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Związki chemiczne, materiały biologiczne oraz substancje promieniotwórcze od wielu lat są wykorzystywane w codziennej działalności człowieka. Ich zastosowania obejmują chyba wszystkie branże przemysłu, a także każdą inną działalność człowieka. Prawie na każdym kroku mamy do czynienia z różnymi produktami, które powstały dzięki zastosowaniu wspomnianych środków z produktami, bez których nasze życie nie byłoby takie łatwe, wygodne czy bezpieczne. Aspekt bezpieczeństwa jest istotny także z innego powodu, gdyż o ile nowe technologie nieustannie poprawiają nasze bezpieczeństwo, to sama obecność materiałów niebezpiecznych w naszym otoczeniu generuje istotne zagrożenia, które w pewnych sytuacjach mogą się zmaterializować i stanowić poważne problemy dla ludzi i środowiska. Specyfika takich obiektów powoduje, że wszelkie działania muszą być bardzo precyzyjnie określone, a wszystkie odstępstwa i anomalie pilnie odnotowane i uwzględnione w działaniach ochronnych. I właśnie do tego celu potrzebne są najlepsze standardy zarządzania ryzykiem - takie, które zapewnią pełne (maksymalnie możliwe) bezpieczeństwo dla ludzi i środowiska. W artykule podjęto próbę analizy wybranych standardów zarządzania ryzykiem oraz wstępnej identyfikacji ich możliwości w zakresie wykorzystania do zarządzania ryzykiem skażeń.
Chemical compounds, biological materials and radioactive substances have been used in everyday human activity for many years. Their application probably covers all industries, as well as all other human activity. Almost at every step, we are dealing with the various products that have arisen from the aforementioned means, with products without which our lives would not be so easy, safe or secure. The safety aspect is also important for another reason, because new technologies constantly improve our security. On the other hand, the very presence of hazardous materials in our environment generates significant hazards that in certain situations, can materialize and pose serious problems for people and the environment. The specific nature of such objects means all activities must be very precisely defined and all derogations and anomalies urgently recorded and taken into account in safeguards. And for that, the best risk management standards are needed to ensure complete (the maximum possible) safety for people and the environment. This article attempts to analyse currently applicable risk management standards and to identify their potential for use in the management of contamination risks.
W pracy przedstawiono wpływ sposobu modyfikacji powierzchni stopu Ti6Al7Nb na własności mechaniczne naniesionej powłoki biodegradowalnego polimeru poli(D,L-laktyd-ko-glikolid) (PLGA). Zakres badań obejmował: pomiary chropowatości oraz obserwacje makroskopowe powierzchni metalowego podłoża oraz obserwacje powierzchni powłoki polimerowej, badanie adhezji do podłoża oraz ultrananotwardości. Badania wykazały istotny wpływ sposobu modyfikowania powierzchni podłoża ze stopu Ti6Al7Nb na własności mechaniczne powłoki polimeru PLGA.
The study describes results of research influence of methods for modifying the surface of the Ti6Al7Nb alloy on the mechanical properties of the applied coating of biodegradable polymer poli(lactid-co-glicolic acid) (PLGA). The research included: assessment of the macroscopic surface of samples in the initial state and after applied polymer coating, measurements of surface roughness of the metal substrate, scratch test and ultrananohardness test. Research has shown a significant impact of used method of modifying metal substrate on mechanical properties of the PLGA coating. The analysis also showed dependence of adhesion polymer coating on roughness of the metal substrate.
Content available Skażenia chemiczne : typologia zagrożeń
Risk of contamination is a problem well known for many years. Its apogee coincided with the Cold War, in which weapons of mass destruction, which is the main source of potential contamination, remained constantly in the spotlight. Today, despite the threat of use of chemical weapons, nuclear or biological weapons is negligible, the problem of contamination still exists. This is particularly evident in the case of chemical agents, which in some cases can lead to major emergencies. In addition, due to the quite different characteristics of individual agents , the type of emerging risks, generated by the contamination may be very different. This means that for a correct assessment of possible contamination risks we have to get to know the type and nature of all agents, being a potential factor in the formation of contamination. This article is an attempt to present the essence and nature of the risks generated by chemical agents, both those warfare, as well as other commonly used in the national economy. For a better problem understanding, the most possible threats have been discussed, pointing to the real danger that pose. Additionally presented the essence of the contamination, identification of respective risks and their basic typologies.
Content available remote Rozpoznanie skażeń w Siłach Zbrojnych RP
Współczesne działania bojowe realizowane są w warunkach ciągle zmieniającej się rzeczywistości. Szybkość i różnorodność owych zmian powoduje, że strony konfliktu działają przy ograniczonym dostępie do informacji. Od wielu lat wiadomo, że jednym z najtrudniejszych rodzajów działań bojowych są działania prowadzone w warunkach użycia broni masowego rażenia. Ogromna siła rażenia połączona, z typowym dla tej broni, masowym rozprzestrzenianiem skażeń powoduje, że problem szybkiego gromadzenia wiarygodnych informacji o uderzeniach BMR i skażeniach wciąż pozostaje niezwykle ważny. Do tego celu przewidziane jest rozpoznanie skażeń, które ze względu na rangę przedsięwzięcia oraz znaczną jego różnorodność doczekało się już licznych interpretacji. Artykuł jest próbą oceny przydatności oraz wiarygodności poszczególnych teorii rozpoznania skażeń. Omówiono w nim historię rozpoznania skażeń, jego istotę oraz liczne przykłady zastosowania. W analizach rozpatrzono obowiązujące w Polsce zasady prowadzenia rozpoznania skażeń, które wynikają z aktualnych ustaleń doktrynalnych. Dodatkowo, aby rozważania dotyczące rozpoznania skażeń były pełniejsze, przedstawiono także rozwiązania amerykańskie w tym zakresie. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na analizę zadań, metod i technik rozpoznania skażeń, które w większości przypadków wciąż pozostają niejasne. Podjęto przy tym wysiłek przedstawienia właściwej, zdaniem autora, interpretacji wszystkich wymienionych elementów rozpoznania skażeń, co pozwoliło na zweryfikowano przydatności dotychczasowych zadań, metod i technik oraz zaproponowanie bardziej użytecznych rozwiązań.
Modern combat operations are carried out in a constantly changing reality. The speed and diversity of these changes means that parties to the conflict work with limited access to information. For many years, it has been known that one of the most difficult types of combat operations are conducted in terms of the use of weapons of mass destruction. The immense power of destruction combined with the massive contamination typical for that weapon means that the problem of quickly gathering reliable information about WMD strikes and contaminations is still extremely important. For this purpose, CBRN reconnaissance has been developed, however because of the importance of the project and the considerable diversity there are several interpretations as to what it involves. This article is an attempt to assess the relevance and credibility of the various theories of CBRN reconnaissance. It discusses the history of that type of reconnaissance, its nature and numerous application examples. The analysis examined the rules in force in Poland's CBRN reconnaissance which result from the current understanding of doctrine. In addition to considerations relating to the reconnaissance, the U.S. solution were presented as a comparison. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of tasks, methods and techniques of CBRN reconnaissance, which in most cases still remain unclear. At the same time effort has been taken to present proper, according to the author, an interpretation of all these elements of CBRN reconnaissance, allowing for the verification of the suitability of existing tasks, methods and techniques and to propose a more useful solution.
Effective operation in any area of human activity is strictly connected with making appropriate decisions. This connection is particularly strong in situations when the level of risk and uncertainty created by that situation is the highest. These categories perfectly refer to various combat operations which almost always show great changeability of situation and serious limitations in available information. One of the most difficult kinds of combat operations are the ones which are conducted in conditions when weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are used. The huge striking power along with mass spread of contamination, typical for this kind of weapon, causes that the problem of selecting appropriate methods assessing WMD strike effects will be extremely important. Recreating a real situation of contamination treated as the supreme form of forecasting contamination will take a spacial place in this process. It is conducted basing on data acquired during a detailed reconnaissance of contamination, which should result in ensuring a big credibility of performed calculations. Consequently, we are able to recreate a hypothetical image of cantamination in any time after the blast and use it to make difficult decisions. The article esassess the usefulness and reliability of this kind of forecasting. The idea and principles of recreated real contamination situation are discussed taking into consideration various limitations and conditions. Particular attention is drawn to these aspects of forecasting a real contamination situation which may be directly applied to concrete aims, connected with decision-making process. The availability of the usefulness of mehods applied so far has been verified and variants of more useful applications have been suggested.
Content available remote Ryzyko zagrożeń chemicznych, biologicznych i radiologicznych
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) have been the most powerful and the most dangerous set of weapons for many years. Since their beginnings, the main aim to use them was to be the massive extermination of enemy soldiers on the battlefield, or, in case of nuclear weapon, solving „the problem” due to a massive attack on selected towns or other objects. However, the collapse of bipolar political and military arrangement of the world has led to postponing the ideas to use WMD and to resolve conflicts in a more peaceful way. Nevertheless, a new opponent has entered the international arena, namely various terrorist groups aiming at changing the existing world order. It has also appeared that they have not neglected the WMD huge destructive potential. The article is an attempt to present the idea and level of threat risk generated by chemical, biological and radioactive agents. In order to facilitate understanding, all WMD components and how they can be currently used are discussed. Moreover, their real destructive power and possibilities of practical use in combat and terrorist operations are described. The identification of the mentioned above threats is presented in three periods of the state functioning, i.e. war, crisis and peace. Additionally, probable external conditions that influence their perception and evaluation are defined.
Content available remote Przewidywana sytuacja skażeń, czyli heurystyka w prognozowaniu
Contamination resulted from using weapons of mass destruction depends mainly on the kind of attack, type of agent used and many other circumstances such as for instance terrain or weather. Such a great variety of variables influencing the final picture of contamination causes that the way the contamination is evaluated will be different. Forecasting contamination, conducted before, during or after WMD attacks will be an indispensable element of such an evaluation in all cases. The most difficult case of such a forecasting is forecasting contamination, i.e. the attempt to evaluate a future state of contamination conducted before WMD attacks, in a situation when we do have almost no data concerning the place, time and kind of attacks. The article is an attempt to evaluate the usefulness and reliability of such a forecasting. The idea, aim of forecasting, types of contamination forecasting and their detailed interpretation are described. All controversies relating to forecasting contamination are thoroughly analysed and mutual relations between forecasting contamination and evaluations of risk (threat) conducted on all levels of command are defined. Additionally, an essential connection of such a forecasting with heuristic methods of problem solving is shown.
Content available remote Broń jądrowa i radiologiczna, czyli o czym „marzą” terroryści
The nuclear and radiological weapons are two elements of weapons of mass destruction, where one of the destructive factors is the radioactive contamination of terrain. Such interaction can in a significant manner disrupt or even prevent the functioning of various military and civilian structures or systems. It is being assessed that the scale of threats can be diametrically different from local contamination in a limited area-caused by radiological weapons-to massive destruction and extensive areas of contamination caused by the detonation of a nuclear explosion. Despite evident disproportions, under terrorist threat conditions, both situations need to be treated equally serious and adequate precaution should be employed to prevent these. The article is an attempt to present current threats implied by terrorist attempts to gain and use nuclear and radiological weapons. For this reason the usefulness of the discussed means for terrorist goals are presented, potential methods of their gaining are being illustrated, whereas various difficulties linked to their gain are provided. An attempt of formulating an algorithm to assess the threat level of a nuclear or radiological attack has also been made. The most probable areas of problems to be solved have been pinpointed in this algorithm. The final effect of the conducted research was the assessment of objects which could be potential targets of nuclear or radiological strikes. Furthermore, when considering radiological strikes, various forms of such strikes have been specified and an assessment of their potential effects has been provided.
Content available remote Broń jądrowa i bezpieczny świat
Nuclear weapon is an extremely spectacular and at the same time lethal means of fighting. Some consider it a single "true” weapon of mass destruction whose destructive power exceeds everything that has ever been invented. Long lasting nuclear armament race was stopped, while countries that have nuclear weapon undertook many initiatives to its reduction and non-proliferation. A particular role is played by two strongest nuclear countries - the United States and Russia, which competing for many years were also the initiators of numerous disarmament treaties, pacts and conventions. The article presents the idea of contemporary threats in the aspect of nuclear weapon acquisition, possessing and using. For better understanding, the current world nuclear potential and its influence on international security is discussed. Also the revaluations that took place in the perception of threat awareness and defence methods are described. Four categories when nuclear weapon may pose a threat for the modern world are defined. They involve nuclear terrorism, new nuclear countries and regional conflicts, existing nuclear weapon arsenals and the risk that the non-proliferation idea of nuclear weapon may devaluate. Additionally, the latest solution of this problem is presented, called universal compliance, supported by Canegie Endowment for International Peace.
Content available remote Czynniki rażenia broni jądrowej. Cz. 5, Promieniowanie świetlne
Light radiation is one of five nuclear weapon destructive factors. As the others it may cause serious problems in tactical and operational actions. Similarly to shock wave, light radiation is a phenomenon characteristic not only for nuclear explosions but also conventional ones. Only the amount of energy released after the explosion is different. However, the scale of these phenomena is incomparable and depends on the power of particular blasts. The power of nuclear explosions is thousands or even millions times bigger than any conventional ones. The article presents the idea of nuclear explosion light radiation, its sources and probably effects on people, terrain, equipment and armament. Also the principles of forming a ball of fire, its expansion and character of its radiation. In order to understand the character of this radiation, the influence of light impulses on equipment, people and materials has been discussed in detail underlining the real probability of possible shock.
Content available remote Czynniki rażenia broni jądrowej. Cz. 4, Fala uderzeniowa
The shock wave is the most serious nuclear weapon destructive factor. Its energy usually makes up for the half of overall energy given off during a nuclear blast. Having an enormous destructive power, it may lead to substantial destruction of armament and equipment and also to mass radiation among troops and civilian population. The emergence and spread of the nuclear bomb shock wave differs very little from the phenomena that occur during conventional charges explosions. The scale, however, is entirely different, the amount of destruction and radiation in particular. Therefore it is of utmost importance to recognise in detail all aspects of the shock wave emerging and spreading and its influence on conducting combat operations. The article presents the principles of the shock wave emergence after surface, under and over surface explosions. It has been pointed out to the idea of the destructive action of the shock wave and the static overpressure and the wind gusts have been discussed in detail. Additionally the influence of the terrain and meteorological conditions on the shock wave effects has been analysed. In order to understand better the threats, which the shock wave poses after an atomic explosion, its influence of living organisms, combat equipment and armament has been presented. Moreover the basic principles of protection against the shock wave have been defined.
Content available remote Czynniki rażenia broni jądrowej. Cz. 3, Promieniowanie przenikliwe
Penetrating radiation is one of many nuclear weapon destruction factors, which as the others may result in serious problems in tactical and operational actions. At the same time it is also a specific factor as contrary to other phenomena accompanying a nuclear explosion, it is not discovered by human senses. Its activity may be traced only using special dosimeter equipment or by observing certain phenomena which appear in different, sometimes distant, time after the radiation took place. Due to little participation of radiation in the division of nuclear explosion entire energy, its penetrating effect is often underestimated. In spite of this, penetrating radiation will nearly always play an important role in destructive effect of a nuclear explosion. The essence of nuclear radiation has been presented in the article, gamma and neutron radiation is discussed in detail. Their sources and relations with the environment have been shown. To understand the threats that penetrating radiation poses, its effect on living organisms, equipment and combat technology has been presented. Also basic principles of protection against radiation have been described.
Content available remote Czynniki rażenia broni jądrowej. Cz. 2, Promieniotwórcze skażenie terenu
Radioactive terrain contamination is a well-known nuclear weapon destruction factor. Similarly to the other four, its performance may cause serious tactical - operational problems and significant losses in human resources. It is also the only nuclear weapon destruction factor which consequences last long after the explosion, often spread on a vast area. It is assumed that in case of massive nuclear attacks, ground ones in particular, radioactive terrain contamination may lead to a drastic drop of troops' combat potential, their mobility and vitality in an incomparable degree. The article presents the idea of contamination, its sources and probable consequences of its performance on people, terrain, combat equipment and armament. There are shown the principles of radioactive fallout, its movement and ways of contamination zones forming. The Polish and NATO methods of radioactive contamination forecast have been compared. In order to understand the character of various kinds of nuclear radiation, their influence on a human organism is discussed in detail, taking into consideration a real probability of possible strokes.
Content available remote Czynniki rażenia broni jądrowej. Cz. 1, Impuls elektromagnetyczny
Nuclear weapon is the most effective, although the least used, means of fighting. Its destructive action cumulates in five factors like airblast, thermal and hard radiation, radioactive terrain contamination and electromagnetic impulse. They are all widely known due to their spectacular performance. The electromagnetic impulse still remains the least known. It has its own specificity showing in destructive impact on technical, mainly electric and electronic systems. However, it does not pose a major threat to people. Its is also specific as far as its destruction range is concerned. In certain conditions it may act at the distance of hundreds of kilometres from the ground zero paralysing functioning the economy of many countries. The article provides information on the idea of the electromagnetic impulse, how it arises and probable impacts on electric and electronic equipment. Additionally, the electromagnetic impulse influence on radio waves propagation has been discussed.
Content available remote Zasady użycia środków dymnych w działaniach bojowych
The article is an attempt to look at smoke agents as a significant tool which, when used appropriately, may decide on the combat operation success. General rules and aim of using smoke agents on the battlefield have been presented in the introduction. A special attention has been drawn to factors that influence these agents effectiveness. Then the article characterises the rules of using smoke agents in selective kinds of military operations, i.e. defensive, offensive and other kinds of operations. The ways to use all kinds of smoke screens (obscuration, blindness, indication, apparent and protective ones including) have been discussed.
The article presents a short historical outline of industrial toxic agents (ITA) development since the moment of their creation up to the present times and the threats that their existence poses to the environment, military and civilian population. A special attention has been focused on controversies concerning different kinds of ITA which can pose a threat to the military and also on the number of objects with ITA on the territory of Poland resulting from various approaches towards the classification and definition of industrial toxic agents. A definition of ITA has been presented and then in the second part of the article, there have been given the data concerning ITA on the territory of respective voyvodships and the data on threats posed by particular ITA.
Content available remote Ewolucja zadań obrony przeciwchemicznej w Wojsku Polskim
The article presents the genesis and processes of organising defence against chemical warfare in the Polish Armed Forces in 1919-1924, tasks of defence against chemical warfare in 1924-1939, functioning and tasks of defence against chemical warfare in Polish formations during the Second World War, and also the process of evolution of defence against chemical warfare tasks in periods 1945-1977, 1977-1994. There has also been discussed creating anti nuclear defence and anti- bacterial defence, a new kind of combat actions protection against ABC weapons, the aim and tasks of defence against chemical warfare after 1994.
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