Nanobainitic steels exhibit an exceptional combination of high strength, good plasticity, impact toughness, and wear resistance. They are suitable for the production of large mass components through the open-die forging process. Subsequently, the forgings are air-cooled. An obstacle of this method is the extended time required for the large forgings to undergo a bainitic transformation, making the industrial implementation of this process economically unjustifiable. Nevertheless, nanobainitic steels also allow for the open-die forging of small batches of structural elements with high property requirements. A technological limitation lies in the necessity of performing a series of operations, leading to a prolonged processing time dependent on the shape of the product and the degree of deformation. Therefore, inter-operational reheating is often necessary, incurring costs and time consumption. This is particularly relevant to forgings with a mass ranging from a few to several dozen kilograms, which, due to their low thermal capacity, rapidly dissipate heat to the surroundings and tools. Designing an economical process with a limited number of reheating cycles requires advanced knowledge of material behavior under thermo-mechanical deformation parameters, including boundary conditions where a significant decrease in plasticity occurs and the risk of crack initiation. To obtain this information, a comprehensive analysis of the influence of thermo-mechanical parameters applied during the deformation of nanobainitic steel at relatively low temperatures on the flow characteristics and crack formation was conducted. To achieve this goal, the Digital Image Correlation method, the finite element method modeling considering damage criteria, and the macrostructural evaluation of deformed specimens were employed.
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The mechanical behaviours of microalloyed and low-carbon steels under strain reversal were modelled based on the average dislocation density taking into account its allocation between the cell walls and cell interiors. The proposed model reflects the effects of the dislocations displacement, generation of new dislocations and their annihilation during the metal-forming processes. The back stress is assumed as one of the internal variables. The value of the initial dislocation density was calculated using two different computational methods, i.e. the first one based on the dislocation density tensor and the second one based on the strain gradient model. The proposed methods of calculating the dislocation density were subjected to a comparative analysis. For the microstructural analysis, the high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) microscopy was utilized. The calculation results were compared with the results of forward/reverse torsion tests. As a result, good effectiveness of the applied computational methodology was demonstrated. Finally, the analysis of dislocation distributions as an effect of the strain path change was performed.
Ultrafine-grained structure was produced in the Accumulative Angular Drawing(AAD) process in which the complex strain path was applied. The microalloyed steel wire rods were produced using multi-pass wire drawing process where the high strain accumulation is used as a way to achieve much higher microstructure refinement level compared to the conventional wire drawing (WD) process. The wires after both AAD process and WD process were examined in order to assess mechanical properties and microstructure development. In order to evaluate the effects of complex deformation on microstructure development and mechanical properties of the drawn wires, a numerical model of the torsion tests were conducted using Abaqus software. The cyclic torsion tests were performed to study the effects of the applied hardening rule - described as a function of dislocations density and the accuracy of the prediction of material behaviour subjected to strain path change during AAD. It has been shown that an additional advantage of presented approach is its capability of tracking evolution of dislocation density during the deformation process. The initial dislocation densities used in the performed calculations were taken from the microstructural analysis using high resolution EBSD. During strain reversal, annihilation of the dislocations (Bauschinger effect) is a common phenomenon that leads to the decrease in dislocation density and affects the final strength. Finally, based on the proposed constitutive description, multiscale finite element modelling combined with Digital Material Representation (DMR) was used as a tool for prediction of the deformation and microstructure inhomogeneity in the drawn wires.
W pracy przedstawiono badania wpływu złożonej ścieżki odkształcenia na rozdrobnienie mikrostruktury w drutach poddanych procesowi Kątowego Wielostopniowego Ciągnienia (AAD Accumulative Angular Drawing). Druty ze stali mikrostopowej zostały poddane procesowi wielostopniowego ciągnienia, w którym niejednorodna, silna akumulacja odkształcenia powoduje wystąpienie efektów rekrystalizacji in situ, co z kolei powoduje lokalny wzrost stopnia rozdrobnienia mikrostrutury w porównaniu z konwencjonalnym procesem ciągnienia (WD Wire Drawing). Druty wytworzone w procesach AAD oraz WD zostały poddane badaniom porównawczym własności mechanicznych oraz analizie mikrostrukturalnej. W celu zapewnienia poprawnej oceny wpływu złożonej ścieżki odkształcenia na rozwój mikrostruktury i własności mechaniczne w ciągnionych drutach, zastosowano symulacje numeryczne z wykorzystaniem komercyjnego pakietu Abaqus oraz modeli procesu skręcania. Symulacje procesu cyklicznego skręcania wykonano w celu oceny zdolności proponowanego modelu umocnienia odkształceniowego, opartego na zmianach gęstości dyslokacji, do symulacji zmiennej ścieżki odkształcenia podczas procesu AAD. Dodatkową zaletą zaproponowanego podejścia jest możliwość śledzenia rozwoju gęstości dyslokacji podczas procesu odkształcania. Początkowa gęstość dyslokacji wykorzystana w obliczeniach wyznaczona została z analizy mikrostrukturalnej z wykorzystaniem wysokorozdzielczej techniki EBSD. Podczas zmiany kierunku odkształcenia, proces anihilacji dyslokacji (efekt Bauschingera) jest częstym zjawiskiem prowadzącym do spadku gęstości dyslokacji, a w konsekwencji do obniżenia umocnienia odkształceniowego. W celu wyznaczenia niejednorodności mikrostrukturalnej oraz niejednorodności odkształcenia w drutach po procesie ciągnienia, zastosowano modelowanie wielkoskalowe w połączeniu z cyfrową reprezentacją obrazu (DMR).
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