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Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia numeryczne rozwiązania wybranych modeli rozprzestrzeniania się epidemii w języku programowania Python. Rozwiązania oparto na modelach epidemii SIS, SIR, SIRS oraz SEIR. Do rozwiązań numerycznych w języku Python wykorzystano biblioteki NumPy, SciPy oraz Matplotlib.
This article presents numerical solutions of selected epidemic spread models in the Python programming language. The solutions were base on the SIS, SIR, SIRS and SEIR epidemic models. NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib libraries were used for numerical solutions in Python.
Niniejsza praca przedstawia projekt aplikacji, która umożliwia wczytywanie i wizualizację danych meteorologicznych dla miasta Bydgoszcz. W tym celu wykorzystano dane meteorologiczne z lat 2001-2021 z terenu Kujaw. Stworzona aplikacja ma za zadanie w przystępny sposób dokonać wizualizacji danych pomiarowych. Ponadto za pomocą aplikacji możliwe jest porównanie wybranych parametrów w celu przeanalizowania i zaobserwowania zmian klimatycznych na terenie Bydgoszczy na przestrzeni lat.
This work presents the design of an application forloading and visualization of meteorological data for the city of Bydgoszcz. For this purpose,meteorological data from 2001-2021 from Kujawy were used. The created application is designed to visualize measurement data in an accessible way. Moreover, using the application it will be possible to compare selected parameters in order to analyze and observe climate changes in Bydgoszcz over the years.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest projekt oraz budowa prototypu czujnika wilgotności gleby przeznaczonego do zastosowania w otwartym terenie. Wykonany czujnik pozwala na monitorowanie zmian wilgotności gleby na czterech głębokościach odpowiednio: 5, 10, 15 oraz 20 cm. Projektowany układ wykorzystuje technologie lora do uzyskania połączenia z siecią LoraWAN oraz dostępne integracje do stworzenia panelu służącego do podglądu danych. Poprawne działanie czujnika potwierdzają przeprowadzone testy pozwalające określić czas pracy urządzenia na jednym naładowaniu akumulatora oraz zdolność do przetwarzania energii za pośrednictwem ogniwa fotowoltaicznego.
The aim of this article is to design and build a soil moisture sensor prototype for use in open fields.The made sensor allows to monitor changes in soil moisture at four depths, respectively: 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm.The sensor uses lora technologies to connect to the LoraWAN network and the available integrations to create a panel for data viewing.The correct operation of the sensor is confirmed by the tests that have been carried out to determine the operating time of the device on a single battery charge and the ability to convert energy via a photovoltaic cell.
Biocompatibility, biodegradability and non-toxicity are the main attributes of any material to be used in biomedical applications. Among all the potential stimuli, pH, salt and temperature exist naturally in the internal environment of the human body. Hence internal stimuli responsive hydrogels can be exploited for specific drug delivery and tissue replacement. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is the world’s largest volume synthetic polymer, produced for its excellent chemical resistance, physical properties and complete biodegradability, which has resulted in broad practical applications. PVA could be considered a suitable host material due to its good thermo-stability, chemical resistance and film-forming ability. It is also an important material because of its large-scale applications. Novel data analysis techniques were developed to analyze the response of PVA to external stimuli, including temperature and/or pH. The presented non-contact method shows that the PVA polymer gel, physically cross-linked by freezing and thawing, shrinks and swells under the influence of temperature, which is a reversible phenomenon. Under the given conditions, such as temperature, pH and mechanical load, the dominant factor affecting the swelling or contraction of the hydrogel is the change in the temperature of the liquid in which the PVA hydrogel sample is immersed.
This paper provides results of studies of chemically induced deformation of PVA [poly(vinyl alcohol)] hydrogels due to interaction with diffusing NaCl and KCl solutions. The experimental studies were carried out in the specially modified reservoir system, where simultaneously registration the changes in the reservoir salt concentration and the deformation under chemical load were applied. The linear model is used to determine the chemo-mechanical coupling parameter. The results showed that PVA hydrogels deform in the presence of salts in pore fluid and the higher the salt concentration the greater deformation is observed.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań chemicznie indukowanej deformacji w hydrożelach poli(alkoholu winylowego) (PVA) pod wpływem oddziaływania z dyfundującymi roztworami NaCl i KCl. Badania obejmowały specjalnie zmodyfikowany test zbiornikowy, w trakcie którego rejestrowano jednocześnie zmiany stężenia soli w zbiorniku i deformację pod obciążeniem chemicznym. Do wyznaczenia parametrów sprzężenia chemiczno-mechanicznego zastosowano liniowy model chemo-deformacji. Stwierdzono, że hydrożele PVA deformują się w obecności soli w płynie porowym, w stopniu zależnym od stężenia soli.
The problems of process costs and pollution of residual waters in the textile industry require increasing attention due to the new ecological regulations and also those resulting from an economic point of view. Hence, the behavior of non-isothermal fixed-bed reactor applied for hydrogen peroxide decomposition by immobilized Terminox Ultra catalase attached onto the outer surface of glass beads was studied to determine the operational conditions at which hydrogen peroxide decomposition is most effectively. A dispersion model for bioreactor applied in this work, and verified experimentally, took into account the coupled mass and heat balances as well as the rate equation for parallel enzyme deactivation. The effect of feed temperature, feed flow rate, feed hydrogen peroxide concentration, and diffusional resistances were analysed. In the calculations the global effectiveness factor based on the external mass-transfer model developed previously was employed to properly predict the real bioreactor behavior.
This paper presents results of simulations and sensitivity analysis of transport in porous materials studied in configurations corresponding to the two classical methods of identification of transport parameters: column and reservoir tests. The relative importance of change of values of input (constitutive) parameters for quantities that are measured in time for the two test is analised. The results show that there are significant correlations between retardation factor and partition coefficient in the reservoir test and also between all transport parameters in column tests.
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