The article presents an analysis of the features of selected correlators impacting the accuracy of determining the receiver’s range and position in VHF marine environment. The paper introduces the concept of various correlators – including the double delta correlator – and describes the proposed measurement scenarios that have been designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of those components. The entire work was performed as part of the R-Mode Baltic and R-Mode Baltic 2 projects, with our goals including analyzing the impact of multipath phenomena, changes in the sampling frequency or Signac type on the determination of the received signal delay at the receiver. The measured data were processed in a signal correlation application and in a TOA-based tool in order to determine the receiver’s position. This process made it possible to compare the selected correlating devices. The results presented in this article are to be used by IALA in developing a current version of the VHF data exchange system’s (VDES) specification.
Przeanalizowano możliwości realizacji usługiwideo przez użytkowników mobilnych w miastach w przyszłych sieciach 5G wykorzystujących zakres częstotliwości 3,4-3,8 GHz. Punktem wyjścia do badań były prognozy firm Cisco i Ericsson dotyczące charakterystyki ruchu telekomunikacyjnego w perspektywie najbliższych lat. Na ich bazie opracowano model statystyczny i przeprowadzono stosowne obliczenia.
The article discusses the feasibility of the 3,4-3,8 GHz band to provide video service in the future 5G networks to mobile users in the cities. The authors utilized the Cisco’s and Ericsson’s prognosis regarding the telecommunication traffic for the upcoming years. On the basis of these documents, the statistical model has been developed and necessary calculations have been made.
W artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję systemu R-Mode Baltic budowanego z wykorzystaniem stacji bazowych systemu AIS. Przedstawiono analizę teoretyczną dokładności wyznaczania odległości dla różnych wariantów wiadomości nawigacyjnej. Dodatkowo opisano wykonaną implementację programową a także zaprojektowane stanowiska pomiarowe.
The article presents the concept of the R-Mode Baltic system using AIS base stations. Theoretical analysis of the accuracy of distance determination for different navigation message variants have been described. In addition, the software implementation and the designed test-bed are also depicted.
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