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education buildings the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering located in center Poland. Research was devoted to issues related to the noise level in a classrooms of university during the didactic classes. In all rooms of both universities, during working days average noise level was under 40 dB. These values are in accordance with standards. Outside the buildings, the sound level was in the range of 30–35 dB. These values also comply with the guidelines.
was to determine toxicity, protein degradation and genotoxicity of ATR at concentrations of 10; 1; 0.1; 0.01 mg/L on Chlorella vulgaris and with the application of E. coli bioluminescent biosensor strains. We measured the content of chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids in Chlorella vulgaris and the inhibition of this algae culture growth. E. coli RFM443 strains with gene constructs grpE:luxCDABE, lac:luxCDABE, recA:luxCDABE and E. coli strain MM294 trc:luxCDABE were used to determine toxicity, degradation of cellular proteins and genotoxicity. On the base of the obtained results, we concluded that ATR in the tested concentrations shows a toxic effect in relation to Chlorella vulgaris. ATR is toxic and genotoxic in E. coli RFM443 strains with grpE, lac, recA promoters and causes degradation of cellular proteins. Moreover, we have detected ATR toxicity toward the GFP protein in E. coli strain MM294-GFP. Taking into account the toxicity and genotoxicity of ATR documented in our research and in the experiments of other authors, we conclude that the presence of this herbicide in surface waters and drinking water is a serious threat to living organisms.
określono toksyczność ATR w stężeniach 10; 1; 0.1; 0.01 mg/L na glonach Chlorella vulgaris oraz z zastosowaniem E. coli mikrobiologicznych biosensorów z genami reporterowymi gfp i lux. Toksyczność oszacowano na podstawie zawartości chlorofilu a, b, karotenoidów w Chlorella vulgaris oraz zahamowania wzrostu tej kultury alg. Szczepy E. coli RFM443 z konstruktami genowymi grpE:luxCDABE, lac:luxCDABE, recA:luxCDABE i szczep E. coli MM294 trc:luxCDABE wykorzystano do określenia toksyczności, degradacji białek komórkowych i genotoksyczności. W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykryto, że ATR w analizowanych stężeniach wykazuje działanie toksyczne w stosunku do Chlorella vulgaris. W przypadku ATR stwierdzono właściwości toksyczne i genotoksyczne oraz potencjał degradacji białek w szczepach E. coli RFM443 z promotorami grpE, lac, recA. Ponadto wykryto toksyczność ATR w stosunku do białka GFP w szczepie E. coli MM294-GFP. Biorąc pod uwagę udokumentowaną w badaniach własnych oraz w doświadczeniach innych naukowców toksyczność i genotoksyczność ATR, obecność tego herbicydu w wodach powierzchniowych i wodzie pitnej stanowi poważne zagrożenie dla organizmów żywych.
weather platform “freemeteo”. The measurements were carried out with the following variants: outside air, a room ventilated without people, nonsmokers, smokers and non-smoking people, smokers entering the room after smoking cigarettes, smokers who smoke in the room. As proven by measurements, carbon monoxide carried in the lungs by smokers has low concentrations and should not threaten the health of non-smoking users of rooms. The maximum concentration of carbon monoxide in the room was 1.4 ppm. In the external air, the average concentration of carbon monoxide was exactly as much as reported in the literature – 0.3 ppm.
Therefore, an attempt was made to assess the soot load that is emitted during the winter season from individual heat sources where hard coal was burned or co-fired. Soot emission analysis and assessment were carried out in the selected settlement unit. Soot was collected monthly throughout the heating period at the chimney flue outlet, and analyzed for the PAH content. From these results and the information obtained from the users of individual heat sources, the soot load emitted from the installation in question during the entire heating period and the load of the sum of 16 PAHs and benzo(a)pyrene also during the entire heating period were calculated. It was found that the PAH content in soot largely depends on the type of boiler, the form of hard coal and wood addition burned, and the age of the boiler. The soot load, on the other hand, depends on the amount of hard coal burned, the type of boiler, how the combustion process is carried out, etc.
selected for the research. Among them 3 come from Russia and 3 from Poland. The samples were mineralized and the heavy metal content was determined with the use of mass spectrometry with excitation in induced plasma. The research allowed us to conclude that the same carbon grades showed completely different metal contents and depended on the place of origin. The greatest amount of trace elements was found to be found in ecophysics from Poland (durin). Relatively large contamination with trace elements was also found in Polish peach (window) and in Russian walnut. A relatively high content of uranium was found in three samples, including the ecophyses. When burning coal, even of high quality, we expose the environment to the burden of trace elements, including radioactive elements present in their composition. Heavy metals from coal combustion constantly accumulate in the environment and so far no standards have been established for their content in this fuel.
oparciu o próbki gleb lekkich i średnich oraz próbki uprawianej kukurydzy. W próbkach gleb oznaczono zawartość ogólną kadmu, ołowiu, niklu, miedzi i cynku, oznaczono zawartość tych samych metali w roślinach. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników obliczono współczynniki bioakumulacji w/w metali w roślinach kukurydzy. Stwierdzono, że gleby na których uprawiano kukurydzę w większości charakteryzowały się zawartością metali ciężkich na poziomie tła geochemicznego. Niewielkich część była zanieczyszczona kadmem na I poziomie wg liczb IUNG. Kukurydza ze względu na zawartość metali ciężkich spełniała wymogi opracowane dla roślin paszowych. Współczynniki bioakumulacji metali w kukurydzy były najczęściej niskie i adekwatne do niskiej ich zawartości w glebach, choć w przypadku kadmu i ołowiu wskazują na źródło poza glebowe.
carried out on the basis of light and medium soils samples and maize samples grown for fodder for dairy cows. The total content of cadmium, lead, nickel, copper and zinc was determined in soil samples as well as in plants. On the basis of the obtained results, the bioaccumulation coefficients of the above-mentioned metals in maize plants were calculated. It was found that the soils, on which maize was grown, were mostly characterized by the content of heavy metals at the level of geochemical background. A small part was contaminated with cadmium on the first level according to JUNG numbers. Maize, due to its heavy metal content, met the requirements for fodder plants. The bioaccumulation coefficients of metals in maize were most often low and adequate to their low content in soils, although in the case of cadmium and lead they indicate an off-soil source.
the other with willow and a field with Californian earthworms. The sludge from the second treatment plant was composted with sawdust. The sludge processed with each method was simultaneously subjected to Effective Microorganisms. The samples of processed sludge from both treatment plants were collected three times. In the first one, after five weeks, four months and ten months from the beginning of treatment. The material from the second treatment plant was composted after four, ten weeks and a year of composting. In the samples taken, the total nitrogen content was determined by means of the Kjeldahl method. The determination of the organic carbon content was carried out on a TOC analyser. The C:N ratio was then calculated. It was found that the changes in the C:N ratio depended on the duration of individual processes, and to a lesser extent on the way they were processed. The carbon content during sludge processing increased or remained at a similar level and the nitrogen content decreased with time of their processing, regardless of the EM addition. The addition of Effective Microorganisms to the sludge treatment reduced the C:N ratio in the first period of time and increased this ratio to the optimal value after 10 months or a year. The best technology for sludge processing appeared to be the technology of heap composting with sawdust and with aeration. The ten-week compost had a suitable C/N ratio for use in lawn production.
winter (February) and spring (April) in 2017 and 2018. In each cycle the samples of initial sludge, excessive sludge after press, digestate sludge and digested dehydrated sludge were analyzed. Three samples were taken from each sludge for further analysis. The content of 16 PAH (naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)-pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and indeno(1,2,3-c, d)pyrene) was determined in the samples in the Faculty Chemical Laboratory at Białystok University of Technology. For this purpose, a gas chromatography method coupled to mass spectrometry using a GC/MS Agilent 7890B chromatograph was used. The results were given as single PAH compounds, which were then grouped by the number of aromatic rings. It was found that the total content of 16 PAHs depended on the type of sewage sludge and the highest one occurred in the initial sludge, and much lower in other sediments. The fermentation process, and more drainage of the fermentation sludge, reduced the content of 16 PAHs. The transformation processes had an influence on the hydrocarbon content in particular groups. The share of PAH groups depending on the number of rings in total 16 depended on the date of collection of studied sludges. In the studied sludges, a group of three and four-ring hydrocarbons dominated, and the least was two- and six-ring hydrocarbons. PAH content in all analyzed sludges did not exceed the norm for the total of 11 PAHs proposed by the European Commission for sludge used for agriculture.
(kwiecień) w 2017 i 2018 roku. W każdym z cykli badano próbki osadu wstępnego, osadu nadmiernego po prasie, osadu przefermentowanego i osadu przefermentowanego poddanego dehydratacji. Z każdego osadu pobrano trzy próbki do dalszej analizy. Zawartość 16 WWA (naftalen, acenaften, acenaften, acenaften, fluoren, fenantren, antracen, fluoranten, piren, benzo(a)antracen, chryzen, benzo(b)fluoranten, benzo(k)fluoranten, benzo(a)piren, dibenzo(a,h)antracen, benzo(g,h,i)perylen i indeno(1,2,3-c, d)piren) zostały zbadane w próbkach w Wydziałowym Laboratorium Chemicznym Politechniki Białostockiej. W tym celu zastosowano metodę chromatografii gazowej sprzężonej ze spektrometrią mas przy użyciu chromatografu GC/MS Agilent 7890B. Wyniki podano jako pojedyncze związki WWA, które następnie pogrupowano według liczby pierścieni aromatycznych. Stwierdzono, że łączna zawartość 16 WWA zależy od rodzaju osadu ściekowego, przy czym najwyższa z nich występuje w osadach wstępnych, a znacznie niższa w innych osadach. Proces fermentacji i dalsze odwadnianie osadu fermentacyjnego zmniejszyły zawartość 16 WWA. Procesy transformacji wpłynęły na zawartość węglowodorów w poszczególnych grupach. Udział grup WWA w zależności od liczby pierścieni w sumie 16 zależał od terminu poboru badanych osadów. W badanych osadach dominowała grupa węglowodorów trój- i czteropierścieniowych, a najmniej dwu- i sześciopierścieniowych. Zawartość WWA we wszystkich analizowanych osadach nie przekraczała normy dla 11 WWA zaproponowanej przez Komisję Europejską dla osadów wykorzystywanych w rolnictwie.
were mineralized and the heavy metal content in plants and soils was determined by means of atomic absorption spectrometry. The content of heavy metals in the soil from municipal allotments was higher than in the soil from the Saniki Colony. For both samples, the permissible soil content was not exceeded. The amount of trace elements in plants varied depending on species, but the place of vegetables and fruits origin was also important. Most of trace elements occurred in larger amounts in the plants from allotments, and in smaller amounts in the plants from Saniki Colony.
power plant, in terms of the content of heavy metals in them. Their mobility through fractional analysis was determined and the possibilities of their agricultural use were assessed. The analyzed waste was varied due to the pH. Biomass ashes had the highest pH and it was alkaline. The pH of the dried precipitate was neutral and digestate was slightly alkaline. In the analyzed wastes, the content of permissible concentrations of heavy metals determined in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment was not exceeded. The content of individual elements varied and depends on the type of waste tested. The conducted sequential analysis showed that various metal fractions are present in the tested wastes. The content of heavy metals in individual factions was varied and the content of mobile and potentially mobile fractions, i.e. metals of fractions I and II, was lower compared to the non-mobile fractions III and IV.
taken from the determined layer to depth of 0-30 cm. Basic physicochemical properties were determined in the taken soil samples: organic carbon content, pH in 1 M KCl potentiometrically. The total content of metals after mineralization in aqua regia was determined, and cadmium fractions were determined with a modified BCR method. The measurements were conducted by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization using Varian AA-100 spectrometer. It was found that only 2 soils can be included in the soils with first pollution degree due to the cadmium content. The content of other metals was at geochemical background level. The distribution of investigated metals in the fractions in studied organic soils was different comparing to mineral soils. Most of the analyzed elements were present in the fraction associated with organic substance, which limited their mobility, as evidenced by their low share in the available and potentially available fraction. The proportion of metals in the residual fraction was low, which is typical for organic soils. The share of studied metals in particular fractions varied depending on the sampling date, which may be related to the climatic conditions course in the study period and the treatments performed on these soils.
energy from sewage, sewage sludge and production waste is gaining more and more interest. The authors of this article have been cooperating with several production plants in podlaskie province for many years through conducting scientific research and preparing environmental reports or integrated permissions (IPPC). The article discusses the most crucial aspects of sustainable development of the dairy industry. Also, the results of environmental aspects (water consumption, sewage production and treatment, wastes, gas and noise emissions, energy consumption) connected with dairy plants management are presented.
issues of sustainable development (and inaccuracies in terms of environmental conditions) influencing on the solution of engineering objects of road infrastructure, including bridges, carried out in the areas of National Parks and Natura 2000 areas. The article presents problems associated with a number of road investments designed and implemented in North-Eastern Poland, for which the authors developed Reports on the environmental impact. They also referred to the road building on protected areas from other countries. Problems arising from the lack of understanding of the preconditions for sustainable development, and on the other hand, construction and building conditions, have been presented. Differences between the approaches of road construction engineers and the requirements deriving from environmental regulations in these areas, have been also elucidated. Solutions making possible to reconcile designers with environmentalists have been pointed out. Analysis of these investments gave the plane to formulate questions and key comments for the solution of problems at the stage of road designing in protected areas. A proper understanding of these issues provides an opportunity to design the environmentally friendly, and at the same time, functional and safe road facilities.
perspektywa rozwoju zrównoważonego wpływa na przyjmowane rozwiązania odnoszące się do obiektów inżynieryjnych infrastruktury drogowej, z uwzględnieniem mostów, na obszarach parków narodowych i obszarów Natura 2000. Przedstawiono problemy dostrzeżone przy wielu inwestycjach drogowych zaprojektowanych i realizowanych w płn.-wsch. Polsce, dla których autorzy przygotowali Raporty o wpływie na środowisko. Omówiono także podobne przypadki z innych krajów. Zwrócono uwagę na problemy wynikające z niezrozumienia uwarunkowań rozwoju zrównoważonego, a także konstrukcji i warunków budowlanych. Ukazano różne podejścia do inżynierii budowy dróg i wymagania wynikające z regulacji ochrony przyrody. Analiza tych inwestycji umożliwiła sformułowanie pytań i kluczowych wyjaśnień odnoszących się właściwego rozwiązywania problemów na poziomie projektowania dróg na obszarach chronionych. Właściwe zrozumienie tych spraw daje szansę na projektowanie prośrodowiskowych, a zarazem funkcjonalnych i bezpiecznych dróg.
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