Flashover of polluted insulators has been the subject of many experimental and numerical research papers. Several mathematical models of flashover voltage have been proposed in terms of current, discharge length, electrolyte length and resistivity. However, there is no model as yet based on the geometric factors of the electrolyte channel-such as width and depth-and the interaction between them. Furthermore, as very few research papers have been published about discharge elongation in the presence of a metal object between the electrodes, the aim of the present work is to model flashover voltage in the presence of a metal plate, dipped in electrolyte or placed on its surface. Two mathematical models were obtained using response surface modeling and they were used in the analysis of the effect of geometric factors on the flashover discharge.
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This paper aims to analyze a hybrid photovoltaic system for production of electrical energy associated with a storage system to be employed in an isolated site. Mathematical models were proposed describing the physical operation of each part of the studied system, according to the meteorological conditions or the estimated data. Then programs developed with Matlab software were carried out to simulate the influence of various parameters on each element of the conversion chain. The results obtained have shown a good and accurate simulation of the energy behavior of the complete system and can be used to give answers to many questions about this type of installation and to help manufacturers make the right decisions.
Any industrial process needs to work with the optimal operating conditions and thus the evaluation of their robustness is a critical issue. A modeling of a laboratoryscale wire-to-plane two stages electrostatic precipitator for guiding the identification of the set point, is presented this in paper. The procedure consists of formulating recommendations regarding the choice of optimal values for electrostatic precipitation. A twostages laboratory precipitator was used to carry out the experiments, with samples of wood particles of average granulometric size 10 μm. The parameters considered in the present study are the negative applied high voltage of the ionization stage, the positive voltage of the collection stage and the air speed. First, three “one-factor-at-a-time” experiments were performed followed by a factorial composite design experiments, based on a two-step strategy: 1) identify the domain of variation of the variables; 2) set point identification and optimization of the process.
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This paper proposes a solution to the dynamic economic dispatch (DED) with practical constraints using a Hopfield neural network (HNN). The constrained DED which will be solved in this paper must satisfy (i) the system load demand (ii) the spinning reserve capacity (iii) ramp rate limits and (iv) prohibited operating zone. The feasibility of the proposed HNN method is demonstrated using two power systems, and it is compared with the other methods in terms of solution quality and computation efficiency.
Artykuł proponuje rozwiązanie dynamicznej gospodarki przesyłem energii z uwzględnieniem ograniczeń przy wykorzystaniu sieci neuronowych Hopfield (HNN). Zaproponowana metoda została sprawdzona w dwóch systemach elektroenergetycznych i porównana z innymi metodami pod względem jakości i efektywności rozwiązań obliczeniowych.
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This paper gives a method of equivalent charge for calculate and represent the electric field around the three-phase lines and the current which will be induced in the objects near the high voltage transmission lines. In this present work, we establish a calculation program based on MATLAB in order to calculate and trace the induced current by the electric field under the lines. We can make simulation for several cases in order to establish some criteria which must be studied to evaluate safety and to make the provisions necessary to minimize the influence of electric field on the human body.
W artykule zaprezentowano metodę obliczeń pola elektrycznego w pobliżu linii trójfazowej oraz prądów indukowanych w obiektach w pobliżu linii przesyłowych wysokiego napięcia. W pracy wykorzystano oprogramowanie Matlab do obliczeń pola elektrycznego pod linią. Przeprowadzono symulację dla kilku typowych przypadków w celu ustalenia kryteriów umożliwiających ochronę człowieka przed generowanym polem elektrycznym.
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