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Phosphate rocks and elemental phosphorus are considered to be critical raw materials mainly because of such parameters as the growing prices of phosphate fertilizers, the high concentration of producers limited to several countries in the world, the exceptional significance of phosphorus in agriculture and the inability to substitute it. In Poland 100% of the demand phosphate rocks relies on import. The expansion and mining of the nation’s own resource base may be an alternative to import and a way to provide safety of supplies. Historically, phosphorites from the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains were extracted using the underground method, which was abandoned in the beginning of the 1970s due to the unprofitability of extraction. However, in eastern and south-eastern Poland, phosphorite concretions of the Eocene age occur at shallow depths, which can have local significance as mineral deposits and might be extracted in open-pit mines. The economics of mining in shallow opencasts do not require such stringent limiting parameters for phosphate deposits as those currently valid, which were established for underground mining conditions. In this publication, the authors analyzed contemporary conditions for a cost-effective phosphorite deposit, including the price fluctuations of phosphate rock, a review of threshold parameters of deposits for phosphorite projects in the world, and the economics of open-pit ore extraction, where an aggregate mine with mixed extraction (partially from below the water table) was adopted as a point of reference. As a result, new threshold parameters defining an ore deposit and its boundaries are proposed for Eocene phosphorites in Poland.
Rosnące ceny fosforytów i nawozów fosforanowych, silna koncentracja producentów ograniczona do kilku państw na świecie, wyjątkowe znaczenie fosforu w rolnictwie, a dodatkowo brak możliwości jego substytucji to czynniki, które powodują, że fosforyty uznane zostały za surowce krytyczne. Alternatywą dla importu i sposobem na osiągnięcie bezpieczeństwa dostaw może być rozszerzenie i eksploatacja własnej bazy zasobowej. W Polsce fosforyty z północnego obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich wydobywane były metodą podziemną, której zaniechano od początku lat 70. XX wieku ze względu na brak opłacalności wydobycia. Jednakże w Polsce wschodniej i południowo-wschodniej występują płytko konkrecje fosforytowe wieku eoceńskiego, które mogą mieć lokalnie znaczenie złożowe, a wydobycie ich może odbywać się metodą odkrywkową. Ekonomika wydobycia w płytkich odkrywkach nie wymaga tak rygorystycznych parametrów granicznych dla złóż fosforytów jak obecnie obowiązujące, które dobrane są pod warunki eksploatacji metodą podziemną. W publikacji autorzy przeanalizowali współczesne uwarunkowania opłacalności eksploatacji złóż fosforytów,, dynamikę zmian cen fosforytów, przegląd granicznych parametrów złożowych projektów fosforytowych na świecie i ekonomikę odkrywkowej eksploatacji kopaliny, gdzie jako punkt odniesienia (w Polsce) przyjęto kopalnię kruszyw o eksploatacji mieszanej (w części spod lustra wody). W efekcie zaproponowano dla eoceńskich fosforytów w Polsce nowe, graniczne parametry definiujące złoże i jego granice.
The Authors analyze the national deficit of mineral commodities (classified as strategic and critical mineral commodities) against the volume of mineral deposits in Poland, from which these commodities are obtained. The assignment of types and subtypes of minerals that are the source of extraction to the corresponding strategic and critical mineral commodities is presented. A comparison was made between the annual extraction of minerals-sources of mineral commodities and their reserves in documented deposits and the volume of exports and imports of strategic and critical mineral commodities. It was found that Poland does not have a number of mineral deposits useful as sources of mineral commodities (strategic and critical) or documented mineral reserves are not sufficient to cover the needs of the national economy for these mineral commodities. Therefore, most of the critical and strategic mineral raw materials are scarce for Poland. A new approach to the classification of critical and strategic mineral commodities and the definition of the scarcity of mineral commodities in the country was proposed. The task of the geological survey is to conduct research to increase the base of mineral resources, especially those of fundamental importance for the economy. Such works are carried out at the Polish Geological Institute for the benefit of the project of State Raw Materials Policy (still under consideration) and should be continued in subsequent years.
The Nasiłów section represents the uppermost part of the Middle Vistula River section, a classical Polish extra-Carpathian Cretaceous section, and gives access to the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary interval. Despite many papers that have been published so far, our newly collected data shed new light on the completeness of biostratigraphic and sedimentary records of the K-Pg at that site. The Nasiłów section encompasses the upper Maastrichtian regional XII and XIII foraminiferal assemblage zones and the lower Danian P0?-Pα standard planktonic foraminiferal zones. The K-Pg boundary is placed at the top of a phosphatic layer. The grey marly chalk unit, never before subjected to examination of biostratigraphically important taxa, displays blooms of guembelitrids pointing to the uppermost Maastrichtian (XIII foraminiferal assemblage Zone) as well as of planktonic and benthic foraminifers of a reduced test size. Such foraminiferal dwarfism is commonly observed near the end of the Cretaceous and interpreted as a response to the Deccan volcanism (possible 2nd phase) that caused climate changes and ocean acidification. The terminal Maastrichtian age of the marly chalk unit is additionally supported by an acme of the dinoflagellate cyst Palinodinium grallator, together with Tallasiphora pelagica and Disphaerogena carposphaeropsis. The “Greensand”, a distinct glauconite-quartz sand unit, contains exclusively terminal Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifers and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. Individual specimens of Danian age are interpreted to be either an effect of contamination or were translocated down by burrowers into the Greensand. The lowermost portion of the Siwak (informal lithostratigraphic unit) demonstrates an early Danian age based on the co-occurrence of the common planktonic foraminifers Globoconusa daubjergensis, Guembelitria cretacea, Muricohedbergella monmouthensis, M. planispira, Planoheterohelix globulosa, Parvularuglobigerina extensa and P. alabamensis. The last occurrence of Palynodinium grallator and the first occurrences of Carptella cornuta and Senoniasphaera inornata, recorded directly above the phosphatic layer, support the same age assignment. The new palaeomagnetic data cannot prove remagnetization at the boundary interval, in contrast to previous research which gave support to a hiatus in the critical interval.
On June 26, 2020, the Polish Minister of the Environment announced the boundaries of four areas dedicated to the next, 5th tender round for hydrocarbon concessions in Poland, planned in 2021. These are: Gryfice, Gorzów Wielkopolski S, Kartuzy and Siedlce W. The main exploration target of the areas located in western Poland - Gryfice and Gorzów Wielkopolski S- is related to conventional accumulations of oil and gas in the Permian/Main Dolomite. Moreover, the Permian/Rotliegend and Carboniferous/Westphalian sandstones are an additional target in the Gryfice area. On the other side - in the northern and eastern part of Poland (East European Platform), the Kartuzy and Siedlce W areas are prospective for shale-gas and shale-oil discoveries in the Lower Paleozoic shale formations, as well as for conventional and tight-gas/tight-oil accumulations in the Cambrian sandstones. These four areas have been selected from 24 proposals reported by the Polish Geological Survey as the most prospective areas for petroleum exploration. However, the tender procedure is only one of two ways of granting concession in Poland. The second way is the open-door procedure, in which an entity may apply for a concession in any area that is not a subject of a tender or other concession, but the area cannot be greater than 1200 km.
The paper presents the latest state of knowledge on the vertical and lateral ranges and characteristics of prospective zones (PZ) within the Lower Paleozoic unconventional hydrocarbon systems in the Baltic-Podlasie-Lublin Basin (Poland). The PZ were identified within the prospective formations based on rigorously determined criteria with the application of stratigraphic, sedimentological, mineralogical, petrographic, geochemical, petrophysical, and geomechanical studies, and interpretations of borehole logs. Archival geological data and information acquired from boreholes drilled recently in concession areas have also been applied in the interpretations. Following these criteria, four prospective zones have been distinguished. The deposits encompass partly or almost completely the Piaśnica, Sasino, and Jantar formations and the lower part of the Pelplin Formation. The characteristic feature of the Lower Paleozoic deposits at the East European Craton (EEC) margin in Poland is the diachronous appearance of the Sasino and Jantar black shale formations from west to east. The Baltic area is most prospective for the occurrence of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in shale formations, specifically the Łeba Elevation, where all 4 prospective zones have been distinguished. The occurrence of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons is expected in all zones. Due to the very high TOC content and geochemical characteristics, the Piaśnica Formation within PZ1 is the main petroleum source rock in the Polish part of the Baltic Basin. PZ2 (partly corresponding to the Sasino Formation) present in a large part of the Baltic Basin, is the next important prospective unit, despite not being uniform. PZ3 within the Jantar Formation was distinguished only on a limited area of the Łeba Elevation. Due to the low content of organic matter, the Lublin area is characterized by the lowest hydrocarbon potential. However, low values of that parameter are compensated by a greater thickness and lateral range of PZ4, partly corresponding to the Pelplin Formation. Comparison with other areas within the Lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin reveals the occurrence of shale deposits that may constitute a potential source of hydrocarbons, and that demonstrate diachronism. Towards the east and south-east, ever younger deposits possess the potential for hydrocarbon accumulations. In Poland, in the western part of EEC, these are: the Furongian and the Lower Tremadocian Piaśnica Formation, the Sandbian and Katian Sasino Formation and the Lower/Middle Llandovery (Rhuddanian and Aeronian) Jantar Formation. In the central part of the Baltic Basin (Lithuania), these are the Upper Ordovician and Aeronian shale successions. In the southeastern part of the basin (Ukraine), the Ludlow strata are considered to be the most promising in terms of the potential unconventional hydrocarbons accumulations.
Udzielenie koncesji na poszukiwanie i rozpoznawanie złóż węglowodorów oraz wydobywanie węglowodorów ze złóż lub koncesji na wydobywanie węglowodorów ze złóż w Polsce następuje w wyniku przeprowadzenia postępowania przetargowego albo na wniosek zainteresowanego podmiotu (Ustawa… 2019: art. 49e). Na przełomie 2019 i 2020 r. będzie procedowana czwarta runda przetargów na koncesje węglowodorowe. Jej przedmiotem będzie pięć obszarów, wyznaczonych przez geologów Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego (PIG-PIB) i Departamentu Geologii i Koncesji Geologicznych (DGK) Ministerstwa Środowiska na podstawie danych zgromadzonych w N arodowym A rchiwum Geologicznym, publikacji naukowych oraz wiedzy i doświadczenia płynących ze współpracy z przemysłem naftowym. S ą to: Pyrzyce, Złoczew, Ż abowo, Bestwina-Czechowice i Królówka. Perspektywy poszukiwawcze na obszarach Pyrzyce, Ż abowo i Z łoczew (centralna i północno-zachodnia Polska) są związane z utworami czerwonego spągowca i dolomitu głównego. Bestwina-Czechowice i Królówka (południowa Polska) są z kolei dedykowane poszukiwaniom konwencjonalnych lub hybrydowych nagromadzeń gazu ziemnego w utworach miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego pod nasunięciem karpackim, choć perspektywy poszukiwawcze występują również w ich paleozoiczno-mezozoicznym podłożu. O koncesje węglowodorowe można ubiegać się także na drodze przetargu inwestorskiego (tzw. open door) – na wniosek Przedsiębiorcy, pod warunkiem, że zgłaszany obszar nie jest objęty aktualnie trwającą koncesją lub nie jest przedmiotem przetargu.
According to the Polish Geological and Mining L aw the granting of a concession for the exploration of a hydrocarbon deposit and the production of hydrocarbons from a deposit, or a concession for the production of hydrocarbons from a deposit in Poland is proceeded according to a tender procedure or open door procedure (upon a request of an entity). O n June 28, 2018 the Polish Minister of the E nvironment announced 5 tender areas. These areas (promising for discoveries of conventional and unconventional oil and gas deposits) were selected by the geologists of the Polish Geological Institute-NR I and Department of Geology and Geological Concessions of the Ministry of the E nvironment based on the geological data resources stored in the N ational Geological A rchive. These are: Bestwina-Czechowice, Królówka, Pyrzyce, Z łoczew i Ż abowo. The main exploration target on the areas located in central and north-western Poland (Pyrzyce, Ż abowo and Z łoczew) is related to Permian R otliegend sandstones and carbonates of the Z echstein/Main Dolomite. The Bestwina-Czechowice and Królówka areas (southern Poland) are prospective for conventional and hybrid-type accumulations of gas in the Miocene of the C arpathian Foredeep below the C arpathian O verthrust and in the Paleozoic-Mesozoic basement. The beginning of the 4th bidding round for hydrocarbon concessions is planned in Q4 2019. The entity can also choose the area and apply for a license submitting an application to the Ministry of the Environment. The area indicated by the entity cannot be the subject of a tender or any other concession, and the maximum acreage is 1,200 km2.
A concession for prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons from deposits or a concession for production of hydrocarbons from deposits shall be granted by the way of a tender procedure or at the request of the interested entity. On June 28, 2018 the Polish Minister of the Environment announced the boundaries of the five tender areas dedicated for the next, 4th tender round for hydrocarbon concessions in Poland. These are: Bestwina-Czechowice, Królówka, Pyrzyce, Złoczew and Żabowo. The main exploration target of the areas located in southern Poland (Carpathians) - Bestwina-Czechowice and Królówka - is related to conventional accumulations of gas in the Miocene of the Carpathian Foredeep and to conventional and unconventional accumulations of gas and oil in the Paleozoic-Mesozoic basement of the Carpathian units. On the other side, the conventional accumulations of gas in the Permian Rotliegend sandstones and conventional and unconventional accumulations of gas and oil in the Zechstein/Main Dolomite carbonates are expected in the Pyrzyce, Żabowo and Złoczew areas, in central and north-western Poland. The beginning of the tender is planned for Q1 2020. The tender will last 180 days. The entities can also apply for a concession submitting an application to the Licensing Authority . However, the area indicated by the entity cannot be a subject of a tender or any other concession, and the maximum acreage cannot exceed 1200 km2. As a rule, a concession is granted for a period of 30 years and will be divided into 2 phases: (1) prospection and exploration phase (which lasts no longer than 5 years, but in justified cases can be extended), (2) production phase (25 years). Every entity interested in obtaining a concession needs to undergo the qualification procedure. We believe that this publication will contribute to better understanding of the offered tender areas and boosts the activity in the Polish oil and gas sector.
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