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The costs of fertilising the soil with sewage sludge were reduced to the operating time of the equipment and the working time of the labourers operating the equipment in the two main operations (manure spreading and ploughing), for three sewage sludge application doses, namely 50, 100 and 200 Mg·ha-1. The costs were calculated using the Katalog Nakładów Rzeczowych nr 2-21: Tereny zielone/Ministerstwo Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Budownictwa (2009) and the current prices from Sekocendbud (2023). The effectiveness of fertilisation was assessed by studying the level and change in heavy metal content after the soil was fertilised with sewage sludge at three proportional doses, namely 50, 100 and 200 Mg·kg-1. The sewage sludge used for fertilisation complied with the sanitary requirements for sludge to be utilised for natural purposes (Regulation, 2015). The estimated total cost of sludge application ranged from PLN 12646.19 to PLN 20456.73 per 1 ha for doses from 50 to 200 Mg per 1 ha. The results of the estimation confirmed the hypothesis that the unit cost of fertilisation with stabilised sewage sludge increases with the dose of sludge in relation to the area of fertilised soil and decreases with the increase of the mass of sludge deposited in the soil. Optimising fertiliser costs, therefore, requires selection - increasing the sludge dose per unit area. No contamination of the soil with copper, cadmium, lead and zinc was found despite an obvious increase in the content of these metals when mixed into the soil. The application of sewage sludge, even in multiple doses, did not result in exceeding the permissible limit for the content of these elements in the soil, as defined in the Minister of the Environment Regulation of 2015 (Regulation, 2015).
Celem artykułu było określenie zawartości metali ciężkich w glebach po aplikacji do nich osadu ściekowego jako źródła i sposobu nawożenia oraz próba oszacowania kosztów tego procesu. Koszty związane z nawożeniem gleby osadami ściekowymi, sprowadzono do czasu pracy sprzętu oraz robotników obsługujących sprzęt w dwóch podstawowych etapach prac (rozrzucanie obornika i orka), dla trzech wysokości dawek osadów ściekowych: 50, 100 oraz 200 Mg·ha-1. Kalkulacja kosztów została wykonana na podstawie Katalogu Nakładów Rzeczowych nr 2-21: Tereny zielone / Ministerstwo Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Budownictwa (2009) oraz aktualnych cen z bazy danych Sekocendbud (2023). Skuteczność nawożenia została oceniona przez zbadanie poziomu i zmiany zawartości metali ciężkich po zasileniu gleby osadami ściekowymi w proporcjonalnych, trzech dawkach: 50, 100, 200 Mg·ha-1. Zastosowane do nawożenia osady spełniały wymagania sanitarne stawiane osadom, które mają być wykorzystane w celach przyrodniczych (Regulation, 2015). Oszacowane koszty całkowite aplikacji osadu, wyniosły od 12646,19zł do 20456,73zł na 1 ha, odpowiednio dla dawek od 50 do 200 Mg na 1 ha. Wyniki szacunku potwierdziły założoną tezę, a mianowicie: koszty jednostkowe nawożenia ustabilizowanymi osadami ściekowymi rosną wraz z dawką osadu w odniesieniu do powierzchni nawożonej gleby a maleją wraz ze wzrostem masy zdeponowanych w glebie osadów. Optymalizacja kosztów nawożenia wymaga zatem doboru – zwiększania dawki osadu na jednostkę powierzchni. Nie stwierdzono skażenia gleby miedzią, kadmem, ołowiem i cynkiem pomimo oczywistego zwiększenia zawartości tych metali po ich zmieszaniu z glebą. Stosowanie osadu, nawet dawki wielokrotnej, nie wpłynęło na przekroczenie dopuszczalnego progu zawartości tych pierwiastków w glebie, określonej w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Środowiska z 2015 r. (Regulation, 2015).
A transition from generating electricity from conventional sources to generating it from renewables is one of drivers leading us towards a circular economy. Electricity is a specific product and regardless of where and how it is produced, it takes the same form. A novel aspect of the research is the examination of correlations and relationships between guarantees of origin. The research objective is to analyse the market for the guarantees of origin in the volatile price environment that we had late 2021 and early 2022. Therefore, we analysed demand for the guarantees in January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022 and the correlation between the price of electricity and guarantees of origin. It was based on the secondary data analysis method and the use of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and a linear regression function. The authors of the study made a hypothesis that the trading volume would increase during the study period and that there would be a positive correlation between the price of energy and the guarantees of origin. A key finding of the study revealed a steady increase in the purchase of guarantees despite the rise in prices. The buying of the guarantees is not a top-down requirement, but rather a bottom-up action, which indicates growing social expectations towards enterprises to consume energy from renewable sources.
The aim of the study was to determine the heavy metal content of soils after sewage sludge application and to calculate the costs associated with fertilising the soil with sewage sludge, which have not been analysed in the available literature so far. The soil for the pot experiments came from villages where the soil was contaminated with heavy metals. Sewage sludge was proposed as a material for the reclamation of land degraded by the mining industry in the aforementioned settlements, and its effect on improving the physical and chemical properties of the soil after application was demonstrated. The cost of applying three doses of municipal sludge to restore areas damaged (degraded) by human activity was estimated. The calculation was carried out on the basis of KNR (National Contractors Estimator) No. 2–21 Tereny Zieleni (Green Areas) and the current prices from Sekocendbud Bulletin 5/2023 (2145), 1st quarter 2023. The cost of fertilising with stabilised sewage sludge for category II land is relatively low. The cost difference between the lowest sludge application of 50 Mg•ha-1 and the highest of 200 Mg•ha-1 is 85%. Therefore, it is cost-effective to apply the highest possible sludge dose per unit area. The study used sewage sludge that was suitable for natural purposes, including agricultural use, and that met the requirements [Journal of Laws 2015, item 257]. In Karniowice, no contamination of the soil with copper, cadmium, zinc and lead was found, although the content of these metals clearly increased after sludge application at the aforementioned sludge doses. The application of sludge, even in multiple doses, had no influence on exceeding the permissible concentration for these metals according to the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 2015, which allowed the area to be classified as uncontaminated after sludge application. In Lgota, soil contamination standards were exceeded for cadmium, lead and zinc after sludge application. In the case of copper after sludge application, the results were in line with the regulation.
The study concerns evaluating the physical and chemical properties of sand from sand separators of wastewater treatment plants in terms of requirements for construction aggregates. Thus, an analysis of the physical properties of sand was carried out, i.e. its moisture content, bulk density, and grain density, as well as an analysis of the chemical composition of sand. The intention of the research is to find an alternative to the dwindling supply of this type of raw material, which is essential for the construction sector. It is currently estimated that within 20 years there will be a shortage of sand of suitable quality for use in construction. The article presents the results of physicochemical tests and leachability of selected harmful substances (P, F, N-NH4 +, Cl, SO4 2-) and heavy metals (Ba, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, Co, Fe, Ni) from waste from desanding
W artykule dokonano oceny właściwości fizykochemicznych piasku z piaskowników oczyszczalni ścieków pod kątem wymagań stawianych kruszywom budowlanym. W związku z tym przeprowadzono analizę właściwości fizycznych piasku: wilgotność, gęstość nasypową, a także analizę składu chemicznego piasku i poziom wymywalności substancji szkodliwych oraz metali ciężkich. Celem badań było znalezienie alternatywy dla malejącej zasobów tego cennego surowca, niezbędnego dla sektora budowlanego. Obecnie szacuje się, że w ciągu 20 lat zabraknie piasku odpowiedniej jakości do wykorzystania w budownictwie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań fizykochemicznych oraz wymywalności wybranych substancji szkodliwych (P, F, N-NH4 +, Cl, SO4 2-) i metali ciężkich (Ba, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, Co, Fe, Ni) z zawartości piaskownika.
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of soil use in the Młoszowa and Bolęcin villages on the species composition of the overgrown vegetation. Additionally, the study compared the chemical and physical properties of the soils that were not being used for agriculture. The soils of Młoszowa and Bolęcinvillages did not exceed the permissible concentrations of copper, lead, and zinc for agricultural land, as outlined by the national regulations in [Journal of Laws 2016]. In Młoszowa, the concentration of cadmium exceeded the limit values as per national regulations in [Journal of Laws 2016] for agriculturally utilised land (land group II-2) (<3 g · 10–3 · kg–1 DM). The set-aside of both villages consisted of species typical of ruderal areas, fresh grassland, and thermophilous species. The granulometric composition of the soils, mainly their silt and sand content, were the primary factors that impacted the species composition of the set-aside vegetation. Ruderal and thermophilous species were discovered in the set-aside areas, which are their natural habitats. The occurring ruderal plants typical of post-mining heaps and postindustrial areas, including hemicryptophytes, testify to the long-term process of fallowing and adaptation to the existing ecosystem with a predominance of the most common species.
Municipal solid waste collection points (MSWCPs) are places where residents of municipalities can leave their waste free of charge. MSWCPs should operate in every municipality in Poland. The Geographic Information System (GIS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) were used in conjunction as tools to determine potential locations of MSWCPs. Due to possible social conflicts related to the location of MSWCPs, three variants of buffer zones for a residential area were adopted. As a result of the spatial analysis carried out using the GIS software, 247 potential locations were identified in variant no. 1 (which accounted for 7.1% of commune area), 167 for variant no. 2 (6.3% of commune area), and 88 for variant no. 3 (3.8% of commune area). The most favourable locations for MSWCPs were determined using the AHP method with additional criteria for which weights were calculated as follows: the area of a designated plot (0.045), actual designation of a plot in the local spatial development plan (0.397), distance from the centre of the village (0.096) and the commune (0.231), and population density of a village (0.231). The highest weights (over 50%) in the AHP analysis were obtained for 12 locations in variant no. 3, two of which had an area over 3 ha. The adopted methodology enabled to identify quasi-optimal solutions for MSWCP locations in the analysed rural commune. This research has the potential to influence future waste management policies by assisting stakeholders in the MSWCP location.
The amount of generated waste has been increasing for several years in Poland. There is a lot of research in the field of the environmental and economic evaluation of waste treatment processes. Waste transport is considered to be one of the most important elements of waste management (WM), because it integrates the whole WM system. The environmental impact of waste transport is rising (emissions to air). The European Union introduced provisions on the principle of proximity in the Waste Framework Directive. This principle suggests that waste should generally be transported, treated or disposed of as near to its place of origin as possible. The main aim of the study was to perform an ecological and technical-economic analysis of transportation of selected types of waste (mixed municipal solid waste, construction and demolition waste, separately collected waste called: segregation). The research applied data obtained from a municipal enterprise operating in the South Poland. SimaPro 8.1 software with Ecoinvent 3.3 database was employed to calculate the environmental impact. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the transportation of 1 Mg construction waste had twice as much negative impact on the environment as transportation of 1 Mg mixed municipal waste and segregated waste. This is connected with higher fuel consumption per 1 Mg of transported construction waste and twice the distance that an average hooklift truck must cover in order to collect 1 Mg of construction waste.
Content available remote Ocena fizykochemicznych właściwości odpadów paleniskowych z zabudowy niskiej
Zbadano właściwości fizyczno-chemiczne 8 popiołów paleniskowych pobranych z kotłów opalanych węglem kamiennym, znajdujących się w zabudowie niskiej w województwie śląskim i małopolskim. Do sporządzenia wyciągów wodnych z badanych odpadów stosowano wodę destylowaną o pH 7,1 i przewodności elektrycznej właściwej 61,18 μS/cm, w ilości 10 L na 1 kg odpadów. Oznaczone w filtracie zawartości jonów porównano z maksymalnymi dopuszczalnymi wartościami. Badane popioły paleniskowe z zabudowy niskiej charakteryzowały się dużą wymywalnością jonów SO4 2-, PO4 3-, Cl-, K+, Na+ i Ca2+. Stwierdzono, że analizowane popioły nie były odpadem obojętnym.
Eight ashes from combustion of hard coal were studied for tech. properties and chem. compn. in accordance with the std. methods and extrad. with distd. water (10 L/kg of waste, pH 7.1, 24 h). The filtrates were studied for contents of ions and then compared with the max. permissible values for different waste types. The waste should not be stored as municipal waste.
The changes in the waste management system that have been introduced in Europe and in the world were aimed at counteracting the emergence of illegal dumping sites and increasing the levels of waste recovery and recycling, so that waste management remains in line with the principles of sustainable development and circular economy. The change introduced in 2013 in the municipal waste management system in Poland concerned the assumption of full responsibility by municipalities for the municipal waste collected from owners of residential properties, as well as the establishment and organization of a charging system for residents for the collection and management of the waste. The purpose of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of fees paid by residents of 93 selected communes of the Lubelskie Province. The study examined the impact of the amount of fees for the waste collection and management on the share of households declaring selective municipal waste collection, the share of selectively collected waste, and the mass accumulation rate of municipal waste. As a result of the analysis conducted using the data from the years 2013–2016, it was revealed that the amount of fees for the collection and management of waste in households that sorted waste contributed significantly to the increase in the percentage of selectively collected waste. Similarly, the smaller the value of the ratio of rates for sorted and mixed waste, the greater the segregation efficiency. This indicates that in the case of the analyzed region, the lower fee charged for sorting waste was an incentive for residents to sort waste.
With the increase in the mass of municipal waste generated, the demand for facilities dealing with their development is increasing. The aim of the research was to determine environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the location of waste management facilities and an attempt to indicate potential locations for selected waste management facilities in the communes of the Sądecko-Gorlicki region. The scope of work included: a review of existing waste management facilities in the studied region, acquisition of geodatabase for digital data, analysis of the distance between the waste management facilities and environmental or anthropogenic elements, and analysis of potential locations designated in the GIS based on the developed criteria.As a result of spatial analyzes, it was found that in the study area, there are 3 places of potentiallocations for installation of municipal solid waste treatment facilities.
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