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During transportfrom the field to the sea nitrogen undergoes natural reduction resulted mainly from denitrification, but with large spatial variations. In the present study, a map for spatially variable nitrate reduction in groundwater in the area of Poland is presented. The map was preparing following 3 steps: (i) identification of major hydrogeological units (Lowland and Mountain-Upland Provinces); (ii) identification of dominating lithology with use lithotypes classifications from Groundwater Vulnerability Map of Poland in scale 1 : 500 000; (iii) estimation of the influence of artificial drainage. The resulted distribution of nitrate reduction coefficient reveals a distinct bimodality related to the sharp contrast in hydrogeology between the two provinces.
Interactions between the groundwater and surface water affect the qualitative and quantitative status of water resources. Estimation of the fluxes and the associated loadings of contaminants exchanged between the aquifers and river reaches is an important but still not well recognized component of water resources management. Such estimates are available from the numerical models of flow and transport, however, coupling of the groundwater and surface water model domains is difficult. Calibration of the coupled models relies on the knowledge of the exchanged water fluxes, hydraulic conductivities of riverbed sediments and of other parameters. Preliminary application methods allowing for identification and quantification of the groundwater – surface water exchange is presented for the Kocinka catchment in Southern Poland.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) are important elements of biodiversity and providers of valuable goods and services to society. Preservation of their environmental functions in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures on groundwater resources and progressive climate change depends on appropriate environmental policies and water resources management. A brief overview of current knowledge of the functioning of GDE and their relations with groundwater is given in the first part of the article. Effective incorporation of GDE into the policy and practice of water resources management depends on thorough understanding of how hydrogeological processes and human impacts influence the quantity and quality of groundwater available to ecosystems. Major scientific challenges in this regard are related to adequate representation of GDE in the conceptual and re lated numeri cal models of groundwater systems. An example of a GDE (Wielkie Błoto fen in southern Poland) is discussed in some detail in the second part of the article. It illustrates some of the pressures and threats which GDE located in densely populated regions of the European continent are experiencing nowadays. Selected research tools used to quantify those pressures and threats are described and discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono główne kierunki zmian w dyrektywach UE (Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna, dyrektywa dotycząca ochrony wód podziemnych) pod kątem pełniejszego uwzględnienia roli i znaczenia wód podziemnych w gospodarowaniu wodami, a wypracowanych w ramach projektu 7 Programu Ramowego UE o akronimie GENESIS, w którym ze strony polskiej biorą udział zespoły z Akademii Górniczo- Hutniczej w Krakowie i Politechniki Krakowskiej.
The article presents the main directions of changes in the EU directives (Framework Water Directive, directive on ground waters protection) in terms of deepened consideration of the role and importance of ground waters in the water management, worked out as part of the 7th EU Framework GENESIS Programme, realised with participation of Polish teams from the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow and the Cracow University of Technology.
W artykule przedstawiono problemy z jednoznaczną oceną stanu ilościowego i chemicznego wynikające ze zmienności pionowej wybranych parametrów fizykochemicznych wody podziemnej. Badania zrealizowano w otworze Rybna 57 o głębokości 260 m ujmującego wody szczelinowo-krasowego GZWP 326 Częstochowa E. Otwór ten jest orurowany tylko do głębokości 80 m ppt. Wykonane na różnych głębokościach pomiary ciśnienia wykazały możliwość przepływów pionowych. Zmienność w pionie stężeń trytu pozwoliła na interpretację wieku wody podziemnej dopływającej do otworu. Zauważono także zmienność pionową stężeń azotanów i chromu, będących głównymi zanieczyszczeniami w obszarze badań.
On ехаmрlе of investigations in Rybna no.57 well are shown the problem with precise determination of quantitative and chemical status. The well with depth of 260 m is located in the upper Jurassic Major Groundwater Basin No.326 north of Częstochowa. In the section from 80 m below land surface to the bottom the well is unscreened. The measurement of vertical hydrostatic pressure variability shows possibility of water flow inside the well. The vertical variability of tritium concentration created the possibility of water age interpretation. Nitrate and chromium which are the most important pollution indicators in that region, shows also vertical changeability.
W artykule krótko przedstawiono charakterystykę europejskiego projektu FP-7 GENESIS oraz doświadczenia wynikające z badania polskich obszarów testowych włączonych do projektu. W zrozumieniu systemu krążenia wód podziemnych najważniejsza jest rola skali czasowej oraz ocena środowiskowej roli wody. W prezentacji skali czasowej bardzo ważne są proste modele konceptualne. Bardziej zaawansowane modelowanie numeryczne wymaga nowych metod ograniczających niepewność prognoz. Jedną z przedstawionych w artykule metod jest kalibracja modeli przepływu i transportu przy pomocy znaczników środowiskowych w kolejnych krokach zależnych od dostępnych danych oraz przedziałów wieków wody.
The paper briefly describes the European FP7 project GENESIS and lessons learned from the Polish case studies involved into the project. The most important are the role of time scales in understanding the groundwater flow system and environmental water requirements. Simple conceptual models are very important for time scale presentation. More sophisticated numerical modeling needs new methods of uncertainty control. One of them shown in the paper is calibration of flow and transport models with the aid of tracers in steps related to available data and age ranges.
River floodplains have been recognized as an important sink for suspended sediments and associated contaminants mobilized from upstream catchments. However, information on rates of overbank sedimentation within time span of several tens of years is impossible to obtain using conventional sediment traps. Measurements of the 210Pb content in floodplain sediments provide an alternative approach for obtaining estimates of medium-term (100–150 years) rates of overbank sediment deposition. The use of 210Pb method and heavy metals concentration profiles allowed to obtain retrospective estimates of recent sedimentation rates on floodplain of the Warta River (the Cracow Upland, southern Poland). The results are compared with dating of sediment layers by characteristic peaks of heavy metal concentrations. The highest sediment accretion rate, of the order of 1 cm/year, was found in a levee along river bank. Sediment deposition in flood basin is much slower and usually does not exceed 1 mm/year.
The current paper describes a repetition of a tracer test using tritiated water in Hobol Creek, Norway, under two markedly different flow conditions in August and in October 2002. By carefully fitting a one-dimensional model of the solute trans-port in the creek, various mixing parameters could be evaluated and compared be-tween the two occasions. The change in residence time in and exchange rate with the hyporheic zone caused by the difference in flow could be well accounted for in terms of the "pumping" theory. The pumping theory represents the hydro-mechanics of the exchange flow. Further, we found that at least 70% mass recovery is needed to provide an accurate evaluation of model parameters and this can only be achieved up to a limited stream distance.
A theoretical description of reactive solute transport in a network of stream channels is derived by convoluting unit solutions based on a physical representation of transport and topographical information of the distributions of solute load as well as pathways. The theory is applied to a generic analysis of the phosphate export in Morsa watershed due to the load from 620 individual households with a local wastewater treatment. Essential factors for the phosphate export is filtering of the water in stream-bed sediments through a distribution of hyporheic flow paths of various lengths. This generic study indicates that a significant portion of phosphate is retained in the hyporheic zones for a long time. The 90\% recovery time following a hypothetical remediation action in the households is expected to be in the order of one decade.
Topmost sediments in two oligotrophic lakes of the High Tatra Mountains were studied in terms of sedimentological characteristics and 210 Pb dating. An alpine lake sediments are important source of information on geomorphic process activity in glacial catchments. Two different sediment transfer models are represented. In Morskie Oko lake basin majority of extreme, short lasting geomorphic events triggered on the surrounding slopes are registred in lake sediments (minerogenic laminae), while in Zelene Pleso lake only an effect of pro-longed flooding periods are to be seen. The sedimentation rates in both lakes are similar.
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