Three activated chars obtained from end-of-life tyre pyrolysis differing in activation time (AC110 – 110 min, AC130 – 130 min, and AC150 – 150 min) were successfully used as adsorbents for the removal of model dye – Rhodamine B (RhB) from aqueous solutions. The effects of solution pH, adsorption kinetics, and equilibrium adsorption were investigated. The results showed that the adsorption was strongly pH-dependent; the highest percentage of RhB dye adsorbed was obtained at pH 2.0 and the removal efficiency decreased with an increase in solution pH. Adsorption kinetics was analyzed using pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Weber-Morris, and Boyd kinetic models. It was found that the pseudo-second-order kinetic equation was the most appropriate for describing the adsorption kinetics and that the RhB adsorption process was controlled by a film diffusion mechanism. Adsorption equilibrium data were fitted to the Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Elovich isotherm models. The equilibrium data were best represented by the Langmuir model with the monolayer adsorption capacities of 69.96, 94.34, and 133.3 μmol/g for AC110, AC130, and AC150, respectively. It was concluded that the adsorption of RhB was closely correlated with the specific surface area (and activation time) of the activated chars.
The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of using natural carbonaceous materials such as peat, lignite, and hard coal as low-cost sorbents for the removal of Direct Orange 26 azo dye from an aqueous solution. The adsorption kinetics and the influence of experimental conditions were investigated. The following materials were used in the research: azo dye Direct Orange 26, Spill-Sorb “Fison” peat (Alberta, Canada), lignite (Bełchatów, Poland), and hard coal (“Zofiówka” mine, Poland). The morphology and porous structure of the absorbents were tested. Dye sorption was carried out under static conditions, with different doses of sorbents, pH of the solution, and ionic strength. It was observed that the adsorption of Direct Orange 26 dye on all three adsorbents was strongly dependent on the pH of the solution, while the ionic strength of the solution did not affect the adsorption efficiency. The adsorption kinetics were consistent with the pseudo-second-order reaction model. The stage which determines the rate of adsorption is the diffusion of the dye in the near-surface layer. The process of equilibrium adsorption of Direct Orange 26 dye on all tested adsorbents is best described by the Langmuir isotherm. The maximum adsorption capacity for peat, brown coal and hard coal was 17.7, 15.1 and 13.8 mg/g, respectively. The results indicate that peat, lignite, and hard coal can be considered as alternative adsorbents for removing azo dyes from aqueous solutions.
Celem pracy była ocena możliwości wykorzystania naturalnych materiałów węglowych takich jak torf, węgiel brunatny i węgiel kamienny jako niskokosztowych sorbentów do w usuwaniu barwnika azowego Direct Orange 26 z roztworu wodnego. Zbadano kinetykę adsorpcji oraz wpływ dawki sorbentu, pH roztworu oraz siły jonowej na skuteczność sorpcji. W badaniach wykorzystano barwnik azowy Direct Orange 26, torf Spill-Sorb „Fison” (Alberta, Kanada), węgiel brunatny (Bełchatów,Polska) oraz węgiel kamienny („Zofiówka”, Polska). Wykonano badania morfologii oraz struktury porowatej absorbentów. Sorpcję barwnika prowadzono w warunkach statycznych, przy różnych dawkach sorbentów, pH roztworu i sile jonowej. Zaobserwowano, że adsorpcja barwnika Direct Orange 26 na wszystkich trzech adsorbentach była silnie zależna od pH roztworu, natomiast siła jonowa roztworu nie wpływała na efektywność adsorpcji. Kinetyka adsorpcji była zgodna z modelem reakcji pseudo-drugiego rzędu. Etapem decydującym o szybkości adsorpcji jest dyfuzja barwnika w warstwie przypowierzchniowej. Proces adsorpcji równowagowej barwnika Direct Orange 26 na wszystkich badanych adsorbentach najlepiej opisuje izoterma Langmuira. Maksymalne zdolności adsorpcyjne dla torfu, węgla brunatnego i węgla kamiennego wynosiły odpowiednio 17,7, 15,1 i 13,8 mg/g. Wyniki wskazują, że torf, węgiel brunatny i węgiel kamienny mogą być rozważane jako alternatywne adsorbenty do usuwania barwników azowych z roztworów wodnych.
Haloizyt modyfikowany organicznymi związkami zawierającymi azot, wykorzystywany jako napełniacz polimerów, zastosowano do adsorpcji jonów Cu(II) z roztworu wodnego. Stwierdzono korelację ilości zaadsorbowanych jonów miedzi i ilości azotu związanego z powierzchnią haloizytu. Zwiększenie zawartości azotu na powierzchni haloizytu powodowało istotne zwiększenie zdolności adsorpcyjnej materiału w odniesieniu do jonów Cu(II).
The halloysite modified with nitrogen-containing organic compounds (used as a polymers filler) was used to adsorb Cu(II) ions from an aqueous solution. A correlation was found between the amount of adsorbed copper ions and the amount of nitrogen bound to the halloysite surface. Increasing of the nitrogen content significantly increased the adsorption capacity of the material in relation to Cu(II).
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Zbadano adsorpcję barwników Direct Orange 26 (DO26) i Reactive Blue 81 (RB81) na trocinach dębu, sosny i wiśni. Kinetyka adsorpcji przebiegała zgodnie z modelem pseudo II rzędu. Adsorpcja w warunkach równowagowych była dobrze opisana równaniem izotermy Langmuira. Zbadano wpływ pH i siły jonowej roztworu na proces. Adsorpcja barwników zmniejszała się wraz ze zwiększeniem pH roztworu, a zwiększała wraz ze wzrostem siły jonowej roztworu. Uzyskane wyniki pokazały, że trociny mogą być z powodzeniem stosowane do usuwania barwników z roztworów wodnych.
The com. azo dyes were adsorbed from their aq. solns. (20–100 μmol/L) on 3 types of sawdust (pine, oak and cherry wood) at 25°C under shaking to study the adsorption kinetics and equil. The kinetics was fitted well to the pseudo-second order model. The expt. isotherms were well described by the Langmuir equation. The effects of pH and ionic strength (0.1 mol/L NaCl) of soln. were studied. The adsorption of the dyes decreased with an increase of pH (2.5–11) and increased with the increase of the soln. ionic strength.
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Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością wykorzystania aktywowanych pirolizatów ze zużytych opon do adsorpcji z wody modelowych herbicydów: kwasu 2,4-dichlorofenoksyoctowego (2,4-D), kwasu 2-metylo-4-chlorofenoksyoctowego (MCPA) oraz kwasu 2-metylo-4-chlorofenoksypropionowego (MCPP, Mecoprop). Adsorbenty otrzymano w wyniku aktywacji pirolizatów w atmosferze CO₂ w temp. 1100°C, stosując różne czasy procesu. Wielkość adsorpcji wszystkich badanych adsorbatów była skorelowana z czasem aktywacji i stopniem rozwinięcia struktury porowatej adsorbentu. Najlepszy z adsorbentów (135 min long aktywacji) miał powierzchnię BET równą 255 m²/g i całkowitą objętość porów równą 0,447 cm³/g. Dla wszystkich adsorbentów i adsorbatów adsorpcja najefektywniej przebiegała przy pH 2-3. Z testowanych trzech modeli izoterm adsorpcji: Freundlicha, Langmuira i Sipsa najlepszą zgodność danych doświadczalnych i modelowych uzyskano dla równania Sipsa. Aktywowane pirolizaty są skutecznymi i jednocześnie obiecującymi adsorbentami do usuwania herbicydów z wody. Zwiększenie ich pojemności adsorpcyjnej jest potencjalnie możliwe wraz z większym rozwinięciem powierzchni właściwej za pomocą aktywacji chemicznej.
Three tire pyrolysis chars were activated in a CO₂ atm. at 1100oC and used as adsorbents for removal 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxypropionic acid from their aq. solns. The amt. of adsorbed acids was correlated with the activation time and the degree of adsorbent surface development. The best adsorbent had a sp. surface area of 255 m²/g and a total pore volume of 0.447 cm³/g after 135 min long activation. The best adsorption efficiency was achieved at pH 2-3. The best compatibility of exptl. and model data was obtained for the Sips model.
The usefulness of untreated (H-NM) as well as modified by sodium benzoate (H-SB) and sulfuric acid (H-SA1 and H-SA2) halloysites as low-cost adsorbent for the removal of Direct Orange 26 azo dye from aqueous solutions was investigated. The kinetic data were evaluated in terms of the pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetic models, while the equilibrium adsorption data were analyzed by the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm equations. The data follows the pseudo-second order kinetic and Langmuir adsorption models. The DO26 adsorption capacities were 64.93, 74.07, 303.0, and 384.4 μmol/g for the H-NM, H-SB, H-SA1, and H-SA2, respectively. Adsorption of the dye was strongly pH dependent; no effect of ionic strength was observed. The study revealed that halloysites, especially acid-activated halloysites, could be used as an effective and low-cost adsorbents.
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The paper examines single- and multicomponent adsorption onto granular activated carbon. The quantities adsorbed in the study were determined using HPLC with UV detection. The experimental data were analysed using the Langmuir, the Freundlich and the Sips adsorption isotherms. With a single component being adsorbed, high coefficients of determination and low mean square errors indicated that the Sips isotherm fitted the adsorption equilibrium well. Further experiments were carried out using aqueous solutions containing two or three adsorbed components in different proportions. For these solutions, the literature methods of predicting multicomponent equilibrium using single-component data did not yield positive results. Assuming that in the investigated range of concentrations no competitive adsorption occurred, the authors propose a method for calculating the equilibrium concentrations in the liquid phase using the equations obtained for individual components. The results achieved correspond very well to the experimental data.
This paper aims to show the effect of activation method of tyre pyrolysis char (TPC) on adsorptionof bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous solutions. The TPC was produced from end-of-life-tyres (ELT)feedstock in a pilot plant at 773 K. Activation was accomplished using two classical methods: physicalactivation with CO2and chemical activation with KOH. The two produced adsorbents had pores rangingfrom micro- to macropores. Distinct differences in the BET surface areas and pore volumes betweenthe adsorbents were displayed showing better performance of the chemically activated adsorbent foradsorption of BPA from water.The results of the kinetic studies showed that the adsorption of BPA followed pseudo-second-orderkinetic model. The Freundlich, Langmuir, Langmuir–Freundlich and Redlich–Peterson isotherm equa-tions were used for description of the adsorption data. The Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm model bestfits the experimental data for the BPA adsorption on both adsorbents. The Langmuir–Freundlichmonolayer adsorption capacity,qmLF, obtained for the CO2-activated tyre pyrolysis char (AP-CO2)and KOH-activated tyre pyrolysis char (AP-KOH) were 0.473 and 0.969 mmol g
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Zbadano adsorpcję kwasu fenoksyoctowego (PAA) i jego pochodnych: kwasów 2,4-dichlorofenoksyoctowego (2,4-D) i 2-metylo-4-chlorofenoksyoctowego (MCPA) na dwóch pylistych węglach aktywnych Norit SX2 i Ceca L2S. Kinetyka adsorpcji przebiegała zgodnie z modelem pseudo 2. rzędu. Adsorpcja w warunkach równowagowych była dobrze opisana równaniem izotermy Langmuira i Freundlicha. Zbadano również wpływ pH i siły jonowej roztworu na adsorpcję. Adsorpcja kwasów fenoksyoctowych zmniejszała się wraz ze wzrostem pH roztworu i zwiększała się wraz ze wzrostem siły jonowej roztworu.
PhOCH₂COOH and its derivatives, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid were adsorbed from their aq. solns. (0.2–1.0 mmol/L) on 2 com. powdered activated C at 25°C to study the adsorption kinetics and equils. The kinetics was fitted well to the pseudo-second order model. The adsorption at equil. was well described by the Langmuir-Freundlich equation. The effects of soln. pH and ionic strength were studied. The adsorption decreased as the initial soln. pH increased and increased as the soln. ionic strength increased.
Carbon paste electrode (CPE) was modified with F-300 commercial activated carbon or Norit SX- 2 powdered activated carbon. CPEs were prepared for detection of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2,6-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,6-D) and 2,4,6-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,6-T). The electrochemical behavior of these materials was investigated employing cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The modifier was found to enhance the electroactive surface area and the peak current in comparison to the bare (unmodified) carbon paste electrode. The intensity of the signal increased with the increase in adsorption ability of the modifiers. Compared to the unmodified electrode, all the new paste electrodes showed a much greater sensitivity for detection of chlorinated phenoxyacetic acids in water samples.
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