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Pokazano możliwość zastosowania klasycznych testów hydrodynamicznych do oceny petrofizycznych właściwości hydraulicznie szczelinowanych złóż typu tight gas. Na bazie skonstruowanego numerycznego modelu złoża w pierwszym etapie wykonano symulację szczelinowania skały, po czym wykonano test Hornera. Interpretację uzyskanych wyników przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem profesjonalnego oprogramowania do testowania odwiertów. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z petrofizycznymi parametrami skały zadanymi w modelu numerycznym złoża.
On the basis of constructed numerical model of the reservoir, first fracturing of the rock was simulated and then the Horner test was performed. The results were interpreted by using professional software for well testing. The test results agreed with the parameters implemented in the numerical model of the reservoir.
Reservoirs of unconventional gas are characterized by diversified wellhead pressure, rapidly decreasing in time. This is connected with high amplitude fluctuation in the gas volume, which requires appropriate elasticity to diversified gas flow from the processing plant. We presented numerical calculations of cryogenic processes that occur in hydrocarbon systems for variable gas compositions with the possibility of separating ethane and the size with the types of separation systems required. The analysis of pre-erosion devices protection against erosion was made in the first recovery periods after fracturing treatments, as the content of solid proppants, which should already be removed in the preliminary phase. Output data and technological designs of innovative modular systems for the processing of reservoir fluids in the form of oil and gas mixtures and low wet gas were developed. The whole modular system of unconventional oil and gas development is divided into sections, depending on the kind of reservoir fluid: preliminary separation, test separation with measuring apparatus, dosing the anti-corrosive agents an methanol, degassing and stabilization section of oil, dehydration and recompression. Modular installation implies such dimensions of load-carrying frame on which technological devices are deployed so that they can be transported by road. All installation modules will be performed so as to facilitate its assembly and dismantling, with no need for costly dismantling works.
Content available remote Metody kriogenicznego uzdatniania biogazu
Biogaz pozyskiwany w procesie beztlenowej fermentacji biomasy należy do grupy odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE) cieszących się wsparciem Unii Europejskiej. Polityka w zakresie OZE ma ścisły związek ze światową strategią przeciwdziałania zmianom klimatycznym oraz zmniejszenia emisji CO₂ i gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery. Pozyskiwanie energii w biogazowniach rolniczych rozwiązuje problem składowania odpadów, ograniczając jednocześnie emisję do atmosfery dużych ilości metanu pochodzącego z fermentacji wolno składowanej biomasy. Jedną z wielu technologii oczyszczania biogazu jest uzdatnianie go metodami kriogenicznymi. Stosowanie technologii kriogenicznej do uzdatniania biogazu ma duże zalety, jeśli chodzi o transport i dystrybucję biogazu, ale przede wszystkim ze względu na czystość uzyskiwanego metanu. Przedstawiono metody uzdatniania biogazu oparte na technologiach kriogenicznych. Wśród tych metod autorzy prezentują własną metodę z użyciem azotu, która stała się przedmiotem patentu.
A review, with 16 refs., of the methods for purifn. of biogas and increasing its calorific value.
The Bóbrka – Rogi oil reservoir belongs to oldest reservoirs in Poland. The handmade well named Franek was created by Ignacy Lukasiewicz in 1853. It is currently the object about the historic museum. The accumulation appears in the anticline structure of the Bóbrka fold. As result of study of geological data, this fold has four secondary structures forming separate longitudinal blocks. Moreover transverse dislocations cross the Bóbrka structure on the row of separate deposits. Oil appears in four levels of Ciężkowice sandstones and in layers of the “czarnorzecki” sandstone. The level of the first Ciężkowice sandstone contains oil on the east from the Wietrznianka fault, II level of the Ciężkowice sandstone is oil-bearing within the Wietrznianka fault on the west, up to the Rogi fault on the east., III level of the Ciężkowice sandstone is oil-bearing from the Rogi fault on the east to the Bóbrka fault and partly outside it on the west, IV level of the Ciężkowice sandstone contains oil-bearing horizontals to the west from this block to the fault of the TPS mine. The sandstone Czarnorzecki contains oil-bearing horizontal to the west from the fault of the Jasiołka river. The reservoir belongs to the stratified type in the anticline structure it is shielded lithologically and partly tectonically by dislocations or overthrusts. As it gets out of data of geologically of deposit since the discovery of the deposit one got out of him above 1 200 thousand t of oil and 190 million nm3 gas. The surface of the mining district carries out approx. 2.5 km2. Authors on the basis archival data made the analysis the previous exploitation this reservoir and the evaluation of perspectives of his continued existence with the regard of the possible revitalization of the wells.
The installation to the collection and transport of gas in case of the evil conventional occupies a great many places. When we are meeting variable factors in time e.g. with the efficiency this we are in a position to propose installations smaller and divided into modules which in case of the reduction of the quantity of extracted gas would be able to to be deducted in the easy way or augmented of the existing installation. Economic aspects engaged searches of more effective installations to the cleaning and the drainage of gas. Already from the early 90s of the 20th century, the oil industry sacrificed many attention to methods of the separation. This permitted the discovery of such separators as Gas/Liquid Cylindrical-Cyclone (GLCC). In comparison with conventional, compact separators are easy in the installation and the service, require the small maintenance. The simplicity of the construction, smaller measurements and the balance GLCC provides savings of costs. In the paper authors will review solutions of compact separators and also the preliminary adaptation and the definition of measurements for given parameters of technological exploited of natural gas reservoirs.
Content available Przyszłość przemysłu naftowo-gazowniczego
W dniach 10–12 czerwca 2015 r. specjaliści z kraju i zagranicy spotkali się w Krakowie na XXVI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej Drilling-Oil-Gas AGH 2015, zorganizowanej przez Wydział Wiertnictwa, Nafty i Gazu AGH oraz Fundację Wiertnictwo-Nafta-Gaz Nauka i Tradycja. Tematem tegorocznej konferencji była przyszłość przemysłu naftowo-gazowniczego.
The renewable energy gains over the recent years on the meaning, also in consideration of increasing prices the energy and some signs of changes of climate caused by the man. Thereby in many countries the large press lies down on the use of renewable sources of energy such as water, the sun, the wind and the biomass covering every now and again the best part of the power requirement. One of method of the production of the energy from the biomass is the production of the biogas in specially to this end constructed devices so called biogas plants. To create of conditions to the development of this field are necessary specific performances supporting and propagating on the domestic grade and regional. In Germany the enforcement of amended law about the renewable energy contributed to true bumu in the sector of the energy production from the biogas. In Germany in 1999 functioned 850 agricultural biogas plants, in 2003 – 1700 and in 2005 – 2800. In Poland until the year 2005 according to data given by the Office of the Regulation of the Energetics worked 64 power plants supported on the biogas. One ought however to remember that this number includes except agricultural biogas plants first of all installations of the refuse dump gas and the biogas on the refinery of sewage. Poland is a rich country in the stony coal field in the face of this the dependency of the country from the import of this raw material is least. In turn of the gas consumption of terrestrial in Poland increases and the perspective of the dependency himself from the import of this raw material until the year 2030 indicates the more and more greater need for the purchase of this raw material besides limits of our country. On the basis the information contained in the report European P utting green Gas Grid from the year 2014 results that the biomethane production in countries of western Europe gains the more and more greater popularity. This results from this that the import of natural gas to Europe is realized almost as a whole from the east direction. In European Union are many countries which import 100% their demand on natural gas to {in the face of} this aspect the reduction of the dependency themselves these countries from the import of gas in the figure {form} of the production of biomethane becomes a key-matter. For the purpose of the improvement of the development of agricu ltural biogas plants in Poland arose the government-document going out opposite to postulates about the necessity of the establishment of the system promoting and supporting the production of the agricultural biogas. A foundation „of Directions of the development agricultural biogas plants in Poland in years 2010–2020” is the creation of optimum-conditions to the development of installations producing the agricultural biogas so until the year 2020 to lead to the construction of averagely one biogas plant in every commune using the biomass of the agricultural origin, on the assumption possessions through the commune of applicable provisions to the execution of such undertaking.
Content available remote Zastosowanie metody bilansu masy w eksploatacji połączonych złóż gazu
The method of the mass-balance is one of basic tools of the reservoir engineering permitting the analysis and forecasting of the reservoir work at the relatively little of data from the production process. In case of natural gas reservoir the use of this method moves often to the test of the variability of the rate p/z in the function of the cumulative production of gas Gp. For volumetric reservoir being characterized with the constant pore volume and good petro physical properties of the rock this reltionship has a linear character, a source of energy is expansion of gas. In turn of the nonlinearity of the diagram p/z vs Gp is bounded with the existence of the external source of energy in reservoir. Most often the maintenance of the reservoir pressure follows in consequence of the water supply from behind the contour. This aspect is vexed in the literature with the use of different mathematical models describing the preservation of the water-bearing zone. The nevertheless similar effect can take place in case of the inflow of gas to produced reservoir ( the main reservoir) from other reservoir so called the neighbouring reservoir called in the further part of the article feeding reservoir, being in contact with the main reservoir across the zone with the low permeability. Then such system of reservoirs is called compartmented reservoirs. The paper presents some results of application the mass balance method to the chosen reservoir from the Carpathian zone.
Content available remote Problematyka wtłaczania uzdatnionego biogazu do sieci dystrybucyjnej gazowej
Rynek biogazowy w Europie zaczął się szybciej rozwijać po wejściu w życie Dyrektywy 2006/32/WE, która zakłada tworzenie funduszy w celu realizacji efektywności energetycznej oraz promowania rozwoju rynku tych środków. [2] Bezpośredni wpływ miało również wejście w życie „Pakietu klimatyczno-energetycznego”, który zakłada ograniczenie emisji CO2, ograniczenie użycia energii tzw. 3 x 20%. W 2010 roku (stan na grudzień) w Polsce istniało 11 biogazowni [6], z tego 4 oddane do użytkowania w 2009 r., 2 w 2008 r., 1 w 2005, pozostałe w 2010 r. Natomiast w 2011 roku (stan na grudzień) zarejestrowanych biogazowni było już 16 [12]. Dzięki tej krótkiej statystyce widać, że jest to rynek z potencjałem, szybko rozwijający się. Jedną z wielu możliwości wykorzystania biogazu jest jego wtłaczanie po uzdatnieniu do sieci gazowej dystrybucyjnej. Nowa ustawa - Prawo Energetyczne [1] obliguje spółki dystrybucyjne, narzuca obowiązek przyłączania zainteresowanego podmiotu będącego wytwórcą OZE do sieci dystrybucyjnej... Stężenie metanu w biogazie rolniczym wynosi od 40-70% objętości, natomiast w procesie uszlachetniania biogazu rolniczego uzyskuje się tzw. uzdatniony biogaz o zawartości metanu nawet 99,9% obj. Głównym celem tego procesu jest oddzielenie dwutlenku węgla i siarkowodoru od metanu. [9]. Parametry jakościowe biogazu wprowadzonego do sieci gazowej dystrybucyjnej opisuje Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 24 sierpnia 2011 [4].
The biogas market in Europe started more quickly to develop after the entry into force of the Directive 2006/32/IN which puts on among other things: the creation of funds for the purpose of the realization of the energy efficiency and the promotion of the market development of these measures. [2] The direct influence had also the entry into force „of the Pack climatic-energy” which puts on the restriction of the CO2 emission, the restriction of the energy use so called 3 x 20%. In 2010 (the state for December) in Poland 11 biogasworkses were existed [6], from this 4 returned to the utilization in 2009 , 2 in 2008, one in 2005, rest in 2010 However in 2011 (state for December) was registered already 16 biogasworkses [12]. Thanks to this short statistics it is apparently that this is the market with the potential, quickly developing. One of many possibilities of the use of the biogas is his forcing after qualifying to the gaseous distributional network. The novel - The Energy law[1] obliges sales companies, forces the duty of the incorporation of the interested subject being with the producer renewal energy sources to the distributional network. The concentration of the methane in the agricultural biogas amounts from 40-70% the volume, however in the process of refining of the agricultural biogas one obtains so called qualified biogas about the content of the methane even 99,9% vol. A main objective of this process is the separation of the carbon dioxide and the hydrogen sulfide from the methane. [9]. Qualitative parameters of the biogas introduced to the gaseous distributional network describes the Ordinance of the Minister of the Economy from the 24 August 2011 [4].
Content available Well testing in shale gas reservoir - new idea
Generally hydrocarbons reservoirs can be divided into conventional reservoirs and unconventional reservoirs. Conventional reservoirs belong these reservoirs which can be used directly after the discovering process. Unconventional reservoirs - reservoirs which after the discovery process have to be prepared to be effective. Unconventional gas resources are targets for development in order to contribute to a national energy mix. Better recognition of the unconventional gas reservoirs allow us to obtain good results after discovering them. The main subject of this paper is giving some details about the testing methods of unconventional reservoirs and their properties and characteristics.
The result and interpretation of reservoir tests (DST) are presented in the paper. They were performed in 20 intervals of 17 production wells in years 1995-1997. These wells are located in the Central Carpathians (flysch sand beds) and mainly in the external and internal Carpathian Foredeep (the autochthonous and allochthonous Miocene thin bedded sandstones) and their substratum (mainly carbonates). The basies of the theoretical diagnoses for determining the main types of drainage zones or limits of hydrocarbon accumulations are presented in the form of a short description of the Kappa Company's programmatic procedure (Saphir 202B system). Some diagnostic diagrams for the main reservoir border models are described using the log-log method. Examples of their geological interpretation are also provided.
In this paper the types of membranes used for purification of the gas streams were described, the principle of operation was discussed and the main areas of the industrial use of this type of separation equipment in the world were identified. The possibility of using membranes for natural gas purification in particular the unconventional gas (shale gas, natural gas with nitrogen) was analyzed. The authors presented the criteria for selecting the size of the membranes, the critical parameters of membrane system, the necessary installation and compilation of technology enabling the proper conduct of the separation process. Based on the experience of different companies rated the advantages and disadvantages of using membranes for gas treatment in Polish exploitation and transmission conditions both from the technological and the economic point of view. The paper ends with proposals for the possibility of application of the system of membranes for the purification of gas from unconventional sources.
Content available Analytical prediction model of UGS performance
The purpose of underground gas storage in porous media is to allow compensation for peak shaving in gas consumption. Especially during the winter months, the stored gas must then be supplied at fuli capacity for short periods. Currently storage capacities of existing UGS facilities in Poland are not fully sufficient for proper regulation of gas demand. The more they do not overcome long term limitation in gas supply from import. There is therefore a need for increasing capacity of existing UGS or development of new ones. This paper presents an analytical model based on equations of material balance combined with well inflow and tubing performance equations for modeling gas storage operations. Presented model was used to maximize the capacity and efficiency of natural gas storage developed in partially depleted gas fields located in the region of south-eastern Poland for a given reservoir/well configuration. On the basis of this model variant scenario of gas storage operation with the use of vertical and horizontal wells were demonstrated.
Content available remote Przegląd aktualnie stosowanych technologii uzdatniania biogazu w Europie
Within a period of the increasing demand on natural gas as the raw material of the energy large meaning gather technologies the capacitation and the preparation other gases in which the composition is found the methane being with the component of network gas. Among these unconventional gases the large meaning has gas obtained in biogas industry works and on refuse dumps (called in the further part with the biogas). In the composition of this gas they appear: the methane, the carbon dioxide, the sulphur hydrogen, water, nitrogen and trace quantities of other components. So that so obtained gas be able to be intended to the utilization as natural gas must become suitably cleaned. On spatial of last time one developed many technologies of the cleaning of this gas. In the paper one reviewed existing in Europe of modern technologies of the preparation of the biogas so, so that the final product be characterized with the high concentration of the methane, at an angle of possibilities of the use some of them in Poland. Presented technologies can underlie to the elaboration of the modification or new technologies so far not applied. Were discussed technologies applied in following countries: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Holland, Sweden. The article is finished by conclusions containing suggestions of specific uses of the technology of the capacitation of the biogas to parameters of network gas as one of manners of the diversification of deliveries of gas, and the indication of the possibility import restrictions natural gas.
In the south part of the Carpathian Foredeep basement, between Bochnia and Ropczyce, the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian, Kimmeridian and Tithonian) carbonate complex plays important role as a hydrocarbon bearing formation. It consists of shallow marine carbonates deposited in environments of the outer carbonate ramp as reef limestones (dolomites), microbial - sponge or coral biostromes and marly or micrite limestones as well. The inner pore space system of these rocks was affected by different diagenetic processes as calcite cementation, dissolution, dolomitization and most probably by tectonic fracturing as well. These phenomena have modified pore space systems within limestone / dolomite series forming more or less developed reservoir zones (horizons). According to the interpretation of DST results (analysis of pressure build up curves by log - log method) for 11 intervals (marked out previously by well logging due to porosity increase readings) within the Upper Jurassic formation 3 types of pore/fracture space systems were distinguished: - type I - fracture - vuggy porosity system in which fractures connecting voids and vugs within organogenic carbonates are of great importance for medium flow; - type II - vuggy - fracture porosity system where a pore space consists of weak connected voids and intergranular/intercrystalline pores with minor influence of fractures; - type III - cavern porosity system in which a secondary porosity is developed due to dolomitization and cement/grain dissolution processes.
W pracy scharakteryzowano metodykę interpretacji testów odbudowy ciśnienia z użyciem krzywych diagnostycznych i specjalistycznych oraz przedstawiono wyniki interpretacji testów złożowych rurowymi próbnikami złoża (RPZ) wykonanych w latach 1995-1997 w 11 profilach serii węglanowych górnej jury (malmu) budujących podłoże zapadliska przedkarpackiego w strefie Bochnia - Ropczyce. Uzyskane wyniki oraz szczegółowa interpretacja krzywych odbudowy ciśnienia dennego w powiązaniu z rozpoznanym rozwojem litofacjalnym utworów górnej jury pozwoliła wstępnie wydzielić charakterystyczne typy wykształcenia przestrzeni porowej, występujące w obrębie interwałów wytypowanych badaniami geofizyki wiertniczej do testów RPZ. Są to: I - typ szczelinowato-porowy z dominującym wpływem systemu szczelin; II - typ porowo-szczelinowaty z minimalnym wpływem szczelin oraz typ III - kawernisty, w którym system wolnych przestrzeni tworzą mikrokawerny, pustki i przestrzenie międzykrystaliczne powstałe głównie wskutek epigenetycznych procesów dolomityzacji i rozpuszczania. Wydzielone systemy można wiązać z facjami skał węglanowych, głównie organogenicznych, występujących w obrębie utworów górnej jury podłoża zapadliska przedkarpackiego.
In order to prevent CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere rising to unacceptable levels, carbon dioxide can be separated from the flue gas, for example from a power plants and subsequently sequestrated. Different technologies for carbon dioxide sequestration can be proposed. They are: - storage in depleted gas reservoirs, - storage in oceans and aquifers, - sequestration CO2 by means of so-called "mineral CO2 sequestration". A depleted gas reservoir represents an attractive target for carbon sequestration for several reasons. It contains a geological trap, transport and injection infrastructure. Moreover CO2 injection can be thought as enhance gas production either by re-pressurization or pressure maintenance. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate storage capacity of carbon dioxide in a depleted gas reservoir in relation to the recovery factor of hydrocarbons. A material balance equation for CO2 sequestration proposed by Lawal and Frailey (Lawal, Frailey, 2004) was modified to predict a CO2 sequestration volumes. On the basis of derived material balance equation there were made calculations for a chosen natural gas reservoir.
W celu obniżenia wzrostu koncentracji dwutlenku węgla w atmosferze może on być wychwytywany z gazów spalinowych pochodzących głównie ze stacjonarnych źródeł emisji, np. elektrociepłowni, i składowany w formacjach geologicznych. Istnieje wiele potencjalnych technologii sekwestracji dwutlenku węgla w sczerpanych złożach gazu ziemnego, w geologicznych strukturach zawodnionych, na dnach oceanów i inne. Sczerpane złoża gazu ziemnego stanowią naturalne zbiorniki geologiczne i mogą być wykorzystane do celów sekwestracji CO2, za czym przemawiają następujące fakty: stanowią one naturalne szczelne pułapki geologiczne, posiadają infrastrukturę wgłębną i napowierzchniową, ponadto zatłaczanie CO2 do sczerpanych złóż pozwoli na uzyskanie większego stopnia sczerpania węglowodorów przez podtrzymywanie czy też podniesienie ciśnienia złożowego. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie metodyki oceny pojemności magazynowej głównie sczerpanych złóż gazu z zastosowaniem metod bilansu masowego. Autorzy dokonali modyfikacji modelu bilansu masowego zaproponowanego przez autorów (Lawal, Frailey, 2004) do sekwestracji CO2 w złożach gazu w celu określenia ich pojemności magazynowych. Przeprowadzono także obliczenia dotyczące przykładowego złoża znajdującego się w końcowej fazie eksploatacji.
Content available remote Mass balance method for natural gas field exploitation in dynamic conditions
In a number of cases natural gas exploitation and operation of underground gas storages face the problem of ciosing wells for a time during which static pressures at wellhead and bottomhole (mean reservoir pressure) can be reliably measured. Therefore, reservoir engineering has to be involved in determining these pressures to finally verify the gas resources on the basis of dynamic pressure values. The methodics of determining mean pressures on the basis of measured dynamic pressures in a well is described in the paper. This methodics is based on boundary gas flux to the well in a semisteady state. Basing on measurements of dynamic pressures in production wells there were detennined mean pressure values in reservoir, followed by evaluation of energy conditions of the analyzed gas field with the ,.p/z" method. Afterwards, initial gas resources in the wells' impact zones could be established. The obtained results were verified making alternative balance calculations on the basis of bottomhole pressures in static conditions. The comparison of the results reveals that the presented method is fully applicable.
W wielu przypadkach eksploatacji złóż gazu ziemnego a także podziemnych magazynów gazu istnieją techniczne przeszkody zamykania odwiertów na czas pozwalający w sposób miarodajny na pomiar ciśnień statycznych zarówno na głowicy jak i na dnie odwiertu (średnie ciśnienie złożowe). Dlatego ważnym zagadnieniem w inżynierii złożowej jest określenie tych ciśnień, potrzebnych dla weryfikacji zasobów gazu, z wartości ciśnień dynamicznych. Prezentowany referat przedstawia właśnie metodykę wyznaczania ciśnień średnich w złożu na podstawie mierzonych ciśnień dynamicznych w odwiercie. Metodyka ta oparta jest na wykorzystaniu rozwiązania granicznego dopływu gazu do odwiertu w stanie semiustalonym. Na podstawie pomiaru ciśnień dynamicznych w odwiertach eksploatacyjnych wyznaczono wartości ciśnień średnich w złożu a następnie metodą „p/z” dokonano oceny warunków energetycznych analizowanego złoża gazu ziemnego oraz wyznaczono zasoby początkowe gazu w strefach oddziaływania odwiertów. Uzyskane wyniki zweryfikowano wykonując alternatywne obliczenia bilansowe w oparciu o pomiary ciśnień dennych w warunkach statycznych. Z porównania wyników wynika pełna przydatność opracowanej przez autorów metodyki.
W wielu przypadkach eksploatacji złóż gazu ziemnego a także podziemnych magazynów gazu istnieją techniczne przeszkody zamykania odwiertów na czas pozwalający w sposób miarodajny na pomiar ciśnień statycznych zarówno na głowicy jak i na dnie odwiertu (średnie ciśnienie złożowe). Dlatego ważnym zagadnieniem w inżynierii złożowej jest określenie tych ciśnień, potrzebnych dla weryfikacji zasobów gazu, z wartości ciśnień dynamicznych. Prezentowany referat przedstawia właśnie metodykę wyznaczania ciśnień średnich w złożu na podstawie mierzonych ciśnień dynamicznych w odwiercie. Metodyka ta oparta jest na wykorzystaniu rozwiązania granicznego dopływu gazu do odwiertu w stanie semiustalonym. Na podstawie pomiaru ciśnień dynamicznych w odwiertach eksploatacyjnych wyznaczono wartości ciśnień średnich w złożu a następnie metodą "p/z" dokonano oceny warunków energetycznych analizowanego złoża gazu ziemnego oraz wyznaczono zasoby początkowe gazu w strefach oddziaływania odwiertów. Uzyskane wyniki zweryfikowano wykonując alternatywne obliczenia bilansowe w oparciu o pomiary ciśnień dennych w warunkach statycznych. Z porównania wynika pełna przydatność metodyki.
In many cases of the reservoirs or underground gas storages production exist technical hindrances of closing of wells in time to permit the authoritative measurement of static pressures both at head and bottom of wells. A because important problem in reservoir engineering is the qualification of these pressures, necessary for the verification of resources of gas, from the values of dynamic pressures. Presented paper introduces just the method of marking of average pressures in the reservoir on the ground measured dynamic pressures in the well. This method is based on using of the terminal solution of gas inflow to the well in semi steady state. On the base of the dynamic pressures measurement in production wells one marked values of average pressures in the reservoir and then with the method "p/z" one executed estimations of energy conditions of analyzed reservoir of the gas and one marked initial resources of gas in zones of influencing of well. Obtained results were verified executing alternative balance calculations basing on measurement of bottom pressures in static conditions. From comparing results the full usefulness of the method.
Content available remote Inżynieria Naftowa i Gazownicza - nowy kierunek na AGH w Krakowie
Informacja nt. decyzji Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z 16 stycznia 2008 r., w sprawie utworzenia nowego kierunku - Inżynieria Naftowa i Gazownicza, na Wydziale Wiertnictwa, Nafty i Gazu Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej.
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