Low-temperature plasma production is possible as a result of photoionization using high-intensity extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray (SXR) pulses. Plasma of this type is also present in outer space, e.g., aurora borealis. It also occurs when high-velocity objects enter the atmosphere, during which period high temperatures can be produced locally by friction. Low-temperature plasma is also formed in an ambient gas surrounding the hot laser-produced plasma (LPP). In this work, a special system has been prepared for investigation of this type of plasma. The LPP was created inside a chamber fi lled with a gas under a low pressure, of the order of 1–50 mbar, by a laser pulse (3–9 J, 1–8 ns) focused onto a gas puff target. In such a case, the SXR/EUV radiation emitted from the LPP was partially absorbed in the low-density gas. In this case, high- and low-temperature plasmas (Te ~100 eV and ~1 eV, respectively) were created locally in the chamber. Investigation of the EUV-induced plasmas was performed mainly using spectral methods in ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) light. The measurements were performed using an echelle spectrometer, and additionally, spatial–temporal measurements were performed using an optical streak camera. Spectral analysis was supported by the PGOPHER numerical code.
W artykule opisano metodę obrazowania optycznego, jaką jest fotografia schlierenowska, z zastosowaniem plazmy laserowej jako źródła promieniowania. zaprezentowano układy optyczne służące do wizualizacji stacjonarnego wypływu gazów oraz formowania impulsowej tarczy gazowej zarówno w powietrzu, jak i w próżni z zastosowaniem lasera He-Ne oraz plazmy laserowej jako impulsowego źródła światła. Przedstawiono zarejestrowane obrazy wypływu helu, dwutlenku węgla, kryptonu, azotu oraz heksafluorku siarki. Pokazano porównanie obrazów uzyskanych przy użyciu różnych źródeł światła oraz sposób rozchodzenia się badanych gazów w atmosferze. Przedstawiono obrazy dwustrumieniowej tarczy gazowej w próżni.
The article describes schlieren photography, realised using a laser plasma as a radiation source. optical systems prepared for visualisation of a stationary gas outflow and a pulsed gaseous target, produced in an atmosphere or vacuum environment are presented. a He-Ne laser beam or laser plasmas were used as the light sources. schlieren images of outflows of helium, carbon dioxide, krypton, nitrogen and sulphur hexafluoride, are presented. a comparison of various gas streams, formed in atmosphere, imaged using different light sources are shown. schlieren images of a two-stream gaseous target formed in vacuum are also presented.
We present spectral emission characteristics from laser-plasma EUV/SXR sources produced by irradiation of < 1 J energy laser pulse on eleven different double stream gas puff targets, with most intense electronic transitions identified in the spectral range from 1 nm to 70 nm wavelength which corresponds to photon energy from 18 eV to 1240 eV. The spectra were obtained using grazing incidence and transmission spectrographs from laser-produced plasma emission, formed by the interaction of a laser beam with a double stream gas puff target. Laser pulses with a duration of 4 ns and energy of 650 mJ were used for the experiment. We present the results obtained from three different spectrometers in the wavelength ranges of SXR (1-5.5 nm), SXR/EUV (4-15.5 nm), and EUV (10-70 nm). In this paper, detailed information about the source, gas targets under investigation, the experimental setup, spectral measurements and the results are presented and discussed. Such data may be useful for the identification of adequate spectral emissions from gasses in the EUV and SXR wavelength ranges dedicated to various experiments (i.e. broadband emission for the X-ray coherence tomography XCT) or may be used for verification of magnetohydrodynamic plasma codes.
The effect of EUV modification of WC-Co indexable knives on the tool life during particleboard milling. The paper presents the results of lifetime tests of WC-Co composite blades after modification of their flank surfaces using intense pulses of extreme ultraviolet (EUV). Wear tests consisting in milling a three-layer particleboard with constant cutting parameters were carried out on a CNC machining center. A statistically insignificant increase in the lifetime of modified tools was demonstrated, as well as an inversely proportional relationship with the duration of the EUV pulses. The EUV modification increased the coefficient of variation in the lifetime of WC-Co indexable knives.
Wpływ modyfikacji EUV noży wymiennych WC-Co na ich trwałość podczas frezowania płyty wiórowej. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań trwałościowych ostrzy z kompozytu WC-Co po modyfikacji ich powierzchni przyłożenia przy użyciu intensywnych impulsów promieniowania ultrafioletowego (EUV). Testy zużyciowe przeprowadzono na centrum obróbczym CNC podczas frezowania trójwarstwowej płyty wiórowej przy stałych parametrach skrawania. Wykazano nieistotny statystycznie przyrost trwałości ostrzy modyfikowanych, a także odwrotnie proporcjonalną zależność od czasu trwania impulsu EUV. Modyfikacja EUV zwiększała współczynnik zmienności trwałości ostrzy WC-Co.
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