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The present paper discusses the influence of geochemical properties on biogenic deposits in the Wilkostowo mire near Toruń, central Poland. The analysed core has allowed the documentation of environmental changes between the older part of the Atlantic Period and the present day (probably interrupted at the turn of the Meso- and Neoholocene). In order to reconstruct the main stages in the sedimentation of biogenic deposits, we have used stratigraphic variability of selected litho-geochemical elements (organic matter, calcium carbonate, biogenic and terrigenous silica, macro- and micro-elements: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Ni). The main litho-geochemical component is CaCO3; its content ranges from 4.1 per cent to 92 per cent. The variability of CaCO3 content reflects mainly changes in hydrological and geomorphological conditions within the catchment area. The effects of prehistoric anthropogenic activities in the catchment of the River Tążyna, e.g., the use of saline water for economic purposes, are recorded in a change from calcareous gyttja into detritus-calcareous gyttja sedimentation and an increased content of lithophilous elements (Na, K, Mg and Ni) in the sediments. Principal component analysis (PCA) has enabled the distinction the most important factors that affected the chemical composition of sediments at the Wilkostowo site, i.e., mechanical and chemical denudation processes in the catchment, changes in redox conditions, bioaccumulation of selected elements and human activity. Sediments of the Wilkostowo mire are located in the direct vicinity of an archaeological site, where traces of intensive settlement dating back to the Neolithic have been documented. The settlement phase is recorded both in lithology and geochemical properties of biogenic deposits which fill the reservoir formed at the bottom of the Parchania Canal Valley.
Analizę geochemiczną przeprowadzono dla osadów organicznych z torfowiska Kopanicha w dolinie środkowej Rawki. Z profilu Kop-1, zlokalizowanego w centralnej części mokradła, pobrano do analiz geochemicznych 59 próbek osadów (do głębokości 3,1 m), reprezentujących 2,5-cm segmenty rdzenia. W próbkach tych oznaczono straty na prażeniu w temperaturze 550°C, informujące o zawartości materii organicznej oraz oznaczono pierwiastki o wymowie paleogeograficznej: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn i metale ciężkie: Cu, Zn i Pb. Stosując analizę skupień wydzielono siedem lokalnych poziomów geochemicznych (LGZ ), różniących się istotnie pod względem składu chemicznego osadów. Dla serii osadów torfowych określono również związki korelacyjne pomiędzy analizowanymi metalami, a także materią organiczną oraz obliczonymi wskaźnikami geochemicznymi: Ca/Mg, Na/K, Na+K+Mg/ Ca, Fe/Ca, Fe/Mn, Cu/Zn, pozwalającymi na rekonstrukcję warunków akumulacji analizowanych osadów. W toku analizy składowych głównych zidentyfikowano 10 głównych czynników, z których wybrano trzy pierwsze – PC 1, PC 2 i PC 3, wyjaśniające łącznie 78,98% wariancji. Do głównych czynników kształtujących skład chemiczny holoceńskich osadów organicznych w dolinie Rawki zaliczono sorpcję metali przez materię organiczną i uwodnione tlenki żelaza, zmienność akumulacji minerałów ilastych w środowisku sedymentacyjnym, warunki oksydacyjno-redukcyjne oraz działalność człowieka.
Kopanicha peatland is located in western part of the Rawka river valley, near Skierniewice. In order to reconstruct the main stages of sedimentation of organic deposits, taken from the central part of the Kopanicha peatlands, used stratigraphic variability of concentration marked lithogeochemistry elements (organic matter, mineral matter, macro- and microelements) and erosion index (Na+Mg+K/Ca), eutrophication index (Fe/Ca), type and rate of denudation in the catchment index (Na/K, Ca/Mg) and redox index (Cu/Zn, Fe/Mn). Peat development in the oxbow lake complex occurred at the beginning of the Atlantic period, and peat growth lasted until the modern times, but with clear interruptions in the Atlantic and Subatlantic (Forysiak 2012). As a result of the hierarchical cluster analysis seven geochemical zones (Kop1/I-VII ) were selected. These zones differ significantly of chemical composition. The main component of studied sediment is organic matter (84.6–95.5%), which indicates the relative changes in the primary of biological production in wetlands. The average content of the tested components have the low differentiation between all geochemical levels, constitute a record of stable environmental conditions (mainly hydrological and geomorphological). Sediments of geochemical level Kop-1/I are characterized by the high content of mineral matter and higher rates of mechanical denudation and erosion rate of the catchment. Geochemical levels Kop-1/II and Kop-1/III provide the record of sedentation autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (increase content of organic matter to 95.5% and associated change of mechanical denudation and redox conditions (decrease of lithogenic elements and Fe/Mn ratio). Geochemical levels Kop1/IV represents the phase of alder swamp peat layer deposition in reduced conditions (increased Fe/Mn ratio to 80.8) and increased chemical denudation (Ca/Mg ratio ranges from 32.6 to 69.2). Geochemical level Kop-1/V records sedentation of autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (organic matter ranges from 90.2% to 91.6%) and associated change of mechanical denudation (first increase catchment erosion indicator to 0.88 and then decrease to 0.78) and redox conditions (first increase conditions of oxidation-reduction indicator to 96.4 then decrease to 62.8). Their sedimentation took place both in stagnant ground waters, as well as during periodic floods. Geochemical level Kop-1/VI represents of peat layer, which sedentation occurred in periodic of drying bed. The content of organic matter decreased to about 90% and Fe/Mn ratio decreased to 39, indicates the change of reduced into oxidized conditions. Geochemical level Kop-1/VII is the record change type of sedentation of peat on muck, as is also indicated by abrupt decrease of organic matter (from 93.7 to 88.8%), decrease of Fe/Mn ratio (to 26.7) and increase in catchment erosion indicator (from 0.6 to 0.74). The most important factors (distinguished on the basis of principal components analysis) that affect the chemical composition of sediments from the site Kopanicha are: sorption of organic deposits, oxygenation changes in sedimentary environment, which are mainly due to the flooding of the Rawka river valley and human activity.
Analizę geochemiczną przeprowadzono dla osadów organicznych z torfowiska Bęczkowice w środkowym biegu doliny rzeki Luciąża. Z profilu B-1, zlokalizowanego w południowej części doliny, pobrano do analiz geochemicznych 60 próbek osadów (do głębokości 3,00 m), reprezentujących 5-cm segmenty rdzenia. W próbkach tych oznaczono straty na prażeniu w temperaturze 550°C, informujące o zawartości materii organicznej oraz oznaczono pierwiastki o wymowie paleogeograficznej: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn i metale ciężkie: Cu, Zn i Pb. Stosując analizę skupień wydzielono sześć lokalnych poziomów geochemicznych (LGZ), różniących się istotnie pod względem składu chemicznego osadów. Dla serii osadów torfowych określono również związki korelacyjne pomiędzy analizowanymi metalami, a także materią organiczną oraz obliczonymi wskaźnikami geochemicznymi: Ca/Mg, Na/K, Na+K+Mg/ Ca, Fe/Ca, Fe/Mn, Cu/Zn, pozwalającymi na rekonstrukcję warunków akumulacji analizowanych osadów. W toku analizy składowych głównych zidentyfikowano 10 głównych czynników, z których wybrano trzy pierwsze PC1, PC2 i PC3, wyjaśniające łącznie 84,4% wariancji. Do czynników kształtujących skład chemiczny holoceńskich osadów organicznych w środkowej części doliny Luciąży zaliczono produktywność biologiczną ekosystemu torfowego, procesy denudacji chemicznej i mechanicznej w zlewni (zwłaszcza dostawę allochtonicznej materii mineralnej), wzrost udziału wód opadowych w bilansie wodnym torfowiska oraz działalność człowieka.
Bęczkowice peatland is located in central part of the river valley Luciąża, near Kamieńsk. In order to reconstruct the main stages of sedimentation of organic deposits, taken from the southern part of the Bęczkowice peatlands, used stratigraphic variability of concentration marked lithogeochemistry elements (organic matter, mineral matter, macro- and microelements) and changes in the proportions of the participation of selected elements, i.e., catchment erosion indicator (Na+Mg+K/Ca), eutrophication indicator (Fe/Ca), type and rate of denudation in the catchment indicator (Na/K, Ca/Mg) and conditions of oxidation-reduction indicator (Cu/Zn, Fe/Mn). Peat sedentation was interrupted at the beginning of the Atlantic. The peatland developed again in the Subatlantic (Forysiak 2012). As a results of the hierarchical cluster analysis was collected in the study profile of six geochemical level (B-1/I–VI), which differ significantly of chemical composition. The main lithogeochemistry component of studied sediment is organic matter (42.4–93.2%), which indicates the relative changes in the primary of biological production in wetlands. The average content of the several tested components (for example: mineral matter, lithophilic and sulfophilic elements) have the low differentiation between all geochemical levels, constitute a record stable of environmental conditions (mainly geomorphological and hydrological). Sediments of geochemical level B-1/I represents the phase of mineral and mineral with a small amount organic matter layer in reduced conditions (increase Fe/Mn ratio to 313) and increased mechanical denudation (catchment erosion indicator ranges from 2.58 to 3.1 and type of denudation in the catchment indicator – Na/K ranges from 0.07 to 0.10). Geochemical level B-1/II are characterized by gradual increase of organic matter content (from 18.3 to 66.2%) and slow increase type of denudation in the catchment indicator: Na/K (from 0.07 to 0.09) in the clay limnic deposits. Geochemical levels B-1/III are the record of sedentation autochthonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (average content of organic matter is 72.2%) and rapid change of redox conditions (decrease of Fe/Mn ratio from 1036 to 358). Geochemical levels B-1/IV represents the phase mainly of sedge-moss peat and reed peat layers deposition in oxygenated conditions in sedimentary environment (average Fe/Mn ratio is 63.1) and gradual increase rate of chemical denudation (Na/K ratio ranges from 0.6 to 1.95). Geochemical level B-1/V is record of sedentation of autochthonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (organic matter ranges from 69.3% to 91.9%) and significant increase of mechanical denudation in the catchment (average of catchment erosion indicator increased to 0,36). Geochemical level B-1/VI is the record change type of sedentation of peat on muck, as is also indicated by abrupt decrease of organic matter (to 80%), decrease of Fe/Mn ratio (to 51) and increase catchment erosion indicator (from 0.14 to 0.67). The most important factors (distinguished on the basis of principal components analysis) that affect the chemical composition of sediments from the site Bęczkowice are: biological productivity in wetland’s ecosystem, mechanical and chemical denudation processes in the catchment (eg. the supply of allochtonous mineral matter), sorption of organic deposits, increase of the rainwater in the water balance and anthropogenic activity.
Analizę geochemiczną przeprowadzono dla osadów organicznych z torfowiska Wilczków w południowej części pradoliny warszawsko-berlińskiej. Z profilu Wil-1, zlokalizowanego w środkowej części martwej doliny Balin-Chropy, pobrano do analiz geochemicznych 97 próbek osadów (do głębokości 4,94 m), reprezentujących 1-cm segmenty rdzenia. W próbkach tych oznaczono straty na prażeniu w temperaturze 550°C, informujące o zawartości materii organicznej oraz oznaczono pierwiastki o wymowie paleogeograficznej: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn i metale ciężkie: Cu, Zn oraz zawartość węgla ogólnego, azotu ogólnego i siarki ogólnej. Stosując analizę skupień wydzielono osiem lokalnych poziomów geochemicznych (LGZ), różniących się istotnie pod względem składu chemicznego osadów. Dla serii osadów torfowych określono również związki korelacyjne pomiędzy analizowanymi metalami, a także materią organiczną oraz obliczonymi wskaźnikami geochemicznymi: Ca/Mg, Na/K, Na+K+Mg/ Ca, Fe/Ca, Fe/Mn, Cu/Zn, pozwalających na rekonstrukcję warunków akumulacji analizowanych osadów. W toku analizy składowych głównych zidentyfikowano 12 głównych czynników, z których wybrano trzy pierwsze — PC1, PC2 i PC3, wyjaśniające łącznie 84,7% wariancji. Do czynników kształtujących skład chemiczny holoceńskich osadów organicznych w południowej części pradoliny warszawsko-berlińskiej zaliczono produktywność biologiczną ekosystemu torfowego, procesy denudacji chemicznej i mechanicznej w zlewni, warunki oksydacyjno-redukcyjne oraz zmiany poziomu wody na torfowisku.
Wilczków peatland is located in central and eastern part of the fossil river valley Balin-Chropy, near Uniejów. In order to reconstruct the main stages of sedimentation of organic deposits, taken from the central part of the Wilczków peatlands, used stratigraphic variability of concentration marked lithogeochemistry elements (organic matter, mineral matter, macro- and microelements) and changes in the proportions of the participation of selected elements, i.e., catchment erosion indicator (Na+Mg+K/Ca), eutrophication indicator (Fe/Ca), type and rate of denudation in the catchment indicator (Na/K, Ca/Mg) and conditions of oxidation-reduction indicator (Cu/Zn, Fe/Mn). As a results of the hierarchical cluster analysis was collected in the study profile of eight geochemical level (Wil-11/I-VIII), which differ significantly of chemical composition. The main lithogeochemistry component of studied sediment is organic matter (53.5-93.7%), which indicates the relative changes in the primary of biological production in wetlands. The average content of the several tested components (for example: mineral matter, lithophilic elements) have the low differentiation between all geochemical levels, constitute a record stable of environmental conditions (mainly geomorphological). Sediments of geochemical level Wil-1/I represents the phase of mineral and mineral with a small amount organic matter layer in reduced conditions (increase Fe/Mn ratio to 2650) and increased mechanical denudation (catchment erosion indicator ranges from 0.42 to 2.26 and type of denudation in the catchment indicator — Na/K ranges from 0.05 to 0.20). Geochemical level Wil-1/II are characterized by gradual increase of organic matter content and slow increase type of denudation in the catchment indicator: Na/K and Ca/Mg). Geochemical levels Wil-1/III and Wil-1/IV are the record of sedentation autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (average content of organic matter is 89.4%) and rapid change of redox conditions (decrease of Fe/Mn ratio from 815 to 59). Geochemical levels Wil-1/V represents the phase mainly of sedge-moss peat layer deposition in oxygenated conditions in sedimentary environment (average Fe/Mn ratio is 56.7) and stable rate of chemical denudation (Na/K ratio ranges from 0.99 to 2.04). Geochemical level Wil-1NI is record of sedentation of autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (organic matter ranges from 91.5% to 93.7%) and significant increase of mechanical denudation in the catchment (average of catchment erosion indicator increased to 0.84). Geochemical level Wil-1/VI represents of peat layer, which sedentation occurred in oxygenated conditions in sedimentary environment (average Fe/Mn ratio is 17.8). The content of organic matter decreased to about 83.5% and Na+Mg+K/Ca ratio increased to 1.76. indicates the change of rate of mechanical denudation. Geochemical level Wil-1/VI is the record change type of sedentation of peat on muck, as is also indicated by abrupt decrease of organic matter (to 76.1%), decrease of Fe/Mn ratio (to 13.8) and increase catchment erosion indicator (from 0.85 to 1.4). The most important factors (distinguished on the basis of principal components analysis) that affect the chemical composition of sediments from the site Wilczków are: biological productivity in wetland's ecosystem, mechanical and chemical denudation processes in the catchment, sorption of organic deposits, oxygenation changes in sedimentary environment, which are due to the ground water level in the fossil river valley.
Analizę geochemiczną przeprowadzono dla osadów organicznych z torfowiska Mianów w środkowym odcinku doliny Neru. Z profilu Mi-1, zlokalizowanego we wschodniej części mokradła, pobrano do analiz geochemicznych 40 próbek osadów (do głębokości 1,97 m), reprezentujących 2,5-cm segmenty rdzenia. W próbkach tych oznaczono straty na prażeniu w temperaturze 550°C, informujące o zawartości materii organicznej oraz oznaczono pierwiastki o wymowie paleogeograficznej: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn i metale ciężkie: Cu, Zn i Pb. Stosując analizę skupień wydzielono pięć lokalnych poziomów geochemicznych (LGZ), różniących się istotnie pod względem składu chemicznego osadów. Dla serii osadów torfowych określono również związki korelacyjne pomiędzy analizowanymi metalami, a także materią organiczną oraz obliczonymi wskaźnikami geochemicznymi: Ca/Mg, Na/K, Na+K+Mg/Ca, Fe/ Ca, Fe/Mn, Cu/Zn, pozwalających na rekonstrukcję warunków akumulacji analizowanych osadów. W toku analizy składowych głównych zidentyfikowano 10 głównych czynników, z których wybrano trzy pierwsze — PC1, PC2 i PC3, wyjaśniające łącznie 86,53% wariancji. Do czynników kształtujących skład chemiczny holoceńskich osadów organicznych w dolinie Neru zaliczono warunki oksydacyjno-redukcyjne, sorpcję metali przez autochtoniczną materię organiczną, względne zmiany procesów denudacji mechanicznej w zlewni mokradła oraz właściwości akumulacyjne roślin w stosunku do określonych pierwiastków.
Mianów peatland is located in eastern part of the Ner river valley, near Poddębice. In order to reconstruct the main stages of sedimentation of organic deposits, taken from the eastern part of the Mianów peatlands, used stratigraphic variability of concentration marked lithogeochemistry elements (organic matter, mineral matter, macro- and microelements) and changes in the proportions of the participation of selected elements, i.e., catchment erosion indicator (Na+Mg+K/Ca), eutrophication indicator (Fe/Ca), type and rate of denudation in the catchment indicator (Na/K, Ca/Mg) and conditions of oxidation-reduction indicator (Cu/Zn, Fe/Mn). The accumulation of peats occurred in the Late Weichselian and Holocene, but it was not continuous (FORYSIAK 2012). As a results of the hierarchical cluster analysis was collected in the study profile of five geochemical level (Mi1/I-V), which differ significantly of chemical composition. The main lithogeochemistry component of studied sediment is organic matter (18.2-92.9%), which indicates the relative changes in the primary of biological production in wetlands. The average content of the tested components have the high differentiation of average content of the tested components between all geochemical levels, constitute a record changing of environmental conditions (mainly hydrological and geomorphological). Geochemical level Mi-1/I is the record of sedentation autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (increase content of organic matter to 19.2% and associated high intensity of mechanical denudation and redox conditions (increase of lithogenic elements and Fe/Mn ratio). Sediments of geochemical level Mi-1/II are characterized by increase of heavy metals. The increase in Zn content could have been associated with the appearance of the light-requiring birch characterized as having a strong ability to bioconcentrate zinc. Geochemical level Mi-1/III represents the phase of peat layer deposition in reduced conditions (Fe/Mn ratio ranges from 97.1 to 257.7) and gradual increased chemical denudation (Ca/Mg ratio ranges from 18.2 to 25.8). Geochemical level Mi-1/IV is record of sedentation of autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (organic matter ranges from 78.5% to 92.8%) and associated change of mechanical denudation (increase catchment erosion indicator to 0.06) and redox conditions (increase conditions of oxidation-reduction indicator from 98.5 to 127.2). Geochemical level Mi-1V represents of peat layer, which sedentation occurred in periodic of drying bed. The content of organic matter decreased to about 85.6% and Fe/Mn ratio decreased from 160 to 108. indicates the change of reduced into oxidized conditions. Sediments of this geochemical level are characterized by high content of heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn and Pb. These values are similar (with the exception of lead) to the average content in fen peats occurred in Poland area (compare BOJAKOWSKA, LECH 2008). The most important factors (distinguished on the basis of principal components analysis) that affect the chemical composition of sediments from the site Mianów are: oxygenation changes in sedimentary environment, which are mainly due to the flooding of the Ner river valley, sorption of organic deposits, mechanical denudation processes in the catchment area and bioaccumulation of selected elements.
An investigated area is located in the middle reach of the WartaRiver valley. During drillings in the Bór site organic deposits such as detritous calcareous gyttja and calcareous detritous gyttja has been documented in a depth between 14,9 and 16,6 m. The organic deposits are covered by mineral, mostly sandy deposits. The accumulation took place in the small lake formed as an abandoned channel. Palynological analysis led to conclusion that biogenic accumulation began at the end of Wartanian and took place at least to the Eemian Interglacial optimum. Results of palynological, Cladocera and geochemical analysis inform about water level changes and increasing of trophy status of the reservoir. Presence of Mesozoic substratum very close to the palaeolake bottom influenced significantly chemical features of the organic deposits. As Eemian organic deposits are uncommon in the Warta River valley, the Bór site seems important for palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Warta River valley during Eemian Interglacial.
W artykule przedstawiono zmienność wybranych cech sedymentologicznych, składu mineralnego w podfrakcjach oraz charakteru procesów wczesnej diagenezy osadów ilasto-krzemionkowych z obszaru złożowego IOM (wschodni Pacyfik, strefa rozłamowa Clarion-Clipperton). Zwrócono uwagę na zróżnicowanie uwarunkowań środowiskowych istotnych z punktu widzenia geologii regionalnej i paleogeografii, wpływających na zmienność litologiczną osadów oraz możliwość formowania się tlenkowych skupień Fe-Mn. W wyniku badań osadów wchodzących w skład tzw. litofacji stropowej FCl iv formacji Clipperton (pliocen-holocen), reprezentowanych przez muły ilaste krzemionkowe, ustalono średnią średnicę ziarna na poziomie x = 6,83 phi. Potwierdzono zdecydowaną jednomodalność rozkładów uziarnienia oraz ich słabe wysortowanie. Stwierdzono różnice ilościowe w składzie mineralnym w obrębie podfrakcji < 0,004 oraz < 0,002 mm, w grupie chlorytów i smektytów. Odnotowano znaczną zmienność pionową w składzie gatunkowym i ilości bioklastów promienic i okrzemek, minerałów ilastych z grupy kaolinitu i illitu oraz w zawartości mikrokonkrecji. Zasygnalizowano, że stabilność czasowo-przestrzenna składowych środowiska w obszarze strefy rozłamowej Clarion-Clipperton warunkuje istnienie atrakcyjnych gospodarczo pól konkrecjonośnych, stanowiących potencjalne źródło pozyskiwania rud w przyszłości.
Authors presented geospatial variability of selected sedimentological, mineralogical and diagenetical features of clayey-siliceous sediments from Interoceanmetal deposit area (eastern Pacific, Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone). Changes of environmental conditions essential to geological and palaeogeographical situation into C-C zone, and also their importance to forming processes of Fe/Mn oxide concentrations have been described. Research studies on sediments, classified to the uppermost part of Clipperton FCl IV Formation (pliocene-holocene), show unimodal distribution of samples, poor sorting and mean grain size of siliceous clayey muds amount to x = 6,83 phi. Some qualitative/quantitative changes into the mineral composition of the clay < 0,004 / < 0,002 mm subfractions (clay minerals from kaolinite/illite/chlorite/smectite groups), perpendicular variability of some Radiolaria/Diatomeae species and also micronodules amount depletion during burial processes have been confirmed. Environmental conditions into the C-C zone enable to form economically attractive depositional fields covered by polymetallic nodules that constitute potential ore sources of Mn, Ni, Co, Cu and other metals in the future.
In recent years, a team at the Geology and Paleogeography Unit, Marine Sciences Institute, University of Szczecin, has been performing geological, geochronological and paleogeographic surveys in (i) the Szczecin Lagoon and Świna Gate Sandbar and (ii) the estuary section of the Rega river valley near Mrzeżyno. These studies have helped to examine and identify not only the distribution of fossil marine sediments but also their lithological and sedimentological characteristics. The age of marine ingressions and regressions in the coastal zone of the Pomeranian Bay were determined using approximately 170 radiocarbon assays. It was found that the marine ingression associated with the 'Littorina transgression' was not synchronous at these two areas. It started earlier in the Mrzeżyno area, ca. 8300-8200 cal BP. In that first phase, marine sediments developed as tightly packed sands containing a few fragments of shells. In several profiles, these deposits were separated from the bottom and top with layers of peat, thus allowing an indirect determination of their age. The next phase of ingression began about 7300 cal BP. These younger marine sediments already contained quite numerous shells of marine malacofauna, especially Cardium glaucum, often found in a life position. In the area of the Szczecin Lagoon and Swina Gate Sandbar, the oldest marine ingression started as early as about 7350 cal BP. The quite clear trace is a considerably thicker series of marine sands with numerous sea shells representing marine and brackish-marine environments, including Cardium glaucum shells in a life position, which made it possible to identify the age and the rate of accumulation of marine sands.
The article presents the results of a detailed study of the geological structure of the Łeba Barrier in the Rąbka cross-section (Southern Baltic, Poland). The barrier separates Lake Łebsko from the Baltic. Five sedimentary complexes were distinguished there (M2-M6). The spatial variability of the grain-size distribution was examined and succession stages of the mollusc fauna occurring in the individual sedimentary complexes were distinguished. Radiocarbon dating was used to establish the age of the most important events during the process of formation of the barrier, which took place in the course of several relative sea-level changes. The first sedimentary complex (M2) at Rąbka is connected with the second ingression (i2) of the Baltic Sea (ca. 6,700-6,000 14C years BP), sea-level stabilization (6,000-5,500 14C years BP), and at last sea-level lowering (5,500-5,000 14C years BP) in the region of the Gardno-Łeba Coastal Plain. The sedimentary complex M3 developed in a lagoonal environment when the barrier was situated north of its present position (5,000-3,000 14C BP). The next lowering of the sea-level made the lagoon shallower and caused the emergence of small but already subaerial stretches of barrier land with a freshwater fauna in the north (4,880š40 14C BP). With the next ingression stage (i3), which took place between 4,500 and 3,000 BP, the barrier shifted to its present-day position and the lagoon changed into a freshwater lake. From 3,000 to 1,700 14C BP fossil soil and peats developed on the barrier surface as a result of another sea-level lowering. The last ingression stages (i4 and i5), younger than 1,700 BP, built up the barrier, practically in its today's location (sedimentary complexes M4 and M5). The youngest sedimentary complex (M-6) is represented by present-day beach sands.
The authors find no arguments that would justify application of the term “estuary” to the area of the Odra River discharge into the Baltic Sea. The physiography, geology, and hydrology of the Odra river mouth show that the area possesses many more characteristics typical of flow-through coastal lagoons than those of estuaries. Of key importance in this respect is the Szczecin Lagoon, an extensive, shallow water body separated from the open sea by a barrier intersected by three narrow and long straits. The lagoonal nature of the area is demonstrated also by its geological history.
The review article presents a problem of the Quaternary sea-level changes as a result of the global change in the climate, glaciations and deglaciations of a hight and mid-latitude regions and also neotectonic processes. The first is discussed a global, regional and local causes of sea-level changes in the light of distribution and present-day elevation of ancient remnant of coast lines in the world. The second a variations modelling of a scale sea-level rise during Postglacial period are presented. The local tendency of sea level changes in different region of the world is discussed. Next, the present-day tendency and causes of sea-level changes and possibilities of its short and long-term predictions are presented.
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