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The article represents a contribution to the assessment of slope processes, with special emphasis on landslides, rockfalls, and creeps along the road sector Batushë-Rrasa e Kosharës (municipality of Gjakova) in Kosova. The analysis of natural factors, as well as their role in triggering and evolving slope processes, was conducted by observing the processes in the field and, with a multidisciplinary approach, analyzing the natural factors (geology, tectonics, climate, vegetation) as well as the role of humans. By using GIS/RS techniques, the causes and features of processes were identified and presented with various illustrations and maps, assessing the potential risk in the future with the aim of proper management, considering the movement of citizens, and preserving the road infrastructure in a segment with historical and touristic values. The slopes with a 35–40° gradient are more prone to landslides, while the presence of unconsolidated rocks and fractured limestone has accelerated slope destabilization and rock mass movements. Slope stability techniques should be implemented in order to keep the road open for future visitors to historical sites.
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