In this work the identification procedure of intermetallic compounds forming in liquid metallic solutions is presented. Bhatia and Thornton proposal was used; calculations were made on the base of mercury-indium system. Experimental data were described by Pelton polynomials and Krupkowski equations. Executed calculations show the insufficient tenderness of used functions, the course of examined parameters Scc(0) and delta Scc(0) indicates no intermetallic compounds in this system. It is suggested to describe experimental data more subtle methods such spline line functions in the case of this type of systems, with greater number of intermetallic compounds.
Because of wide use of carbonate and oxide of strontium in such spheres of industry as electronics, pyrotechnics or metallurgy undertook attempt of finding new methods of passage changing mineral of strontium - celestite, containing SrSO4, in which can be used in industry carbonate of strontium. One proposed method relying on letting pass mixtures of gases (CO+CO2) in high temperatures over sulphate of strontium. In this text of report one characterized processes being able to take place during experiment. Thermodynamically analysis of the process one executed at utilization of Kellog's proposal of investigation of the reaction' equilibrium.
Ze względu na szerokie zastosowanie węglanu strontu w takich dziedzinach przemysłu jak elektronika, pirotechnika czy metalurgia podjęto próbę znalezienia nowej metody przejścia kopalnego minerału strontu - celestynu w mający zastosowanie w przemyśle węglan strontu. Zaproponowano metodę polegającą na przepuszczaniu mieszaniny gazów (CO + CO2) w wysokich, pod względem termodynamicznym, temperaturach nad siarczanem strontu. W tekście referatu scharakteryzowano reakcje chemiczne zachodzące podczas tego procesu.
In this work one analysed influence of manner of description of experimental data on counted values of thermodynamical function in binary solution. One ascertained, that large meanings in widened thermodynamical analysis of binary solutions has acquaintance of structural coefficients. It is possible to obtain the reliable results from phase diagram only using interpolation methods. One showed on the ground of thermodynamical analysis of solution Hg-In, that description of activity with functions cubic spline permits on qualification stochiometrics of intermetallic compounds.
Przedstawiono teoretyczną analizę rozkładu masy koncentratu w górnej części szybu reakcyjnego. Przyjmując upraszczające założenia określono pole prędkości gazów w szybie. Trajektorie cząsteczek wyznaczono z ogólnych równań ruchu cząstek w strudze gazu. Z kolei dla określenia rozkładu masy posłużono się metodą Monte Carlo. Przeanalizowano wpływ natężenia dmuchu, strumienia powietrza do aeracji i składu ziarnowego koncentratu na rozkład masy w reaktorze.
There is presented the theoretical analysis of the concentrate mass distribution in the upper part of the reaction-shaft. There is defined, at simplifying assumptions, the velocity-field of gases in the shaft. The trajectories of the molecules are derived from the general equations of the molecule motion in the gas-stream. The Monte Carlo method is used for the definition of the mass-distribution. There is analysed the influence of: the blast intensity, the air flux for aeration and the grain size of the concentrate on the mass distribution in reactor.
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