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Celem pracy była ocena gleb stacji doświadczalnej w Dołujach, jako siedliska leśnego w oparciu o indeks trofizmu gleb leśnych (ITGL). Badano gleby IVa klasy bonitacyjnej, intensywnie użytkowane ogrodniczo. Wartości ITGL, pozwoliły określić że były to hipertroficzne siedliska lasów.
The aim of this research was evaluation of soils in experimental station in Dołuje as forest habitat basing on the forest soil trophism index (FSTI). The studied soils were classified as IVa quality class and were intensively cultivated. The values of FSTI, helped to determine them as hypertrophic forest habitat.
An experiment involving vegetation pots was conducted to assess the effect of inoculating the soil with the Rhizocell C biopreparation, which includes bacteria from the genus Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IT45, on the number and activity of selected groups of soil microorganisms. The biopreparation was applied in strawberries (Fragaria × ananasa Duch.) in a dose recommended by the manufacturer. Microbiological analyses were conducted four times during the vegetation of plants. The obtained results led to a conclusion that the use of biopreparation affects biological activity of soil, and a majority of the observed changes were beneficial. The mean number of the most microorganisms after Rhizocell C biopreparation was higher than in the control object. Soil inoculation had an influence on the activity of microorganisms determined based on biomass content, but the differences were not significant.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the foliar fertilizer InCa on the chemical composition of fruits and leaves of sweet cherry cultivar ‘Burlat’. The study involved 14-year old sweet cherry trees of ‘Burlat’ cultivar, grafted onto ‘PHL-A’ rootstock and growing at 4×3 m spacing. The trees were sprayed with InCa calcium fertilizer based on CaT technology (manufacturer: Plant Impact). The fertilizer was applied three times, at a dose of 1.5 dm3ha. The first foliar fertilization was performed at the beginning of the flowering period, and the next two took place at fourteen-day intervals. The fruits were analysed for nitrate content, and both fruits and leaves were considered for dry weight and macro- and micronutrient analysis. The use of InCa fertilizer improved the dry matter and calcium content and reduced potassium, magnesium and cadmium level in the leaves and fruits of sweet cherry. The fertilizer facilitated narrowing K:Ca and K:(Ca + Mg) ratioes and extending of K:Mg, and especially Ca:Mg ratio in both leaves and fruits. Foliar supplementation with the investigated preparation resulted in an increase in nitrogen and manganese content, and a drop in phosphorus, copper, nickel and lead concentration in the leaves of the studied sweet cherry cultivar.
Strawberry is a species sensitive to water shortages, especially during fruit growth and ripening. One method of limiting water loss in plant production involves the use of antitranspirants, which reduce plant transpiration. One method of limiting water loss in plant production involves the use of antitranspirants, which reduce plant transpiration. One of substances used for this purpose is, amongst others, natural terpene polymer di-1-p-menthene (pinolene). Research on the influence of a pinolene-containing antitranspirant (with the commercial name of Vapor Gard) on gas exchange parameters (intensity of net CO2 assimilation, intensity of transpiration, stomatal conductance for water, substomatal CO2 concentration), the water balance and the content of assimilation pigments (chlorophyll “a”, “b”, total chlorophyll, carotenoids) in the leaves of the cv. ‘Salsa’ strawberry was conducted in the years 2009–2010. The antitranspirant was used once at a concentration of 0.75% before flowering. The measurements were performed four times: before flowering (1st measurement date), when the plants were in full flowering (2nd measurement date), in the middle of the harvest season (3rd measurement date) and after the end of the harvest season (4th measurement date). Foliar application of the Vapor Gard antitranspirant decreases the intensity of strawberry transpiration without changing the CO2 assimilation activity. Plants sprayed with the tested preparation were characterised by a higher relative water content (RWC) in leaves and a higher value of the photosynthetic index of water use efficiency (WUE). The antitranspirant did not influence the content of assimilation pigments in straw-berry leaves. The values of the determined physiological features depended on the measurement date (developmental stage) of the tested strawberry cultivar.
The conducted study was aimed at evaluation of the effect of antitranspirant produced with natural resins under the trade name Vapor Gard on the content of microelements and trace elements in sweet cherry leaves and fruits. A single-factor experiment was conducted in the randomised block design, with five replications, in 2010–2011. Examinations were performed on 13-year-old sweet cherry trees of the cultivar ‘Burlat’, being grafted on the ‘PHL-A’ rootstock. Tree spraying with antitranspirant Vapor Gard, at a 0.75% concentration, was applied at the stage of fruit colouration. The total content of manganese, zinc, copper, nickel, lead and cadmium in the leaves and fruits was determined by the AAS method. Antitranspirant Vapor Gard had an effect on increasing significantly the manganese, copper, zinc, nickel and cadmium quantities and decreasing the content of lead in the sweet cherry leaves. The antitranspirant being applied did not have any effect on the quantity of microelements and trace elements in the sweet cherry fruits of the cultivar ‘Burlat’.
The aim of the studies carried over 2007–2008 was to evaluate the physiological reaction of strawberry var. ‘Elsanta’ to the addition of AgroHydrogel to the medium. In the vegetation hall of the West Pomeranian University of Technology, a vegetation pot experiment in the system of complete randomization in four replications was carried out. The experimental factor was the addition of AgroHydrogel to the medium. Two doses were used (15 and 30 g per Kick’s vessel) against the control, ie the medium without gel. During the vegetation season of plants, the content of assimilation pigments (chlorophyll a, b, total and carotenoids) in leaves was determined three times. Parameters of water balance – the index of relative water content and the water saturation deficit in tissues of leaves and the area of the leaves were also defined.
Celem badań przeprowadzonych w latach 2007–2008 była ocena reakcji fizjologicznej truskawki odmiany ‘Elsanta’ na dodatek AgroHydrogelu do podłoża. W hali wegetacyjnej Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie przeprowadzono wazonowe doświadczenie wegetacyjne, w układzie kompletnej randomizacji, w czterech powtórzeniach. Czynnikiem doświadczalnym był dodatek AgroHydrogelu do podłoża – zastosowano dwa poziomy (15 i 30 g na pojemnik Kicka) na tle kontroli – podłoże bez dodatku żelu. Trzykrotnie w czasie sezonu wegetacyjnego roślin określono zawartość barwników asymilacyjnych (chlorofilu a, b, całkowitego oraz karotenoidów) w liściach. Określono także parametry bilansu wodnego – wskaźniki względnej zawartości wody i deficytu wysycenia wodą tkanek liści.
The aim of the performed studies was to assess the physiological reaction of two cultivars of strawberry to foliar application of potassium-silicon fertilizer. In 2005–2006 at the Experimental station of Orchard Department, University of Agriculture in Szczecin in Rajkowo (a locality near Szczecin), a two-factor vegetation experiment in the system of random blocks was carried out in three replications. The experimental factor was foliar application of potassium Alkaline with silicon (variant I – with fertilization, variant II – control, spraying with distilled water). Strawberry Senga–Sengana c.v. was chosen as biological material for the studies. The following gas exchange parameters of the investigated variety were determined: assimilation rate of CO2, transpiration rate, index of water use efficiency in the photosynthesis.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena reakcji fizjologicznej dwóch odmian truskawki na dolistne żywienie nawozem potasowo-krzemowym. W latach 2005-2006 w Stacji Doświadczalnej Katedry Sadownictwa Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie w miejscowości Rajkowo koło Szczecina, przeprowadzono dwuczynnikowe doświadczenie wegetacyjne, w układzie bloków losowanych, w trzech powtórzeniach. Czynnik doświadczalny stanowiło nawożenie dolistne alkalinem potasowym z krzemem (wariant I - z nawożeniem, wariant II - kontrola, oprysk wodą destylowaną). Biologiczny materiał badań stanowiła odmiana truskawki: Senga-Sengana. Oznaczono parametry wymiany gazowej badanej odmiany truskawki: intensywność asymilacji CO2, natężenie transpiracji, wskaźnik efektywności wykorzystania wody w fotosyntezie.
In a town of Doluje near Szczecin, at the Experimental Station of the Market Gardening Chair, University of Agriculture in Szczecin, a two-factor vegetation experiment (microfield) in the system of complete randomization was carried out in three replications. It was a two year experiment. The first experimental factor was the type of soil: proper black earth, muck soil and proper pseudogley soil. The second factor was the level of NPK fertilization (0 – 0, 0, 0 kg ha–1; I – 75, 33, 100 kg ha–1; II – 150, 66, 200 kg ha–1). Celery, var. rapaceum (Mill) Gaud., cultivar Diamant was the biological material for the studies. At five dates of the harvesting, the content of assimilation pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids), in the celery leaves was determined. A significant effect of both experimental factors on the concentration of chlorophyll as well as on carotenoids in the leaves of the examined plant was observed.
W Stacji DoŚwiadczalnej Katedry Warzywnictwa Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie, w miejscowooeci Dołuje koło Szczecina przeprowadzono dwuletnie, dwuczynnikowe dooewiadczenie wegetacyjne (mikropoletkowe), w układzie kompletnej randomizacji, w trzech powtórzeniach. Pierwszy czynnik doświadczalny stanowił typ gleby: czarna ziemia właściwa, gleba murszowa i gleba opadowo-glejowa właściwa. Drugim czynnikiem był poziom nawożenia NPK (0 – 0, 0, 0 kg ha–1; I – 75, 33, 100 kg ha–1; II – 150, 66, 200 kg ha–1). Biologiczny materiał badań stanowił seler korzeniowy, odmiana Diamant. W pięciu terminach zbioru oznaczono zawartość w liściach selera barwników asymilacyjnych (chlorofilu a, chlorofilu b, całkowitego oraz karotenoidów). Stwierdzono statystycznie istotny wpływ obu czynników doświadczalnych na koncentrację zarówno chlorofilu, jak i karotenoidów w liściach badanej rośliny.
The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of nutrition of the soil with magnesium in differentiated soil moisture conditions on the dynamics of the elongation growth of medical sage. The first factor of the two year pot experiment was the level of the nutrition with magnesium (0; 0.30; 0.90 g of Mg per pot), the other factor was the level of soil moisture (30 and 60 % of full water volume). Large usefulness of the logistic function for the description of the elongation growth of Salvia officinalis L. was statistically confirmed.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu doglebowego żywienia magnezem, w zróżnicowanych warunkach wilgotnościowych gleby na dynamikę wzrostu elongacyjnego szałwii lekarskiej. Pierwszym czynnikiem doświadczalnym był poziom żywienia magnezem (0; 0,30 i 0,90 g na wazon), drugim - poziom uwilgotnienia gleby (30 i 60 % pełnej pojemności wodnej). Statystycznie potwierdzono dużą przydatność funkcji logistycznej do opisu wzrostu elongacyjnego badanej rośliny. Wzrost Salvia officinalis L., w obu latach badań, niezależnie od kombinacji doświadczenia miał typowy, sigmoidalny przebieg. Nie stwierdzono różnic w dynamice wzrostu elongacyjnego szałwii żywionej zróżnicowanymi dawkami magnezu.
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