Purpose of the article is to identify and analyse ten most important actions for Ukraine to completely reject Russian natural gas. The analysis was performed taking into account the following basic provisions: territorial integrity of Ukraine is within its state as of February 23, 2022; total energy consumption is at the level of 2021. Under current conditions, Ukraine urgently needs to elaborate and implement an effective and ambitious program to refuse Russian natural gas and other fossil fuels imported from Russia within several years. Such a program will be much required immediately after the end of the military operations at Ukraine’s territory and should be a solid basis for energy recovery of the country at the post-war period. Taking into account Ukraine’s potential of renewable energy sources and other relevant factors, the program must include such important actions as replacement of natural gas with biomass and solid biofuels for heat production, further construction of wind and solar power plants, production of biomethane, introduction of heat pumps, improving energy efficiency in district heating (DH) systems, buildings and industry and some others. Implementation of these actions will give Ukraine the opportunity to reduce the consumption of natural gas and completely replace its imports in the amount of up to 10 billion m3/yr by 2030. Realization of each action requires some specific organizational and legislative measures. To a high extent, these measures coincide with ones needed to overcome barriers to bioenergy development and expansion of district heating in Ukraine. Representative examples of the measures are introducing an electronic trade system for solid biofuels through electronic auctions; starting auctions for the state support of renewable electricity projects; starting auctions for load following units and energy storage systems; adopting the National Renewable Energy Action Plan until 2030; creating a Register for biomethane; introducing competitive heat market in DH systems; introducing incentive tariffs for electricity for heat pumps, including the "night" tariffs.
Ukraine has expressed its intention to follow basic principles of the European Green Deal. Most probably, Ukraine will set the goal to achieve climate neutrality of its economy by 2060. Effective reduction of GHG emission and successful implementation of the green energy transition is possible only on condition that the bioenergy sector is developing intensively. The same applies to fulfilling Ukraine’s commitments within the Paris Agreement and the Energy Community. It is obvious that Ukraine urgently needs a long-term strategic document for the bioenergy sector and the Roadmap until 2050 could be such a document. The Roadmap is in line with the scenario of achieving over 60% renewable energy sources (RES) in the energy balance of Ukraine by 2050 and 100% RES by 2070. Biomass shares of all RES in 2050 assumed in the Roadmap, which are 38% in the total primary energy supply (TPES), 67% in heat production, 11% in power production and 40% in the transport sector, result in 24% of bioenergy in TPES in 2050. This corresponds to using about 20 Mtoe of biomass for energy. The obtained bioenergy benchmark figures can be used for the elaboration of a new energy strategy of Ukraine until 2050, the current strategy being only until 2035.
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