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This paper focuses on the phenomenon of the strongly complicated process of education of cadets and officers of tsarist transportation services corps during the 1830s of the 19th century. While primarily commencing this short study with introduction and changes in the didactic process occurring in Saint Petersburg Institute of Corps of Engineers of Roads of Communication at the early stages of its development, the main scope of the research was to describe: a) changes and restriction in the accessibility to the very process of education given in this Institute, b) the alteration in the formal entry and most of all scientific requirements. c) the outcome and circumstances of final examinations, all happening during the third decade of 19th century.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the process of building, repairing and maintaining two types of main roads in the Kingdom of Poland, especially during the mid-19th century, when the overall process of expanding the local road transportation network started to considerably slow its pace. Publicly announced parts of official government reports have been taken into consideration in order to describe such endeavours by the Polish transportation authorities concerning first-class and secondary routes (generally paved with the usage of a standardized macadam system) during the period between 1843 and 1859.
The aim of this article is to present the main proposals of two Tsarist Russia transportation laws, introduced in the spring of 1833 and at the turn of 1834. Both laws were prepared by Count Dmitry Bludov, then Minister of the Interior, and finally accepted by Tsar Nicholas I himself. Their main goal was to properly develop the Russian transportation network, but not too rapidly and without consuming a considerable amount of State Treasury funds.
The paper deals with an introduction to and examination of selected issues relating to Tsarist transportation administration structures, since their establishment in 1809, practically their governance was ended by Count Carl von Toll at the beginning of the 1840s. The main topics analysed here concern matters of the internal division of the whole of the administrative transportation network and its changes made by the main ministry, as well as some control and budgetary (or rather accounting problems) associated with transportation laws.
The article explores the stress-strain state of the pneumatic flexible shaft coupling of the tumbling mill drive using a software of finite element analysis. The study has revealed that the stress-strain state of the pneumatic flexible shaft coupling is characterized by an uneven general and local distribution of stresses. Areas of maximum stress and strain in the pneumatic flexible shaft coupling have been defined. The study allowed for changing the geometry and reducing the mass of the disc of the pneumatic flexible shaft coupling with a slight change in stresses and strains. The results of the study can be applied to the design of pneumatic flexible shaft couplings and serve as a basis for further research.
The aim of this paper is to present possibilities of using a new type of granular media in acoustics as innovative sound absorbers. Most materials of this type have a porous or fibrous structure. It is constant, and once manufactured, does not easily change its configuration. The examined material – Vacuum Packed Particles (VPP) is of a changeable structure. It can be assumed that the acoustical absorption of such structures can be modified and partially adjusted by an external factor. First steps in an experimental approach have been made – the acquired results are optimistic. Additional tests are being planned to confirm the observed phenomenon and to apply VPP as novel materials in acoustics. Basing on the preliminary experimental tests, it can be concluded that the considered structures could become a significant part of a multilayered structure which would have controllable sound absorption properties.
The aim of this article is to present the endeavours undertaken in the 19th century by diverse governing bodies to build or (rebuild) and eventually improve the Polish water canal system. These activities concerned commissions from the Second Council of State, the Administrative Council, the Third Council of State and, inevitably, the Board of Land and Water Communications/Board of the 13th District of Communications, among others. In addition, some of the general state reports, especially those focusing on water transport issues, are analysed in this article. All of the researched matters deal with the following canals: Augustów, Windawa, Brudnów and Wisła-Narew.
This article focuses on the issue of introducing of a legal system concerning public works carried out on the widely understood transportation system in the Kingdom of Poland and other territories directly or indirectly ruled by tsarist authorities after the partition of the Commonwealth.
This article focuses on the problem of changing job descriptions of Polish transportation engineers (including general inspectors and voivodeship engineers, as well as newly introduced county engineers) after the fall of the November Uprising. The text also explains possible obstacles that uncoupled these transportation staff officials from their basis duties.
The main aim of this article is to introduce road repair and building programmes and procedures that took place in both the Kingdom of Poland, as a whole, and the Masovian Province, in particular. Starting with legal matters, this article describes the variety of combined activities on the part of the state government and local authorities undertaken between 1816 and 1817, which shaped the future development of Polish routes for many years to come.
Trójstronna rosyjsko-prusko-austriacka umowa dotycząca telegrafu elektromagnetycznego z roku 1860 ujawnia ogromną troskę prawodawców o przerzucenie na barki społeczeństwa możliwej do akceptacji części kosztów funkcjonowania całego systemu nadawczego. Temu celowi służyć miało nie tylko wprowadzenie wysokich stawek taryfowych, ale przede wszystkim szczegółowe rozpisanie możliwości pobierania dodatkowych funduszy od osób nadającychch depesze.
The trilateral Russian-Prussian-Austrian agreement on electromagnetic telegraph dated as of 1860 reveals some enormous concern of its legislators focusing on transferring of acceptable part of costs of the entire broadcasting system on society shoulders. In order to fully achieve this purpose it was not only necessary to introduce the high tariff rates, but mainly to hold a detailed capacity to collect additional funds from any messages senders.
There are numerous reports on the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in various cellular systems. The article presents the results of in vitro studies aimed at identifying changes in activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and protective antioxidant role of vitamin E during the exposure of blood platelets to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) generated by LCD monitors.
Istnieje wiele doniesień dotyczacych wpływu promieniowania elektromagnetycznego (EMR) na różne systemy komórkowe. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań in vitro mających na celu określenie zmian aktywności dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej (SOD) i antyoksydacyjnej roli witaminy E podczas ekspozycji płytek krwi na EMR (promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne) generowane przez monitory LCD.
Przedstawiono podstawowe systemy pomiarowe parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie wraz z zagranicznymi i krajowymi przykładami ich zastosowania. Zaprezentowano wyniki kontrolnych pomiarów parcia, wykonanych na budowie Centrum Kulturalno-Kongresowego w Toruniu.
Elementary measuring systems of concrete pressure on formwork are presented along with foreign and national examples of their use. There are presented results of control measurements of concrete pressure carried out on the construction site of the Cultural and Congress Centre in Toruń.
Reaktywacja w początkach lat sześćdziesiątych XIX wieku trzeciej już Rady Stanu Królestwa Polskiego dała asumpt warszawskim administratorom do dogłębnego zajęcia się problematyką transportu wodnego kraju. Był to bodajże ostatni już moment pod rosyjską władzą najezdniczą, gdy Polacy mogli próbować przynajmniej wywierać efektywny wpływ na regulację rzek, warunki spławu na Wiśle, czy dalszy rozwój Kanału Augustowskiego, ewentualnie nawet sieci kanałów. W artykule przeanalizowano zatem wnioski składane w sprawie regulacji Wisły i spławu na tej rzece oraz lepszego wykorzystania Kanału Augustowskiego, jak też dalszej możliwości budowy Kanału Windawskiego i kanału Wisła-Narew.
At the beginning of 1860s, reactivation of the Polish Kingdom third Council of State inspired the Warsaw administrators to take a closer look at the country’s water transport. It was one of the last moments under the Russian domination where the Poles could at least try to influence the regulation of rivers, the conditions of rafting on the Vistula River or further development of the Augustowski Canal or even a system of canals. The article analyses the motions submitted with regard to the Vistula regulation and rafting and those urging for a better use of the Augustowski Canal, as well as motions regarding construction of the Windawski Canal and the Vistula-Narew canal.
The purpose of this paper is to focus on the possibilities for improving the administration and delivery of the Polish transport system, which occurred in early 1860s, the last phase of local autonomous government.
This article examines the legal aspect of functioning of the board of communication services in Kingdom of Poland during period of 1842-1854, ie. At a time when they were formally subjected to the Russian-Tartar prince of Tenishev family. Presentation of a series of introduced law bills concerning local Management of Land and Waterways Transport structure, replaced in 1846 by the Executive Board of 13th District of Communications of Russian Empire allows us not only to visualize the detailed picture of their nature and scope, but also indirectly to overall focus on th eattidude of Russian invading power in relation to the Polish transport system.
Artykuł analizuje prawny aspekt funkcjonowania zarządu służb komunikacyjnych w Królestwie Polskim w latach 1842-1854, czyli w czasach gdy formalnie podlegały one rosyjsko-tatarskiemu księciu Teniszewowi. Przedstawienie wielu ustaw dotyczących lokalnego Zarządu Komunikacji Lądowych i Wodnych, zamienionego następnie w 1846 roku na Zarząd XIII Okręgu Komunikacji Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego, pozwala zobrazować nie tylko szczegółowy obraz jego charakteru i zakresu, ale też pośrednio ogólne tendencje rosyjskiej władzy najezdniczej w stosunku do polskiego systemu transportowego.
The aim of this article is to describe the proposals from administrators during the mid-19th century to improve the regulation of, and the rafting status on, the Vistula and other main watercourses in the Kingdom of Poland. The deliberation process is also shown, especially in order to reveal the genuine attitude of the Tsarist-controlled Polish authorities towards these requests.
W drugiej połowie lat pięćdziesiątych XIX wieku państwa zaborcze rozpoczęły podpisywanie najpierw dwustronnych, a potem trójstronnych umów telekomunikacyjnych. Chociaż dobrze przemyślane i nowoczesne w swojej treści, nie wróżyły one dobrze polskiemu telegrafowi, gdyż język polski został z usług przesyłowych treści nadawczych całkowicie wyeliminowany.
In the second half of the fifties of 19th century, Poland partitioning countries began signing of firstly bilateral and then trilateral agreements concerning telecommunications. Although well thought out and of modern content, they did not indicate prosperous future of Polish telegraph, as the Polish language was completely eliminated out of the transmission services broadcasting system.
W artykule podjęto próbę wypełnienia niszy badawczej dostrzeganej w obszarze metod oznaczania rzeczywistych rzędnych parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie. Opisana została najczęściej stosowana w warunkach realizacyjnych metoda pomiaru polegająca na oszacowaniu wielkości parcia na podstawie poziomu wytężenia ściągów deskowaniowych. Zostały przedstawione krajowe i zagraniczne przykłady zastosowania tej techniki. Jednym z nich są autorskie pomiary parcia przeprowadzone na budowie Centrum Kulturalno-Kongresowego w Toruniu. Zaprezentowane zostały ich wyniki oraz wysunięte na ich podstawie wnioski.
The paper will attempt to fill the research niche noticeable in the area of methods for accurate measuring the magnitude of pressure generated by fresh concrete on formwork. Commonly used in practice measuring method was described. It consists of estimation of concrete pressure on the base of strain level of formwork tie rods. Foreign and national use examples of this technique were presented. One of them is author's measurement cycle carried out on the construction site of the Concert Hall in Torun. Results and conclusions of the experiment were described.
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