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The place of generation of technologic heat is important applied criteria for classification of electric heating. According to that, the direct heating is if the heat is generated directly in the heated material, or the indirect heating if material is heated indirectly by the heat generated in conversion element. Possibilities of practical application of both methods are typical for resistant heating. Considering indirect heating, the charge is out of influence of electromagnetic field, this directly does not influence its temperature field. Temperature distribution in the charge volume depends only on its heat-physical properties and conditions of heat exchange on surface, i.e. thermo kinetic processes. Fourier's equation is applied in field solution. Considering direct heating, temperature distribution in the charge volume is more complicated. It is conditioned by interaction of temperature and electromagnetic field which is generated by the current flowing in the charge. Solution of temperature field in directly heated charge must for that reason respect current density distribution on its cross-section, this leads to applying of heat conduction equation. We introduce its application for different types of temperature fields in the solid charge in this article. We present solution by two methods, results are presented in criteria (no dimensional) form.
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