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Artykuł jest próbą opisania w jaki sposób przejść od podejścia produktowego do podejścia procesowego zarządzania danymi przestrzennymi w polskich warunkach prawnych i faktycznych. Zaprezentowano nowatorski, autorski model przepływu danych przestrzennych w administracji publicznej, który między innymi: w zakresie wykorzystywania danych przestrzennych zrównuje sferę realną (faktyczne wykorzystanie) i sferę regulacyjną (prawną), racjonalizuje wydatkowanie środków finansowych przez administrację publiczną, odchodzi od podejścia opartego o wytwórców danych na rzecz użytkowników danych przestrzennych (zmian na podejście procesowe zarządzania danymi przestrzennymi), posiada zidentyfikowane mechanizmy stabilizacyjne, które uniezależniają model od zmian kompetencji poszczególnych podmiotów administracji publicznej. Następnie przedstawiono analizę staniu istniejącego w polskim systemie prawnym oraz zaproponowano zmiany do obowiązujących przepisów prawa, które dostosują obowiązujący model przepływu danych do modelu zaproponowanego przez autorkę.
The paper is an attempt to describe how to transform from the product approach to the process approach in spatial data management in Polish legal and actual conditions. The paper presents an original, innovative model of spatial data flows in public administration, which: equate the real sphere (the actual use) and the regulatory (legal) sphere of using spatial data, rationalize disbursement of funds by public administration, get away from the approach focused on spatial data producers towards the spatial data users approach (changes into the process approach of spatial data management), offer stabilization mechanisms that make the model independent from changes in the competence of public administration bodies. The paper also presents the analysis of the binding conditions included in the Polish legal system and discusses possible changes of existing legal regulations that will adapt the current data flow model to the model proposed by the author.
Polish spatial data infrastructure dates back 2010, the year when the Spatial Information Infrastructure Act transposing INSPIRE Directive entered into force. The present study provides valuable insight into the current status of Polish spatial data infrastructure (PSDI) as well as lessons learnt from so far efforts in implementing the principles and provisions of the INSPIRE Directive. Particular respect is given to policy, interoperability of data as well as cooperation between actors involved in PSDI establishment and maintenance. Data managed by the Surveyor General (SG), perceived as a backbone of a spatial data infrastructure, are of special importance. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations for further developments are given to foster SDI implementation in Poland. Results of the analysis clearly show that Polish spatial data infrastructure is in line with INSPIRE, and in a half of way being fully operational.
Efektywne wdrożenie założeń dyrektywy INSPIRE, jest możliwe do osiągnięcia przy ścisłej współpracy poszczególnych resortów administracji publicznej odpowiedzialnych za wymienione w dyrektywie zbiory („tematy”) danych przestrzennych. Swoje miejsce w jej wdrażaniu ma również Służba geodezyjna i Kartograficzna, na wszystkich poziomach administracji - rządowej i samorządowej. Jest ważnym partnerem we wdrożeniu założeń dyrektywy dotyczących takich zakresów informacji przestrzennych, jak: systemy odniesienia, systemy siatek geograficznych, nazwy geograficzne, jednostki administracyjne, adresy, działki katastralne, budynki, ortoobrazy. Hydrografia, obszary chronione, ukształtowanie terenu. Na wdrożenie i utrzymanie infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej nakłada sie kilka aspektów wśród nich merytoryczny, prawny, organizacyjny, funkcjonalny, techniczny oraz ekonomiczny. Funkcjonalne problemy związane z jej budowa dotyczą struktury działań składających sie na osiągnięcie celu - ich powiązań oraz logicznych zależności, następstw przyczynowo-skutkowych, celów cząstkowych, planowania, organizowania, kontrolowania, monitorowania oraz ewaluacji. Aspekty organizacyjne dotykają zagadnień stworzenia struktur organizacyjnych, które w sposób jak najskuteczniejszy zapewnia realizacje postawionych celów. Bez względu na role jaka zostanie powierzona Służbie wiązać sie to będzie z koniecznością wprowadzeniem procedur dynamicznego zarządzania opartego na zasadach zarządzania strategicznego.
Effective implementation of the INSPIRE directive assumptions is achievable with close collaboration of individual public administration organs responsible for the spatial data sets (“topics”) referred to in the directive. Also the Geodetic Cartographic Service is important in the governmental and self-governmental levels. The latter is an important partner in the implementation of the directive assumptions relating to such spatial information ranges as: reference systems, geographic network systems, geographic names, administration bodies, addresses, cadastral lots, buildings and orto-images. Hydrography, protected areas, land shaping. There are several aspects involved in the implementation and maintenance of the spatial infrastructure, such as the substantial, legal, organisational, functional, technical and economic ones. Functional problems of creation relate to the structure of activities needed to meet the objective, their relationships and logical dependencies, cause-effect consequences, partial goals, planning, organising, controlling, monitoring and evaluating. The organisational aspects relate to the creation of structures that would ensure pursuance of the objectives in the most efficient way. Regardless of the role assigned to the Service, this will involve the necessity to implement dynamic management procedures according to the strategic management principles.
Content available remote Tworzenie infrastruktury danych georeferencyjnych województwa mazowieckiego
In this paper we try to demonstrate that building the georeference data infrastructure (reliable and accessible without the excessive limitations) for Mazowieckie Voivodeship must be based on the is implementation of the EU and Polish strategies to develop spatial information infrastructures. The intrerrelations between projects, in which Mazowieckie Voivodeship is or will be participating are discussed. The following undertakings offer a nationwide framework: 1. GEOPORTAL.GOV.PL 2. PHARE 3. IPE 4. MATRA II 5. ASO/EUPOS 6. Methods and procedures of integration, visualization, generalization and standardization of reference databases In this framework three projects for Mazovia are planned: 1. Working out and implementing innovative methods of integration of cadastre data, base map and Topographical Data Base and modernisation of services provided by Geodetic and Cartographic Service; 2. Creation of useful infrastructure for satellite positioning system of Mazowieckie Voivodeship; 3. Mazovia Spatial Information System of the municipalities, and counties within the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. In more specific terms our paper deals with definition and feasibility studies of these three projects which will contribute to future Mazovia Georeference Data Infrastructure.
The paper presents sources, types of data and possibilities for their integration as well as tasks and rules of cooperation of departments of the Office of the Marshall of Mazowieckie Voivodship and the voivodship's self-government bodies in creation and maintenance of the Mazovia Spatial Information System (MSIP). It also demonstrates the role the system may perform in supporting the processes of regional development in mazowieckie voivodship. Basing on the objectives identified in the Strategy of Development of Mazowieckie Voivodship and the Voivodship Contract for 2004 in the paper are presented functional capabilities of MSIP within the scope of diagnosing current state, performing spatial analysis and modeling. The data collected in the Mazovia SIP may, providing appropriate solutions are adopted, facilitate quick and reasonable decision making process, monitoring of changes and reporting spatial, social, demographic and economic phenomenons within mazowieckie voivodship. The support for the regional development involves both self-government bodies and economic partners. Directions and priorities of supporting the regional development were identified in the Strategy of Development of Mazowieckie Voivodship that was prepared taking into consideration the National Strategy of Regional Development 2001-2006. The spatial information system understood as an ordered set of mutually connected information and data having specified structure, organization and procedures, and considered as whole may constitute a tool supporting processes of regional development. The integration of the source data of the Mazovia Spatial Information System is performed by the unification of concepts of different objects, areas, phenomenons and processes as well as the standardization in terms of formats, spatial reference systems, level of details and rules of generalization of the data from different sources and different branches. Combining integrated and verified data with their continuous updating ensures reliable output information and the GIS systems make the data legible and useful for particular recipients. Subjects participating in the regional development of mazowieckie voivodship are recipients of spatial information and its descriptive characteristics as well as other spatial data not included into obligatory layers identified in the Regulation of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction dated 12th July 2001 on detailed rules and mode of establishing and maintaining of the national land information system. A multitude and diversity of these subjects implies the necessity to secure a multi-access to reliable and consistent information coming from different sources. This has its reflection in the logical architecture of the Mazovia SIP as well as in the rules and tasks of voivodship self-government bodies in its creation and maintenance. The logical architecture of the Mazovia Spatial Information System bases on the existence of a voivodship database server containing spatial, descriptive and meta-data and the existence of a replica server. The structure respects the existence of servers in units where the speed of data transmission is crucial. There is assumed that the access to the data will be enabled via GIS software, access-enabling software and an Internet browser. The structure takes into consideration a connection with the servers maintained by the Geodetic and Cartographic Service on central, voivodship and powiat levels as well as the Geoportal, which is expected to be created within the INSPIRE initiative as well as with other public administration systems. The location point for the voivodship database server is the Office of the Surveyor of Mazowieckie Voivodship, which also performs a role of a spatial information center for mazowieckie voivodship. The resolution taken by the Management Board of Mazowieckie Voivodship specifies the tasks and rules of the Office of the Marshall and its subordinate units in the construction of the System. Due to the resolution, special duties are imposed on the Marshall of Mazowieckie Voivodship - the organ of Geodetic and Cartographic Service, whose role is to define a detailed scope of data, their updating and authorization, standard and schedule of data transfer, rights and rules of access to databases and rules of enabling access to databases and cartographic elaborations. The units participate by processing relevant data connected with the units' activities into the standard according to the schedule adopted. The duty of the Surveyor of Mazowieckie Voivodship is coordination of works connected with the construction, updating of and enabling access to the databases in the Mazovia Spatial Information System. The Mazovia Spatial Information system is based on obligatory spatial layers mentioned in the national land information system, to which belong General Geographic Database at scale 1:250 000, database of topographic data at scale 1:100 000, VMap of level 2, The Database of Topographic Data (TBD), continuous raster database at scale 1:100 000, 1:50 000, 1:25 000 and 1:10 000, database of administrative division and special division, aerial photos and photogrammetric elaborations. These databases are supplemented with layers identified by the Executor of the research project The system of spatial databases for mazowieckie voivodship connected with the natural environment, environment protection, technical infrastructure, industry and economy, demography, education, culture, cultural heritage, physical culture and tourism, agriculture, health-care and social policy including unemployment and security. Optional informative layers will be successively supplemented according to the needs of the System users. The structure of databases of the Mazovia Spatial Information System resulted from the analysis of egal acts in force and implied tasks, duties and needs of particular self-government units of the voivodship and the government administration in the voivodship, pilot projects taking into consideration peculiarity of the voivodship and consultations with particular users of the system. The adopted step-by-step rule of entering and authorizing data is aimed at avoiding informational chaos, which may be an obstacle in using the system. Another obstacle may be the lack of skill in data search and selection. That is why one of the most important stages of construction of the Mazovia Spatial Information System was a creation of a metainformation system. This system contains the full information on spatial range and parameters characterizing materials of the mazovia geodetic and cartographic resource. Currently, the works that concern supplying the metainformation system with the data in possession of departments of the Marshall Office and voivodship organizational units are being carried out. The construction of the Mazovia Spatial Information system is in accordance with the activities stated in the Integrated Operational Programme adopted by the ZPORR Monitoring Committee on 16th April 2004 and the Preparatory Group of the Committee of the European Integration on 20th April 2004 concerning the development of information society and connected with the support for regional development, which has been recognized as one of the main directions for creating conditions for increasing region competitiveness. Continuous data update combined with the GIS technologies adopted will support monitoring changes that occur in the voivodship space and in professional and social structure and, therefore, enable to apply changes to the actions taken up and the development priorities of the voivodship. The extended system may also facilitate monitoring of projects co-invested from structural funds.
Content available remote Stan i perspektywy rozwoju Mazowieckiego Systemu Informacji Przestrzennej
Mazowiecki System Informacji Przestrzennej został utworzony na podstawie Uchwały nr 890/11/2000 Zarządu Województwa Mazowieckiego. Administrowanie oraz sprawowanie ogólnego nadzoru nad systemem powierzone zostało Geodecie Województwa Mazowieckiego. System oparty jest o tworzone w ramach Krajowego System Informacji o Terenie obligatoryjne bazy danych. Identyfikacja budowanych fakultatywnych warstw tematycznych zostanie przedstawiona podczas prezentowanego referatu. Referat obok aspektów formalno-prawnych utworzenia Mazowieckiego Systemu Informacji Przestrzennej, obejmował będzie również przedstawienie obecnego stanu funkcjonowania Systemu oraz perspektyw jego rozwoju.
The Mazovian Spatial Information System was established by the Resolution No 890/11/2000 of the Board of the Mazovian Voivodship. The Surveyor of the Mazovian Voivodship was entrusted with management and general supervision of the system. It is based on mandatory databases created within the framework of the National Land Information System. Identification of the optional thematic layers being constructed will be shown during the presentation of this report. Apart from formal and legal aspects connected with setting up of the Mazovian Spatial Information System, this report will also present the current state of the system and its development prospects.
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