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The organic soils belong to group of soils, which they quickly undergo transformations in result intentional or unaware activity of people. The aim of the studies was to determine the qualification of soils systematic membership, valuation of their degradation and content of microelements of organic soils of projected the environmental area of "Meadow near Owczar".The projected the environmental area of "Meadow near Owczar" will be locate on northern-east from Wolczkowo village, on area of Municipal Forests of Stettin. The surface area of studied terrain is 8.97 hectares.Investigations on projected object were conducted in 2009. Investigation was made according to contained recommendations in study of Ilnicki (2002). On area of study was executed 10 bore-holes and 3 soil exposures, which was taken including 26 soil samples. After grinding and drying, the sampled soils were mineralised in the mixture of concentrated acids HNO3+HCIO4, (at the ratio 1:1), which made it possible to determine their chemical content. Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Mn, Fe contents were determined by the method of atomic absorption (FAAS) spectrometry using Unicam Solaar 929 spectrophotometer. Besides, pH(KCl) was determined potentiometrically and losses on ignition at the temperature of 550 degrees C. The studies showed that the processes of degradation of peat are faintly advanced. The surface horizon of peat bog is developed from muck and contains a varying amount of organic matter from 52.1 to 62.9%. Reaction on this horizon is mostly acid (pH - 5.04-5.46). However peat horizon contains a varying amount of organic matter from 67.6 to 76.1% and reaction of this soil ranged from acid or lightly acid (pH - 5.37-5.78). The content of microelements oscillated between the values recognized as natural for organic soils.
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