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The paper presents an assessment of changes in water resources in the areas of two polders – Nielęgowo and Zagórów – located in the Wielkopolska region. Changes in water relations of the surveyed valley areas were analyzed on the basis of the position of groundwater table and water supplies in the top layer of soil. Detailed analysis of the results of measurements carried out in two in terms of wet, dry, and growing seasons of 2008 and 2012 showed a difference of stocks in the upper layers of soil moisture of valley areas. Changes of water backup and groundwater levels were associated with the course and distribution of precipitation in the analyzed periods of vegetation. In Zagórów polder the amount of precipitation in the winter half-year, preceding the analyzed vegetation period of 2012, has also affected the size of the water supply and the state of groundwater. Positions located in the upper parts of Zagórów polder were characterized by the greatest amplitude of fluctuations in water table levels. However, in the positions located in the lowest points, the amplitude of the fluctuations in water level amounted to 0.9 m on average. There were also differences in the stocks of water in the upper layers of soil. The largest reserves of water were found in the lowest-lying parts of the polder, where the maximum water supplies ranged from 305 mm to 364 mm. On the basis of statistical analysis, the purpose of which was to determine the relationship between the supply of water in the top layer of soil and groundwater conditions in valley areas found that from 81% to 90% of the total variability in the water supply was dependent on the level of fluctuations in the groundwater table.
W literaturze opisano szereg sposobów podziału pompowni melioracyjnych, jednak w praktyce nie znalazły one powszechnego uznania. W artykule zaproponowano więc nietypowe podejście do ich klasyfikacji.
Celem pracy była ocena aktualnego stanu technicznego urządzeń melioracji podstawowych, funkcjonujących na obszarze północnej Wielkopolski. Ponadto w pracy podjęto próbę określenia potrzeb w zakresie ich utrzymania i konserwacji. Przedmiotem analizy były głównie budowle piętrzące, stanowiące infrastrukturę cieków będących pod zarządem WZMiUW w Poznaniu, Rejonowego Oddziału w Pile. Ocenę stanu technicznego urządzeń melioracyjnych oparto na metodyce opracowanej przez Kacę i Interewicza. Dodatkowo w pracy przedstawiono nakłady na konserwacje i eksploatacje urządzeń melioracji podstawowych oraz wydatki na inwestycje melioracyjne poniesione w latach 2002–2012.
An evaluation of current technical state of land improvement devices, functioning in the area of North Wielkopolska was the aim of the research. An attempt of the evaluation of the need of maintenance of the devices was also made in this paper. The water structures being an infrastructure under management of Piła District of Poznań WZMiUW were the subject of analysis. The evaluation was made according to the method of Kaca and Interewicz. Additionally capital spending for maintenance and exploitation of land improvement devices incurred in a period 2002–2012 were also presented in the paper.
Great importance of land reclamation pumping stations in flood protection makes that operation and maintenance this kind of objects in the most cases is a priority. However, due to the significant resources allocated each year for maintenance a full technical efficiency of pumping stations, writers together with the Department of Drainage and Water Administration in Poznan, Regional Department in Leszno (WZMIUW, RO Leszno), the efforts to assess the possibility of improving the effectiveness of these devices were taken. The study was conducted in 2010–2012, when the 11 from among 12 existing pumping station made a complete renovation, including replacing all pumps, power supply and control system. In accordance with the strategy of the Polish Energy Policy we are obligated until 2030 to reduce energy consumption and increase energy yield of all production processes and supply about 15%. Therefore, the authors' intention was a series of measures seeking to optimize work of the existing pumping stations. In this case, the results of retrofitting achievement was compared by the use of index of economic improvement investments (“ee”). In this way, the present results of carried investment was determined. In calculations the model Life Cycle Cost (LCC) developed jointly by Europump and Hydraulic Institute were taken advantage. This model allows to determine the actual effects of the activities carried out throughout the whole life of pumping system (20 years), differentiating and comparing the results. Analyses were performed with respect to the proposed classification and distribution this objects on leeve’s, reservoir’s and channel’s pumping station. According to research, electricity costs account for 40% of the total expenditures carried by WZMIUW, RO Leszno. As a result of modernization the costs of electricity in total operating costs was reduced by 6%. The analysis conducted for land reclamation pumping stations point to a need for more detailed control of these facilities, including the introduction of the current monitoring continuous recording of rainfall and water level control inlet and the water level in the receiver. Obtained information in this way (with a certain advance) would allow to conduct a more optimal management of water in the catchment area of the pumping station, and thus on their a more efficient operation.
Projektowanie komór mikrotunelowych związane jest z podejmowaniem wielu niezależnych decyzji dotyczących zagadnień technicznych, technologicznych, ekonomicznych i społecznych. Jedną z metod pomocnych w tym zakresie, aby podjąć racjonalne i przemyślane decyzje, jest metoda AHP (analityczny proces hierarchiczny). W artykule przedstawiono procedurę określenia wspomagania podjęcia decyzji przez projektanta na podstawie metodyki AHP wraz z przykładem obliczeniowym. Na podstawie uzyskanych rezultatów można stwierdzić, która z metod jest „lepsza” do zastosowania przy projektowaniu komory mikrotunelowej, uwzględniając wszystkie analizowane kryteria i subkryteria. Metoda AHP pozwala również określić „jakość” oceny rzeczoznawcy poprzez wartości oszacowanych parametrów CR i CI.
Designing microtunnelling chambers is associated with making many independent decisions concerning technical, technological, economic and social issues. One of the methods to assist in this regard, to take reasonable decisions is the method of AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process). The article presents the procedure for determining support the decision by the designer based on AHP methodology and an example calculation. Based on the results obtained can be determine which method is “best” for use in the design of microtunneling shaft. AHP method also allows you to defi ne “quality” assessment of the expert by the estimated parameters CR and CI.
W pracy przeprowadzono analizę technicznych i finansowych aspektów stosowania bezwykopowej rekonstrukcji sieci wodociągowych w technologii RAULINER. Na przykładzie wybranego przedsięwzięcia inwestycyjnego polegającego na przeprowadzeniu metodą Rauliner renowacji dwóch odcinków rurociągu żeliwnego o średnicy nominalnej DN150 i długości po około 300 m, przedstawiono zalety oraz wady stosowania metody oraz analizowano przyczyny ewentualnych problemów, jakie mogą wystąpić podczas prowadzenia robót.
In this work, the technical and financial aspects of trenchless rehabilitation of water supply networks by RAULINER technology were conducted. Based on selected example of investment project, the restoration of two sections of cast iron pipe with a nominal diameter of 150 mm and a length of 300 m was carried out by RAULINER. The advantages and disadvantages of using the method were shown and causes of any problems that may occur during this works were analyzed.
Content available remote Koszty budowy przyłączy sieci ciepłowniczych z rur preizolowanych
W pracy przeprowadzono analizę kosztów budowy przyłączy sieci ciepłowniczej z zastosowaniem różnych systemów rur preizolowanych, w porównaniu z klasycznym sposobem budowy podziemnej sieci ciepłowniczej – technologią kanałową. Analizowano koszty sześciu schematów technologicznych przyłączy o różnej długości, kształcie, średnicy (DN32 do DN150) oraz liczbie dodatkowych odgałęzień. Kalkulowano koszty systemów rur preizolowanych z pojedynczą i podwójną rurą przewodową w jednym płaszczu osłonowym. Określono strukturę kosztów z podziałem na: koszty robót ziemnych, montażu i koszty materiałów preizolowanych oraz analizowano ich wartości na tle zakresu i warunków stosowania badanych systemów.
The aim of this thesis was to analyze the cost of building heat distribution network connections using a variety of pre-insulated pipe systems in comparison with the classical method of building an underground heat network – channel technology. The cost analysis was based on six technological diagrams of different length, shape, diameter (from DN32 to DN150) and number of additional branches. Costs pre-insulated pipe systems with single and double line pipe in a protective tube were calculated. Costs of works were determined with division for costs of earthworks, installation and pre-insulted materials. These values were analysed on the background of the scope and conditions of use of the tested systems.
W pracy przeprowadzono analizę efektywności energetycznej procesu eksploatacji pompowni melioracyjnych. Badaniami objęto 12 stacji pomp położonych w południowej części województwa wielkopolskiego. Wszystkie obiekty administrowane są przez Wielkopolski Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń Wodnych w Poznaniu, Rejonowy Oddział w Lesznie. Zgodnie z Polityką Energetyczną Polski do 2030 r., kraj jest zobowiązany do 20% wzrostu wydajności energetycznej wszystkich procesów produkcyjnych i dostaw. Z analiz jakie przeprowadzono w latach 2010–2012 wynika, że same koszty energii stanowią prawie połowę (40%) całkowitych kosztów użytkowania pompowni. Tak wysokie koszty energii elektrycznej są przede wszystkim efektem korzystania z uproszczonego jednostrefowego systemu rozliczania energii. System ten w przypadku pompowni pracujących okresowo, wydaje się być z uwagi na małą efektywność niezasadny. Powodem tego stanu jest brak wystarczającej analizy zapotrzebowania na energię. Zmiana sposobu jej rozliczania, a następnie przejście na taryfę niskiej mocy zamówionej C11/C12 mogą skutkować kilkudziesięcioprocentowymi oszczędnościami. Przykładowo zmiana taryfy z C21 na C12a w pompowni Wonieść w 2011 r. spowodowała obniżenie jednostkowych kosztów zużycia energii elektrycznej niemal dwukrotnie. Przeprowadzona w pracy analiza efektywności energetycznej pompowni melioracyjnych wskazuje na potrzebę wprowadzenia do bieżącego monitoringu ciągłej rejestracji opadów oraz kontroli poziomu zwierciadła wody dopływającej jak i poziomu wody w odbiorniku. Otrzymane w ten sposób informacje (z określonym wyprzedzeniem) pozwoliłyby zaplanować bardziej optymalną pracę pompowni.
The energy efficiency of the operation and maintenance of land reclamation pumping stations were conducted at this paper. The study included 12 pump stations located in the southern part of the region of Wielkopolska. All objects are administered by the Great Poland of Land Melioration and Water Units Board in Poznan, District Branch in Leszno. It was found that the work of half of the analyzed pumps is very expensive, and maintenance cost incomparable to the results achieved. Operating costs of the analyzed drainage pumping stations account for 86% of total operating costs, of which 40% is energy cost, and the remaining 14% to the upkeep. Small relative time of operating pumps for leeve and channel pumping stations indicates a for a leap of work, which proves their inefficient use. The use of a larger number of pumps with less power would preserve the continuity and stability of their work.
W pracy przeprowadzono ocenę stanu infrastruktury wodno-melioracyjnej oraz warunków i potrzeb jej utrzymania, jako podstawy racjonalnej gospodarki wodnej na użytkowanym rolniczo obszarze polderu Zagórów. Na podstawie badań terenowych stwierdzono, że stan techniczny 80,8% długości badanych kanałów i rowów melioracyjnych oraz 40,7% budowli hydrotechnicznych i komunikacyjnych jest niedopuszczalny i nie spełnia przyjętych kryteriów pozytywnej oceny technicznej. Główną przyczyną wykazanego stanu urządzeń melioracyjnych jest długoletnia eksploatacja urządzeń przy braku lub niedostatecznej częstości wykonywania zabiegów utrzymaniowych. Do przywrócenia odpowiedniego stanu technicznego urządzeń wystarczy w większości przypadków wykonanie konserwacji bieżącej. Przed przystąpieniem do robót należy jednak przeprowadzić szczegółową analizę dotyczącą niezbędności urządzenia dla sprawnego funkcjonowania systemu melioracyjnego. Analiza powinna dotyczyć aktualnych potrzeb melioracji danego obszaru z uwzględnieniem warunków gospodarczych oraz potrzeb ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego. Na polderach charakteryzujących się często dużymi walorami przyrodniczymi zaleca się stosować zasady rozsądnego kompromisu między utrzymaniem odpowiedniego stanu urządzeń melioracyjnych a ochroną środowiska przyrodniczego.
At this work the assessment of state of water drainage conditions and the needs of its maintenance was carried out, as the basis for rational water management in usage of agricultural of Zagorow polder area. Based on field research, it was found that the condition of the 80.8% of the length of canals and ditches, and 40.7% of hydraulic and communication structures is unacceptable and does not meet the accepted criteria. The main reason of such condition of drainage facilities is a long-term exploitation absence or insufficient maintenance work frequency. To restore the proper state of maintenance facilities, in most cases the routine operation is sufficient. Before to the work we should conduct a detailed analysis regarding the necessity of the equipment for the smooth functioning of the drainage system. The analysis should address the current needs of the drainage area taking into account the economic conditions and the needs of environmental protection. On the polders often characterized by large natural values it is recommended to apply the principles of reasonable compromise between maintaining adequate drainage facilities and state of conservation of the natural environment.
W pracy przeprowadzono ocenę normatywnych i rzeczywistych nakładów rzeczowych robocizny w wykonawstwie wybranych robót instalacyjnych. Praca powstała na podstawie analizy norm robocizny oraz badań i pomiarów pracochłonności robót instalacyjnych wykonanych w latach 2009-2010 przez firmę TK INSTALACJE z Gniezna, podczas budowy hali widowiskowo-sportowej. Badania wykazały, że łączny rzeczywisty nakład robocizny na wykonanie analizowanych robót był o 525 roboczogodzin większy, w porównaniu do wartości planowanych. Powstała różnica w przypadku małych firm instalatorskich może skutkować wzrostem kosztów bezpośrednich robocizny w porównaniu do wartości planowanych w kosztorysie ofertowym, zatrudnieniem zbyt małej liczby pracowników w stosunku do potrzeb, błędnym oszacowaniem terminu wykonania robót (ryzyko kar umownych). Stwierdzono, że główną przyczyną powstania różnic w nakładach rzeczowych w analizowanych robotach instalacyjnych był brak aktualizacji norm, przy ciągłym postępie technicznym i wprowadzaniu nowych materiałów.
The study includes the evaluation of normative and real labor costs of contracting at the selected installation sites. This work is based on the analysis of standard labour hours, test and measurement of labour productivity. The study was performed during the construction of sports hall in the year of 2009-2010 by TK INSTALACJE from Gniezno. Investigations showed that the total real labor cost for the implementation of the installation was about 525 manhour higher than the estimations. In the case of small installation companies, these differences may lead to increase of direct labor costs in relation to scheme values in cost estimations. Moreover, it may cause hiring too few workers in relation to needs or cause an incorrect estimation of the date of finishing the works (contractual penalties). It was found, that the main cause of those differences was the lack of updated standards adapted to the continuous technological progress and introduction of new materials.
The aim of this study was to analyze the dynamics of groundwater level and water reserves changes in the active layer of the soil in the area of compensation activities. The study area covered the range of functioning culverts during the growing season in year of 2012. This paper for the first time presents a real area impact of hydraulic structures which is the surface of the flood footprint that arise as a result of water overflow into the polder from Warta river by culverts. According to the calculation the maximum coverage area of the building is less than 230 ha. It is not so much considering the fact that the whole area of the polder has almost 1200 hectares. Nevertheless, considering the fact of the importance of leading restoration activities in the Central Valley Warta the constant monitoring and verifications of changes are required. At this work relations between underwater level and water supply were presented. For that purpose a statistical relation between above mentioned parameters was determined. Using a simple regression equation the relationship between ground water and water reserves was showed. In addition, the changes of groundwater level and soil moisture of polder Zagorow were assessed against the monthly precipitation and average air temperatures by their own weather station. The results were compared with data from multiple years of 1981–2011 with a weather station in Slupca. On the basis of measurement average daily values of meteorological elements indicate reference evapotranspiration by using method of Penman-Monteith. Climatic water balance was calculated as the difference between the percentage of monthly precipitation P and the sum of the monthly reference evapotranspiration ETo. In addition, the study also monitored the level of water changes on the Warta river. Modeling studies conducted, in most cases gave satisfactory results. In most of the analyzed cases, the coefficient of determination was very high which means that the resulting regression equation significantly explains how the water reserves to groundwater level dependent. Best results are obtained at positions 1, 2 and 9, where more than 90% variation in the regression equation Y explained. Only in sections 4 and 5 shows the model inadequately describes the relationship test. In case of further analysis it is necessary to extend the model to a further independent variables. In this work, we can see that for some positions a major impact on the level of water reserves are influenced by the meteorological and hydrological conditions.
Content available remote Analiza finansowa zajęcia pasa drogowego w robotach sieciowych
Kalkulacja kosztów robót budowlanych na etapie przygotowania ofert zawsze niesie ze sobą element ryzyka ich niedowar-tościowania lub przeszacowania w stosunku do wartości rzeczywistych. Dotyczy to również kosztów zajęcia pasa drogowego, jakie mogą się pojawić w inwestycyjnych lub remontowych robotach sieciowych. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę jednostkowych kosztów zajęcia pasa drogowego dla wybranych zarządców dróg wschodniej Wielkopolski oraz planowanych i rzeczywistych kosztów zajęcia fragmentu pasa drogowego, na przykładzie czterech inwestycji sieciowych, zrealizowanych w latach 2010-2011. Analizowano odchylenia tych kosztów oraz przyczyny powstałych różnic.
Calculation of costs in construction works at the stage of preparation tenders, always carries an element of risk for undervaluation or overestimation while comparing to the actual value. This also applies to the costs of traffic lane occupation that may appear in the investment and renovation infrastructure works. In this article, the unit costs, planned and actual costs of parts of traffic lane occupation were analyzed. Analysis was conducted for the selected road managers of eastern Wielkopolska voivo-deship basing on example of four network investments, finished in 2010-2011. The deviations of these costs and the reasons for the differences were also analyzed.
Celem pracy była analiza ekonomicznych aspektów budowy i eksploatacji suszarni słonecznej osadów uzyskiwanych podczas procesu oczyszczania scieków w gminnej oczyszczalni na przykładzie trzech wariantów inwestyczyjnych, zróżnicowanych pod względem stosowanych urządzeń: wariant 1 (podstawowy) – suszarnia o wymiarach 33,6 x 32 x 5,96 m i wydajności 400 Mg/rok. Obiekt istniejący, powstały w 2007 roku w ramach modernizacji oczyszczalni ścieków w Bytkowie, był pierwszym tego typu obiektem w Polsce, w którym zastosowano promieniowanie słoneczne (źródło energii odnawialnej) do procesu osuszania osadów, wariant 2 – suszarnia o wymiarach 33,6 x 32 x 5,96 m i założonej wydajności 800 Mg/rok. W stosunku do rozwiązań wariantu 1 suszarnię planuje się wyposażyć dodatkowo w urządzenia do mechanicznego przewracania osadów (przewracarka), wariant 3 – suszarnia słoneczna o wymiarach 120 x 12 x 5,96 m i założonej wydajności 1200 Mg/rok. W stosunku do rozwiązań wariantu 1 suszarnię planuje się wyposażyć w urządzenia do mechanicznego przewracania osadów (przewracarka) oraz do wentylacji.
The paper presents an analysis of economic aspects of the construction and operation of a solar drying plant of sludge accumulating during the process of sludge removal in a communal sewage treatment plant, on the basis of three investment variants differentiated regarding the applied installations: Variant 1 (the basic one) of the drying plant represents a building covering an area of 33.6 x 32 m x 5.96 m and an expected output of 400 Mg per year. The existing object was developed in the year 2007 within the modernization of the sewage treatment plant in Bytkow. It was the first object of this type in Poland, where solar radiation (the source of renewable energy) was applied to the drying process of sludge. Variant 2 a drying plant with an area of 33.6 x 32 x 5.96 m and an assumed output of 800 Mg per year.. In comparison with Variant 1, the drying plant should have an additional installation for mechanical turning-over of the sludge (a turning-over device). Variant 3 a solar drying plant measuring 120 x 12 x 5.96 m and with an assumed output of 1200 Mg per year. In relation to variant 1, it is planned to equip the drying plant with an installation for mechanical turning-over of the sludge (a turning-over device) and an installation for ventilation. The calculation of the construction and operation, as well as the expected effects was carried out on the basis of financial data (balance-sheet) obtained from the plant operation in an Enterprise of Communal Services in Rokietnica, from our own calculations and from data referring to the rates and unit prices in the year 2011 without the VAT tax. For the estimation of the technical and economic effectiveness of the absorptive power of the analysed investment, the following indices of capital consumption have been applied: capital absorptive power of the unit cost of plant operation, the mean annual unit cost of the actualized net value and the discounted return period. The total costs of the object construction can be essentially differentiated and they can amount from 0.623 mln PLN, in case of the basic variant, to 1.585 mm. PLN for the most technologically advanced variant equipped with installations for mechanical turning-over of sludge (a turning-over device) and for ventilation. Taking into consideration the surface area of the analysed drying plant, the unit cost has been estimated for 580.944 PLN and 1101 PLN, respectively, for 1 2. The running operation costs of the particular solar drying plant variants, the pay costs, insurance costs and other services for the workers have been added. In case of variants 2 and 3 of the sewage treatment plant, also the costs of material consumption, energy and foreign services needed for the proper functioning of the additionally in-stalled technical installations have been added. The annual operation costs of variants 1, 2 and 3 have been estimated for 11, 32 and 135 PLN per one square meter of the drying plant area, respectively. In conditions of the accepted assumptions referring to the efficiency of the installations, the annual revenue for the basic variant of the drying plant can amount to 80 thous. PLN, while for the variant euipped with the turning-over device to 364 thous. PLN, while for the variant equipped with a turning-over device and the ventilation installation, the costs can reach 546 thous. PLN. The introduction of additional installations would potentially increase the economic productivity of variant 2 by about 4.5-times, and the variant 3 - by 6.8 times, in relation to the basic variant 1. Taking into consideration the assumed parameters of the calculation, all three analysed variants of sludge drying plant can be regarded as profitable ones. From the economic point of view, the most justified is the realization of the object equiped with a device for the turning-over of the sludge. The return of the investment outlays, in case of the last variant may be expected after 3 years and 9 months from the date of the started plant operation, while the total value with a net profit value (NPV) can be expected after 18 years of the object operation and it can amount to about 2 millions PLN.
The objective of the presented work was the analysis of the effectiveness of conservation works in water courses and in basic melioration canals, in the years 2006-2010 within the "Rowy" (ditches) program realized on the example of the Leszno district. Subject of analyses were: the size of the material and financial outlauys, the range of the performed works and also the social aspects resulting from the realization of the program. The main objective of the program was the professional activation of unemployed persons from rural areas with a high danger of unemployment in a situation of an increased range of the necessary conservation works. The amount of financial means designed for the maintenance of water courses and melioration canals in the realization period did not ensure an adequate material range and the required frequency of conservation work performance, according to the technical requirements referring to the maintenance of water courses and canals. In the years 2006-2010, on the area of Leszno district, every year, the annual conservation covered from 59,8 to 107,1 km of water courses and canals making from 32 to 57% of the total evidenced length. Statistically, in the studied period, the conservation works were performed on the average, on less than one half of the length requiring such repair (41,4%) of the used water courses and melioration canals. The average real costs of the works amounted for the "Rowy" program 198 thous. PLN, and in the tender mode - 157 thous. PLN making 88% and 71% of the mean cost calculation value, respectively. The conservation works carried out in the tender mode were, from the economic point of view, more effective than in the "Rowy" program, and the mean unitary cost of the conservation of one kilometer of water course, or canal was 4115 PLN and 5030 PLN, respectively, to the advantage of the tender procedure.. The highest share in the cost, on the intermediate level of 77%, was covered by the Provincial Labour Office which financed the costs of the basic renumeration and the premium for social insurance, as well as the travel costs of the workers to the working place. The Regional Division of the Great Poland Management of Melioration and Water Installations in Leszno covered the cost of the purchase of protection clothes for workers and the necessary equipment, as well as the technical supervision of the works. So, the share in the costs amounted on the average to 9% of the total costs, The offices of towns and communes which co-financed the program on the average level of 14%, they paid the costs of the work fund the costs of medical examinations and the social expenses (for industrial safety purposes). The number of employed persons within the program agreed with the selfgovernments included in the particular years from 26 to 37 persons (on the average 31 physical workers) and the realization time was from 3 to 6 months in the year (on the average 4,8 month). In the "Rowy" program, in the years 2006-2010, persons from the group of professional risk (those who were without any job for more than 12 months and in the majority, they originated from the rural areas). Taking into consideration the range of the performed conservation works, it must be stated that the works which were planned for 5 years, have been carried out in 4 years, but not in 100%. The reasons for this result included among others, the absence of the workers because of sick leave, which made from 11 to 17% of the nominal time of work. The calculated cost of the employment of one worker in the "Rowy" program amounted in the analysed period from 1170 PLN to 1481 PLN per month and the mean value was 1324 PLN. The mean annual employment of 31 unemployed workers exerted a positive effect on their socio-economical situation by giving them a source of support and contributed to the counter-action against social exclusion by shortening the period of unemployment.
Celem pracy była analiza technicznych, technologicznych i ekonomicznych aspektów budowy i eksploatacji przydomowych oczyszczalni ścieków typu SBR. Wszystkie analizowane urządzenia posiadały aprobaty techniczne, a deklarowany przez producentów stopień oczyszczenia kwalifikował ścieki do odprowadzenia do wód powierzchniowych lub rozprowadzenia w gruncie. Największy udział w całkowitych nakładach inwestycyjnych miały koszty samych urządzeń (65-94 % nakładów inwestycyjnych). Roczny jednostkowy koszt oczyszczenia ścieków w urządzeniach przydomowych typu SBR wynosił od 5,94 do 11,42 zł za m3, był więc porównywalny z górnymi stawkami stosowanymi przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa branży wodociągowo-kanalizacyjnej za odprowadzenie i oczyszczenie ścieków.
The aim of this study was to analyze technical, technological and economic aspects of the construction and operation of small sewage treatment plants of SBR type. All of the analyzed devices had technical approvals. Declared by the manufacturers the purity level, qualified the sewage for removal into the surface water or distribution in the soil. The largest influence on the total capital expenditures had cost of the equipment itself (65-94% of investment). The annual unit cost in small sewage treatment in SBR sewage facilities ranged from 5.94 to 11.42 zł per m3 which was comparable to upper rates used by Polish water and wastewater branch companies.
Content available remote Specyfikacje techniczne w przygotowaniu ofert na roboty instalacyjne
Celem pracy była analiza roli specyfikacji technicznych w przygotowaniu ofert na wykonanie robót instalacyjnych. W pracy wykorzystano wyniki analiz dokumentacji trzech obiektów użyteczności publicznej zrealizowanych w 2010 roku oraz wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród 22 wykonawców robót branży sanitarnej. Stwierdzono, że kluczowe znaczenie w opracowaniu specyfikacji technicznych dla dalszych warunków realizacji robót ma część poświęcona asortymentowi i jakości stosowanych materiałów.
The purpose this study was to analyze the role of technical specifications in preparation for execution of installation works. The results of three upgraded public use facilities finished in 2010, as well as the results of surveys from 22 contractors from sanitary industry were analyzed. It was concluded that a key role in the development of technical specifications for additional conditions for the implementation of the work is dedicated to assortment and quality of materials used.
Celem pracy była analiza aktualnych problemów związanych z gospodarowaniem wodą na terenach polderowych, na przykładzie polderu Zagórów, w tym przede wszystkim jego wpływu na ochronę przeciwpowodziową terenów niżej położonych. Praca została wykonana na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych oraz wstępnych badań i obserwacji prowadzonych w ramach realizacji projektu badawczego dotyczącego możliwości renaturyzacji tego obszaru.
The aim of this work was to present a detailed characterization of Zagorow polder and its possible functions in flood protection. So far the polder composed the closed part of the valley Konin-Pyzdry entirely cut away from periodic of swelling of the River Warta by flood bank. The lack of the possibility of cyclical flooding on this area at a fast pace contributed to their drying. Consequently, it led to changes of water ratios as well as habitat conditions occurring in polder. In 2009, within the framework "Restoration of the river water circulation in the middle of the Warta river valley between Zagorow and Lad" made a possibility of the natural compensation for this area and controlled deluge of the polder in the case of the flood hazard in lower areas of the valley. Analyses showed, that at the moment Zagorow polder cannot be the alternative for standard flood reservoirs. However it is affecting for slowing the outflow down, improving distorted circulation of water in centre course of the River Warta caused by anthropogenic activity. Great natural values of the Konin-Pyzdry valley resulting from the fact of living on the Zagorow polder numerous kinds of the fauna, require the particular flood protection. The priority usually granted highly prized natural values often led to lack of comprehensive action allowing for the rational management of water in the valley. In this case an applying to the sensible compromise between the flood and natural environment protection is recommended. Zagorow polder as the only facility in the whole valley has his own drainage infrastructure. This area largely used by agriculture and a little populated in some proper legal acts and investment could constitute the additional component of the flood control. However, costs of the flood protection (repurchase of the earth and the structure of additional devices) should not exceed values of this facilities.
Celem pracy była analiza stanu infrastruktury wodno-melioracyjnej w aspekcie intensywnej realizacji zabudowy mieszkaniowej na terenach uprzednio użytkowanych rolniczo. Jako obszar badań wybrano obręb geodezyjny Skórzewo w gminie Dopiewo, położony na terenie zlewni cieku Skórzynka. Wyniki analiz materiałów archiwalnych i kartograficznych zweryfikowano wizją terenową przeprowadzoną w dniach 1÷8.09.2010 roku, podczas której wykonano szczegółową dokumentację fotograficzną, zweryfikowano parametry techniczne budowli oraz oceniono ich stan techniczny (drożność, stopień zamulenia).
Encroachment of housing and service and industrial building development on previously used agricultural areas is conducting changes in the aquatic environment among others changes of the hydrographical network and water relationships in the soil. In the paper changes of the land management and their influence on the state of the waterdrainage infrastructure were analysed. The research was carried out on the example of the geodetic range Skórzewo within the limits of Skórzynka catchment area being liable to an intensive process of suburbanization associated with the development of Poznan agglomeration. In analysed area an increase of the population number was documented. Besides rise of the share in builtup areas which were driving simultaneously to disappearance of farmlands and natural water relation was included. Also further planned directions of changes in the population number and spatial planning were indicated. Against this background an evaluation of the state of the existing water-drainage infrastructure was carried out, its patency among others. Special attention was drown attention to the fact that the process of converting previously used agriculturally areas into builtup areas must be preceded by a detailed analysis of possibilities of the effective functioning of the existing water-drainage infrastructure in changed conditions. First of all parameters of devices must be adapted for fast draining rain waters. Investment projects every time should include a detailed analysis of the layout of the existing drainage network. Those should be joined in the new agreement during the earth work and strictly documented.
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