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The study of soil physico-chemical properties is an important field related to the aspect of climate change and the storage of organic carbon in soil. This field of scientific research aims to identify the impact of land management practices on the physico-chemical parameters of soil composition. This study is based on laboratory analysis and various observations of various soil physicochemical parameters, such as pH-H2 O, electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), soil organic carbon (SOC), SOC t/ha, and specific gravity (BD) g/cm3 . This study helps develop strategies to implement improved land management sustainably. The soil specific gravity averages 1.38 g/ cm3, with low variability (Std. Dev. = 0.03337), the coefficient of variation (CV) is 2.410378%, indicating a low variation about the mean, while the skewness is negative (-0.78464), while the kurtosis is positive (1.766186). Some of the differences (OM, SOC, SOC t/ha) have a high variability, while others have a lower variability (EC μS/cm, pH 1:2.5, BD g/cm3). This may indicate that some soil characteristics are more stable, while others have a higher degree of variability.
Water resources management in Kosovo faces many problems such as economic, legal, lack of experts in the field of environment, and various factors for the management of water basins. The study is a special feature for presenting the current, important, situation of water resources in Kosovo. The results of the research show the current state of the rivers, especially the two largest basins such as the river Drin I Bardh and Iber. Water management is of particular importance for the health of flora and fauna. Drinking water quality monitoring, to be analyzed with compliance over 95%, compliance with microbiological water quality standards, and 97.0% with international chemical standards. Assessing the quality of rivers is finding the solution to the problem of water treatment to fully meet the needs of aquatic ecosystems. Determination of physico-chemical parameters such as: (pH, TDS, TH, EC, etc.), are necessary for water quality analysis. Water quality depends on the management of industrial waste, especially heavy metals such as (Pb, Hg, As, Zn, Fe, etc.), determination of parameters of other elements such as: (Na, K, Mg, Ca, etc.), indicate the hardness of the water. The study included different methodologies: qualitative, quantitative analysis, and statistics.
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