This article deals with the technology of increasing the efficiency of oi1 and gas forecasting by integrating direct methods on Kerch-Black Sea shelf. Whi1e providing the results of the analysis of methods integrated index (rate), the author points high-priority sites for hydrocarbon accumulations prospecting.
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The interpretation of satellite remote surveys has become an integral part of the process of searching for and exploring oil and gas fields in the Naftogaz of Ukraine, National Joint-Stock Company area of activity. This work is aimed at exploration of oil and gas-bearing provinces and regions, as well as at the discovery of oil and gas promising territories, search for and detailed study of hydrocarbon traps. Combined remote sensing is based on geoinformation technologies and computer analysis of all available geological information. The method of identification of gas-bearing and non-gas-bearing areas based on the difference between phototonal characteristics of the landscape over a hydrocarbon pool and beyond its outline is developed by the Company. Such phototone difference is revealed with the aid of a multiple-zone satellite photograph made at ranges of the visible-light and infra-red spectrums.
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