Vulcanised rubber as a complex system is made from the basic component being virgin rubber and various components amounting to 10-15 per cent or even more. The material gains its most valuable properties in the final phase of processing i.e. vulcanisation. In mechanical as well as automotive engineering it is important for vulcanised rubber to be resistant to grease, oil and fuel in high operating temperatures. Being one of the very valuable isolation materials, vulcanised rubber is also characterized by dielectric and elastic properties as well as distinguished resistance to operating conditions (high/low temperature, weather conditions). All the above mentioned applications of vulcanised rubbers are also found in the shipyard industry. Their use is also very much predicated on the properties such as: ability to attenuate mechanical vibrations, high elasticity, considerable elastic deformability under static and dynamic loads, low permeability of water and gas, resistance to various chemicals, and other. The purpose of this article was to determine the hardness of vulcanised rubber samples obtained from various places on the “Izabel” inland barge. The scope of the study covered sampling and preparing the samples for testing (i.e. cleaning and degreasing the samples). Then, the hardness of the samples was measured using the Shore hardness test. The first part of the article presents the general concept of vulcanised rubber, its main components, properties, applications, and ageing. The second part focuses on the research scope and measuring the hardness of vulcanised rubber samples obtained from the “Izabel” inland barge. vulcanised rubber, hardness, ageing, wear and tear wulkanizowanej gumy, twardość, starzenie się, zużycie
Ze względu na wzrost liczby użytkowników ruchu drogowego, zapewnienie odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa nabiera coraz większego znaczenia. Rozwój Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych wydaje się być w tym zakresie szczególnie pomocny. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące znaczenia sygnalizacji świetlnej dla poprawy bezpieczeństwa transportu drogowego na przykładzie Szczecina. Zastosowano metodę wywiadu bezpośredniego z udziałem użytkowników dróg. Badania miały na celu określenie przydatności nowoczesnych technologii w zakresie poprawy bezpieczeństwa systemu transportowego.
Undertaking the subject of the application of telematic systems to improve the safety of road transport is caused by the increase of the mobility of the society, their transport needs, which in effect leads to the multiplication of the number of vehicles on the roads. The low level of construction of new roads and modernization of the existing ones is conducive to the occurrence of transport congestion, the number of accidents and road traffic difficulties, and has a negative impact on the natural environment. In the era of modern society, methods are sought that would minimize negative effects in the transport system, thereby increasing road safety. The purpose of this article is to analyse the use of Intelligent Traffic Light in the aspect of road safety. Traffic safety at intersections is reflected in indicators of dangerous situations with the participation of road users in its area. Hence, the selection of the research method and the place of the tests carried out. Implementation of telematic systems supports the construction of a secure road transport network. The authors of the article focused on the analysis of traffic hazards and their consequences in the form of wounded and dead people. In addition, the topic of safety in the road transport system was addressed very precisely, where it was discussed in terms of operation, economic, technical and environmental protection.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wdrożenia sieci odcinkowych pomiarów prędkości na przykładzie województwie zachodniopomorskiego. Autorka skupiła się na rozwiązaniach Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych służących do poprawy bezpieczeństwa transportu drogowego. W pierwszej części artykułu został omówiony stan bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego województwa zachodniopomorskiego. W dalszej części zostały przedstawione rozwiązania systemów telematycznych powszechnie stosowanych do rejestrowania prędkości pojazdów drogowych oraz sposób rejestrowania i przetwarzania danych. W trzeciej części przeanalizowane zostały mapy wypadków oraz miejsca zaimplementowanych odcinkowych pomiarów prędkości, na podstawie których powstała autorska propozycja miejsc wdrożenia sieci odcinkowych pomiarów prędkości ze względu na dużą wypadkowość.
The article presents the concept of implementing a network of average speed measurements in the West Pomeranian. The author focused on solutions of Intelligent Transport Systems to improve the safety of road transport. The first part of the article discusses the state of road traffic safety in the West Pomeranian. In the next part, the solutions of Intelligent Transport Systems used to record the speed of road vehicles and the method of data recording and processing were discussed. In the third part, the accident maps and the locations of the stored sectional speed measurements were analysed, on the basis of which the proposition of places for the implementation of the network of average speed measurements was created due to the high accident rate.
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