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Providing transport safety depends on its component entities. The tasks of President of the Office of Rail Transport (UTK) covering railway system safety are carried out based on the act on railway transport, the act on conformity assessment and the act on carrying hazardous goods. Implementing innovative railway transport solutions, including the Academy of the Office of Rail Transport (UTK), Railway ABC are among priority tasks of the President of the Office of Rail Transport (UTK). The actions taken aim at improving the safety of entire railway system. The concept of safe computer systems used in railway transport guarantees low intensity of malfunctions being decisive for disastrous failures.
Transport kolejowy jest obecnie najbezpieczniejszą gałęzią transportu lądowego. Bezpieczeństwo w transporcie kolejowym jest podstawowym kryterium oceny funkcjonowania systemu transportu kolejowego. Za bezpieczeństwo w transporcie kolejowym odpowiedzialni są zarządcy infrastruktury, przewoźnicy kolejowi, producenci taboru, zakłady naprawcze taboru kolejowego oraz użytkownicy bocznic. Bezpieczeństwo w transporcie kolejowym jest przede wszystkim uzależnione od stanu technicznego infrastruktury kolejowej, stanu technicznego urządzeń sterowania ruchem kolejowym, stanu technicznego taboru kolejowego, kultury bezpieczeństwa społeczeństwa, kompetencji pracowników oraz funkcjonowania przejazdów kolejowo-drogowych.
The article presents the problem of containers storage on a storage yard in an rail-road intermodal land and the emission of harmful exhaust gases into the atmosphere. This issue was considered from the point of view of the distance traveled by transshipment devices, the duration of loading work and the resulting energy expenditure and CO2 emissions. The research was dictated by the current limited number of publications in the area of the distribution of containers on storage yards in rail-road intermodal terminals. The vast majority of the literature is devoted in this field to marine intermodal terminals, which operating characteristics are different from inland terminals. The importance of this problem resulting from the growing turnover of containers transported by rail transport was also pointed out. The systematic increase of this type of transport and the depletion of the intermodal services' operating capability makes it necessary to improve the processes taking place in the storage area. The possibility of improving these processes in addition to the use of computer tools is also realized through the use of modern transshipment devices. Depending on the area of their operation and the scope of their application, these devices use various types of power supply, which affect environmental pollution. In the case of gantry cranes considered in this article, their power supply may come from both combustion engines, hybrids and electric engines. Therefore, from the point of view of minimization of harmful exhaust gases emissions into the atmosphere, in the article, the problem of choosing the device for carrying out transshipment tasks was also taken up. For the purposes of the research, the processes of container handling in the rail-road intermodal terminal have been presented in detail. A review of literature in the field of container storage methods and strategies was carried out. The considered container reloading processes in the wagon-yard relation were modeled in the FlexSim simulation environment. The constructed simulation model was used to develop 5 variants of the distribution of containers on the storage yard as a function of their location on the train. Container deployments on the storage yard were carried out for both random and fixed distribution of containers on the train. In the case of a random arrangement of containers on the train, the tests were carried out for 100 replications. On the basis of simulation tests, the distance covered by the transshipment device (RTG crane) and the time of carrying out the loading tasks in particular variants were determined. Using the crane data provided by the crane manufacturer, the energy expenditure was calculated in individual variants for different power supply methods (combustion engine, hybrid, electric engine). The obtained results allowed the selection of the best strategy for containers storage, taking into account the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere by transshipment devices.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę składowania kontenerów na placu składowym w lądowym terminalu intermodalnym i związaną z tym emisją szkodliwych związków spalin do atmosfery. Zagadnienie to rozważano z punktu widzenia dystansu pokonywanego przez urządzenia ładunkowe, czasu trwania prac ładunkowych oraz wynikającego z tego wydatku energetycznego i emisją CO2. Przeprowadzone badania podyktowane były dotychczasową niewielką liczbą publikacji na temat badania rozmieszczenia kontenerów na placach składowych w lądowych, kolejowo-drogowych terminala intermodalnych. Zdecydowana większość literatury poświęcona jest w tym zakresie morskim terminalom intermodalnym, których charakterystyka pracy różni się od tej w terminalach lądowych. Wskazano także na istotność tego problemu wynikającą z rosnących obrotów kontenerów przewożonych transportem kolejowym. Systematyczny wzrost tych przewozów i wyczerpywanie się zdolności obsługowych terminali intermodalnych powoduje konieczność usprawniania zachodzących tam procesów. Możliwość usprawniania tych procesów oprócz zastosowania narzędzi komputerowych realizowana jest także dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych urządzeń przeładunkowych. Urządzenia te w zależności od obszaru ich działania i zakresu ich zastosowania wykorzystują różne rodzaje zasilania, które w większym, bądź mniejszym stopniu wpływają na zanieczyszczenia środowiska. W przypadku rozważanych w niniejszym artykule suwnic jezdniowych, zasilanie to pochodzić może zarówno z silników spalinowych, hybrydowych jak i silników elektrycznych. Stąd też z punktu widzenia minimalizacji wielkości emisji szkodliwych związków spalin do atmosfery w artykule podjęto także problematykę wyboru urządzenia do realizacji zadań przeładunkowych. Na potrzeby badań szczegółowo przedstawiono procesy obsługi kontenera w lądowym terminalu intermodalnym. Dokonano przeglądu literatury w zakresie metod i strategii składowania kontenerów. Rozważane procesy przeładunku kontenerów w relacji wagon-plac składowy zamodelowano w środowisku symulacyjnym FlexSim. Zbudowany model symulacyjny posłużył do opracowania 5 wariantów rozmieszczenia kontenerów na placu w funkcji ich rozmieszczenia na pociągu. Badania rozmieszczenia kontenerów na placu składowym wykonywano zarówno dla losowego jak i ustalonego rozmieszczenie kontenerów na pociągu. W przypadku losowego rozmieszczenia kontenerów na pociągu próby wykonywano dla 100 powtórzeń. Na podstawie badań symulacyjnych określono dystans pokonywany przez urządzenie przeładunkowe (suwnicę RTG) oraz czas realizacji prac ładunkowych w poszczególnych wariantach. Wykorzystując podawane przez producenta suwnic dane o wielkości zużywanej przez suwnicę energii obliczono jej wydatek energetyczny w poszczególnych wariantach dla różnych sposobów zasilania (silnik spalinowy, hybrydowy, elektryczny). Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wybór najlepszej spośród rozważanych, strategii składowania kontenerów na placu przy uwzględnieniu wielkości emitowanego przez urządzenia przeładunkowe CO2 do atmosfery.
Transport drogowy jest jedną z najpopularniejszych form przemieszczania się. W Polsce odgrywa dominującą rolę choć stopniowo dąży się do jego ograniczenia. Realizacja usługi transportu drogowego pozwala na przewóz ładunków bezpośrednio od nadawcy do odbiorcy. Realizacja usługi transportu drogowego dotyczy zaplanowania trasy, odpowiedniego środka transportu, sprawdzenia jakości ładunku, czasu, dostarczenia ładunku, kwestii finansowych. Jest nieodłącznie związana z elementami obsługi klienta: czas, koszt, jakość oraz odpowiednia dokumentacja transportowa.
Road transport is one of the most popular forms of traveling. In Poland it has a dominant role; however, there are initiatives for its gradual reduction. Performing a road transport service enables the transportation of freight directly from the sender to the receiver. Performing a road transport service consists in planning the route and suitable means of transport, checking the quality of the cargo, checking the time, delivering the cargo and handling financial matters. It is inherently linked to features of customer service, such as: time, cost, quality and suitable transport documentation.
W niniejszym artykule dokonano oceny obsługi klienta nowoczesnej strategii łańcucha dostaw, realizowanej we współpracy partnerskiej. Sporządzono przykładowy wzór kwestionariusza ankiety badania oceny zadowolenia klienta z realizacji usług intermodalnych na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa świadczącego usługi drogowo-kolejowe, umożliwiający w przyszłości dokonanie oceny jakości obsługi klienta w usługach transportu intermodalnego. Zaproponowano próbę oceny terminalu przeładunkowego pod kątem przebiegu realizacji usługi intermodalnej, a w efekcie finalnym, wpływu na obsługę klienta, na jego satysfakcję ze świadczonej usługi lub też niezadowolenie z realizacji usługi intermodalnej.
This article contains an assessment of customer service for the cutting–edge delivery chain strategy implemented by partner cooperation. A model survey questionnaire was prepared to study the customer satisfaction with intermodal service implementation based on the example of an enterprise providing road and railway services. Its aim is to enable to assess customer service in intermodal transport services in the future. An attempt at assessing the reloading terminal with respect to the intermodal service performance and, consequently, to the effect on the customer service, customer satisfaction with the service provided or dissatisfaction with the intermodal service performance was proposed.
Content available Motor vehicle diagnostics in military units
Transport pertains to all functional areas of the State’s activities on every administrative level. Road transport is a very important branch of global economy and constitutes a part of the logistics network. It pertains to the transportation of cargo, items, and people. Cooperation between the branches of civilian transportation and military logistics must be the focus of continuous improvement efforts. Enhancements in this respect can serve to avoid possible failures and disruptions. The quality and availability of infrastructure plays a significant role, not only with respect to civilian, but also military assets. The condition of the vehicle is important for the safety of road transport. The provision of transport services in a military unit should mainly rely on military-civilian cooperation and effective communications. The condition of the means of transportation has been indicated as a factor influencing transport safety. Employing new technology and solutions enables constant improvements to the diagnostic system, broadening the knowledge and enhancing the skills of the motor vehicle driver in terms of proficiency in operating and maintaining the vehicle used.
Zaproponowany proces realizacji usługi transportu kolejowego obejmuje zlecenie usługi transportowej, adekwatnej do określenia zapotrzebowania przedsiębiorstwa na przewóz ładunków transportem kolejowym. Określenie wymagań związanych z przewozem ładunków, plan przewozu ładunków, organizacja przewozu, koszty przewozu ładunków, odpowiednie dokumenty handlowe i pociągowe, wady, które wynikają w trakcie dostawy transportem kolejowym, reklamacje usługi kolejowej transportowanego ładunku oraz zakres usług i adekwatne opłaty za dostęp i korzystanie z infrastruktury kolejowej odgrywają istotną rolę w realizacji usług przewozów towarowych transportem kolejowym.
The proposed process of provision of rail transport services includes commissioning transport services adequate to determine the company’s needs for the rail freight transport. Determining the requirements relating to the freight carriage, the freight carriage plan, the carriage organisation, the cost of the freight carriage, relevant commercial and rail documents, defects caused during the delivery via rail transport, complaints regarding the rail freight transport service, the scope of services and relevant fees for access to and use of the railway infrastructure play an important role in the provision of freight carriage via rail transport.
Proces realizacji usługi transportowej drogowej w funkcjonowaniu centrum dystrybucji wybranego operatora logistycznego powinien dotyczyć wyboru określonego rodzaju transportu, przewoźnika, drogi i sposobu przewozu, konkretnego towaru, który należy przemieścić z punktu nadania do punktu odbioru. Trasa środka transportu dotyczy wymiarów, wagi przesyłek, adresów klientów oraz wymagań transportowych. Zaproponowane usprawnienie realizacji usługi transportowej drogowej poprzez wprowadzenie zmian np. dodatkowe zatrudnienie, eliminacja błędów, zmniejszenie stresu, względy wizerunkowe przynosi pozytywne skutki wdrożenia powyższych zmian w realizacji usługi transportowej drogowej w przedsiębiorstwie.
The road transport service performance process as part of the activities of a given logistics operator’s distribution center should apply to the choice of a particular mode of transport, carrier, route and means of transport for specific goods, which shall be moved from the dispatch point to the delivery point. The route of a means of transport encompasses the dimensions and weight of parcels, client addresses and transportation requirements. The proposed streamlining of road transport service performance by implementing changes, such as new hires, elimination of errors, stress mitigation and company image enhancement, provides positive results from the implementation of the above changes within the company for the performance of the road transport service.
The paper discusses main decision problems analysed in the subject matter of servicing actors operating in the supply chains, i.e. the vehicle routing problem, vehicles-to-task assignment problem and the problem of entities’ localization in the supply chain. The input data used to describe supply chains is given as well as the basic constraints and the criterion functions used in the development of mathematical models describing the supply chains. Servicing actors in supply chains is the complex decision making problem. Operators in the supply chains are constrained by: production capacity of the suppliers, the demand of the customers in particular working days, storage capacities of warehouses, handling capacities of warehouses, suppliers’ and warehouses’ time windows and other. The efficiency of supply chain is described by cost of transport between operators, costs of passing cargoes through warehouses and delivery time to the recipient. The heuristic algorithms, like genetic and ant algorithms are detailed and used to identify issues related to the operation of actors operating in the supply chains are described. These algorithms are used for solving localization problems in supply chains, vehicle routing problems, and assignment problems. The complexity of presented issues (TSP is known as NP-hard problem) limits the use of precise algorithms and implies the need to use heuristic algorithms. It should be noted that solutions generated by these algorithms for complex decision instances are sub-optimal solutions, but nonetheless it is accepted from the practical point of view.
Passenger transport companies increasingly aim to implement passenger transport services of improved efficiency and effectiveness by raising the comfort of travel and ensuring passenger satisfaction by increasing quality of their service. The comfort of the journey is seen as security, punctuality, efficiency and friendly passenger service. The analysis and evaluation of the quality of passenger transport services allow to specify the time of travel, comfort, punctuality, availability of public transport links and the costs of transport services provided. The passenger streams and assessment of the urban transport services quality covered by this study allow for indication of problems in the researched area and suggestion of improvements in the transport services. The development of urban transport is subject to the increasing number of population, expansion of cities and constant technical progress. Expansion of cities and large number of citizens are closely linked to the urban transport allowing for the citizens’ mobility by various means of public transport. Carriage operations are repeatedly grouped according to travel direction, scale of demand for transport, the scope and length of the carriage, stability of transport needs or required transport speed.
Improving knowledge on an external enterprise needs and scope of service provided are the most important assets of services provision in outsourcing. Other benefits involve constant level of income and improvement of the provided services quality resulting from experience gained and then customer loyalty, becoming familiar with the structure and technologies applied in an external enterprise and access to confidential information. Diagnosis and assessment of the partnership cooperation provides an opportunity to determine the most effective forms and methods of communication between partners and to obtain information on communication disorders and problems in the course of collaboration. Description of tasks concerning transport orders and information distribution affects the relationship between the outsourcing partners and effectiveness of the cooperation. Recognition of positive and negative aspects of cooperation will enable to eliminate in the future any errors and omissions that influence effectiveness of the partnership cooperation. The positive assessment of cooperation resulting from the provided service quality and implementation of the defined objectives presents the ability to continue the cooperation between the current partners.
Współpraca outsourcingowa przedsiębiorstwa zlecającego i świadczącego usługi transportu kolejowego obejmuje wiele etapów, w większości wspólnych dla obu partnerów z wyjątkiem początkowych faz współpracy. Etapy realizacji współpracy obejmują planowanie zakresu pracy, negocjacje i podpisanie umowy, realizację i związaną z nią kontrolę, kontynuację, modyfikację lub zakończenie współpracy. W artykule przeanalizowano poszczególne etapy współpracy outsourcingowej z uwzględnieniem schematu realizacji i kontroli usług transportu kolejowego ładunków oraz zidentyfikowano formy i kanały komunikowania partnerów outsourcingowych.
Outsourcing cooperation of the company that commissions and provides the rail transport services includes a number of stages, most often common for both partners, with the exception of initial phases of cooperation. Stages of cooperation include planning of the scope of work, negotiations and signing the agreement, as well as implementation and associated control, continuation, modification or termination of cooperation. The article analyzes various stages of outsourcing cooperation including the scheme of implementation and the control of rail transport services of cargo and identifies the forms and channels of communication with outsourcing partners.
nr 4
615--622, CD1
Zaplanowany proces realizacji usług transportowych jest związany z rozwojem infrastruktury systemu transportowego. Duży wpływ na realizację usług transportowych odgrywają uwarunkowania techniczne i ekonomiczne infrastruktury transportowej, czynniki determinujące proces ich realizacji oraz elementy infrastruktury wpływające na jakość realizowanych usług transportowych. Kluczowym etapem poprzedzającym proces realizacji usług transportowych jest etap planowania. Realizacja, planowanie i właściwy wybór infrastruktury transportowej systemu logistycznego Polski pozwala podjąć właściwą decyzję związaną z wyborem danego rodzaju transportu, z właściwym określeniem jego komodalności uwzględniając przy tym jak najmniejszy negatywny wpływ na środowisko naturalne, efektywność ekonomiczną i optymalne wykorzystanie istniejących zasobów.
Scheduled process of transport services provision is connected with development of transport system infrastructure. Technical and economic determinants of transport infrastructure, factors that determine a process of their implementation and infrastructure elements that influence the transport services quality make up are of considerable impact on transport services. Planning is a key preliminary stage to the process of transport services provision. Implementation, planning and relevant selection of transport infrastructure of Polish logistic system permit to make proper decision linked to selection of a particular transportation type, proper definition of its co-modality, while taking into account minimum negative impact on the natural environment and on economic effectiveness as well as optimal use of existing reserves.
Content available Using LCA method to describe logistic system of fuel
This paper presents the life cycle of the fuel with the use of LCA. This method is taken from the management theory allows to describe and predict the impact of production processes, transport and use of fuels on the environment. The aim of the study is to compare the energy consumption of the test fuels (diesel, a blend of rapeseed oil and butyl alcohol) in the process of their production. The results indicate that most energy is consumed during the processing of crude oil. This process produced a large quantity of sulphur oxides. Very energy intensive (53,859 GJ per 10 k litres of fuel produced) part of the production is rape culture. This is due to the long working hours of agricultural tractors and combines. In this process, are secreted large amounts of exhaust gas: CO (2.664 kg), NOx (23.31 kg). Inter alia, environmental life cycle assessment, schematic structure of the LCA, the energy balance of the life cycle of diesel oil, the energy balance of the life cycle of rape oil mixed with butyl alcohol, the balance of raw material sourcing, the balance of the materials necessary to production of a mixture of rape oil and butanol alcohol are presented in the paper.
The Polish market for rail freight services belongs to a group of markets with a relatively high level of liberalization. Strong competition on the Polish freight market, forcing the search for new sources of strategic advantage, is leading to processes of consolidation, merging and acquisition. There are high fees for access to the infrastructure, despite its relatively low quality of performance. Opportunities for rail-related international exchange are not being taken, the geographical location of Poland is not being taken advantage of and the quality of the services provided is low. An important role in the intensification of rail transport infrastructure is the condition of the railway network. The modernization of these networks by 2011 has improved the condition of the Polish railway infrastructure. The structure of the rail freight market by weight of cargo in Poland, the structure of the polish freight market, the dynamics of changes in the size of cargo in the years from 2006 to 2011 according to transported mass relative to the size of the cargo in 2004, advantages of rail freight services, problems with the development of the rail freight market are presented in the paper.
The intermodal transport segment is a transport market of enormous opportunities. Fast economic development and the related change in transport needs influences the dynamic increase of demand for transport services in combined system, including the use of rail transportation. The transit geographic situation of our country as the eastern European Union border and situation of Polish sea harbours on the north south in the Eastern European Transport Corridor are additional assets. Despite many assets and growth dynamics of the intermodal transport, their share in general transport volume has still been marginal. The intermodal transport segment in Poland requires sustainable development by means of investment outlays as well, e.g. in container terminal, logistic centres and rolling stock, and furthermore efficient support schemes of at least over a decade horizon. Operation of relevant quality line infrastructure of rail transport and nodal infrastructure indispensable for units handling at the junction of road and rail transport makes up a condition for the intermodal transport development. From the cargo rail transport point of view, provision of relevant rail corridors capacity and ensuring satisfactory speed of freight trains are most important.
A logistics centre is a spacious area with appropriate organization and infrastructure allowing various independent entrepreneurs to perform actions on the cargo flow, related to its storage and movement between senders and receivers, including support services for intermodal transport and performing tasks with the resources used for these purposes. Any model of cooperation between enterprises involved in the design and implementation of set goals and the investment in a logistics centre includes a number of common stages, with the exception of the initial phases of cooperation. The stages of the implementation of cooperation include planning the scope of work, negotiation and the signing of the agreement, implementation and its associated supervision, continuation and finally modification or termination of cooperation. In this article, the various stages of cooperation of companies participating in this project are analysed individually. General scheme of the planning area and equipment, a model of the design, the planning phase of the logistics centre; the stage of implementation and control and stage of summarizing cooperation; the location of logistics centres from a micro-spatial aspects are presented in the paper.
Content available remote Influence of low temperatures on behaviour of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos L.)
Periods of severe winter weather are associated with increased food consumption and metabolic rates. Depending on food availability birds could use different strategies to maintain homeostasis. Mallards Anas platyrhynchos L. numerously winter in urban parks, where people feed waterfowl bread. This food source is easily digestible and provides a high energy, which may affect bird behaviour. Studies were conducted in two consecutive winters in the Gdańsk-Oliwa city park in northern Poland, a place where people feed mallards, bread daily. During the period of lowest temperatures (about -12[degrees]C) females spent only 6% of their time foraging, while males spent 17% foraging. During mild winter weather (mean temperature about -2[degrees]C) foraging took up 21% of time budget in both sexes. In the colder period a three fold increase in male agonistic behaviour was observed when compared to the mild period observations. Females spent the most of harsh winter period inactive, apparently relaying on accumulated energetic reserves. Males cannot reduce all activities like females, because pairing in mallards takes place mainly in autumn and early winter and males need to attract actively, display for, and defend mates.
W artykule przedstawiono przykład zastosowania pomiaru prędkości fal akustycznych w terenie do wyznaczania modułu ściśliwości w gruntach spoistych. Po scharakteryzowaniu techniki pomiaru prędkości fal akustycznych in situ opisany został poligon doświadczalny Stegny, na którym przeprowadzono badania sondą SCPTU. Artykuł zawiera opis metodyki badań oraz analizę uzyskanych wyników.
The paper presents an example of in situ measurements of seismic wave velocity for determination of oedometric modulus M in cohesive soils. In situ measurements of seismic wave velocity performed at Stegny test site are described. A geological description of the test site, the test procedure and the analysis of obtained results are presented in this paper.
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