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In central Europe, the endangered Rosalia longicorn Rosalia alpina (L.) has rarely been observed to develop in the wood of elms Ulmus sp.; however, this beetle has recently expanded into habitats formed by elms. The factors driving these changes are unknown in detail, but a potential one is the increasing amount of breeding material, namely, dead elm wood. Dutch elm disease, caused by the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi, by killing off elm trees, has created a supply of dead wood. The aim of this work was to assess the potential role of Dutch elm disease in the formation of habitats suitable for the endangered Rosalia longicorn. The health of four elm stands (Carpathians, SE Poland) was analysed and the pathogen responsible for elm death were determined by DNA sequence comparison. O. novo-ulmi — the causative agent of Dutch elm disease — was isolated from weakened and dying trees at all studied localities. In total, 30% of the elm trees were dead, 34% showed signs of dieback or were moribund, while some 36% showed no signs of dieback (N = 120). The presence of the Rosalia longicorn was recorded at all four studied localities. The use of elms as a host plant was long-term; dead trees served as a breeding material through the past 11 years. Our results indicate that O. novo-ulmi is playing an important part in the death of elms in Rosalia longicorn localities. Dutch elm disease, due to its wide distribution, may shape suitable habitats for Rosalia longicorn within the species' range. While the chronic nature of the disease contributes to the slow and inexorable death of these trees, it may at the same time be a factor promoting the long-term stability of Rosalia longicorn habitats.
Larval galleries and exit holes of adult insects in wood and bark are a conspicuous indication of the occurrence of many species. Therefore it allows the qualitative and quantitative examination of insect populations. However, evaluation of adult body size based on the size and shape of galleries and exit holes was not practiced. We analyzed relationship between selected biometric traits (pronotal width, elytral width, and length of elytron) of adult Rosalia alpina (L.) − an endangered representative of the longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) − and the size and shape of their exit holes. Based on the laboratory reared individuals, we evaluate the size and shape of exit hole of each adult. Adult biometric traits were strongly correlated with each other. No sexual differences were found in adult beetle size and exit hole size and shape. The size of exit holes was, however, a good indicator of adult body size. The correlation between exit hole size and the size of adult R. alpina was highly significant for all studied traits, whereas exit hole shape was weakly correlated with adult size. The results of this study show new possibilities for applying the size of adult exit holes to study and wider characterize populations of R. alpina, which includes e.g. inter-population, inter-habitat, or inter-host material comparisons and determination of adult body size changes over time-period.
The current problem in farmland ecology is the change in the character of rural development in areas neighbouring cities and towns. Progressive urbanization and the predominance of housing estates over agricultural aims led to a change in the bird community. During 2005-2010, a survey of birds wintering within densely populated built-up rural areas was conducted by the line transect method (a total length of 8 km). A total number of 33 species was recorded and the most numerous dominant was the House Sparrow Passer domesticus, which constituted 32.58% of the bird community. The group of dominants and subdominants (which constituted up to 20% of the bird community) included the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and the Rook Corvus frugilegus, and a group of forest and synanthropic species - the Great Tit Parus major, the Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus, the Blackbird Turdus merula, and the Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto. The total density varied in subsequent study years from 57.4 to 87.5 ind. 10 ha[^-1] and was approximately twice lower than in other rural regions studied in Poland. A significant decrease in the wintering birds. diversity index was recorded through the study period. The explanations for this could be in the character of villages in the proximity of builtup city areas. This has rapidly changed in recent years, and nowadays agricultural management in the region is discarded. As a result, farmlands of the region almost entirely lost their agricultural character, notably becoming a residential and recreational backup for cities. The villages neighbouring cities and towns are developed into suburban-like areas, where housing estates predominate over agricultural aims. Future consequences of these changes are far-reaching for farmland biodiversity and ecology. The decrease in species diversity and evolution into urban-like bird communities is the most probable scenario.
A study of wintering Common Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra L.) was conducted in the winter periods 2002/2003-2006/2007 in the Western Carpathians. Birds were surveyed on transects in natural mountain European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)-Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)- Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests of the Tatra Mts, Pieniny Mts, Babia Góra Mt. and Gorce Mts (total length 41.4 km) as well as in a habitat mosaic with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Mountain pine (Pinus mugo Mill.) stands in the Kotlina Orawsko-Nowotarska valley (total length 31.5 km). Birds mean density underwent annual changes from 1.9 to 15.5 ind. 10 km[^-1] in the natural mountain forests and from 0.9 to 12.1 ind. 10 km[^-1] in the habitat mosaic. The median flock size in the natural mountain forests was 2, and it varied from 1 to 4 in subsequent seasons. They were smaller than flocks recorded in the habitat mosaic in the valley - median 2.5 (from 2 to 7 in subsequent seasons). The size of foraging and flying flocks did not differ significantly in natural mountain forest nor in the valley habitat mosaic. In the natural mountain forests, birds preferred habitats dominated by Norway spruce, and avoided European beech-Silver fir forests. The median flock size was 2 in habitats with Norway spruce, and 8 in stands where Norway spruce was absent. The variation in bird density presumably reflected the changes in quantity and location of food resources. Birds moved within stands with varying proportions of Norway spruce in the mountains as well as between the mountains and the valley, where habitat with mosaics of Scots pine and Mountain pine dominated.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu integracji dwu procesów (odwracalnej reakcji chemicznej oraz chromatograficznej separacji reagentów) na sprawność zintegrowanego procesu prowadzonego w pojedynczym aparacie. Badany proces zintegrowany nazywany jest procesem chromatografii reaktywnej i prowadzony jest w reaktorze chromatograficznym. Badano wpływ zmiennych operacyjnych na efektywność tego zintegrowanego procesu.
Content available remote Kinetyka katalitycznej reakcji hydrolizy mrówczanu metylu
W pracy badano kinetykę odwracalnej reakcji hydrolizy mrówczanu metylu prowadzoną z udziałem homogenicznego katalizatora w postaci roztworu kwasu solnego. W badaniach wykorzystywano układ pomiarowy RC1 Mettler Toledo, którego zasadniczym elementem jest reaktor kalorymetryczny oraz spektotbtometr FTIR - układ React IR ™ 4000 Mettler Toledo. Uzyskane w z pomiarów stałe kinetyczne reakcji posłużyły do projektowania działania kolumnowych reaktorów chromatograficznych.
In this study the kinetics for reversible reaction of catalytic hydrolysis of methyl formate has been investigated. The homogeneous catalyst, being a solution of the hydrochloric acid, has been used. A series of experimental investigations has been carried out with use of the RC1 Mettler Toledo reaction calorimeter as well as Mettler Toledo ReactIR ™ 4000 FTIR spectrophotometer. The obtained kinetic and equilibrium constants have been utilized to design a periodic as well as continuous chromatographic reactors.
Common Buzzards (Buteo buteo L.) found in central Europe are partial migrants and the number of birds which winter on the breeding ground depends on atmospheric conditions. The advantages of wintering on breeding grounds are counterbalanced by the risk of unfarorable atmospheric conditions and influence the birds' migration decision. During the periods from October to March (2002/2003-2004/2005), changes in habitat use by the Common Buzzard were studied in the open terrain of the mountain valley (Kotlina Orawsko-Nowotarska, Carpathians, southern Poland). The results were analyzed according to four meteorological periods (autumn, early winter, winter, early spring). Snow cover caused significant differences in types of habitats used by foraging Common Buzzards. During permanent snow cover the extent to which open areas was used decreased from 65% in periods without snow cover to 52% in other periods. At the same time the number of birds foraging in afforestations increased from 28% during periods without snow cover to 42% during periods with snow cover. The extent to which vegetation types was used also changed significantly. During the winter abandoned lands, which probably offer a richer food base, were used more often (56 vs. 23-33% in periods without snow cover). During permanent snow cover birds used higher perches, which presumably enabled them to observe a larger area and made hunting more efficient and compensated for limited access to prey.
In the paper a general model of the reactive adsorption process has been elaborated. An analysis of this process, which employs the statistical moment theory, has been carried out and presented. Based on this method, an influence of operating conditions as well as parameters of elementary processes on the efficiency of entire process has been quantitatively estimated. This makes possible discussion of the process efficiency and its optimization.
In the paper integrated process of reactive chromatography carried out in an annular chromatographic reactor has been described. The mathematical model of this reactor containing differential balance equations for reactants in the mobile as well as stationary phase has been also elaborated. On the basis of numerical simulations, an influence of the operation variables as well as system properties on the process efficiency has been estimated.
Integrated process of reactive chromatography carried out in a continuous rotating annular chromatographic reactor has been described. The mathematical model of this reactor, containing differential balance equations for reactants in the mobile as well as in the stationary phase, has also been elaborated. The results of numerical simulations indicate an influence of the process variables on the process efficiency.
Przedstawiono zintegrowany proces chromatografii reaktywnej prowadzonej w przepływowym, pierścieniowym reaktorze chromatograficznym oraz zaproponowano model tego reaktora. Opracowany model składa się z różniczkowych równań bilansu masy dla każdego reagenta w fazie nośnej oraz fazie stacjonarnej. Wykonane obliczenia symulacyjne umożliwiły określenie podstawowych właściwości reaktora oraz wpływu zmiennych procesowych na sprawność badanego procesu.
The objective of the investigations was to analyze the influence of different geometrical parameters and application of welds and horizontal oil channels on stress distributions in the Distribution Transformer corrugated wall structure. The result of analysis allowed reduction of the thickness of the metal sheets of transformer corrugated walls as well as determined the necessity of application and location of welds.
Wpływ zmiany parametrów geometrycznych jak również stosowania zgrzewów ścianek kadzi transformatorów na zachowanie się konstrukcji transformatorów pod obciążeniami roboczymi został poddany analizie. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pozwoliły na zmniejszenie grubości ścianek kadzi transformatora oraz weryfikację konieczności stosowania oraz rozmieszenia zgrzewów punktowych w zależności od geometrii ścianek falistych.
Celem przedsięwzięcia było stworzenie systemu inżynierskiego do doboru ifŽ konfiguracji urządzeń i systemów klimatyzacji i wentylacji. Wynikiem podjętych jfssfan było napisanie systemu ARTEMIDA (Air Terminal Devices Assistant), który ma jjftsfać aplikacji WEB'owej orazjednocześnie standardowego programu typu "stand-alone". W ramach programu wprowadzono dodatkowe funkcjonalności: a) czytanie i operacje na plikach CAD opartej na standardzie OpenDWG, b) czytanie i zapis danych w postaci IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), c) Narzędzie ekspertowe oparte na normie CEN (European Cefnmittee for Standardization), d) obliczenia numeryczne CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics).
The main objective of the undertaking was to construct engineering system for selection of HVAC (Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems). As a deliverables WEB based and stand alone applications have been simultaneously constructed using currently used software technologies. Several additional functionality of ARTEMIDA have been implemented: a) CAD interoperability developed using OpenDwg standards and libraries, b) import and export project and product information in a form of IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), c) Expert Tool based on CEN (European Committee for Standardization) standards, d) modeling using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calculation and processes.
Celem badań była próba opracowania implantu mogącego zastępować zdegenerowany dysk międzykręgowy w kręgosłupie człowieka. Do budowy implantu wykorzystano biozgodne hydro-żele otrzymywane przy użyciu techniki radiacyjnej z następujących monomerów: VP (N-winylopirolidon), HEMA (metakrylan 2-hydroksyetylu), MMA (metakrylan metylu) i przepuszczalną dla wody tkaninę poliestrową. Przeprowadzono testy wytrzymałościowe próbek hydrożeli i prototypów implantów. Opracowano komputerowy model lędźwiowego odcinka kręgosłupa, L2 - L3 z kręgami separowanymi naturalnym dyskiem oraz z kręgami separowanymi parą implantów. Przeprowadzono szereg eksperymentów obliczeniowych, w których symulowano osiowe obciążanie badanego segmentu.
The objective of this study was to design a spinal intervertebral disc implant that could substitute natural disc in a human vertebral column. Structure of the implant comprised biocompatible hydrogel care obtained by irradiation of the following monomers: VP (N-vinyl pyrrolidone), HEMA (2- hydroxyethyl methylacrylate), MMA (methyl methylacrylate) and water permeable polyester fabric. Axial compression tests of hydrogel samples and implant prototypes were performed. Advanced numerical model of L2-L3 spinal segment with vertebrae separated with a natural disc and a pair of implants has been elaborated. In the series of numerical experiments an axial load on the segment was simulated.
The main objective of this study is to design three-dimensional geometrical and mechanical finite element model of the intervertebral disc between L2-L3 vertebras in the lumbar and C5-C6 cervical spinal segment. The model was directed toward understanding the work and the role of the intervertebral disc that performs in the human spinal segment body. The three-dimensional finite element motion segment was developed and its response to different loads was performed. The model accounted for the solid component of the nucleus pulposus while anulus fibrosus was modeled as a matrix of homogeneous ground substance reinforced by anulus fibers. End plates similarly to the nucleus pulposus were simulated using volumic elements. Simultaneously the vertebral bodies have been modeled as a complex construction of a cancellous core covered by a cortical shell of the orthotropic material properties. Isotropic material has been used to model posterior elements. To simulate ligament like behavior, tension only elements have been used. Numerical studies of the lumbar segment have been consequently compared with the experimental investigation performed on the porcine model by authors and other in vitro experiments on human lumbar spine accomplished by other scientists. In cervical spinal segment numerically two surgical techniques (Cloward and Robinson-Smith) have been tested. Two types of loads have been applied to three models - to an intact C5-C6 spinal segment and then to the vertebras after performing those two surgical techniques. All numerical analysis have been undertaken using ANSYS 5.4 commercial application.
Obiektem badań jest trójwymiarowy geometryczny oraz mechaniczny model MES krążka międzykręgowego pomiędzy kręgami L2-L3 odcinka kręgosłupa lędźwiowego oraz C5-C6 szyjnego kręgosłupa ludzkiego. Model MP2S poddany został działaniom ściskającej siły osiowej, momentu zginającego oraz skręcającemu. Badania numeryczne odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa są poparte badaniami doświadczalnymi przeprowadzonymi na kręgach kręgosłupa świńskiego. Na odcinku kręgosłupa szyjnego przeprowadzono porównanie dwóch technik operacyjnych Clowarda oraz Robinson-Smitha. Wszystkie badania tmmerjczne zostały przeprowadzone przy użyciu programu ANSYS 5.4.
The main objective of this study is to design three-dimensional geometrical and mechanical FEM model of the intervertebral disc between L2-L3 vertebras in the lumbar and C5-C6 cervical spinal segment. The three-dimensional finite element motion segment was developed and its response to different loads was performed. Numerical studies of the lumbar segment have been consequently compared with the experimental investigation performed on the porcine model by authors. In cervical spinal segment numerically two surgical techniques (Cloward and Robinson-Smith) have been tested. All numerical analysis have been undertaken using ANSYS 5.4 commercial application.
The main objective of this study was to perform experimental and numerical investigation on human C5-C6 cervical spinal segment before and after discectomy using the Cloward operation technique and to evaluate compare the stiffness of cervical spines before and after the operation. For the purposes of experimental investigations the cervical spines of four cadavers underwent biomechanical testing. Consequently, in order to perform numerical analysis three-dimensional geometrical and mechanical finite element model of the C5-C6 cervical spinal segment has been constructed. The second step of the investigation was to perform an operation on harvested spines, which corresponded to construction of FEM model of vertebrae after discectomy Experimental and numerical investigations have been accordingly compared.
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