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Content available Planning in a research institute
Purpose: As with any organisation, one of the most important prerequisites for the effective operation of a research institute is proper planning of its functioning – that is, accurately defining the future and establishing all the resources necessary for scientific, financial and economic activities. This paper is an attempt to illustrate the importance of planning the activities of a research institute over different time horizons for its proper functioning. Design/methodology/approach: To solve the research problem posed in this way, the following was used: (1) a method of analysing and critiquing the literature through literature studies leading to a possibly multifaceted presentation of the issue of planning the functioning of a research institute and (2) a document examination method involving the collection of source materials, which were: financial plans, prospective directions of scientific, development and implementation activities, thematic directional plans for scientific research and development work, the institute's strategy and the procedures and practices used to prepare the plans. Findings: The research shows that the planning process at the research institute is subject to the requirements of the applicable regulations. This implies the necessity to draw up four types of plans in terms of: prospective directions of scientific, development and implementation activities, directional thematic plans of scientific research and development works and annual activity and financial plans. Originality/value: In the article, the authors attempt to adapt universal planning principles to the specific activities of research institutes. This is a new issue and a response to practical needs.
Purpose: This paper is aimed at presenting the proper significance of the research institute operations’ planning, including, but not limited to, the ones relating to the development of tactical and operating plans. It refers to the development of the tactical and operating activity plans in research institutes. Their importance for the effective institute work organization is stressed. Design/methodology/approach: Its provisions are based primarily on the analysis of reference works and various planning documents developed in different institutes. Findings: To guarantee that the projects will ensure existence and development of the institute, the plan scope (in particular for the operational ones) should cover the largest scope of the institute operations possible. The applicable legal requirements refer to four different plans, including two operational ones, i.e. the activity and financial plan. Besides them, it is advisable to develop plans “complementing” the implementation scope of the assumptions made in the operational strategy or medium-term plans, e.g. the marketing activity plan or plan to employ the required scientific or technical personnel. Originality/value: In the article, the authors attempt to adapt universal planning principles to the specific activities of research institutes. This is a new issue and a response to practical needs.
A significant problem with the effective functioning of the hard-coal mining industry, especially in relation to mining enterprises and mines located in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, are the high costs of mining. This is due to many reasons, among which, an important aspect is the ineffective use of the working time of mining faces. The unsatisfactory use of working time caused by unplanned shutdowns of mining faces is a significant reason for the fact that the use of the production potential of the expensive, modern mechanized systems built in them, with the production capacity of around 1,000-1,500 tons per hour, is relatively small – the average daily volume of mining from a longwall working is most often around 3,000 tonnes or even slightly less. A significant reason for this is the occurrence of a large number of interruptions in the continuity of their work, which is mainly caused by equipment failures, the impact of unfavorable geological and mining conditions or technological shutdowns. The article deals with the problem of the unsatisfactory level of the effective use of working time in mining faces (longwalls) in Polish hard-coal mines. The main reason for this is the occurrence of a large number of unplanned stops and interruptions, sometimes lasting several days. Their elimination or at least reduction would significantly contribute to the improvement of the existing situation. The condition for this, however, is reliable analyses aimed at detailed the identification of their causes. It was proposed to use three methods – the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the development of the Pareto-Lorenz diagram and the 5 Whys method. Examples of their practical application are also presented.
Znaczącym problemem dotyczącym efektywnego funkcjonowania branży górnictwa węgla kamiennego, szczególnie w odniesieniu do przedsiębiorstw górniczych i kopalń zlokalizowanych na terenie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego, są wysokie koszty prowadzonej eksploatacji. Wynika to z wielu przyczyn, wśród których istotne miejsce zajmuje nieefektywne wykorzystanie czasu pracy przodków wybierkowych. Niezadawalające wykorzystanie czasu pracy spowodowane nieplanowanymi postojami przodków wybierkowych jest istotną przyczyną tego, że wykorzystanie potencjału produkcyjnego zabudowanych w nich kosztownych, nowoczesnych kompleksów zmechanizowanych, o możliwości produkcji około 1000-1500 ton w ciągu godziny, jest stosunkowo niewielkie. Znaczącą przyczyną tego jest występowanie dużej liczby przerw w ciągłości ich pracy, spowodowanych głównie awariami urządzeń, wpływami niekorzystnych uwarunkowań geologiczno-górniczych lub postojami technologicznymi. W artykule poruszono problematykę niezadawalającego poziomu wykorzystania efektywnego czasu pracy w przodkach wybierkowych (ścianach) w polskich kopalniach węgla kamiennego. Główną przyczyną tego jest występowanie dużej liczby nieplanowanych postojów i przerw, czasem trwających nawet po kilka dni. Ich wyeliminowanie lub przynajmniej zredukowanie znacząco przyczyniłoby się do poprawy istniejącej sytuacji. Warunkiem tego jest jednak rzetelne przeprowadzenie analiz mających na celu szczegółową identyfikację przyczyn ich powstawania. Zaproponowano do tego wykorzystanie trzech metod – wielokryterialnej metody hierarchicznej analizy problemów decyzyjnych AHP, opracowanie diagramu Pareto-Lorenza oraz metody 5 Whys. Przedstawiono także przykłady ich praktycznego zastosowania.
The elimination of low-emission sources harmful to human health, mainly domestic boilers, has recently grown into a nation-wide problem in Poland. Emissions of harmful substances from power plants are many times lower than from domestic coal furnaces and are subject to strict regulatory regimes. Hence, companies of the professional and thermal power industry can play an important part in the process of liquidation of low emissions by offering to replace the combustion of coal in home furnaces with the use of it for the production of electricity and system heat in electrical cogeneration, which can then be used for home heating purposes. In addition, it is essential for the professional power industry to maintain a constant daily load of power units, so that the loss of efficiency in regulatory work, increased failure frequency or the need for frequent commissioning does not negatively affect the economy of production. Therefore, the selection of the part of the dispersed heat market that can be replaced with system heat and the use of electricity for heating purposes, while contributing to the elimination of low emissions and improving the economy of new energy units by increase their work in the night low demand periods, must be carried out properly.
The objective of the paper is to present the problem of low-stack emission in the economic and financial context. The paper presents the results of preliminary research based on literature review and environmental reports. After completing the selection of publications and data extraction, which could help to describe the issue raised, their analysis, comparison and generalization was conducted. The aspects presented may constitute a starting point in building a model of pricing the economic results of low-stack emission. In the first place the phenomenon of smog was subject to analysis, as one of the most significant consequences of low-stack emission, influencing health of human beings, environment and tangible assets. Then an attempt was made to express the previously identified results of low-stack emission in the economic and financial categories, taking into consideration the costs incurred for the purposes of completing the undertakings aimed at decreasing low-stack emission, costs avoided due to the decrease of the number of illnesses caused by low-stack emission, costs avoided due to the restriction of the negative influence of low-stack emission on the environment and on tangible assets as well as economic benefits achieved thanks to the reduction of low-stack emission.
Vietnam has the 13th largest hard coal reserves globally, with the reserves totaling 2.22 billion tonnes, and estimated resources of 4.07 billion tonnes. Coal use is playing an increasing role in the energy mix and according to current planning, this role is to increase further. In parallel with the development of the Vietnamese coal sector, underground mining also underwent many stages of improvements, especially in the last two decades. This paper analyzes the achievement and the state of the mining technology applied into the underground mining by the Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Ltd. (VINACOMIN) during 20 year period and proposes the recommendations for the sustainable development of Vietnam underground mining.
The role of the hard coal mining sector in ensuring energy security of the country has been presented in the paper. An analysis of its current status was made based on the results obtained by the sector in 2017. Moreover, the determinants which are the precondition for further sustainable and efficient operation in the years to come have been defined.
Zaprezentowano rolę sektora górnictwa węgla kamiennego w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa energetycznego państwa. W oparciu o wyniki uzyskane przez sektor w 2017 roku dokonano analizy jego obecnego stanu oraz określono determinanty warunkujące dalsze trwałe efektywne funkcjonowanie w następnych latach.
W celu opracowania sposobu zmniejszenia ilości metali ciężkich oraz baru i strontu w ściekach zebrano eksperymentalnie ścieki z laboratorium chemii nieorganicznej i poddano je badaniom. Analiza wykazała, że rtęć i srebro znajdują się wyłącznie w osadzie; w osadzie pozostaje też około 2/3 ołowiu, bizmutu i kobaltu. Pozostałe metale w większości pozostają w roztworze. Stwierdzono, że oddzielna segregacja odpadów z poszczególnych grup analitycznych nie ma uzasadnienia, tym bardziej, że trudno wyegzekwować wymóg odprowadzania odpadów do odpowiednich pojemników. Przetestowano sposób przerobu odpadów podzielonych na 2 grupy: 1 - zawierające rtęć, 2 - nie zawierające rtęci. Zaproponowano usuwanie metali przez strącanie ich siarczków i wodorotlenków siarczkiem sodu a następnie flokulację i odwadnianie osadu. Roztwory, po wydzielaniu metali, spełniają wymagania stawiane ściekom, które mogą być odprowadzane do kanalizacji
In order to work out a procedure of diminishing the amount of heavy metals, barium and strontium in wastes, laboratory wastes were collected and investigated. The analysis revealed that mercury and silver are present only in the precipitate, as well as about 2/3 amount of lead, bismuth and cobalt. Other elements occur mainly in solution. It was also found that there was no justification for the separate segregation of particular analytical groups of elements, especially in the cases where it is difficult to enforce requirement of collecting wastes in proper containers. Solid wastes were divided into two groups: 1 - containing mercury and 2 -without mercury content. Metals were eliminated in the form of sulphides and hydroxides by their precipitation with sodium sulphide, flocculation, sedimentation and dehydration. Solutions left after metals separation meet requirements for wastes, which can be disposed of the sewage system.
Zaproponowano metodykę postępowania z jednorodnymi związkami chemicznymi, będącymi produktami technicznymi lub odczynnikami chemicznymi, znajdującymi się w nieopisanych opakowaniach, mającą na celu zakwalifikowanie takich związków do odpowiednich kategorii substancji odpadowych. Wykorzystano serię prostych eksperymentów, zaliczanych do klasycznej analizy związków chemicznych, uzupełnioną w koniecznych przypadkach analizą metodami instrumentalnymi. Określono wymogi dotyczące wyposażenia laboratorium, w którym przeprowadzana jest identyfikacja oraz niezbędne kwalifikacje personelu. Zwrócono uwagę na zagrożenia i określono środki ostrożności przy postępowaniu z badanymi substancjami, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem właściwości wybuchowych, palnych i trujących. Opracowana metodyka została sprawdzona w badaniach testowych oraz zastosowana w pracach porządkowych w centralnym magazynie odczynników chemicznych Politechniki Śląskiej.
A procedure has been proposed for proceeding with homogeneous chemicals being technical products or reagents stored in unlabelled packages, in order to classify these substances to particular categories of wastes. A series of simple tests belonging to a classical analysis of chemical compounds, complemented with instrumental methods in needed cases has been proposed. The requirements have been established for equipment and necessary qualification of personnel in a laboratory in which identification is to be carried out. Attention has been drawn to risk accompanying this procedure and necessary precautions, which should be undertaken, especially due to possible explosive, inflammable and toxic properties of these substances. The worked out procedure was verified in tests and applied during cleaning the central chemical storage rooms.
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