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During drilling wellbores from the surface to recover methane from post-extraction gobs, attention should be paid to using appropriate rigs. Rigs with optimum technological parameters, adjusted to the geological setting, design of wellbore and technology of drilling, allow for high drilling rates and a considerably lower cost of realization to be obtained. The rig to be used for drilling production wells can be correctly selected using the multicriteria optimization method with synthetic evaluation measure of its technological parameters. For this purpose, the technological parameters of rigs available on the Polish market for the realization of normal diameter wells with percussion-rotary method to a depth of 500 m and 1000 m were reviewed. Taking into account the geological build of the Upper Silesian area and the design of the producing well used for the production of methane from past-extraction gobs, eight evaluation criteria and their weights (W) were selected. On this basis the technical parameters of rigs to be used for drilling wells to a depth of 500 m and 1000 m were reviewed with the multicriteria method. This created the basis for selecting dedicated rigs with optimum technological parameters for drilling normal diameter wells to a depth of 500 m and 1000 m.
Coal mine methane from post extraction coal gobs is most efficiently produced with drilling wells realized from the surface. In Polish conditions, such wells are most frequently drilled in highly urbanized areas and residential quarters. The drilling of such wells creates the hazard of exceeding admissible noise levels in the areas requiring acoustic protection during the day and night. Therefore it is very important to assess the level of noise emitted by the rig and to establish the isophones 45 dB and 55 dB for various field conditions. With such information, the location of the rig can be properly selected at the stage of well design. The level of noise emitted in the environment during the drilling of experimental gas well Wieczorek-AGH-1, was established on the basis of noise analyses performed within the well pad area and its closest vicinity with the reference method, described in the Regulation of the Environment Minister of 30 October 2014 concerning the requirements of the analyses of emissions and the quantity of water consumption (Official Journal of 2014, item 1542), hereinafter called the Regulation.
While calculating the heat demand for a ventilation system, the average monthly dry-bulb temperature is taken as the external temperature. While analysing a facility for public use, dedicated for 150 people and possessing a large share of transparent external walls it was shown, that using an hourly temperature in calculations, the obtained total energy demand (i.e. for heating and air conditioning) is 22% higher than the result obtained while taking into account an average monthly temperature. The obtained result points out the necessity of an individual approach to any large room, taking into consideration a temperature in a period of time significantly shorter than one month.
Metan z pokładów węgla (MPW) może stać się cennym surowcem i zaspokajać część potrzeb energetycznych rejonu Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego (GZW). Niestety, dotychczasowe próby jego eksploatacji w Polsce nie dały zadowalających rezultatów. Niniejsza praca ma za zadanie odpowiedzieć za pytanie: czy możliwa jest opłacalna eksploatacja MPW na terenie GZW, prowadzona odwiertem pionowym, bez zabiegów intensyfikacji wydobycia (szczelinowanie hydrauliczne, zatłaczanie dwutlenku węgla/ azotu). Chcąc zrealizować założony cel, na podstawie bogatej literatury, stworzono modele spadku wydobycia dla wybranego pokładu, mając na uwadze następujące parametry złoża węgla: przepuszczalność, porowatość, matanonośność, współczynnik dyfuzji/czas sorpcji. Określając opłacalność ekonomiczną przedsięwzięcia, stworzono model ekonomiczny uwzględniający: nakłady inwestycyjne, koszty stałe i zmienne przedsięwzięcia, prognozowany wydatek gazu oraz wynikające z niego przychody. Modelując opisane powyżej przedsięwzięcie, posłużono się metodą Monte-Carlo.
Coalbed methane (CBM) may become an important source of energy in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. However, previous attempts of CBM exploitation did not give satisfactory results. Is it possible to be profitable an exploitation of CBM in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin by vertical wellbores without hydraulic treatments and ECBM-CO2/N2 operations? Answer on this question is the aim of this paper. To solve this problem various models were created. Many geological and petrophysical parameters e.g. permeability, porosity, sorption capacity, diffusion coefficient/sorption time etc. were taken form literature. The economic model including: capital expenditures, operating expenditures fixed and variable, estimated methane flow rate was developed for determining the economic viability of the project. Monte-Carlo method was used to modeling processes described above. Because of the extremely low value of permeability, CBM production, using vertical wellbore, without hydraulic treatment, will never be profitable.
Zagadnienie zrównoważonego budownictwa, z powodu nieustającego wzrostu cen surowców mineralnych oraz energii, stało się poważnym wyzwaniem naukowym, zajmując coraz więcej miejsca w pracach badawczych jednostek naukowych na całym świecie. Istnieje duża liczba metod określania oddziaływania budynku na środowisko oraz wzajemnego porównywania obiektów budowlanych. W pracy przedstawiono kilka najbardziej znanych metod (programów) oceny oddziaływania budynku na środowisko. Opisano również zbiór norm, które powstały w celu normalizacji metod kompleksowej oceny oddziaływania budynku na środowisko. Porównano dwa najpopularniejsze programy: British Establishment Environmental Assessments Method (BREEAM) i Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). W artykule zaprezentowany został model oceny środowiskowej budynków, który został opracowany w Laboratorium Geoenergetyki Wydziału Wiertnictwa Nafty i Gazu AGH, na podstawie aktualnie istniejących metodyk, przede wszystkim programów E-Audyt i BREEAM. Model ten poszerzono o zagadnienia, które nie występowały w aktualnie stosowanych programach, a które dotyczą propozycji wynikających ze specyfiki pracy podziemnych magazynów ciepła. Podsumowano również realizację projektu badawczego, który miał za zadanie określić efektywność magazynowania ciepła w górotworze z zastosowaniem otworowych wymienników ciepła różnej konstrukcji. Zaproponowano nowe rozwiązania z branży geologiczno-energetycznej, które zdaniem autorów, powinny zostać ujęte w metodach kompleksowej oceny budynku, szczególnie w polskich warunkach klimatycznych.
Due to rising prices of mineral resources and energy, sustainable development in construction industry became an important scientific problem. Recently, sustainable building engineering problem is the base of research for many scientific and development centers. There is a lot of methods of labeling buildings’ influence on the environment and comparing building objects. Several of them were presented in this article and the best-known Building Establishment Environmental Assessments Method (BREEAM) and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) were compared. The set of standards that were elaborate in order to standardize the methods of a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of the building were also submitted. In addition, the article presented model of environmental assessment of building, that was developed in Laboratory of Geoenergetics at Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas AGH-UST, based on currently existing systems, in particular E-audit and BREEAMprograms. This model was expanded to cover issues that are not used in currently applied programs, and which concern the proposals arising from the operation of underground heat storages. The research project, that was designed to determine the advisability of heat storage in the ground was summarize. New solutions connected with geological and energetic fields of science were proposed. According to the authors, these ideas should be applied for complex evaluation of the building, especially in polish climate conditions.
The technical and economic conditions of carbon dioxide offshore pipeline transportation are presented in this paper. The basie conditions in which carbon dioxide will be transported, as well as the thermodynamic conditions, physicochemical properties and technical parameters, relevant to CO2 pipeline transport, are addressed in this article. The basie costs of pipeline carbon dioxide transport are also considered. The carbon dioxide flow was simulated for a few pipeline diameter sizes to determine the operating pressure of the pipeline for various maximum mass flow rate values. Different conditions of CO2 flow including impact of ambient conditions were analyzed. There is also included an analysis of technological systems and installation concepts for carbon dioxide preparation for efficient pipeline transportation.
Coal bed methane (CBM) may become an important source of energy in Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Coal bed methane in Poland occurs within three coal basins of which the best recognized and most promising is the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Approximately 80.1% of proved balance of coal deposits resources in Poland occurs in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, where 50 fields are operated by 28 mines. Thus, since early 90s of the 20th century the USCB is attractive for foreign companies which perform evaluation of coal bed methane obtaining possibility as main fossil. However, all previous attempts to commercial production of CBM did not bring expected results, but they constitute extensive information database for current and future research towards CBM exploitation. Prognostic resources of coal bed methane in USCB are estimated to 107 bln m3. Recoverable balance resources are estimated to 87.6 bln m3. Much smaller perspectives are related to the poorly identified regions of Lublin Coal Basin and Lower Silesian Coal Basin. It is estimated that balance resources of hard coal in LCB, represents approximately 19.2% of Polish hard coal balance resources.
W artykule obliczono zapotrzebowanie na ciepło dla systemu wentylacji sali audytoryjnej Wydziału Wiertnictwa, Nafty i Gazu. Specyfika problemu związana jest z dużą powierzchnią przegród przezroczystych oraz ze znacznymi zyskami ciepła od 150 użytkowników. Problem rozwiązano, tworząc autorski algorytm uwzględniający wszystkie zyski i straty energii. Ostateczne zapotrzebowanie na ciepło pomniejszono o odzysk ciepła z systemu rekuperacji.
Heat demand calculations for the ventilation system in the lec-ture room of Drilling, Oil and Gas Faculty are presented in the article. The issue concerns large surface of transparent barriers and considerable heat gains from 150 users. The problem has been solved by using authors own algorithm taking into account all gains and losses of energy. Eventually, the heat demand has been reduced by the respective amount of heat recovery obtained from the recuperation system.
W artykule przedstawiono najbardziej popularne metody magazynowania energii w górotworze. Scharakteryzowano magazyny wykorzystujące otworowe wymienniki ciepła (BTES - Borehole Thermal Energy Storage) lub warstwy zawodnione (ATES - Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage). Wskazano liczne źródła zbędnej energii odpadowej w zakładach przemysłowych. Pokrótce opisano doświadczenia krajów pionierskich w dziedzinie technologii UTES (Underground Thermal Energy Storage). Autorzy udowodnili konieczność magazynowania energii, wskazali korzyści i bezpieczeństwo układów UTES oraz przedstawili jak wydział Wiertnictwa, Nafty i Gazu AGH włączył się w proces lepszego poznania i opisania zjawisk towarzyszących procesowi magazynowania energii w górotworze i jego efektywności.
The most popular methods of subsurface energy storage has been presented within the article. The result was a characterization of two storage methods, which are using either borehole heat exchangers (BTES - Borehole Thermal Energy Storage) or layers of aquifers (ATES - Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage). Many sources of waste energy in industrial facilities were pointed out. Furthermore, a brief description was made on the experiences concerning the UTES technology (Underground Thermal Energy Storage) in the pioneers countries. Authors have demonstrated the necessity for energy storage, benefits were indicated and also safety of the UTES systems. Involvement of AGH Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas in the process of better understanding, describing the phenomena accompanying the process of energy storage in the subsurface and its effectiveness was also mentioned.
Określanie przepuszczalności stwardniałego zaczynu uszczelniającego jest długotrwałym trudnym pomiarem, którego powodzenie zależy od dobrego uszczelnienia aparatu pomiarowego i poprawnego zmierzenia objętości cieczy przepływającej przez badany rdzeń. Niska przepuszczalność stwardniałych zaczynów uszczelniających wymaga użycia do badania odpowiednio wysokiego ciśnienia, przy którym uzyska się rzetelny pomiar objętość cieczy przepływającej przez rdzeń. W tym celu w oparciu o prasę filtracyjną HPHT wykonano stanowisko laboratoryjne umożliwiające przeprowadzenie tego pomiaru przy ciśnieniu do 8 MPa.
The qualification of permeability cement rock is very difficult process, which success depends from good tightening and correct measuring value of liquid by sample filtration. Lower permeability, typical for cement rock, requires use high pressure. Investigation then will be exact, if the volume of liquid filtration will be considerable. Therefore to get high volume liquid to measurement was adapted filtration press HPHT (High Pressure, High Temperature), which give possibility to make this research in pressure 8 MPa.
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