Various cases from history indicate that the chimney is an important architectural detail in a building. Its shape, size and place where it rises above the roof affect the outline of a building and can even testify to the wealth of the family that inhabits it, as was the case in Portugal, among others. However, a chimney sometimes transforms from an architectural detail into a dominant element, which is not beneficial to the building’s overall massing. At present, ventilation is not only based on the design of ventilation ducts, but also on a comprehensive approach to design that affects the shaping of a building’s massing.
Różne przykłady z historii świadczą o tym, że komin jest ważnym detalem architektonicznym budynku. Jego kształt, wielkość, miejsce wyprowadzenia ponad dach istotnie wpływają na sylwetę obiektu architektonicznego, a nawet świadczy o zamożności rodu zamieszkującego budowlę tak, jak to miało miejsce np. w Portugalii. Czasem jednak z detalu architektonicznego komin przeradza się w element będący dominantą, co nie jest korzystne dla całej bryły budynku. Obecnie wentylacja nie tylko polega na zaprojektowaniu przewodów wentylacyjnych ale również na kompleksowym podejściu do projektowania, mając wpływ na kształtowanie bryły obiektu.
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This paper discusses the results of research conducted with the Ansys Fluent programme on the air flow through natural ventilation supply and exhaust ducts of rooms located on the ground and upper floor of a building. A scenario with air inflow to a room through an air intake located on the basement floor level was selected for the tests. All simulations were performed for outdoor temperatures of +3,+12, and -15°C (simulations run for an outdoor air temperature of +12°C are discussed in detail). The temperature inside the room is +20°C, i.e. at the minimum temperature level for thermal comfort. The simulations address such issues as the pressure system inside the room and in the exhaust duct, the distribution of air temperature in the room and the vector direction of airflow through the supply and exhaust ducts.
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