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Content available The attractiveness of Białowieża Forest
The forest complex area of the Bialowieza Forest is a great monument of history and culture, and also a place of many important historical events. The motive of arrival to the Bialowieza Forest is mainly the attractiveness of the area, geographic location, international events and historical conditions. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate tourist traffic in the area of Białowieża Forest on the basis of surveys conducted in the month of June 2016. Frequently opinions are expressed that tourists come to Białowieża for a longer holiday or they are engaged exclusively in a kind of scientific research. Therefore the author decided to investigate such a supposition, trying to find out, by survey research, from which places and towns and for how long tourists come, as well as what is their main purpose of arrival. The author of the study has conducted a study using the questionnaire technique among the owners of accommodation facilities and eating places, as well as visitors to the municipality Białowieża and the Forest. Studies have shown that there is currently no unified vision of creating attractions for the Bialowieza Forest, and above all systemic solutions at the level of commune and the region.
Content available Anthropogenic tourist attractions in forest areas
Anthropogenic tourist attractions are an important element and essential segment of the tourism industry, which stimulates the interest in travelling and ensures the satisfaction of visitors. The more anthropogenic attractions in a given area, the more demand for tourist services is observed. Anthropogenic attractions are characterized by the fact that demand for them depends on innovativeness and entrepreneurship of service providers. Another feature is their variability and diversity, which does not cause monotony by visiting specific places and localities. According to A. Lew (Lew, 1974), without tourist attractions there would be no tourism and without tourism there would be no tourist attractions. Due to the particular value of forest areas, the construction of anthropogenic attractions in these areas is most welcome. In general, it can be said that anthropogenic tourist attractions should be a magnet attracting tourists to the region.
Content available Obszary leśne w rozwoju turystyki
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie znaczenia obszarów leśnych dla potencjalnego turysty, jak i osób zainteresowanych produktami ubocznymi i wypoczynkiem na takim terenie.
The biggest challenge facing the development of tourism in forest areas is to acquire the human factor that decisively affects the development of tourism in forest areas and existing tourist attractions. Forest areas have unique and unique tourist attractions, which should be properly utilized. The development of tourism creates opportunities of economic activation of many economic units, as well as areas with a particularly high degree of afforestation. Forest areas have many advantages in terms of health and, therefore, the organization of tourism in this area is simply desirable. This article attempts to indicate how valuable it can be forest areas in the development of tourism for the proper utilization and management. The study used the method of observation and critical analysis of literature. In various parts of the country observed forest areas, which are not used in terms of tourism and recreation, and quite often are located near urban areas or cities. And their exploitation can improve physical and mental health of society.
Content available Antropopresja w ekoagroturystyce
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia antropopresji w środowisku wiejskim, w gospodarstwach ekoagroturystycznych. Złożoność podjętej problematyki badawczej zdeterminowała konieczność zastosowania zróżnicowanego podejścia do przedstawianego zagadnienia oraz wykorzystania metody indukcyjno-dedukcyjnej, analogii i porównań oraz metody obserwacji.
In any business activity, trade, economic or in services, a man plays the most important role. The human impact on the environment and development of eco-agrotourism is particularly important, as it impacts directly or indirectly on the natural environment, ie. flora and fauna. The issue of human pressure of ecoagrotourism took on special significance after the Polish accession to the European Union. This is very important due to the fact that the members of the European Union attach considerable importance to the issues of ecology, tourism, eco-agrotourism, leisure and recreation. This also applies to Polish society. Therefore, tourism and eco-agrotourism in Poland is facing intense international competition. Therefore, it is desirable to show the positive and negative effects of anthropogenic pressure and show the importance of the human factor. While running eco-agrotouristic business each potential service provider should give careful consideration to the desirability and possibility of development in the coming years, taking into account its sustainability. The same issue should be a reference to any visitor of eco-agrotouristic farm.
Content available Rozwój turystyki uzdrowiskowej w gminie Mielnik
The article presents opportunities for medical tourism development in Mielnik municipality which possess impressive natural, cultural, landscape values and favourable microclimate. Till now no resolute action has been taken to extend tourist base which might help tourists to straighten their physical and mental health. To accomplish the proposed enterprise of tourist potentials' development in north-eastern part of Podlaskie voivodship involvement of local and voivodship authorities is needed.
Content available remote Zarządzanie gospodarstwem ekoagroturystycznym na obszarach przyrodniczo cennych
It is becoming more and more popular that tourists are searching for alternative forms for their rest. Recreation on naturally valuable areas has many advantages, but if owners expect it to be popular with tourists and profitable, it needs to be properly managed. Successful management is based on fulfillment of managerial functions, managing skills, education and expert knowledge in the area mentioned. The combination of such elements may bring long-expected results.
Agroturystyka stanowi kluczowy i priorytetowy składnik wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Województwo podlaskie, a w nim cztery powiaty (białostocki, bielski, hajnowski, siemiatycki) znajdujące się w południowo-wschodniej jego części nie są w sposób właściwy wykorzystane pod względem zagospodarowania agroturystycznego, mimo obecności turystów na tych obszarach. Aby potencjał agroturystyczny został wykorzystany, niezbędne są działania marketingowe, przede wszystkim zaś promocja regionu. Wiele podmiotów gospodarczych dowiodło, że marketing jest najistotniejszym i najskuteczniejszym elementem działalności gospodarczej. Właściciele gospodarstw, jeżeli chcą utrzymać swoją pozycję na rynku agroturystycznym, muszą posiadać umiejętności menedżerskie i ciągle je doskonalić. Taka bowiem jest istota gospodarki rynkowej i jej mechanizmów działania.
Agroturistical activity should improve on those areas which control such potential are regions: Bialystok, Bielsk Podlaski, Hajnówka and Siemiatycze. In order to hare customers, agroturistical product are necessary marketing and advice activity as well as organization shills of such services. Among mentioned regions the biggest amount agroturistical farms were organised in Hajnówka (86) region but the least number in Bielsk Podlaski (5). Convicing majority of agroturistical farms are not categorised, and those which hare touristical categories, but mostly there are standard categories with one sun. Generolly mention to improve agroturistical services in regions, necessary is to engage local authority which should inspire and help im proving of economic activity.
Content available remote Kontrowersje wokół pojęć i definicji w agroturystyce
Agroturystyka stanowi kluczowy i priorytetowy składnik wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Jest to stosunkowo nowa forma wypoczynku na obszarach wiejskich. Z tą formą turystyki związanych jest wiele pojęć, definicji i określeń. W wielu pozycjach zwartych, jak i czasopismach pojawiają się pojęcia, definicje i określenia, które nie w pełni odzwierciedlają właściwe nazewnictwo lub są niejednoznacznie interpretowane przez czytelników i niektórych autorów. Szczególnie nurtuje to wielu specjalistów zajmujących się zagadnieniami agroturystyki. Przedmiotem opracowania jest przybliżenie zagadnień dotyczących tej formy wypoczynku i utwierdzenie w przekonaniu, że jest potrzeba nadania stosownej rangi dla tego rodzaju problematyki. Wnioski sformułowane w opracowaniu pozwolą na głębsze przeanalizowanie poruszanej tematyki i ustosunkowanie się do wymienionych pojęć, definicji i określeń.
Agritourism constitutes a key and fundamental component in multi - function development of rural areas. It is a form of relaxation which,,came" to the countryside not so long ago. A lot of concepts, definitions and designations are related to it. They do not always fully reflect proper onomastics or are not identically interpreted by readers and some of the writers. Still they tend to appear in many compact copies and periodicals. Many experts in the field of agritourism are especially upset by it. Therefore the author has not accidentally undertaken a task of analysing the nentioned problem. The subject of the study is to cover the issues relating to this form of relaxation and confirm in a conviction that there is need for touching en the problems connected with the problem mentioned above. Helpful suggestions that will allow to analyse deeper the subject matter and approach to the concepts, definitions and designations mentioned are the results of the study.
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