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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the operation of a novel installation for treating the outflow from a hybrid constructed wetland system and the possibility of domestic wastewater reuse. The study was carried out in 2022-2023 at a facility located in the Polesie National Park (PNP) in Poland. The analyzed installation for the treatment of wastewater discharged from the constructed wetland system is located in the basement of a single-family building and consists of a filtration system including: yarn, spun and carbon filters, and a UV lamp. In turn, the hybrid constructed wetland system from which the treated wastewater is recycled to the building consists of a 2-chamber primary settling tank and a system of two VF-HF type beds with common reed and willow. During the study period (October 2022 to December 2023), 14 series of analyses were performed, during which the values of selected physico-chemical and microbiological indicators were determined in the collected samples of treated wastewater. On the basis of the performed tests, it was found that the analyzed system provided an average efficiency of reduction of total suspended solids and BOD5 at 46.8 and 45.8%, respectively. Smaller effects were obtained for the reduction of COD (22.7%), total nitrogen (4.9%) and total phosphorus (16.3%). In contrast, the average reduction effects of microbiological indicators were very high, amounting to 92.7 and 97.1% for Escherichia coli and enteroccocus bacteria, respectively. The study showed that the effluent flowing out of the hybrid constructed wetland system after treatment in the analyzed installation could be reused for toilet flushing or green watering, as it usually did not contain microbiological contaminants. It was determined that the recycled treated wastewater could replace, on average, 18.7% of the good-quality water supplied by the mains water supply in the studied household.
The aim of the present study was to analyze changes in water consumption which took place in the years 2011–2020 in the Educational-Museum Center of Poleski National Park (Poland), from which wastewater is discharged to a hybrid constructed wetland wastewater treatment plant. Water consumption was shown to be dependent on the number of visitors to the museum. As the number of visitors grew from 11,000 in 2011 to over 55,000 in 2019, the annual water consumption increased from 131 to 430 m3. Along with an increase in the percentage of individual visitors in the total number of visitors to the museum from over 40% in 2011–2017 to over 80% in 2020, water consumption per person decreased from 12.21 dm3∙d-1 to 7.18 dm3∙d-1. The average daily water consumption per one visitor in 2011–2020 was 10.4 dm3∙d-1, a value that was similar to the water consumption standard for museums (10 dm3∙d-1) set out in the Regulation of the Polish Minister of Infrastructure of 14 January 2002 on defining average water consumption standards. The average daily amount of water used in the museum building in the individual months of the year ranged from 0.12 to 1.28 m3/d. The highest average daily water consumption was recorded in the high tourist season (May–August), and the lowest in the low tourist season (January–April, September–December).
The goal of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of filters filled with Rockfos for removal of phosphorus (Total-P) from domestic wastewater using, Rockfos is a material obtained by calcination of carbonate-silica rock (opoka) at a temperature of 900 °C. A field study was conducted in two filters with volumes of 2.0 and 0.8 m3 which were components of hybrid constructed wetlands with an average capacity of 2.0 m3/L, located in two national parks in south eastern Poland. Samples of the influent to and the effluent from the filters were analyzed for Total-P concentrations and pH. Eighty sewage samples were tested over a five year study period. It was shown that the test filters removed Total-P with an average efficiency of 31.5% and 30.2% and that they could be successfully used to remove P from domestic wastewater in small wastewater treatment plants.
The work presented the assessment of household wastewater treatment plants with drainage systems on the quality of groundwater in dug wells and deep water wells in the area of 3 selected communes (Drelów, Dębowa Kłoda and Urszulin), located in the Lublin province in south-eastern Poland. The investigations of the physicochemical composition of water from selected 28 dug wells and 2 deep water wells were conducted from June to July 2020, involving 9 measurement series. The microbiological studies consisted in 4 measurement series. The composition of the wastewater from primary settling tanks discharged to soil via drainage systems located in the vicinity of considered wells was also examined on a single occasion. The studies indicate that the water from wells are significantly polluted with ammonia, nitrites, as well as compounds of natural origin: iron and manganese. The presence of microbiological pollution of fecal origin was noted. The studies clearly indicate the possible pollution of the analyzed well waters with domestic sewage discharged to soil via drainage systems. Therefore, it necessary to take the actions aimed at improving the quality of groundwater in the Lublin province, including limitation of drainage systems, especially in the areas with unfavorable subsurface and hydrological conditions as well as low water supply coverage. The need to introduce changes in legal regulations and strategies for the development of technical infrastructure in counties, favoring the most efficient, as well as simple and inexpensive technologies, was indicated.
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the influence of anthropogenic pollution on the water quality of the Ciemięga River, which flows through the Jastków commune, located in the Lublin Province in the South-Eastern Poland. The analyses of the river water were conducted in the years 2019–2020. Each year, the samples for physicochemical analyses were collected seasonally (in February, May, August and November) from the seven selected Ciemięga River sampling points found in the following localities: Ożarów, Moszenki, Sieprawice, Jastków, Snopków and Jakubowice Konińskie. In addition, 3 series of microbiological analysis were conducted in 2020. Electrolytic conductivity, total phosphorus, nitrate-nitrogen and sulfates constituted the physicochemical indicators of poor water quality in the river. Their average values exceeded the standards for the 2nd class of water quality. High concentration of these indicators, especially of the total phosphorus, could have been related to the influx of domestic wastewater from agricultural holdings, wastewater flows from agricultural areas as well as soil erosion and leaching. The levels of E. coli bacteria and fecal coliform allocated the Ciemięga River waters to the 4th class of water quality and could result from domestic wastewater flow to the river. In order to improve the water quality of the Ciemięga River, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate point and non-point sources of pollution by means of streamlining of the agricultural areas fertilization, regulating the water and wastewater management, regulating of the waste management, as well as the appropriate spatial policy and landscaping of the water catchment areas.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the spatial variability of precipitation in Poland in the years 1981–2010. The average annual rainfall was 607 mm. Precipitation in Poland is characterized by high spatial and temporal variability. The lowest annual precipitation was recorded in the central part of the country, where they equaled 500 mm. The highest annual precipitation totals were determined in the south, equaling 970 mm. The average precipitation in the summer half-year is 382 mm (63% of the annual total). On the basis of data from 53 climate stations, maps were made of the spatial distribution of precipitation for the period of the year and winter and summer half-year. The kriging method was used to map rainfall distribution in Poland. In the case study, cross-validation was used to compare the prediction performances of three periods. Kriging, with exponential type of semivariogram, gave the best performance in the statistical sense. Their application is justices especially in areas where landform is very complex. In accordance with the assumptions, the mean prediction error (ME), mean standardized prediction error (MSE), and root mean-square standardized prediction error (RMSSE) values are approximately zero, and root-mean-square prediction error (RMSE) and average standard error (ASE) reach values well below 100.
The paper presents the current state of water supply and sewerage infrastructure and the need for its expanding in Radzyń district. The district is located in the northern part of Lublin Voivodeship in Poland. The following communes belong to Radzyń district: the municipal commune of Radzyń Podlaski and 7 rural communes: Borki, Czemierniki, Kąkolewnica, Komarówka Podlaska, Radzyń Podlaski, Ulan-Majorat, Wohyń. The data show that the water supply network in Radzyń district is well developed. The most significant percentage of the population using the water supply network has the rural commune of Radzyń Podlaski – 99.9%, while the smallest, commune Komarówka Podlaska – 54.5%. The survey showed that there was a very large disproportion between the development of the sewerage and water supply systems. The largest percentage of the population using the sewerage network has the municipal commune of Radzyń Podlaski – 99.7%. The smallest percentage of users of collective sewage disposal systems was recorded in the rural commune of Radzyń Podlaski (7.2%). The commune of UlanMajorat does not have a sewerage system. The survey conducted in 2016 shows that 8 collective wastewater treatment plants operated in Radzyń district at that time. The total capacity of the treatment plants is over 5,300 m3/d. In 2016, Radzyń district had about 1,000 household wastewater treatment plants. The presented data show that the condition of the sanitary infrastructure in rural communes of Radzyń district is unsatisfactory and requires the investment activities mainly aimed at expanding collective sewage disposal and treatment systems as well as developing a network of household wastewater treatment plants.
The paper presents an evaluation of the pollutant removal efficiencies of four primary settling tanks that were components of on-site domestic wastewater treatment plants located in the Roztocze National Park in Poland. We studied two four-chamber settling tanks which were elements of the technological lines of activated sludge treatment plants, and two threechamber settling tanks which provided primary treatment in hybrid constructed wetlands. The tests were conducted in the years 2017–2019. During this period, wastewater samples for analysis were collected from the first chamber (raw wastewater) and the last chamber (primary settled wastewater) of each settling tank. We tested the following pollution parameters: total suspended solids (TSS), BOD5, COD, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP). The following mean pollutant removal efficiencies were obtained for the four-chamber settling tanks: TSS – 68.3%, BOD5 – 50.4%, and COD – 49.5%; the three-chamber settling tanks were much less efficient at reducing those pollution parameters: 50.9%, 17.0%, and 2.3%, respectively. Neither the three-chamber nor the four-chamber settling tanks ensured effective elimination of biogenic compounds. In most cases, the concentrations of TN and TP in primary settled wastewater were higher compared to raw sewage, which means that these elements were being released from sewage sludge during treatment. Despite this finding, the study shows that a primary settling tank should be used as a basic component of any domestic wastewater treatment plant, as it ensures a considerable reduction in TSS and organic matter.
Na terenach wiejskich, gdzie budowa systemów zbiorowych jest niemożliwa ze względu na nadmierne koszty, coraz szersze zastosowanie znajdują lokalne systemy unieszkodliwiania ścieków. Do tego typu rozwiązań należą hydrofitowe oczyszczalnie, w literaturze anglojęzycznej określane jako „constructed wetland”.
One of the consequences of the dynamic technological development is the rapidly increasing amount of electro-waste (WEEE, e-waste). Because there are no uniform legal regulations regarding the ways of collecting such waste, the separate-collection systems used in various areas are not homogeneous, and they usually also differ in effectiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the electro-waste collection system implemented in Lublin (the largest city in Eastern Poland). Taking into account the fact that the reliability of a collection system depends on the degree of its adaptation to the functions it performs, the evaluation consisted in determining how big a problem improper electro-waste segregation was. The article presents the results of a study of the causes of citizens’ failure to properly manage e-waste and indicates what measures should be taken to amend the problem. During two research steps, 347 pieces of e-waste with a total weight of 77.218 kg were found in the analyzed waste samples (0.33% of all samples). This means that the mechanisms of selective e-waste collection still do not work correctly, despite the ten years of Poland’s membership in the EU and implementation of European legislation in this area. The fact that residents throw away electric waste into municipal mixed waste containers poses a serious problem for proper waste management – even if only a part of the e-waste is disposed in this illegal way. This indicates the necessity of improving waste collection (more frequent waste reception, convenient access to e-waste containers, raising public awareness, etc.).
Dynamiczny rozwój technologiczny niesie za sobą szereg następstw zarówno korzystnych, jak i negatywnych. Wśród tych ostatnich wyróżnia się stale rosnącą ilość odpadów w postaci zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego, stanowiących zagrożenie zarówno dla środowiska przyrodniczego, jak również zdrowia i życia ludzi. Kraje wysoce rozwinięte wprowadziły efektywne systemy zarządzania tego rodzaju odpadami. Dla państw rozwijających się w dalszym ciągu stanowią one jednak istotny problem (funkcjonujące w nich systemy gospodarowania odpadami ukierunkowane są bowiem głównie na składowanie). Celem pracy było przeprowadzenie oceny skuteczności funkcjonowania systemu zbiórki elektroodpadów w Lublinie. Opracowanie zawiera wyniki przeprowadzonych badań, próbę znalezienia przyczyn niewłaściwego postępowania, a także wskazania, które stwarzają możliwość osiągnięcia poprawy. Podczas badań przeanalizowano 23,125 Mg odpadów komunalnych, w których zidentyfikowano 347 elektroodpadów o całkowitej masie 77,218 kg. Świadczy to o niedostatecznej skuteczności rozwiązań funkcjonujących na danym obszarze (obecność tego rodzaju odpadów w zmieszanej frakcji wskazuje również na ogólny problem z selektywną zbiórką). Wymaganym jest wobec tego usprawnienie całego systemu (ukierunkowane w głównej mierze na zwiększenie dostępności oraz poprawę świadomości społeczeństwa.
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the temperature of wastewater in a biological reactor with activated sludge and the BOD5/N-NH4 ratio in the influent to the treatment plant on nitrification efficiency and the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in treated wastewater. Tests were carried out in a household wastewater treatment plant which collects and treats sewage from a school building and a teacher’s house. During the 3-year study, large fluctuations in the sewage temperature in bioreactor were noted which was closely related to the ambient temperature. There were also large fluctuations in the concentration of organic matter and the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in inflowing sewage. The influence of wastewater temperature in the bioreactor and the BOD5/N-NH4 ratio on the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in treated wastewater was determined using Pearson’s linear correlation. A statistical analysis showed that a 1°C decrease in the temperature of wastewater in the bioreactor increased the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in treated wastewater by 2.64 mgN-NH4·L-1. Moreover, it was found that nitrification depended on the ratio of BOD5 to the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in wastewater flowing into the bioreactor. An increase in the BOD5/N-NH4 ratio by 1 value led to a 5.41 mgN-NH4·L-1 decrease in the concentration of ammonium nitrogen.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu temperatury ścieków w reaktorze biologicznym z osadem czynnym oraz stosunku BZT5/N-NH4 w ściekach dopływających do oczyszczalni na skuteczność procesu nitryfikacji i stężenia azotu amonowego w ściekach oczyszczonych. Badania prowadzono w przydomowej oczyszczalni, do której odpływają ścieki z budynku szkolnego oraz domu nauczyciela. W okresie 3-letnich badań odnotowano duże wahania temperatury ścieków w bioreaktorze co było ściśle związane z temperaturą otoczenia. Stwierdzono również duże wahania stężenia materii organicznej oraz stężenia azotu amonowego w ściekach dopływających. Analizę wpływu temperatury ścieków w bioreaktorze oraz stosunku BZT5/N-NH4 na stężenie azotu amonowego w ściekach oczyszczonych określono za pomocą korelacji liniowej Persona. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy statystycznej stwierdzono, że wraz obniżeniem temperatury ścieków w bioreaktorze o 1°C następuje zwiększenie stężenia azotu amonowego w ściekach oczyszczonych o 2,64 mgN-NH4·L-1. Ponadto stwierdza się, że proces nitryfikacji zależny jest od stosunku BZT5 do stężenia azotu amonowego w ściekach dopływających do bioreaktora. Wraz ze wzrostem zależności BZT5/N-NH4 o 1 maleje stężenie stężenia azotu amonowego o 5,41 mgN-NH4·L-1
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