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The paper presents the characteristics of prospective zones identified for the first time within the lower Palaeozoic shale formations occurring in the Baltic-Podlasie-Lublin Basin and within the Carboniferous shale, sandstone, and mixed shale-sandstone complexes (the so-called hybrid complexes) in the basin of south-western Poland. The lateral and vertical ranges of these zones are determined based on specific criteria using the results of various research methods and analyses, i.e.: stratigraphic, sedimentological, mineralogical, petrological and geochemical of organic matter, petrographic and petrophysical, including interpretation of well logs. Archived geological materials and those coming from the boreholes drilled recently in the concession areas were also used. Four prospective zones have been distinguished in the lower Palaeozoic of the so-called shale belt: SP1, SP2, SP3 and SP4. The most prospective area for the occurrence of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits in shale formations is the Baltic region – the Łeba Elevation, where there are all four perspective zones, only partially covering the range of potentially prospective formations. In each of these zones, both liquid and gas hydrocarbons can be expected in this area. Due to the low percentage of organic matter, the lowest hydrocarbon generation potential is attributed to the Lublin region. However, the low values of this parameter are compensated by other parameters, i.e. the considerable thickness and lateral extent of zone SP4 corresponding partly to the Pelplin Formation. In the Carboniferous rocks of south-western Poland, seven prospective zones have been distinguished in four borehole sections. Four of them are “tight” zones in compact sandstones, while the other three zones represent a hybrid type in complexes with mixed lithology. No prospective zones have been defined in complexes with homogeneous shale lithologies. Determination of lateral extents of the identified zones has not been possible due to the scarcity of data on the geological structure and stratigraphy of the Carboniferous succession in the study area
The upper Cambrian-Silurian Piaœnica, Sasino, Udal and Pelplin formations and the Jantar Member include the most organic-rich lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Baltic-Podlasie-Lublin Basin in Poland. These rocks vary significantly in terms of vertical and lateral organic matter distribution. Generally, the siltstones, mudstones, claystones and shales are characterized by TOC values from 0.1 to as much as 17.4 wt. %. Typically, the maximum TOCvaluesreachabout9wt.%.Rock-Eval,organicmatterpetrologyandbiomarkersdataclearly indicate dominance of type II kerogen. Thermal maturity of organic matter of these rocks is variable and depends mainly on the burial history and depth. In the western slope of the East-European Craton the petroleum prospective formations are located throughout the whole spectrum of thermal maturity zones, from the immature zone (eastern margin of the formations occurrence), through the oil, condensate and gas windows, to the overmature zone dominated by exhausted source rocks in the western margins of the study area.
Content available Proces likwidacji osuwiska w m. Wieniec, gm. Gdów
Występowanie ruchów masowych na obszarach zurbanizowanych jest poważnym wyzwaniem dla samorządów lokalnych, zarówno pod względem prawidłowej oceny stateczności gruntów przeprowadzanej na etapie opracowywania planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego, jak i usuwania skutków powstałych zjawisk na terenach już zabudowanych. Odbudowa i rewitalizacja terenów zdegradowanych w wyniku tego typu katastrof, wiąże się ze znacznymi nakładami finansowymi, jak również wyborem odpowiednich metod stabilizacji i zabezpieczenia istniejącej infrastruktury. Samorządy zwykle nie są przygotowane na samodzielnie sfinansowanie kosztów związanych z badaniami geologicznymi oraz projektowaniem i wykonaniem właściwej stabilizacji. W przedmiotowej pracy przedstawiono poszczególne etapy składające się na kompleksowe zabezpieczenie terenu osuwiska, od momentu jego uaktywnienia, poprzez etap badań geologiczno-inżynierskich, ubiegania się o dotację, a kończąc na etapie wykonania stabilizacji. Za przedmiot opracowania i przykład przeprowadzenia wszystkich etapów przedsięwzięcia, wybrano lokalne osuwisko w miejscowości Wieniec gm. Gdów, w powiecie wielickim, którego rozpoznanie geologiczne wraz z procesem jego stabilizacji, były nadzorowane przez autorów niniejszego artykułu. Osuwisko powstało w 2010 r. w wyniku intensywnych opadów atmosferycznych i miało charakter osuwiska gruntowego. Osunięcie mas ziemnych wystąpiło w czwartorzędowych, nieskonsolidowanych osadach lessopodobnych, które w wyniku intensywnego nawodnienia utraciły spójność i grawitacyjnie osunęły się w dół zbocza, powodując zagrożenie dla znajdującego się w niedalekiej odległości budynku mieszkalnego oraz infrastruktury drogowej. Poszczególne etapy likwidacji skutków osuwiska polegały na stwierdzeniu i oszacowaniu strat przez Gminną Komisję oraz weryfikację strat przez Komisję Wojewódzką. Następnie opracowano kartę rejestracyjną osuwiska, która wraz z protokołem i wstępnym planem finansowym została przedłożona na Wojewódzki Zespół Nadzorujący Realizacje Zadań w Zakresie Przeciwdziałania Ruchom Osuwiskowym oraz Usuwaniu ich Skutków celem uzyskania wstępnej opinii. W przypadku analizowanego osuwiska ustalono trzy główne zadania polegające na: opracowaniu dokumentacji geologiczno-inżynierskiej i dokumentacji projektowobudowlanej oraz wykonaniu robót budowlanych (stabilizacyjnych). Po uzyskaniu promes na poszczególne etapy przeprowadzano postępowania wyłaniając wykonawców robót i składano wnioski o dofinansowanie do wojewody. Po podpisaniu umowy, w trakcie realizacji poszczególnych etapów, następowała weryfikacja dokumentacji geologiczno inżynierskiej oraz dokumentacji projektowo-wykonawczej przez PIG-PIB i rozliczenie zadania. Po każdym etapie WZNRZwZPRO analizował dokumentacje i wydawał opinię co do finansowania kolejnego etapu. Efektem końcowym przedsięwzięcia była kompleksowa stabilizacja skarpy. Na poszczególnych etapach przedsięwzięcia pojawiały się różnego rodzaju trudności i problemy, które przybliżono w artykule.
The occurrence of landslide movements in urban areas is a major challenge for local authorities, both in terms of correct assessment of the stability of the land carried out during the development of spatial development plans and disaster arising from developments in the areas already built. Reconstruction and revitalization of degraded lands as a result of this type of disaster, involves significant financial outlays, as well as the selection of appropriate methods to stabilize and protect existing infrastructure. Local governments usually are not prepared to independently finance the costs associated with geological surveys and the design and implementation of proper stabilization. In the instant work shows the individual steps involved in securing the area of the landslide complex, since its activation by stage engineering-geological surveys, applying for a grant and ending at the stage of implementation of stability. For example, the subject of development and carry out all stages of the project, selected local landslide in the village Wieniec commune Gdów, in the district of Wieliczka, whose geological including the process of its stabilization, they were supervised by the authors of this article. The landslide was created in 2010 as a result of intense precipitation and landslides had nature of ground. Landslide occurred in Quaternary unconsolidated less sediments that as a result of intense hydration lost their cohesion and gravity slid down the slope, causing a threat to located in the vicinity of a residential building and road infrastructure. The various stages of liquidation of consequences of the landslide consisted of identifying and estimating losses by the Municipal Commission and Verification of Losses by the Provincial Commission. They then developed a registration card landslide, which together with the protocol and the initial financial plan was submitted to Provincial Team Supervising the Implementation Task in Preventing Landslide and Removal their Effects in order to obtain a preliminary opinion. In the case of the analyzed landslides established three main tasks: developing geological-engineering and the design-construction documentation and execution of construction works (stabilization). After obtaining promises on the various stages of the proceedings were conducted contractors and emerging applications have been submitted for funding to the Governor. After signing the contract, during the various stages, followed by verification of the geological-engineering documentation and documentation of design and execution by PGI-NRI and settlement tasks. After each stage WZNRZwZPRO analyzed the documentation and giving an opinion as to finance the next stage. The end result was a comprehensive project to stabilize the slope. At various stages of the project there were various kinds of difficulties and problems that approximated in the article.
Dla naturalnych kruszyw mineralnych istotne znaczenie ma zawartość metali ciężkich, szczególnie ważnym zagadnieniem jest poziom ich wymywalności z betonu oraz radioaktywność. Czy kruszywa naturalne eksploatowane z Wisłoki i Sanu stanowią zagrożenie z punktu widzenia ochrony radiologicznej ludzi i zwierząt przebywających w budynkach?
This paper describes a regional overview of selected Central and Eastern European sedimentary basins which hold the unconventional potential for shale gas and shale oil exploration that have attracted interest in the last few years. Organic-rich fine-grained rocks like black and dark-grey shales, mudstones and claystones with varying ages from Cambrian to Miocene are distributed very irregularly across Europe. A long- -lasting, dynamic geological evolution and continuous reconstruction of the European continent resulted in the formation of many sedimentary basins. In some basins, biogeochemical conditions favoured preservation of accumulated organic-rich deposits and led to the generation of hydrocarbons after burial and reaching appropriate maturity levels. Even though shale gas and shale oil exploration in Europe is still in its infancy, shale formations were analyzed before as the source rocks in conventional petroleum systems. Parameters that were used to describe source rocks e.g.: total organic carbon, maturity, thickness, depth of occurrence and areal extent, can indicate preliminary potential for shale gas exploration and allow estimating first resource values. Currently the most intense shale gas exploration takes place in Poland where over 42 wells have been drilled and over 100 concessions for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration have been granted. Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian shales at the East European Craton (Baltic and Lublin-Podlasie Basins) are the major targets for unconventional exploration in Poland. In Central and Eastern Europe, evaluation of the unconventional potential of gas-bearing shale formations is carried out also in Ukraine, Lithuania, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia and the European sector of Turkey. Despite the fact that each shale rock differs from another by geochemical, petrographical, petrophysical, mechanical and other parameters, some similarities can be seen such as marine type of depositional environment with the predominance of type II kerogen or specific organic matter content. Recoverable resources of shale gas throughout Europe are believed to be as large as 17.6 bln m3 and Poland, Ukraine, France with United Kingdom are thought to have the greatest resources.
This paper describes a regional overview of selected Central and Eastern European sedimentary basins which hold the unconventional potential for shale gas and shale oil exploration that have attracted interest in the last few years. Organic-rich fine-grained rocks like black and dark-grey shales, mudstones and claystones with varying ages from Cambrian to Miocene are distributed very irregularly across Europe. A long- -lasting, dynamic geological evolution and continuous reconstruction of the European continent resulted in the formation of many sedimentary basins. In some basins, biogeochemical conditions favoured preservation of accumulated organic-rich deposits and led to the generation of hydrocarbons after burial and reaching appropriate maturity levels. Even though shale gas and shale oil exploration in Europe is still in its infancy, shale formations were analyzed before as the source rocks in conventional petroleum systems. Parameters that were used to describe source rocks e.g.: total organic carbon, maturity, thickness, depth of occurrence and areal extent, can indicate preliminary potential for shale gas exploration and allow estimating first resource values. Currently the most intense shale gas exploration takes place in Poland where over 42 wells have been drilled and over 100 concessions for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration have been granted. Upper Ordovician and lower Silurian shales at the East European Craton (Baltic, Lublin and Podlasie basins) are the major targets for unconventional exploration in Poland. In Central and Eastern Europe, evaluation of the unconventional potential of gas-bearing shale formations is carried out also in Ukraine, Lithuania, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and the European sector of Turkey. Despite the fact that each shale rock differs from another by geochemical, petrographical, petrophysical, mechanical and other parameters, some similarities can be seen such as marine type of depositional environment with the predominance of type II kerogen or specific organic matter content. Recoverable resources of shale gas throughout Europe are believed to be as large as 17.67 trillion m3 (624 Tcf) and Poland, Ukraine, France with United Kingdom are thought to have the greatest resources.
Geochemical analysis of the 50 samples of the Middle Triassic black shales (organic carbon-rich siltstones) has been carried out. The black shale samples (up to 4.92 % TOC) have been collected in the stratotype profile of the Bravaisberget Formation, west Spitsbergen. In the examined profile, the black shales occur exclusively in the Passhatten Member (the lower and middle interval of the Bravaisberget Formation). Black shale samples have been analyzed in respect to degree of pyritization (DOP), isotopic composition of pyrite sulphur (34S) and organic carbon content (TOC). The main goal of the research was to examine a degree of oxygenation and dynamics of a sea-bottom environment. DOPvalues from lower section of the Passhatten Member show wide variation, ranging from 0.29 to 0.92. In upper section of the member, the obtained DOPvalues show narrower range of variations, from 0.77 to 0.98.Wide variations of DOPwere caused by temporary coexistence of oxic and anoxic bottom currents. In turn, narrow DOP variations indicate predominance of stratified water and anoxic bottom currents. DOP/34S and DOP/TOC ratios imply that syngenetic and early diagenetic pyrite precipitation during accumulation of the lower section of the Passhatten Member was controlled by availability of organic carbon and reactive iron, whereas accumulation of the member's upper section was controlled exclusively by availability of reactive iron.
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