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This note addresses the stabilization problem of nonlinear chained-form systems with input time delay. We first employ the so-called σ-process transformation that renders the feedback system under a linear form. We introduce a particular transformation to convert the original system into a delay-free system. Finally, we apply a state feedback control, which guarantees a quasi-exponential stabilization to all the system states, which in turn converge exponentially to zero. Then we employ the so-called -type control to achieve a quasi-exponential stabilization of the subsequent system. A simulation example illustrated on the model of a wheeled mobile robot is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
This paper deals with the development of intelligent and adaptative system for signposted intersection control. The role of such systems is to manage the existing infrastructure to ease congestion and respond to crises. The proposed system, named ASSINC, try to insure a more fluid traffic flow. ASSINC is based on case based reasoning (CBR) approach and fuzzy logic to consider imprecise information taken from some detector. In fact, the CBR is always considered as a cyclic paradigm of Artificial Intelligence and that is used to learning and problem solving based on past experience. The developed system is tested on a virtual junction and the obtained results are discussed.
Content available remote Recursive backstepping stabilization of a wheeled mobile robot
This research is aimed at the development of a dynamic control to enhance the performance of the existing dynamic controllers for mobile robots. System dynamics of the car-like robot with nonholonomic constraints is employed. A backstepping approach for the design of discontinuous state feedback controller is used for the design of the controller. It is shown that the origin of the closed loop system can be made stable in the sense of Lyapunov. The control design is made on the basis of a suitable Lyapunov function candidate. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is tested through simulation on a car-like vehicle mobile robot.
This paper addresses the problem of the adaptive stabilization of a nonholonomic mobile robot. A discontinuous adaptive state feedback controller is derived to achieve global stability and convergence of the trajectories of the closed loop system in the presence of parameter modeling uncertainty. This task is achieved by a non smooth transformation in the original system followed by the derivation of smooth time invariant control in the new coordinates. The stability and convergence analysis is built on Lyapunov stability theory.
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