Sobolev space can be transferred to a stationary state. The proof is based on study of exponential families arising in the approach using the method of moments.
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