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This study investigated the correlation between the levels of chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in surface sediment samples and those in the total soft tissues of the mussel Mytilus.galloprovincialis, collected off the northern Moroccan coast in the Mediterranean. The objective was to examine the accumulation patterns of these heavy metals in M..galloprovincialis relative to their concentrations in the sediment. Detailed sampling of sediments and Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels were carried out at three specific stations to measure trace metal concentrations. A perfect correlation was observed for Pb levels between the mussel tissues and sediment. The sampling methods were carefully planned to ensure data accuracy and consistency, following strict protocols to reduce contamination and maintain sample integrity. In contrast, Cr showed only a weak correlation. The correlations for the other trace metals (Cd, Zn, and Cu) varied from strong to weak and were both positive and negative, but none were statistically significant. These findings underscore the potential of M..galloprovincialis as an effective biomonitoring species for Pb. However, additional research and more comprehensive analyses are necessary to establish firmer conclusions regarding the correlations for the other metals.
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