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Automotive industry is a very attractive area for young researchers to do continuous research and also it can be considered as an important thrust area as it is directly related to passenger safety. New developments in automotive sector can be seen in many domains like material selection, design, manufacturing etc. Since wrong selection directly leads to product failure, among these, the proper selection of a particular material can be treat as utmost priority. Hence, the present work discusses a methodology to select the best aluminium alloy for automobile panels among various alternates serving the same purpose. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods with entropy weighting criteria are implemented for finding the best material and the results are discussed.
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have been synthesized using co-precipitation method. Their microstructure and dielectric properties were studied. The sugar solutions like glucose, fructose and sucrose were used as stabilizers to control the size of the SPIONs. The crystal structure and grain size of the particles were determined by X-ray diffraction. The magnetic studies of the samples were carried out using the vibrating sample magnetometer and their surface morphology was studied by HRTEM, FE-SEM and zeta potential. The dielectric properties of glucose-SPIONs (GF), fructose-SPIONs (FF) and sucrose-SPIONs (SF) were investigated in the frequency range of 10 Hz to 5 MHz at selected temperatures. The FF showed a high dielectric constant of 62 at 1 MHz and the dielectric properties of SPIONs were found to have been significantly improved, especially in the low frequency regime according to the Maxwell-Wagner interfacial polarization. The AC conductivity measurements revealed that the electrical conduction depends on both frequency and temperature. Impedance analysis was carried out using Cole-Cole plot and the conduction mechanism of the studied compounds was explained. R and C values were further calculated using RC-circuit.
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