The Ag₈SnSe₆ argyrodite compound was synthesized by the direct melting of the elementary Ag, Sn and Se high purity grade stoichiometric mixture in a sealed silica ampoule. The prepared polycrystalline material was characterized by the X-ray diffraction (XRD), visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) reflection and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD showed that the Ag₈SnSe₆ crystallizes in orthorhombic structure, Pmn2₁ space group with lattice parameters: ɑ = 7.89052(6) Ǻ, b = 7.78976(6) Ǻ, c = 11.02717(8) Ǻ. Photo-luminescence spectra of the Ag₈SnSe₆ polycrystalline wafer show two bands at 1675 nm and 1460 nm. Absorption edge position estimated from optical reflectance spectra is located in the 14131540 nm wavelength range.
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